Meeting my match



I ate as much as I can when the food came in. I even told the maids to join me. I’m that friendly. Oh yes, I know. I’m damn special.

“Agasshi, eat slowly,” she said,

“It’s okay,” I said and putted more food into my mouth,

“Umm, this may be harsh but, don’t you think it’s uncomfortable because it seems like young master is looking at you right now,” she said,

“Because of that two way mirror? I know about it,” I said and looked at the very big mirror on my left,

“Ottoke araso?” she said in confusion,

“I know how to find out if it’s one,” I said and winked at her, “Just let him stare at me as long as he want but I’ll never give him the satisfaction of even letting him glance for a second on my body. That’s going to be absurd,” I said and chewed some more, “I’m done so you could take this,” I said and tucked my body into the blanket facing the mirror,

What could he be doing right now? I actually like him. He’s a good man and I know it but I’m not really sure if he’ll replace him in my heart. No one actually entered this heart after him but I hope that he’ll be able to help me forget him though.


“Agasshi, you have to get down now. The Kim’s are waiting for you,” a maid said to me,

“Okay but I don’t really have clothes to wear,” I said and was shocked to see a bunch of clothes in the table near the door, “I take it back,” I said and stood up,

She led me to the bathroom and I took a bath. I went out and it was obvious that they were jealous with my milky skin. All of them are. I chose the most simple dress which is not really that simple because the dress before me was obviously new and I haven’t even seen this dresses which means, these are branded made especially for us rich people.

I blow dried my hair and when I was already ready. I chose the shoes I wasn’t able to buy. The only one Grace shoes which I missed during the auction because I was needed in the company. I’d be happy if my future mother in law will give this to me as a gift. The chief butler named Roy led me to their kitchen and they were all there waiting for me.

“Good morning dear, you’re even prettier without make-up. Take the sit beside L,” L’s mother said and I sat beside L,

“You look very pretty indeed, dear. I’m really  glad that you’ll be our future daughter in law so I want you to call us mother and father from now on since the wedding will took place after your hectic schedules as entertainers,” L’s father said,

“Of course, that wouldn’t be a problem to me. I’m grateful to become your daughter in law too since I’ll become the wife of the famous L here,” I said and smiled to L which is uncomfortable,

“Don’t act all elegant,” he whispered,

“I’m really like this in front of business associates so you better behave, pretty boy,” I said and started eating the steak which is in front of me,

“Okay fine,” he said and when he saw me having difficulties cutting the steak, he helped me,

A gentleman here in front of his parents, a devil without them.

“Thank you,” I said when he was already done slicing the steak,

“What do you think of the dresses, dear?” his mom asked,

“I really loved the dresses and correct me if I’m wrong but all of those are made especially for you right? I really had a hard time choosing one because all the dresses were pretty and I’m so jealous right now because I’m wearing the Grace shoes I missed during the auction last year,” I said and ate my steak,

“Oh really? Honey, looks like we’re going to click and you could have the shoes, it doesn’t fit me anyway,” she said to her husband and chuckled,

“Really? I’d really love to accept the nice gift,” I said and smiled,

L glared at them and I don’t really know why. I really like talking about clothes because even though I love horse riding more than to act all elegant with my friends and cousins, I’m still a girl with class.

“We’re already done so if you’ll excuse us,” mom said and stood up with dad,

“Okay, I think we’re about to be done soon, Mom and dad,” I said and smiled sweetly to them,

“Aigoo, I really like you,” she said before leaving us in the table,

“What the heck, Jiyeon?” L said,

“What’s wrong?” I said and sipped at my wine,

“Are you really sure that you want to marry me? You know me, I’m not faithful like other decent boys,” he said,

“There’s nothing wrong with marrying you since it’s just simply business for me and you should think about it as business too,” I said and wiped my mouth like a queen,

“I don’t know if this seems like a joke to you but I don’t really want to marry you,” he said and I looked at him,

“If you don’t want to marry me then it’s better. Even though I don’t want to marry you, I don’t let my personal feelings interfere with business,” I said and stood up, “Send me home, you brought me here so you should be the one to send me. And I know that you’ve already told my parents about me because if you didn’t, I’m probably on the news right now,” I said and looked at the shoes I was wearing,

“Okay but as far as I know, you’d rather do horse riding but why do you love that shoes so much?” he asked me and tapped my shoulders,

“You’ll never understand a girl even though you’re a man ,” I rolled my eyes and slapped his hands,

“Oh really? I guess you’re a fan of me too,” he said,

“You’re too delusional, the only reason why I know things about you is because I’m not deaf and my brain is not a stone. Every month, you have a new flavour and those are my friends you’re banging,” I said and poked his heart,

“That hurt my ego, sweetheart but because you said that, I’m never letting you go,” he said and it made me a little scared,

“I’m not expecting you to let go but you’ll just get tired following me like a dog. I already told you yesterday that you’re not my type and you don’t want me to shove that on your face right?” I said and smirked,

“That’s fine, girls don’t really follow their types. They end up falling for those people far from it and I’m glad I’m too far from your ideal because by that, I’m sure you’ll fall for me,” he said and my eyes turned into slits, “Don’t be that angry because before we get married, I’ll make you fall for me and that’s final,” he said and hugged me,

“In case you didn’t know, I’m not someone you should belittle too. I’m a good handler of people like you so don’t cry when you lose this game, pretty boy,” I said and kissed his cheek which turned him red, “See? You expect to win when you couldn’t even help yourself blush when I only kissed you on the cheek? Don’t underestimate me because I’m far from those people you’ve treated as a ,” I said and walked out,

“Roy, you could help me find someone send me back home right?” I said to the butler,

“Of course, Ma’am,” he said and led me outside their house,

Their garden is spacious but I think ours is bigger. Dried leaves were falling beautifully and most of the flowers were wild flowers. The trees had lush leaves and everything was perfect. Gardeners were busy caring with the plants. I wish we had this kind of garden. I love ours but most flowers there were the one you could really say that are expensive while this is paradise.

“Do you like our garden, dear?” I stepped a little backwards when I heard the voice,

“Of course, I wish we had the same garden as yours,” I said truthfully and I could clearly see the spark on her eyes when I complimented their garden,

“You could take some of the wild flowers and plant it in your house, I hope your mom doesn’t mind,” she said and looked at their garden too,

“She really mind when someone touches her precious flowers and I don’t think she’ll allow me to plant my own plants there,” I said and pouted,

“Do you know that you’re the first one L brought here?” she asked me and I stared at her shocked,

Really? I’m the first one that L brought here? Impossible. Oh well, after much realization, why would he bring here? That would be very disrespectful to his parents.

“You’re also the first one he cared so much. Maybe next to his dead dog,” she said and we both laughed, “I know that you’re just going to marry him because it’s plainly business for you but I’d really like you to be my daughter in law,” she said and my hair,

“It’s really an honor to be one but yes, I really am doing this simply because of business and I’m sorry for that,” I said truthfully,

“That’s okay, I’m just happy that you understand your parents and you love them that much that you’d be willing to sacrifice lots of things,” she said,

“Of course, I would be a bad daughter if I didn’t follow them right?” I answered,

“You wouldn’t be because it’s your life anyway and you shouldn’t be dictated with everything,” she said and I nodded in response,

“Agasshi, the car is here,” Roy said and I waved to L’s mom before getting in,

“What did you talk with my omma?” L said and I startled a little because I didn’t know he was there,

“Just girl’s talk,” I said and rolled my eyes,

“She likes you very much,” he said softly,

“I’m everyone’s ideal daughter-in-law, don’t tell me you didn’t know that in the variety shows I’ve been in?” I said boasting,

“Oh come on, it doesn’t mean that when I said I’m a queens, you’re my favorite member,” he scoffed,

“Bwo?!” I yelled,

“I like Hyomin because her body is so,” he said and his lips in a ert way that made me close my eyes, “And besides, you don’t have that,” he said and pointed my s area,

“That’s fine, I just turned 18 anyway,” I said and kicked his shin,

“What would you do if I kick your right knee?” he said threatening me,

“Oh no you aren’t going to touch me,” I said and kicked him again,

“One more time and I’ll make that part a veggy!” he yelled and I bit my lip because I got scared,

“You look so cute when you’re afraid. I guess I’ll threaten you more,” he said and let out his evil laugh I kept on hearing when I turn on the TV,

We arrived at my house and he greeted my father first before going. They click or I don’t really know, my father is way to business minded and L seems to  be just the friendly type. I didn’t listen to their conversation because that would get me to sleep early so I finished the dress I was designing for the past few days.

“Jiyeon, why don’t you send L to the gate since we’re already done talking,” my father said and laughed a little,

“Of course, why not?” I forced a smile and looked at L who was sticking his tongue out,

He stood up and he followed me as I went to the door.

“Dad said our engagement will be a week from now so you better eat more so you’re s will get bigger,” he winked at me in a erted way and ran to their car before I could chase him,

I just yelled in annoyance since I didn’t have the chance to kill him. I glared at the maids who were looking at me like I’m a crazy person and looked at my dad who had a smile on his face.

“The engagement party will be a week from now so you better lose some weight,” my mom said,

“Why would I lose weight when I seriously look like a skeleton right now?” I hissed,

“Oh, then eat more,” she said and made me laugh inside,

Yes, they’re my parents. The most dorky parents you could have but I’m grateful to have them as my family because even though my father is the CEO of JiPark group of companies and my mother is a well-known fashion designer, they never fail to give us lots of time. Oh well, we don’t really need them right now because Tae Hee and I are both in the right age to choose what’s right for us.

“Omma, how could we tell the public about our engagement when we didn’t even date!” I yelled,

“No problem, you’ll just have to make a script saying you’ve been bestfriends since young but kept it a secret because you’re both idols,” my dad interrupted,

“Fine, I lose! But does that mean that we can’t invite our friends during the party?” I asked,

“You could because we want the party to be the best engagement party in Korean history next to your wedding of course which is 2 months from now,” my mom said,

“But what if I run away before the wedding? What would you do? I could easily do it because I’ve already withdrew a large amount of money and I could live normally,” I said blankly,

“You wouldn’t do that because you’re our daughter,” they both said and made me guilty,

I was really planning to run away because marrying L is one of the things I really hate right now. But hearing my parents say that I’m their daughter, I can’t. Still, I’ll just have to convince myself that the reason why I’m doing the wedding is because it’s just plain business.

“I should’ve invited L to lunch,” my dad said and looked at me who was glaring at me, “What did I say?” acting innocent,

“I’m hungry so let’s eat,” I said and went to the table full of food and ate as many as possible,

“Yah! Even though you’re in the house, be a lady with class,” my mom said and gave me a disgusted look,

“I need to gain weight for L to back out,” I joked and drank water because I almost choked,

“After you eat, rest so we could get your proportions,” mom said,

“32-24-36,” I said confidently,

“Are you sure you didn’t lose or gain weight?” she asked,

“I didn’t!” I said defensively,

“Okay, if you say so,” dad said and laughed,

“Aish! Why are you teaming up against me again?! I’m gonna have to call unnie but she’s so busy with her husband!” I yelled and stood up,

I grabbed my plate that still had many kinds of food and brought it to my room. I thought about weird things that I’ll do to stop the wedding but I still got to the point where I shouldn’t do it anyway. I should always think about my family first. I snapped into my thoughts when someone knocked.

“Come in,” I yelled and my maid went in,

“Aggasshi, your omma asked if you’d like to have the gown to be your own design or your sisters for the engagement,” she said but still bowed her head,

“I’m going to design my dress so just tell her that I’ll have the design by tomorrow since I think we’ll lack time and bring this with you,” I said and gave her the plate,

Since I had the time, I looked at our picture again. The only person who I loved dearly but broke it anyway. I tried to hold unto what we had but he didn’t make an effort. He lied, he cheater and left me cry alone. And when I return looking more beautiful and confident than ever before all I want you to realize is what you had and what you will never have again.

Of course, I just have to marry L to make him see I’m all better now. But no, this isn’t a revenge or something, I just want to prove myself. I don’t want to look so weak.

Tteonajima tteonagajima nareul 
Gaseume sangcheoman jugo

“Yeh? Nuguseyo?” I asked sweetly,

“Your fiancé! You have filming for M! Countdown today right? Your comeback? Then we’ll be seeing each other. I’ll be giving you our couple rings since we need to tell the public now that we’re dating or just let them do the research,” he said,

“Of course, I’ve thought about that but do you know my finger size?” I asked,

“I’ll just have to ask Tiffany&Co. about that,” he said and I chuckled,

“Good choice so I have to go now since I have to prepare for the comeback, Good luck!” I said and hung up the phone,

I changed into comfortable sweat pants and loose shirts and immediately went to our company since I still need to practice for the dance moves so I wouldn’t make a stupid out of myself during the comeback. I called my girls to come early since we’ve been on a hiatus for 6 months. I kept on dancing until they arrived and we practiced it all together.

We practiced for like 10 times then rested afterwards. When it was already 3:00 PM, we went to M! Countdown building. We saw 4minute since they’ll be promoting Volume up, KARA for Pandora and Infinite for their The Chaser.

“Jiyeonah!” L called me,

I ran towards me even though we were attracting people.

“Here’s the ring for you,” he said and got the ring from his pocket,

“Omo! Epuda! Yah, I love you for once!” I yelled and jumped in joy as I wore the ring,

“That’s it? After I gave you a 40m won worth ring, no thank you?” he said mocking me,

“Don’t mock me! But here’s your gift,” I hugged him and he hugged me back tightly,

We didn’t care if we attracted attention since that’s the main purpose of the ring anyway. To let everyone know we’re dating before we marry. Because of my happiness, I kissed his cheek and he just stood there like a robot without any energy.

“Yah, so you give in? Want to say you love me now? I see that you’re wearing yours, it looks so pretty in your hand,” I and he blushed,

“Omo, you’re even blushing but I’ll accept you wholeheartedly because of this ring, oppa,” I said and popped the word “Oppa”

“Wow, so I have to buy you different 40m worth rings just to make you say I love you and oppa?” he said and smirked,

“Ani because I’ll become the queen in your life 2 months after this. For once, I love the idea of becoming your wife,” I said and stuck my tongue out, “Kunde, Kim Jiyeon isn’t what I want it to be. I want to become Jiyeon Efron,” I said and spazzed over Zac Efron’s hotness,

“Don’t worry, I have the same body as him and mine might be even bigger,” he said confidently,

“Seriously?” I said in a serious tone then broke down laughing which made him annoyed,

“Yah! Kunde, how’s your leg?” he asked and looked at my wound,

“I covered it with make-up and good thing our song y love doesn’t need to do complicated dance moves or else, I’ll probably just watch them perform,” I said,

“Jiyeonah, fighting!” he said and I showed him my aegyo,

“Kaja, I bet our members our waiting for us now and they might be very curious,” I said and winked at him before going to the make-up room,


My heart broke into pieces as they did their every move. I thought he was single but why did he give a ring to Jiyeon? And it’s even a 40m worth ring and it’s not just a ring, its a couple ring! For God’s sake! I can’t believe anything I just heard. Jiyeon even said that in 2 months now, she’ll become the queen of his life. Are they going to get married? But it could ruin their careers. No, I shouldn’t be thinking about their careers because I’m very jealous right now. How could you L? I thought that you already looked at me now that you’ve broken up with unnie? And she even told me that you won’t buy things for a girl unless you love them. So you love her? No! You can’t love her because you’re mine. Only mine. No one should get in the way with that or else, I’ll be able to do things no one thinks I’m capable of doing. And what were they even doing? Does their company know about them dating or it’s a secret? But how can it be a secret when they even did that in public. Are they putting up a show? Yes, that could be the reason but if that’s not it, I’ll make sure that I’ll find out about that in no time and today is my deadline. I’ll make sure that before this day ends, I’ll know about everything.


Who might that someone be? Hmmmm. Thanks for supporting this fanfic and if you don't mind, could you read my other fanfic too? Here's the link: Please support me and I hope that I fit your standards. You see, I'm still young. I'm still 13 and yes, I love reading and creating stories. These are the first stories I posted. Please continue to love the story if you don't love me. Trololol! Keke ^^ Love you guys :)

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Retsel_ #1
update soon.!!
Chapter 11: naeun is really thick skin! just leave myungyeon alone!
Chapter 11: KYAHH ! >.< ! I'M BADLY HURT AUTHORNIM ..
BUT A LITTLE HAPPY *They're even _myungeun@jiseung* YET GUILTY ! *Jiyeon unnie starts to fall for him already*
please update soon authornim ..
Chapter 11: ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh Naeun kiss him ..
Chapter 10: aisshh , Myungsoo you're just watching the whole time .

please update:)
Chapter 10: Myungyeon moments more~! Please update soon. ♥ :)
Chapter 10: Seriously, I have been waiting for your update. Update soon again. XD
Chapter 9: Ahh chingu~ah you always make me fall in love with your fics♥♥♥ hehehe update soon my friend ;)
stacyberd #9
Chapter 9: Myungyeon overloaded of
Cuteness and i love it.
update soon.