Saving her life

Crazy adventures with my six boyfriends- I MEAN ALIENS

You shrieked as you and Kai appeared on a cliff. Quickly glancing down, you could only see a dark, deep scarp. 

Kai had one arm tightly wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to him. There was something about his aura and the way he acted that made you feel uncomfortable. 

You tried to push Kai away, but he didn't even budge. "Why did you bring me here?" You asked, trying not to sound like you were in panic. 

Kai smirked, "You know, I've had my eyes on you for a while now. And I've come up with the conclusion that you don't belong with those cocky B.A.P idiots." he his tongue slowly while looking at you. A cold shiver ran down your spine.

"What do you mean?" You asked, trying to push him away. Kai chuckled bitterly and rolled his eyes, "I never thought you were this stupid." 

"Excuse me?" You raised a brow and put your hands on his chest, roughly pushing him away. This time, it worked. "How dare you call me stupid? And what's with all these questions and statements? Just get to the point, goddamnit." You grew annoyed and crossed your arms over your chest. 

Once again, Kai chuckled. "You want me to get to the point? Fine." He dashed up to you, wrapped his slander arms around your waist and pushing you roughly down. Your back hit the cold and hard ground and you slightly winced, the cold touching your wound and exposed back. 

"I think you are a selfish little -" You didn't give Kai a chance to finish. You brought up your knee and hit him right on his family jewels, a very common move for you now a days. 

Kai let out a small, girly yelp and rolled to the side. You quickly stood up and brushed off smal flakes of snow off your clothes. "Nobody calls me a , you douche. And what the hell makes me one?" 

Kai snickered while clutching his pelvis. "You don't know? You live with six male aliens, who all practically are in love with you damn, I feel bad for them, for once. And you're so oblivious to their feelings and it's pretty amusing to watch, actually."

You blinked down at Kai, flabbergasted. "What the hell are you talking about? In love with me? Oblivious? Look, if they were in love with me, trust me, I would know." You saw no sign of why you should believe Kai's words, but you were still curious. B.A.P weren't in love with you, right? 

And calling you a just because you didn't know love even if it stood up and slapped you in the face, was really out of the subject. 

"Don't believe? Just look into their eyes when I'm going to kill you." You looked down, but Kai was gone. Instead, you heard his husky voice, full of vengeance and just plain scary, behind you. 

You spun around, facing Kai, but as you did, you felt something hit you right on your cheek. A burning and stinging sensation. You reached up and touched the area where Kai had slapped you, wincing at the touch. 

You looked up at the tall alien. "What the hell-" Again, Kai directed his palm to your cheek, hitting the place where he had slapped you the first time. 

"That's what you get, you little , for standing up against me." Kai smirked. He'd had enough patience with you, but now the beast was out of the cage. 

*What the hell is up with this alien? Is he bipolar or something?* You frowned. "It's weak for a man to hit a girl, you know." 

Kai rolled his eyes, "Does it looke like I actually give a about that?" He bawled up his fist and punched you right in the stomach. His un-human strenght made you lose your breath and you fell to the ground, breathless. 

You desperately gasped for air, also trying to ignore the pain from your burn on your shoulder and back. Your cheek had now swelled up and it was colored blue, red and a mix of black. 

Kai roughly bent down and grabbed your hair. He yanked you up on your feet and you screamed in pain. It felt like Kai was going to rip off your hair from the roots. 

Kai dragged you over to the edge of the cliff. He held your head forward, you face facing the dark abyss below you. You gulped, your body shaking with fear. 

"We were supposed to safe this after the torture, but the plans've seemed to change, so I'll guess we have to do this now." Kai said, almost sounding disappointed. "But I guess that's life." he clucked his tongue. 

He lowered your head more, slowly letting go of your hair. You began to scream hysterically  in panic. "PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS! I-I-I'M SORRY! OK!?" You cried out, tears starting to form in your eyees. You didn't want your life to end here, not like this. 

You felt Kai's fingers letting go of the last strings of your hair and you felt yourself falling forwards slowly. You lowered your head and let the tears flow. 

Just as you were about to fall over the edge, you felt someone wrap their strong arm around your waist. You were pulled backwards and you saw the dark abyss disappear. 

Another arm was securely wrapped around your waist, you back crashing aginst someone's chest. You winced slightly in pain at the contact. 

You heard the sound of fists colliding with flesh and turned your head and saw Kai on the ground, with Yongguk and Himchan throwing punches at him repeatedly. "I WILL ING KILL YOU!" Himchan roared and sent his fist flying towards Kai's face. 

Kai was just lying there, uncouncious a long time ago. But that didn't stop the two oldest aliens to almost kill. It was only when Youngjae and Jongup pulled them away from the teleporter they stopped. 

A hand reached out and wiped your remaining tears away. "Jinnie are you okay?" You looked up and saw Daehyun softly gazing at you. His arm were securely wrapped around your waist and you felt warm in his arms, for some reason. 

You gulped and slowly nodded. "I was about to fall down into a dark hole, but yeah, I'm okay." Your voice came out shaky, not as you expected. 

Daehyun smiled warmly at you. He put his hand on the back of your head and pushed it towards his chest. "Thank God we came here in time." he breathed out and began to caress your hair. "I can't imagine what would've happen to us if we were just a few seconds late..." he mumbled and kissed the top of your head. 

Kai's words about your six roommates were in love with you flashed through your head. *In love...with me?* For some reason, the thought of it made butterflies appear in your stomach. 

"PRINCESS!" Himchann raced up to you and pulled you away from Daehyun and into his own embrace. "THANK HEAVENS YOU'RE OKAY! DID THAT BASTARD HURT YOU!?" he pulled away and examined your face. He noticed your swollen cheek and frowned. "That dare he hit a woman?" he whispered. 

Himchan shook his head with a small smile. "Want me to rip his guts out?" Your  eyes widened and you shook your head. Himchan chuckled, "Just checking." he pressed his lips on your forehead and you caught yourself blushing. 



And I feel so bad. I really love Kai and I hate that I have to display him as an in this fic BUT I HAVE REASONS OK HE JUST LOOKS LIKE A WOMANIZER AND DON'T DENY BECAUSE HE DOES BUT HE'S ALSO CUTE FKAHD FEEL.S

 Anyhow, subscribers and comments are loved to death! ^^


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Sorry guys, but I'm pretty tired today so I won't be updating :( Sorry


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ilovesteakandzelo #1
Chapter 42: himchan go buy some slippers somewhere and leave me alone!!!!!! you !!!! i want my big baby!!!!!
ilovesteakandzelo #2
himchan looks like a ert... i laughed so hard at what they like and dislike..when did Gukkie like war movies??? lol jk
Chapter 18: GAWS MY FEELS..... I'm not mcuh of a fan of BAP but reading this story makes me fall inlove with them ^^

Love the story ♡♡
First Chapter New Reader
Here I go~
Chapter 62: part 1 finished!Go to the part 2!!lets go go!!
asian7707 #6
Chapter 62: Omgz i flipp n luv this fanfic. Its amazing thank u for makeing it.
I cant wait to read ur sequel now^^
Zeal95 #7
Chapter 22: I love reading this but I must say this is unbelievably hard to read in the cursive-USB font
andriella96 #8
Chapter 62: Omg I loved it thank you very much for creating an awesome fanfic for us fans :)

Loved it and I'm soo happy you made a sequel :D
LittleAsianNinja #9
Chapter 10: we can turn into bunnies, now thats manly! I just died at this part XD lol