Chapter 2

Lovers in Tokyo

Chapter 2


The Following Morning


The aroma of sizzling bacon and fried eggs engulfed the atmosphere. Sooyoung poked her head into the cozy guest room and found her dear maknae sound asleep. She could tell that Seohyun hadn’t slept so comfortably for years.


“Poor baby…she works too hard…” whispered Sooyoung.


Before she could close the door, baby Yoshi slowly crept from behind and crawled through the doorway and startled Sooyoung.


“Baby Yoshi!”


Yoshi crawled onto Seohyun’s sleeping bag and slowly crept onto her back. Sooyoung giggled as she watched Yoshi play on Seohyun’s back. Seohyun began to groan. Yoshi proceeded onto Seohyun’s head and began to smell her hair. He giggled as he played with her silky brown hair.


“Uhh…what’s happening?” Seohyun groaned as she slowly rolled over.


Baby Yoshi crawled over and started touching her face. Seohyun slowly opened her eyes and shrieked.




Baby Yoshi was shocked and began to cry. Sooyoung laughed and hopped in to pick up her crying baby boy. Seohyun looked flustered and spoke up.


“Unnie…come on…I’m trying to sleep…”


“YA! Your little nephew just wanted to cuddle his auntie! Haha!”


“I know, Unnie…I was just so…comfortable…”


“I saw that.”


Seohyun rubbed her eyes and smelled the breakfast in the air. She smiled quickly.


“Unnie, is that breakfast?”


“Yes, I bet you haven’t had some that for awhile, right?”


“It’s been ages…”


Sooyoung grabbed a pillow and threw it down on Seohyun. Seohyun laughed and blocked the pillow.




“Come! Let’s eat now! I’m starving!”




Sooyoung’s kitchen was bustling with pots and pans clanging together. She was excited to serve her dear maknae have breakfast and hurried along as she set the table up. Seohyun yawned as she sat down at the kitchen table. She giggled as she watched her unnie place the breakfast on the table.


“So, what’s for breakfast?” cried Seohyun.


Sooyoung smiled and placed a plate of fried eggs, bacon, and waffles for Seohyun. Seohyun was shocked and looked up.


“Unnie? You know I have light breakfasts, right?”


“LIGHT?! That’s why you’re so weak and confused, honey!”


Seohyun giggled and started to eat. The way the eggs and bacon tasted brought back fond memories when they were a whole group. Seohyun looked over and saw Sooyoung feeding her baby boy. Sooyoung looked so motherly. She continued to eat. Sooyoung looked back and smiled.


“By the way, did you check your phone?” asked Sooyoung.


“My phone? Why?”


“I think there should be a text message.”




Seohyun quickly rose from her seat and hurried back to her room. Sooyoung giggled as Seohyun hurried down the hall still wearing her bunny pajamas.


“Text message?” thought Seohyun.


Seohyun arrived to her room and grabbed her phone from the desk. She flipped it open and saw text message alert. The number was unfamiliar to her.


“Who’s this?”


She returned to the kitchen and saw Sooyoung eating a tower of waffles with syrup dripping all over.


“Unnie, who’s this from?”


“Remember that singer from last night?”




Sooyoung looked at Seohyun with a sarcastic look. Seohyun made a cute thinking face and sat beside her unnie. Sooyoung continued to eat as Seohyun tapped her forehead. Suddenly, Seohyun sprang up from her chair and startled Sooyoung.


“Was it that jazz guy who thought I was drunk?”




“How did he get my number? Wait…”


Seohyun glared at Sooyoung. Sooyoung ignored the icy glare and continued to chow down.


“Unnie…I barely knew him…”


“Come on…you’re on vacation…you need to have fun…plus, he’s harmless…”


Seohyun slumped down on her chair and groaned.


“Unnie…you know I’ve never spoken to guy ever since-“


“YONGWA! Please…get over that guy…he was all FAKE…Kyuhyun isn’t fake…please, go out…for me!”


“What about you? I’m here to visit you…”


“It’s ok…I need to go shopping for Baby Yoshi…he needs a new wardrobe…you go out and explore…with Kyuhyun of course.”


Seohyun was astonished by Sooyoung’s actions but some of it made sense. Seohyun was already in her mid-twenties and she still hadn’t been on a legitimate date ever since her time with Yongwa. She slowly got up from the chair and glared back at Sooyoung.


“I trust you, Unnie…”


“Baby Maknae…you’ll have fun…”


Seohyun playfully pouted and walked back to her room to prepare. Sooyoung looked at Baby Yoshi, who was playing with his bacon.


“Yoshi…pray for Auntie Hyunnie for me, ok?”



Shinjuku Gyoen


The gorgeous cherry blossoms were finally settling in which created a romantic atmosphere throughout the spacious park. It’s one of the most popular parks in Tokyo, known for its beautiful garden scenery and cute ponds that scattered throughout the park. Tourists from all over the world travel to soak up the sights and bask in the heart-warming environment. Kyuhyun calmly sat on a bench over looking one of the ponds. He had a notebook on his lap and a cup of coffee next to him. He quietly observed the hundreds of people who roamed in awe of the park. He looked down on his blank notepad and frowned.


“Gosh…nothing to draw…already drew this whole park a thousand times already…” thought Kyuhyun.


He took his phone out and reread Seohyun’s text from earlier. The text read:


“I don’t really know you and I really thought you were rude for accusing me to be drunk but…my friend insisted in letting me meet you and since you wanted to apologize…I’ll give you another chance…I meet you at the park in 30 minutes…”


Kyuhyun smiled.


“Very demanding girl…cute…I guess that’s how all talent agents are…”


Kyuhyun continued to surf through his phone when suddenly a text surprised him. He stared oddly at his phone. The text was from someone from his past that impacted his whole life and character. Her name was Sandara Park, his former love. The text read:


“Kyuhyun…call me tonight…it’s important…love, Dara”


Kyuhyun sighed deeply and closed his phone. His hand trembled as he pocketed his cell phone. It’s been more than 5 years since she said anything to him. He did not know how to react or speak when it came to her.




*Kyuhyun’s Flashback*


Kyuhyun and Dara were childhood friends from Seoul. They grew up together in the same apartment project and were inseparable. They used to walk to school together, eat at food stand together, run through the rain together, and jump through puddles together. The families speculated that they were destined to be together. Obviously, they grew up and entered high school. They began to notice each other and soon they were in love. Kyuhyun admitted his feelings to young Dara as they walked home from school. Dara cried and hugged Kyuhyun.


“Kyuhyun…you’re the only man for me…”


They shared their first kiss under the lamppost later that night. Kyuhyun never wanted to let Dara go. They became the most popular couple on the high school campus and all the other couples idolized their faithfulness to each other. Yet as always, things were going to change for the loving young couple.


Finally in their final year in high school, Dara was accepted to the prestigious university, Oxford, in England while Kyuhyun remained in Seoul to learn music in small liberal arts college. Dara was devastated but Kyuhyun encouraged her to follow her dreams to be an English teacher.


“Dara, please, don’t give up your dreams for me…go to England…study hard…become a teacher…I’ll wait for you…”


Dara was in tears and tightly embraced Kyuhyun. They were huddled up together in the playground they used play in when they were little kids. Dara sniffled as Kyuhyun held her chin up.


“Dara, I will always love you…”


Kyuhyun lightly kissed her. She slowly eased back.


“Kyuhyun…I won’t be able to see your face every day and night…I don’t want to go…”


He held her tightly and tried his best to be strong but deep inside he didn’t want her to leave. His heart was being shredded into little pieces. The snow lightly fell as the star-crossed lovers held each other tightly.


The day finally came when Dara had to leave. The families stood in the airport as Dara walked through the security clearance. She cried as she watched her family wave to her. Kyuhyun was rushing to arrive to the airport. He held up at work and traffic. Kyuhyun was in tears when he finally arrived to see Dara placing her bags through the scanner. Kyuhyun nodded to Dara’s parents and ducked through the security rope. He grabbed Dara by the arm and turned her around. Her face was ruined from all the crying. He kissed her passionately and whispered into ear.


“I will marry you when we see each other again…”


Dara quickly shook her head and kissed him back. They stared into each other’s eyes deeply. Dara was soon called to continue through the clearance. She waved goodbye and disappeared through the gates. Kyuhyun ducked back through and hugged his mother.


“I love her so much…”


Kyuhyun cried into his mother’s bosom. Yet, things were going to change for the both of them. These changes would have drastic effects for their futures.


*One year later*

After long period of no contact, Dara suddenly left a mysterious text message for Kyuhyun. The text read:


“Kyuhyun…I’ve decided to stay in England…something has changed my heart and I have fallen deeply in love…please forgive me…”


Kyuhyun could not believe what he read and instantly called her. Her number was disconnected and she was unreachable. Kyuhyun decided to save up his money from his fast-food job, drop out of music school, and venture to England to get some answers. His parents were outraged by the sudden change but Kyuhyun could not let his true love leave him with no proper answer.


“I need to see her…please…let me do this…”


Kyuhyun’s father was angered and stopped speaking to him. His mother cried but understood his big heart.


“Kyuhyun…find her…save your heart…”


Kyuhyun took a year to save up the proper funds to travel and when he came up with the money, he quickly took the opportunity.


“Dara…please…don’t leave me…”


*Oxford University*


Kyuhyun arrived at the campus and checked into the main office. With his broken English, he asked if could find Sandara Park.


“Ma’am…excuse me…I looking for Dara…San Dara Park…you know where?”


He was provided her dorm address but she could not be found. Kyuhyun searched all over until he ran out of spots. He stopped by a nearby bench to take a short break. Suddenly, a shiny Rolls-Royce rolled up and out stepped an elderly driver. He opened the back door and out came a handsome, wealthy man wearing dark Gucci shade and an expensive navy blue suit. He looked Korean so Kyuhyun went up to greet him. Before he could approach, Dara came from behind him. She was stunned.


“Kyuhyun?” asked Dara.


“Dara?! I’ve been looking for you!”


Before he could embrace her, the man stood between them and smiled.


“Excuse me? I’m Lee Donghae…and you are…”


Kyuhyun was confused.


“I’m here to see my girlfriend so if you could…”


Donghae laughed.


“Girlfriend? Sir, she’s my wife.”


Kyuhyun couldn’t understand the last words from Donghae.




Dara stood quietly behind Donghae. She didn’t give one look to Kyuhyun. Donghae spoke up.


“Sir, if you could excuse us…we need to attend some important affairs…”


Donghae lightly shoved Kyuhyun out of the way. Dara followed closely behind him. She never looked back at Kyuhyun, who was left standing on the cobblestone road. Kyuhyun didn’t know how to comprehend what happened to him moments ago.




Kyuhyun shook his head to forget his troubling flashback and continued to observe his surroundings. Suddenly, he found a pretty sight to sketch.


“Well then…here goes nothing…” whispered Kyuhyun.


Seohyun arrived to the park and looked at her cell phone to reread Kyuhyun’s text. The text read:


“I’m sitting near the largest pond in the park…find me…it’ll be fun!”


Seohyun deeply sighed.


“If Unnie is up to this, I’m literally going to toss her shoes into the garbage disposal…I swear I will…”


Seohyun walked briskly through the crowd to find the largest pond. She began to complain.


“I can’t believe this…I could be sleeping right now…”


After several minutes of hurrying around, she took a seat at a nearby bench to catch her breath.


“Gosh, I didn’t think I would be out of shape…I was never this tired…”


She brushed her hair behind her ear and relaxed. She stared at the pond and smiled to herself.


“Yong never took me to this park…this park is sort of pretty…didn’t think Kyuhyun would have a good taste…”


She placed her hands on her lap and patiently waited.


“He’ll find me…he better…”


She smirked as she crossed her legs. People walking near began to whisper in Japanese.


“She looks familiar…”


“What a stunning body…”


Even though it’s been years since she traveled to Japan, she still knew all the words and lingo. She felt disgusted by the derogatory comments against her. She hated how people looked at her shallowly. That was the reason why she didn’t missed the group so much. Suddenly, someone sat next to her and startled her. It was Kyuhyun.


“Hey?!” yelled Seohyun.


“Hi,” responded Kyuhyun playfully.


Seohyun glared at him as he smiled back. She blew her hair up.


“So…what was so important that you needed to see me here?”


“I just wanted to apologize for last night and the way I approached you…it was uncalled for…”


Seohyun turned away from Kyuhyun, not to ignore him but to avoid his eyes. His eyes were beautiful. She turned around and narrowed her eyes.


“Well thanks for the apology…I guess I should get going now-“


Kyuhyun reached out and touched her arm to stop her from leaving. Seohyun froze. His touch was gentle like a small ocean wave. She looked at him.


“Don’t go yet, Seohyun, let me make it up to you. How about we have a small coffee at the park’s café?”


Seohyun made a cute thinking face that tickled Kyuhyun’s feelings.


“Sure…why not?” said Seohyun.


Kyuhyun stood up and took his notebook out and ripped out a page. He folded it and handed it to Seohyun.


“Don’t look at this until later, ok?”


Seohyun was confused but placed the picture in her purse. Kyuhyun guided the way as Seohyun followed along. She felt strangely comfortable around Kyuhyun. She barely knew the man but she didn’t have any intention in running away from him. The way he walked ahead and turned around to check if she was still following made her blush but she had to hide it. She didn’t like to show her emotions too much.


Kyuhyun thought Seohyun was truly beautiful and the way she shyly avoided his eye contact made him happy. They stepped under the cherry blossom trees. Seohyun stopped suddenly to look at the trees. Kyuhyun turned and saw her smiling at the leaves. He slowly walked towards her and pulled the leave off her nose.


“Hey…aren’t the trees pretty?”


Seohyun looked innocently towards Kyuhyun as he removed the leave off her face.


“Every spring, the Sakura trees blossom and the leaves follow slowly down to the ground, creating a gorgeous pink hue all over the park…its stunning don’t you think?”


Seohyun turned away and responded.


“I already know that…”


Kyuhyun giggled.


“Well then…let’s go have coffee then…”


He turned away and walked off. Seohyun was surprised by his easy response and thought it was clever.


“He’s so confident…”


They arrived at the crowded park café and Kyuhyun ducked through the crowd to find the line. Seohyun felt disorientated by the crowd and refused to enter with him.


“Kyuhyun…could I stand outside? I don’t like tight places…”


“Sure thing…what do you want to have?”


“A small cappuccino with little sugar…”


“Ok, I got you…”


Kyuhyun ventured back into the café, leaving Seohyun outside. As she stood outside, she noticed a big crowd gathering near the edge of the park. She slowly walked off and entered the crowd. They were large lights on both sides of the pond. There was a commercial being shot. Seohyun quickly turned pale and tried to run back. As she pushed her way back, she bumped into a familiar face.


“Hi there, baby Maknae…” said Yoona.



Yoona stood before Seohyun with an elegant black business dress. Her hair was up in a bun, revealing her long slender neck line. Her sunglasses were black Dolce & Gabbana’s and her jewelry shined from the sunlight. Seohyun felt intimidated.


“Maknae…what are you doing here?”


Seohyun hesitated and bit her lower lip. All of sudden, her pride went out the door and she felt defenseless all over again. She felt like she was in the girl group again right before they split. Yoona looked annoyed.


“Are you going to ignore your Unnie?”


“Unnie…I’m here visiting Sooyoung-Unnie…”


Yoona giggled.


“Sooyoung? Why? Didn’t she say she wanted to be left alone? My dear, stop chasing the past…”


“I’m not…Unnie told me I could visit her anytime I wanted and well…I’m here to see her again…”


Seohyun felt ashamed. She tried her best to look professional everyday but when it comes to seeing Yoona, she felt like a child again. It bit into her soul deeply. Yoona continued on.


“Well as you can see behind you…Yongwa is here for a special commercial and I hope you could disappear for the moment…he doesn’t need the attention…”


Seohyun knew she saw Yongwa but she tried her best to deny the truth. Yoona moved in closer.




Kyuhyun came in between the arguing women while holding the two cups of coffee.


“Hello there! You mind if I step in?”


Yoona glared at Kyuhyun. Seohyun was surprised but glad that Kyuhyun showed up. Kyuhyun whispered to Seohyun.


“Let me handle her, ok?”


Seohyun nodded and ducked behind him. She felt so weak before Yoona. How could she compete with her if all she did was shy away from her? Seohyun watched as Kyuhyun spoke up.


“Ma’am, may I ask what the problem is?”


Yoona smirked.


“Well…Maknae has a new shiny, heroic knight! You sure did grow up now!”


“Knight? Me? No way? But, she’s my friend and I feel the way you’re treating her is entirely wrong…you should apologize.”


Yoona was appalled by Kyuhyun’s request.


“Excuse me? Apologize? You must not know me then.”


“I don’t and I really don’t care but…you should apologize to my friend.”


Seohyun was confused and whispered to Kyuhyun.


“What are you doing?”


“I got it…don’t worry…”


Yoona took her shades off and glared angrily at Seohyun.


“I have work to do…out of my way!”


Yoona cut in between Kyuhyun and Seohyun and disappeared through the crowd. Kyuhyun smiled and looked to Seohyun.


“She was something huh? Come, let’s have coffee-“


“Why are you doing this?”


Kyuhyun was confused.


“I mean, Kyuhyun, we barely know each other…why are you so…nice to me?”


Kyuhyun thought for a moment then spoke up.


“I feel…we’re alike…we share something in common…”


Seohyun was interested by his response. Kyuhyun nodded his head and handed over her drink.


“Come, let’s have a seat so we can chat.”


Seohyun was interested and took her drink. They walked over to a nearby bench and took a seat. Kyuhyun seemed eager to speak to her so she intended to listen in. Suddenly, a smile peeked out of Seohyun’s mouth.


“Is that a smile?”






Yoona stormed onto Yongwa’s trailer and opened the door. Yongwa was in the middle of changing when she entered.




Yongwa barely had his pants on and stumbled onto the floor as Yoona screamed.




“What?! I’m right here!”


Yoona was breathing vigorously and seemed like she was on a rampage.


“Yoona? Are you okay?”


He placed his hand on her shoulder and she slowly calmed down. They sat together and he lightly caressed her face.


“Yoona…baby…easy…I’m here…”






“Seohyun…she’s here…”




Yongwa suddenly pictured her cute smile and tender touch. He shook his vision off and looked to Yoona. Yoona knew he harbored feelings for Seohyun still so she tried her best to not reveal too much information.


“You saw Hyun?”


“Don’t call her that…and I must have been mistaken…forget it…how’s work?”


Yongwa was confused but decided to answer her random question.


“The commercial was fine. The rest of the band is out in Tokyo and I was here waiting for you. You’re my agent, remember? You saved my career!”


Yoona smiled devilishly and crawled onto Yongwa’s lap.


“I thought I was MORE than your…simple…reliable…agent…”


She lightly placed her lips on his lips and they kissed. Yong eased back.


“We should go out tomorrow night…over at the Tokyo Hilton…what do you say?”


“Sure thing…baby…”


As they kissed, Yongwa began to think about what Yoona said.


“Was it really Hyun she saw?”


Seohyun sipped on her cappuccino and savored the taste. She looked over to Kyuhyun and felt his calm persona. She felt comfortable around him. Seohyun spoke up.


“So you felt were alike? Why do you say that?”


“Last night at the jazz bar…your eyes told me a story…”


Seohyun lightly touched her eyelid then looked to Kyuhyun.




“My song spoke of past love…I could tell that you loved someone from the past…and you still do…”


Seohyun was taken off-guard by his words.


“How do you know that?”


“Because I still love someone too…and it hurts…”


Seohyun felt her heart tremble as Kyuhyun looked away and tighten his grip on his coffee. She could tell that he needed someone to speak to and she was the only one who could understand.


“Seohyun…I just needed someone to share my feelings with…someone that understands…”


“Kyuhyun…I’m hurting too…”


The atmosphere of the park soon turned quiet as the two quietly sat together and stared out at the pond. The voices seemed to disappear. Seohyun spoke up first.


“That woman you saw earlier…she used to be a friend of mine…we used to sing together…”


“Girls’ Generation?”


“How did you know?”


“Of course I know you and her…I was a fan…a fan of you of course…”


Kyuhyun winked at her. Seohyun giggled.


“Continue on, Seohyun…”


“Oh yes, well…we broke up 5 years ago, as you know, and we made our own paths…Yoona and I ended becoming talent agents from rival companies…she’s also started managing and dating the man I used to love…”


“I see…”


“It’s complicated but that’s as simple as I can make it…”


“I understand…it’s always complicated…not that the situation is complicated but our hearts have a complicated time accepting the circumstances…”


“That’s true…”


“If you don’t mind…who was he? What was he like?”


“He…was funny…kind…the first man to ever hold my hand so tenderly…I just fell in love with him…”


“It’s always the small things that makes love flourish…”


“Indeed. What about you, Kyuhyun? Why does your heart hurt?”


Kyuhyun looked down into his coffee and lightly smiled.


“Dara…loved her since I was a kid…I don’t if I could ever let her go…”


“Where is she?”


“She’s married now…”




Seohyun remembered the lyrics from his song last night and realized the symbolism behind it all.


“That song last night…7 Years of Love…was it about you?”


“Well sort of…most of it symbolized my past…but I was in love for more than 7 years…”


“I see…”


Seohyun and Kyuhyun remained quiet as they let their emotions sink in. Seohyun had never felt so calm and relieved to bring her feelings out. She could tell Kyuhyun was relieved as well. The leaves continued to fall as they watched the sun slowly set over the horizon.


The night fell quickly and the crowds had already disappeared. Seohyun and Kyuhyun walked together to the Shinjuku train station. The streets were strangely empty with very few people walking down the sidewalks. Seohyun knew it was late but she felt the day was well spent with Kyuhyun. She felt happy to make a new friend. They walked up the steps to the train station. They arrived upstairs and waited patiently for the train to arrive. Seohyun spoke up.


“You didn’t need to walk me to the station…”


“I know but there’s a great soup stand nearby so I might as well…”


Seohyun giggled.


“Soup stand? And you didn’t invite me?”


“I guess not...”


Kyuhyun smiled and Seohyun playfully shoved him. Suddenly, the train came storming in. The cars were empty.


“Well, Kyuhyun, this is me…”


Kyuhyun nodded and Seohyun waited for the doors to open.


“By the way, Seohyun, I’m performing at the Tokyo Hilton tomorrow at 9pm…come and watch, alright?”


“Sure thing…”


The doors opened and Seohyun entered. She turned and smiled at Kyuhyun.


“Goodnight Seohyun…”




The doors quickly shut leaving Seohyun looking out from the window. Kyuhyun laughed as she tried to yell goodnight from the inside.


“Seohyun! Don’t yell!”


Seohyun waved goodbye as the train zoomed off into the night. Kyuhyun smiled to himself and fell back on the bench. He hadn’t felt so excited for a long time. The time he spent with Seohyun felt like heaven. There was no pain or misery. It was an easy day spent with someone who could relate. He was happy to make a friend.


“She’ll make it tomorrow…”


Kyuhyun leaped up from the bench and whistled as he exited the station. He skipped the small udon cart and walked home. He was never hungry.


“Goodnight Seohyun…”


Seohyun sat quietly in the corner of the train and watched as she zoomed by the lights of Tokyo. Her stop wouldn’t be for another 30 minutes so she closed her eyes to relax. Suddenly, she woke up and forgot the paper Kyuhyun gave her earlier. She pulled her purse out and took the paper out. She unfolded it and smiled tenderly.




It was sketch of her sitting on the bench as she waited for him to arrive. The way he drew her eyes were amazing. It was almost like he could read her like a book. Seohyun held the picture to her chest and stared out the window. She was happy to make a new friend.


End of Chapter 2


SeoKyu finally had their moment together…will it last? How about Yoona and Yongwa? Will Yongwa see Seohyun? How about the Tokyo Hilton? Stay tuned for more!

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Iminthezone #1
cj-the-greatest #2
Chapter 10: Hmm I actually found set's character quite realistic and consistent. I could guess why she was reluctant to get together with khan. She had to think about their careers. Besides being a commitment phob myself I could relate a lot with her decision except for the yonghwa angle. Why would she even date him after the yoona debacle? Ugh! She even forgave yoona! And yoona turned back to a good person in theend unbelunbelievable! also I am quite disappointed that kyu mom didn't confess that she meddled in his love life. She practically told seohyun to back off so dara and kyu could be together. Ugh! What a nuisance. But I am glad they ended up together despite all the obstacles. And what happened with poor dara was so tragic. Poor girl. She didn't deliberately ditch kyu. ...she was a victim of circumstances. Sad. Well she could have returned to south Korea but she chose her education over kyu sigh!
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!
seocherry #4
This is the best SeoKyu fanfiction I've read.
Thank you so much author-nim. Really love your stories
sunsun1317 #5
Chapter 10: i love this story
nothing like a good love story
i am a complete sap for these kinds of things
thank you for writing this!
sunsun1317 #6
Chapter 2: I like this story so far!
Sorry if I sound a bit mean but the only thing I didn't like was the darahae.
I'm a die-hard hard haesica shipper.
PrincessJuine #7
Chapter 10: i really love this story.u r such a good writer ^^ subscribe!!seokyu forever