
Crazy adventures with my six boyfriends- I MEAN ALIENS





You and B.A.P safely returned to Mato. Things were just as they used to be, except that all of the aliens had become more closer to you. Both mentally and physically. 

Whenever you woke up in the morning, one of the aliens would always be sleeping next to you, arms securely wrapped around your waist. Which was weird because you couldn't recall them being there when you fell asleep. 

Youngjae had fired the maids and now he and Himchan, sometimes you, did the cooking. Zelo would take you out sometimes, riding his skateboard and you even convinced him to teach you how to skate. Jongup would take you out on walks during the afternoon, when the sun was setting. He would take you to a secret lake that only he knew about and you would just sit and watch the sun set in the horizon. Daehyun always teased you, which was nothing new. Only now he would be a little bit more sensitive and always made sure you were okay. Yongguk was super-protective over you and whenever he caught one of the other aliens touching or holding you, he would literally shove his foot up their butts. 

You were also feeling a little bit odd. Usually, you would push the aliens away whenever they tried skinship on you, but now, you kind of enjoyed it, but only to a certain degree. You had also caught each of the aliens trying to kiss you, in one way or another. But they would always get interrupted by one of the others. 

You slowly started to believe Kai's words about them being in love with you. Every sign pointed to that conclusion. But you were torned and confused. You hated the idea of them fighting over you. You didn't want them to become foes over you, a tiny little human girl. 

So you thought about what you were going to do, all day and all night. You knew you felt the same way towards your admirers, all of them, but would they be able to accept that? The thought of choosing one of them made your stomach ache. 

And the thought you feared the most, what will happen when you eventually have to go home? The aliens couldn't come with you. They had a job here on Mato and you couldn't bear to see this planet, that you had come to love so much, get harmed in any way. 

*What am I going to do? Should I confess? But I hate confessing! It's embarassing and I hate taking the  initiative!* "ARGH!" You tore your hair and tossed and turned in your bed. 

The moonlight shone through your window and landed on your bed, right on your face to be exact. You squinted your eyes at the light and got up. You walked over to the big window and pulled the curtains close. 

When you turned around to get back to your bed, you saw a figure lying there. Your stomach did multiple flips and you shakily exhaled to calm down your beating heart.  

The alien was leaning against the headboard, his knee propped up and one of his slender arms resting on it. He had a playful smirk on his face as he gazed at you by the window. 

You sighed and rolled your eyes, "What are you doing here? Out." You pointed towards the door. 

The alien chuckled, "I thought you liked it when I slept next to you." He patted the spot next to him with a small grin, motioning you to come and lie next to him. 

Knowing he wouldn't move, even if you sent a body-builder on him, you sat down on the bed next to him. "Daehyun, what are you doing here?" 

Daehyun chuckled and your hair, "What? Can't I be in here?" "I didn't say that." you pointed out. 

He smiled tenderly at you, "I just wanted to see how you were doing." he honestly answered. 

There he went again. Always checking up on you. At first, you thought it was cute, but now it only freaked you out. "Daehyun, why are you doing this?" you asked and locked eyes with him.

Daehyun stopped caressing your hair and stared at you, feigning confusion. "What? What did I do?" 

You sighed and pulled your legs up on the bed, leaning your back against the headboard. "This. Always checking up on me, following me wherever I go, asking me ridicilous questions all the time. Why are you doing that? It's starting to freak me out, honestly." 

Daehyun softened. The only reason he had been asking you all these questions, was because he was worried. He know how terrifying it must've been to first be kidnapped, then get burned by an over-sized christmas elf and then to get abused by a sickening alien. But he partly asked these things because he wanted an excuse to be near you, talk to you. 

"I'm just worried about you." Daehyun answered, instead for speaking his mind. You raised a brow, sensing another motive. "Just that?" Daehyun nodded. "Nothing else." 

A small, awkward silence filled the room. None of you spoke, not comingg up with anything to say. 

Finally, you yawned uncunciously and streched your arms. "I'm going to sleep now. Stay in here if you want, just don't try anything funny." You sent him a firm look before turning away from Daehyun.

Daehyun smiled, pleased that you hadn't rejected him, and laid down next to you. Soon, he could hear your even breathing and knew you were asleep. He slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. 

You turned around in your sleep and faced Daehyun. Your lips were slightly parted and your breath came out even and quietly. The red color of your hair had started to fade due to too many showers and it now looked slightly orange and pink. unconsciously, you snuggled closer to Daehyun and buried your face in his shoulder. 

Daehyun felt his heart hammer against his ribcage and his stomach did flips. He could feel your even heartbeat, which didn't help his own beating heart one bit. Gathering courage, Daehyun spoke. "Hyojin...You know I only ask these question because I care for you, right? All I ever want is for you to be safe. I know it sounds cheesy, but I would never let anything happen to you again. You know why?" he paused to see if you were awake. 

Thinking you still were asleep, he continued. "Because I love you." 

Daehyun didn't know, but you had woken up when your head someone start talking. You listened to Daehyun's confession with butterflies in your stomach and when he had said those three words, your heart felt like it was going to burst in joy. 

*He loves me?* You thought in disbelief. *DAEHYUN LOVES ME OHMYGOD!* 

You heard Daehyun sigh and stiffened. "And even though my comrades, my brothers, shares this feeling, I should lose hope, right? But I can't. I just can't stop loving you. And even though you may never feel the same way as me, I will always be by your side to protect you." Your heart melted at his words. 

*And the others are also in love with me...* 

Daehyun leaned in and pressed his soft, plump lips against your forehead. "My angel." 

You pressed your lips into a firm line. Your face startened to heat up and your heart had melted into a puddle, so you could no longer feel your heart beating furiously. 

"Babo." Daehyun froze when he heard a familiar voice insult him. He looked down and saw you, softly gazing up at him. "What-How-When?" 

"How could you even think I wouldn't feel the same way as you?" You frowned. "And here I thought you knew me." You faked a sniffle. 

Daehyun gaped at you, "You heard that!?" You nodded with a big grin, "Yes sir! And you know what?" 

Daehyun shook his head. You grinned, "I love you too, you stubborn, teasing, cheesecake-loving alien." You confessed, your cheeks slightly red. 

Daehyun's face lit up. Relief and love washed over him as he gazed down at the smiling girl. He couldn't describe how lucky he felt at that moment. The girl of his dreams, was in love with him. With him! He couldn't believe it. 

Slowly, Daehyun began to lean in. His heart beat faster than a speeding train, but this time, he didn't mind. You knew what Daehyun had in mind and slowly closed your eyes. *I'm ready.* 

Daehyun saw you closing your eyes and smiled, before also closing his. 

You suddenly felt something soft and warm press against your lips and your stomach did flips. Fireworks appeared behind your closed eyes and it felt exactly as you imagine your first kiss to be. Daehyun's plump lips felt perfect against yours. Almost as if they had been made just for you. 

Daehyun loved the feeling of your lips against his and added a bit more pressure to them. He slid his tongue over your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You pressed your hands against his chest, not wanting to go any further. Daehyun respected your choice and pulled away. 

You sheepisly looked away, "Sorry, but I don't want to go there yet." Daehyun soflty smiled and nodded, "I understand." he quickly pecked your forehead and pulled you closer to him. 

"But, didn't you say that the others also were in love with me?" You suddenly asked and looked up at Daehyun. Daehyun blinked at you, "What? I said that? Pfft!" he scoffed. "I was just kidding! Just wanted to see how you reacted." 

You raised a brow, "I know you're lying." 

Daehyun pouted, "I'm not."

"Yes, you are. Hey, don't think you're the only one who knows."

"YOU KNOW!?" Daehyun gawked at you. "Aha! Gotcha!" You exclaimed and poked his nose playfully. 

Daehyun caught himself spilling the truth and groaned. "But you only love me, right?" his voice was full with anticipation. 

You avoided his gaze and bit your bottom lip. "Actually.." Daehyun's eyes rounded. "OHMYGOD!" 

"But I love you all equally!" You added, not wanting to upset Daehyun. Daehyun frowned, "You better, missy." he poked the space  between your eyebrows. "Or else.." he huskily said and leaned down, his breath tickling your face. 

"I will have to do this." he said and gave you a short, yet sweet kiss. You blushed deeply and buried your face in his shirt. Daehyun chuckled and cuddled closer to you and placed his head on top of yours. "Goodnight, Jinnie baby." he kissed your hair and closed his eyes. 


The morning after, you and Daehyun walked down from your room, swinging hands. You entered the kitchen and saw Himchan and Youngjae preparing breakfast. 

"Good morning guys." You greeted. Himchan turned to you and his face lit up, "Good morning princess, good morning Daehyun." His eyes widened when he caught himself saying Daehyun's name. 

Daehyun led you to the kitchen table and pulled out a chair for you. "Thank you." You thanked and sat down. "Everything for my baby." he sweetly said and pecked your cheek. 

Himchan and Youngjae watched you and Daehyun interact with eyes wide and jaws on the ground. "JUNG DAEHUYN! WHAT THE HELL!?" Himchan roared. 

Daehyun shrugged, "Being nice to my girlfriend." he replied, as if it was the most normal thing on earth. 

"G-G-G-G-G-GIRLFRIEND!?" Youngjae stuttered and gaped at you, hoping you would say no.

You shyly looked down on your lap, "It's not really-Well, it was-He was really sweet-" you trailed off. 

"OHMYGOD! PRINCESS! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!? YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU!?" Himchan cried out and slammed his head against the cupboard. 

Daehyun laughed evily and pulled you up on his lap. He put his head on your shoulder and began humming to an unknown tone. "You're just jealous because I confessed first~" 

"Confessed? What in the world are you talking about?" Youngjae nervously laughed and pulled the collar on his shirt. Daehyun sent him a look, "She knows."

Youngjae's eyes widened, "SHE KNOWS!?" 

You nodded, "I know."

"Aaaaand?" Himchan eagerly asked. You giggled and nodded, "I'll accept you all."

"YAY!" Himchan cheered and swapped you away from Daehyun. "THAT MEANS THAT I CAN STEAL YOUR FIRST KISS WITHOUT BEING CONSIDERED A !" 

You nervously glanced at Daehyun, "About that...I kind of already had my first kiss." Himchan stared at you in disbelief, then at Daehyun. "JUNG DAEHYUN! HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY BABY'S FIRST KISS!?" he made an attempt to grab Daehyun, but Daehyun shoot up from his seat and ran off. 


You giggled as you watched your boyfriend and now your second boyfriend, chase each other around the house. Youngjae smiled in content and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his head on your shoulder. "I'm really happy now, you got know that right?" 

You nodded, "Me too. I love all of you." "I love you too, Hyojin." 

At that moment, Yongguk walked in to the kitchen and heard your and Youngjae's little chat. 

"YOO YOUNGJAE! WHAT THE ACTUAL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!? WHY ARE YOU HOLDING MY WIFE LIKE THAT!?" You could swear you could see a vein pop in Yongguk's forehead. 

"H-Hyung, it's not what it-"


"Hyung! You don't understand, she know-"



I BET YOU'RE ALL HAPPY NOW!??!?! OMG this chapter took so long to write and I'M SPAZZING INSIDE RIGHT NOW AND I KNOW IT'S LAME BECAUSE IT'S MY OWN FIC BUT I SECRETELY SHIP DAEHYUN AND HYOJIN wellthatsprobablybecausedaeyunsmybias

Subscribers and comments are loved to death! 

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Sorry guys, but I'm pretty tired today so I won't be updating :( Sorry


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ilovesteakandzelo #1
Chapter 42: himchan go buy some slippers somewhere and leave me alone!!!!!! you !!!! i want my big baby!!!!!
ilovesteakandzelo #2
himchan looks like a ert... i laughed so hard at what they like and dislike..when did Gukkie like war movies??? lol jk
Chapter 18: GAWS MY FEELS..... I'm not mcuh of a fan of BAP but reading this story makes me fall inlove with them ^^

Love the story ♡♡
First Chapter New Reader
Here I go~
Chapter 62: part 1 finished!Go to the part 2!!lets go go!!
asian7707 #6
Chapter 62: Omgz i flipp n luv this fanfic. Its amazing thank u for makeing it.
I cant wait to read ur sequel now^^
Zeal95 #7
Chapter 22: I love reading this but I must say this is unbelievably hard to read in the cursive-USB font
andriella96 #8
Chapter 62: Omg I loved it thank you very much for creating an awesome fanfic for us fans :)

Loved it and I'm soo happy you made a sequel :D
LittleAsianNinja #9
Chapter 10: we can turn into bunnies, now thats manly! I just died at this part XD lol