Jealous aliens

Crazy adventures with my six boyfriends- I MEAN ALIENS

Even though there's no snow where I live, I'm listening to christmas songs and decorating the house LOL. I love christmas ok? 


IU - Good Day



"So, how are things back at home?" You asked Daesung as you sat down on Zelo's bed next to him. Daesung thought for a bit as he glanced out the window, "It's...good. I guess." 

"Elaborate." You sent him a look. Daesung chuckled and ruffled your hair. His face then turned serious and gloomy. "To be honest, ever since you disappeared, everyone has been looking for you. Dara, Minji, Chaerin, me, Seungri, Jiyong, Youngbae, Seunghyun." he paused and looked at you. "Your parents." 

You gaped at the boy in front of you. "You've been searching..for me?" You asked in disbelief. "How long?" "Untill now." Daesung said. You slightly gasped, "Untill now? Wow.." fell down on the bed, your face facing the roof. "I knew you'd be searching for me, but this long? Wow.." 

Daesung chuckled and laid down next to you, his head resting in his palm. "You thought we would stop after a few day. Tsk, tsk." Daesung clucked his tongue. "And here I thought you thought we were better friends than this." He got up to leave. 

You laughed and pulled him back on the bed. "Shut up. You know, I may have missed you, but not your sarcasm." Daesung snickered, "But my sarcasm is a part of me, baby." he winked at you. 

You made a face, "You're starting to remind me of one of the guys." Daesung raised a brow, "Really? Which one?"

"The one with black hair and kind of creepy eyes, Himchan." You explained and tried to imitate Himchans' eye-look. Daesung laughed at your face and pointed his index finger at you. "I know who you mean. Like this." Daesung's eyes widened and he looked at you with a terrifying expression. You burst out laughing and rolled around on the bed, messing Zelo's bedsheet up. 

In the doorway, twelve jealous eyes were watching the two earthlings. They shoot glares at Daesung, who seemed even closer to you than they were. *This tiny little human. He can't just come barging in and take Hyojin away from us. That will not happen!* The though in unison.

"But who are the other aliens, besides the eye-guy?" Daesung sat up and wiped away a few tears that had slipped out because of all the laughing. You sat up and tried to come up with a way to describe your boyfriends so that Daesung would recognize them. 

"The one with really deep voice and muscular arms, that's Yongguk." You thought of Yongguk's strong and safe arms and innerly giggled. "Your boyfriend." Daesung pointed out. You nodded. "Then there's Himchan, the eye-guy, then there's Daehyun, the one who has this really ahjumma-like voice and plump lips." Daesung nodded, "Ahjumma. Got it."

Daehyun was about to jump out from his hiding place and attack Daesung, but Youngjae and Jongup held him back. *HOW DARE HE CALL ME AHJUMMA!?* 

"And the one with small eyes and pretty biff is Jongup. He always smiles, except for the next one, Youngjae. He almost looks like a bird and is pretty smart. Watch out for him." 

Himchan and Yongguk laughed at how you described Youngjae. "PUHAHA! YOUNGJAE YOU'RE A BIRD!" Himchan cackled. Youngjae sent him a look to shut up, then directed his gaze back to you. 

"And the giant one with pink hair is Zelo, or Junhong. He is the one who sleeps in this room." You finally said. Daesung nodded, "Okay, I got it. but hey, this Jello, is he dangerous?" 

You shook your head, "No, he's harmless. Wouldn't hurt a fly. He's the maknae after all." You snorted but softened at the thought of Zelo's cute face. 

*She thinks I'm harmless?* Zelo knitted his eyebrows together. *I'll show her.* 

After catching up on each other, you and Daesung left the room and proceed down to the living room. Yongguk's face lit up when he saw you entering the room but frowned when he saw Daesung by your side. "Yeobo, come and sit down next to your oppa!" He pushed Zelo off the couch and patted the now empty seat. 

Daesung sent you a look, "Oppa? I thought you told me you would never call anyone oppa unless you found your long-lost older brother." You rolled your eyes, "I'm still holding onto that, it's just him acting weird." You sat down next to Yongguk. 

Daesung was about to sit next to you, but Daehyun quickly sat down there instead. "Seat's taken." You sighed and rolled your eyes, "Daehyun, let him sit."

Daesung shook his head with a sheepish smile, "No, it's okay. I can sit on the floor." he sat down on the floor in front of your legs. "Dae.." you nudged his back with your leg. "It's okay, really! I'm used to this. You know, everytime I would go out with the other guys, Seunghyun would always force me to sit on the floor." he chuckled.

You snickered, "I guss that's Seunghyun for you. Okay, just tell me if you want to switch seats." Daesung gave you the ok-sign.

After about two hours of awkward silence and crappy movies, Daesung let out a loud yawn. "I think I'm gonna hit the sack." 

You quickly got up, shrugging Yongguk's arm off you. "I'll help you get the extra matress." 

"Wait, I can do that." Jongup got up and smiled assuringly at you."Oh, okay. Thanks Jongupie." You smiled thankfully at him. Jongup slightly blushed, then turned to Daesung, "Come on, I'll show you where the bathroom is." Jongup led Daesung out of the living room. But before leaving, Daesung turned around and mouthed to you "He's nice." 

You giggled and Daesung saluted before he left. Youngjae glared dagger at the human boy before he left. *This guy, he's shameless.* 

"Jagiya, look at me!" Zelo called for your attention. You spun around and saw Zelo making the cutest face ever at you. Well, it was supposed to be fierce and rough, but he wasn't good with that so he just ended up looking freaking adorable.


Himchan, Daehyun and Youngjae burst out laughing at the maknae. You, yourself, had to look away in case you were going to cry because of laughing too much. 

Yongguk sympatheticly patted the maknae's head. "Zelo, just no." He said and got up. Zelo's face fell and he stared blankly at the wall, then screamed "I'M FIERCE GOD DAMNIT!" 

That made you burst out laughing and you fell to the floor because your legs betrayed you. "PUAHAHA! OHMYGOD JUNHONG!" you cluthed your stomach and rolled around on the floor. 

Yongguk chuckled and helped you up on your feet, "Come on, I'll help you up to your room." "But I don't want to sleep." You pouted. A sly grin appeared on Yongguk's face. "Who said that we were going to sleep?" 

You were about make a comeback, but Yongguk quickly grabbed your waist and threw you over his shoulder and began to run up to your room. "YAH! BANG YONGGUK! PUT ME DOWN!" 

Yongguk mischievously giggled, a sound that made you creeped out. You reached your room and Yongguk shut the door closed behind him and threw you onto the bed. 

Yongguk crawled up on the bed and on top of you. A sly grin was plastered in his face and your eyes widened slightly in horror. *What the hell is he gonna try now?* "You know, with your friend being here and I'm being your boyfriend, I kind of have the right to do this. So don't give me that look." Yongguk huskily whispered. 

A shiver ran down your spine and you felt your heart beat furiously against your chest. Your cheeks were slightly pink by now and you nervously gulped. Yongguk smirked and started to lean down. 

His soft lips were pressed against yours and you feld your heart doing flips. You responded to the kiss and smiled into it. There went your first kiss with Yongguk. 

Yongguk slid his tongue across your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You hesitated, but slowly opened your mouth. His tongue slid in and began to explore every corner of your mouth. You slid your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you. 

*I don't like that this guy is sleeping in the same house as us. It feels like he as something for you and I can't help but to feel jealous. But I won't let that guy take you away from me, never.* Yongguk wrapped his arms around your waist.

You were the first one to pull away, gasping for air. Yongguk smirked, "I never thought you would be that kind of girl." You raised a brow, "What girl?"

"The one-" "Wait no, don't answer that." You retorted and removed your arms and got up. "Where are you going?" Yongguk asked with a crestfallen look. "To the bathroom."

"Can I-"

"No." you replied and shut the door to the bathroom after you. 


Like I said, christmas songs. I'm sooo going to sing Super Junior's Santa U Are The One on my schools' christmas thingie xD

And Swedish House Mafia was here yesterday. I wanted to go but I couldn't because broke T___T WHY DO I HAVE TO SPEND ALL OF MY MONEY ON FOOD I regret nothing though

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Sorry guys, but I'm pretty tired today so I won't be updating :( Sorry


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ilovesteakandzelo #1
Chapter 42: himchan go buy some slippers somewhere and leave me alone!!!!!! you !!!! i want my big baby!!!!!
ilovesteakandzelo #2
himchan looks like a ert... i laughed so hard at what they like and dislike..when did Gukkie like war movies??? lol jk
Chapter 18: GAWS MY FEELS..... I'm not mcuh of a fan of BAP but reading this story makes me fall inlove with them ^^

Love the story ♡♡
First Chapter New Reader
Here I go~
Chapter 62: part 1 finished!Go to the part 2!!lets go go!!
asian7707 #6
Chapter 62: Omgz i flipp n luv this fanfic. Its amazing thank u for makeing it.
I cant wait to read ur sequel now^^
Zeal95 #7
Chapter 22: I love reading this but I must say this is unbelievably hard to read in the cursive-USB font
andriella96 #8
Chapter 62: Omg I loved it thank you very much for creating an awesome fanfic for us fans :)

Loved it and I'm soo happy you made a sequel :D
LittleAsianNinja #9
Chapter 10: we can turn into bunnies, now thats manly! I just died at this part XD lol