The Final Chapter

Lovers in Tokyo

The Final Chapter


The sound of the crowd vibrated through the walls. Kyuhyun sat quietly in his dressing room. He looked up at the mirror and stared at himself. For the past 6 months, he was on tour promoting his album. From China to France, Kyuhyun and the rest of his band traveled the world. He finally returned to Korea and was on his last stop on the music variety show, Music Core. The Korean fans having been hungry to see him and were pounding through the walls to hear him sing. Yet throughout all the work and adventure, Kyuhyun could not help but feel uncomfortable. He looked at himself deeply and began to contemplate where his career was heading to.


“Do I really want this?”


The news began to report on rumors that Seohyun was constantly delaying her marriage date. The popular, “YongSeo Dream Wedding,” has been postponed at least 3 times and fans were beginning to wonder if they were truly meant to be. Kyuhyun remembered seeing the news in Hong Kong and wondered why Seohyun wouldn’t follow through with it. He began to question if he was involved.


“Would she really drag this engagement longer because of me?”


He didn’t want to sound over confident or stuck-up but he couldn’t help it. Kyuhyun rubbed his hands together and sighed deeply to fight his anxiety. He didn’t understand why he felt nervous for his last performance.


“What is it with me?”


He heard a light knock at the door and turned.


“Come in…”


Taeyeon poked her head and smiled.


“Kyuhyun, are you okay?”


“Oh…Taeyeon…I’m fine, thank you…just psyching myself up…it’s been a long tour and I’m exhausted…”


“I can tell…the fans are really excited for you…I just finished my performance and you should be up in a couple of minutes…”


“Thanks…I’ll be ready…”


Taeyeon felt concerned and entered the room. She sat beside him.


“I can tell you have a lot on your mind…you’ve been very distant for the past couple months on the road…it’s like you lost that…spirit…I once saw…”


Kyuhyun smiled slightly.


“You noticed…it’s been rough these days…”


“I heard the news…she’s been delaying her wedding…”




“Whatever happens…I’m sure Seohyun will make the right decision…”


“I hope she does…I would be relieved when I know she made a decision…”


Taeyeon watched as Kyuhyun slowly stood up and made a deep sigh. He turned and smiled.


“I guess it’s time…”

“It is…”


Taeyeon stood up and fixed his collar.


“Good luck, Kyuhyun…”


Kyuhyun smiled and exited the room. Taeyeon sat back down and sighed. She knew what was going on and it was terrible to see it all lay out before her eyes.


“They’re in love…so in love…poor Seo-baby…I hope she makes a decision…before she breaks his heart completely…”


The lights all focused on Kyuhyun as he serenaded his dedicated fans. He was known for bringing back a “classic” sound to the pop charts, his fans ranged from young teens to middle aged adults. Kyuhyun delivered a medley of his best songs to the stage and the crowd swooned and cheered as he sang his heart out. Finally, the last song was arriving and Kyuhyun couldn’t think of any song to sing but his most memorable song he sang in the clubs of Tokyo. The fans had never of heard it and he felt it was the right time to expose it to everyone. Kyuhyun wiped his sweat and smiled at his fans. They all cheered. Kyuhyun spoke into the microphone.


“There is a particular song I’ve always cherished and it told a very endearing tale of love and lost…it was something I used to sing in my younger days in Japan…I hope you all enjoy it…”


The fans swooned as the lights dimmed and the piano began to play.


“This song is called ‘7 Years of Love’…”


Kyuhyun began to sing and lyrics quickly hit the eager fans. The story was delivered to them and they began to feel the strong emotions that Kyuhyun carried deep in his heart. The young girls in front began to cry as Kyuhyun illustrated a tale of two lovers who separated yet loved each other through their seven years of agony. Kyuhyun walked from each side of the stage and waved his hands to his fans. Then, the sad lyrics hit the air.


“Then I found out you were getting married…and all I wanted to tell you was…I love you…”


The crowd cheered as Kyuhyun hummed into the microphone until the music slowly faded off. The song slowly ended and the crowd erupted in applause. Kyuhyun looked up and smiled. He began to remember Seohyun’s beautiful face that fateful night in the jazz bar as she wiped her tears after hearing his heartfelt song. Kyuhyun spoke up.


“Thank you everyone!”


He gave a quick bow and jogged off stage. The crowd continued to clap. That would be his last performance in his pop singer career.


The “ON AIR” signal flashed on and Sunny brought her lips close to the microphone.


“Hello, all you listeners out there tonight…I hope you are all doing well…we have a great night mix for you tonight and…we have a guest as well to join us for this long night session…her name is ‘Seohyun’ and she used to be a member of my favorite girl group, ‘Girls’ Generation’….Seohyun, how are you, darling?”


Seohyun smiled warmly towards Sunny and brought her lips close to the microphone.


“I’m doing well, Unnie…I’m happy to be here…”


“As you know, doing these night chat shows, we are not as wacky as the day shows and we love to focus on…relationships…at night time…the lovers are out and they love to call in or listen…and I know for sure…you are a ‘lover’ as well…am I right?”


Seohyun giggled.


“I sure am…”


“So…Seohyun…the news as been buzzing about your engagement to the leader singer and rock star of CNBlue, Yongwa…how has that been?”


“Oh…Yong…I’ve known him for so long…he’s been great and very kind to me…we did hit a few bumps during the years…but he was very patient and never gave up on me…I’m very grateful to him…”


“Speaking about ‘patience’…it has been almost 6 months but no marriage…why? The fans have been speculating…cold feet?”


Seohyun gave a fake smile to Sunny. Sunny looked at Seohyun and expected some sort of reply. Seohyun hesitated and played with her thumbs. Sunny continued.


“Love is a very complicated thing…I admit…I thought I was in love a few times…but…it never turned out for the best…you are at the point which every girl in this country…dare I say world…only dream to be in…please…let your fans hear your story…why are you waiting?”


“Waiting? I’m not waiting…just…looking…”


“May I ask…what are you looking for?”


Seohyun closed her eyes and sighed deeply. Sunny was pulling on her strings and it was causing her pain to find the truth. Seohyun wasn’t concerned too much about the public but mainly on herself. Sunny had her reflect on herself and she finally realized the things weren’t as perfect as it all seemed. Sunny spoke up.


“It’s seems to be a very deep and personal issue and we’ll touch upon it later…for now…let’s listen to the soothing voices of Jessica and Tiffany who have recently returned to Seoul to promote their new album…”


The music went on and Sunny and Seohyun were off air momentarily. Seohyun removed her headphones and quickly got up to leave the room. Sunny took her headphones off and quickly chased after her.


“Seo-baby, wait!”


Seohyun slammed the restroom door open and entered the stall. She sat down and began to sob heavily. Sunny entered the restroom and called for her.


“Seo-baby…I didn’t mean to hurt you…”


“Unnie…it’s okay…”


Sunny saw Seohyun’s cute feet underneath the door and knocked on it. Seohyun wiped her tears and opened the stall door. Sunny held her hand.


“Come here you…”


Sunny hugged her and Seohyun sobbed onto Sunny’s shoulder.


“Seo-baby…what’s wrong with you…you should be happy…you’re getting married…”


“Unnie…I’m scared…”


“Scared…why? You always dreamed of being with Yongwa, didn’t you? You used to come home excited and dreaming when you’ll see him again…you were blooming with love…”


“I was a child back then, Unnie…not anymore…I have trouble seeing Yongwa like I used to…”


Sunny held Seohyun’s face.


“Tell me…do you love him?”


“Sunny- unnie…”


“Do you love him, Seo-baby?”


Seohyun eased back and looked into the mirror.


“I used to…I used to be swept away by his eyes and smile and the way he sang…but now…when I talk about love…I don’t picture him…”


Sunny stared at Seohyun through her reflection.


“Then…who do you love?”


Seohyun turned and looked at Sunny.


“It’s not Yongwa…anymore…”


The director knocked on the door.


“Girls…you’ll be on in two minutes…hurry!”


Sunny looked at Seohyun and believed her. Seohyun was not in love with Yongwa anymore and wondered where her heart had traveled to.


“Unnie…we should hurry…”


“We should…”


The Chairman of SM was typing on his computer when he suddenly heard a light knock at his door.


“Yes…come in…”


His secretary poked her head.


“Sir…its Cho Kyuhyun…he wants to speak with you…”


“Sure, let him in…”


The secretary opened the door and Kyuhyun entered. He gave a nod the young woman and she shut the door. Kyuhyun smiled and spoke up.


“There is something important I want to discuss with you, sir…I’ve been giving it a lot of thought…”


“Sure…please sit…”


Kyuhyun sat down on the leather chair and quickly took a glance around the room. He saw all the platinum records and the numerous awards given to the company. He saw various pictures of legendary acts from the past. Kyuhyun sighed and spoke up.


“I want to leave…”


“Leave…like…leave this room?”


Kyuhyun and the Chairman both laughed.


“Sir…I want to terminate my contract here…”


The Chairman sighed and looked at Kyuhyun.


“Why is that, Kyuhyun?”


“I…I don’t feel the same spirit…I used to…”


“I watched your performance last night…the crowd was electrified…and that final song you sang…a rendition of a classic…brought tears to many fans…are you sure you are making the right decision?”


Kyuhyun rubbed his hands together.


“I love to sing…I love to perform…everything I learned here…I am truly grateful for…the people who helped with my career here…I love them heavily…yet…I still feel this void within me…”


The Chairman got up from his chair, walked around his desk, and sat beside Kyuhyun.


“Son…I used to be in love…”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened and he looked to the Chairman. The Chairman stared out the window.


“Her name was Song Lee…she was a beautiful singer…I was the lead guitarist…we were in the same band…my goodness…I loved her so much…we were the best of friends…then we turned into the best of lovers…I couldn’t enough of her…”


Kyuhyun stared down.


“But…there’s always an ending to everything…we grew apart…our band slowly dissolved…and we lost contact…I moved on to college and slowly built myself up to where I am…she…she continued to sing…I tried to have her sing for the company…but…she refused…”




“She was afraid…afraid that we would fall in love again…and ruin each other’s careers…again…she felt that our love created conflict…”




“Kyuhyun…I know you still love Seohyun…and from the media…I know she loves you very much as well…but…you need to decide…are you willing to throw away all your dreams hoping that you get that last chance…to be with her again…”


“Chairman…I’m willing to gamble everything…everything…to be with her again…to see her smile again…to see her laugh again…”


The Chairman wiped a tear from his eye and patted Kyuhyun on the back.


“You are stronger than I will ever be…”


The Chairman slowly rose from the chair.


“I will have the papers ready for you…this will be hard on everyone…especially the public…please be ready…”


Kyuhyun stood up.

“Thank you…”




“Yes sir…”


“I hope for the best…even if things don’t turn out the way you want…please…take care, son…”


Kyuhyun smiled then gave a formal bow. He turned and exited the door. The Chairman stared out the window and smiled.


“Seohyun…if you only knew…how lucky you are…”


Seohyun, Sunny, and Taeyeon were in the bridal shop trying on different dresses. Sunny and Taeyeon waited outside the fitting room as Seohyun tried on her wedding dress. Sunny whispered.


“What do you think, Taeyeon?”


“Think about what?”


“Seohyun and Yongwa…is it really a ‘dream come true’?”


“I would like to think so…but…”




“Have you met the man from Japan?”


“Cho Kyuhyun? I have…he visited the station once to explain his different songs and why they were filled with emotions…he’s a very charming and sensitive man…”


“He’s something…else…”


“Seohyun worked with him for awhile…and from what I know…they always had ‘something’ for each other…”


Taeyeon nodded.


“I don’t want to conclude anything but…I think they are in love…”


Sunny nodded.


“What are we going to do then?”


“All we could do is support her decisions…that’s all we can do…”


“How about the rest of the group? Will they be joining us for the wedding?”


“Tiffany, Jessica, Hyoyeon, Yuri, and Yoona will be coming…Sooyoung…she’s still unconfirmed…”


“It’s been awhile since we’ve been all together…”




The seamstress stepped out from the fitting room.


“Behold…the beautiful bride!”


Seohyun walked out the room and the two girls were in awe. Sunny whispered.


“My god…she’s beautiful…”


Taeyeon removed her sunglasses.


“Seohyun…you are a goddess…”


Seohyun slowly looked up and smiled. Her dress was long and flowing with heavenly white. Seohyun’s skin was fair and perfectly matched the dress. Her smile radiated the whole room. Sunny spoke up.


“Yongwa…has to be luckiest man right now…to have such a beautiful bride…I swear…if he makes you cry again…”


Seohyun giggled as she rearranged her headgear.


“Yongwa is very kind…don’t worry…”


Taeyeon spoke up.


“Seohyun, have you heard the news?”


“The news? What happened?”


Taeyeon looked over to Sunny and then back to Seohyun. Seohyun was confused.


“Kyuhyun left SM…he resigned yesterday…”


Seohyun quickly turned to Taeyeon.


“He resigned?! Why?”


“No one knows…he had his last performance on Music Core…then he paid the fine for breaking his contract…the Chairman didn’t discuss the details…all we know is that…he’s gone…”


Seohyun remained silent. Sunny spoke up.


“I heard he was planning to go back to Japan…”

Seohyun took her head gear off.


“How could he?”


“But…that shouldn’t matter…you are getting married, Seo-baby, and the rest of the girls will be there to cheer for you…”


Seohyun smiled.


“I can’t…wait…”


Seohyun returned into the fitting room and sat down on the bench. She couldn’t understand why Kyuhyun left SM.


“That fool…he was already on top of the game…then…he leaves…stupid…freaking…stupid….”


Seohyun began to cry.


“If he left…because of me…I swear…”


Dara entered the neighborhood church and prepared to pay her respects. It was Donghae’s anniversary of his death. The church was quiet and empty. Dara walked towards the altar and approached the table with the candles. She took a candle stick and lit another candle. She quietly prayed to the memory of Donghae.


“Hi love…I hope you are doing fine…I am well…”


Dara slowly turned and was surprised to see Kyuhyun in the pews, praying. She quietly snuck towards him and kneeled beside him. She could hear Kyuhyun whispering as he had his face in his hands. Dara prayed beside him. The kneeled together for almost ten minutes. Kyuhyun slowly opened his eyes and found Dara beside him.




She looked up and smiled.


“Kyuhyun…funny seeing you here…”


“Yeah…it’s been awhile since I visited our church…”


“Me too…I just started coming back…”


Kyuhyun and Dara sat back as they watched the small candles illuminate the altar. Dara whispered.


“I watched the news yesterday…is it true?”




“Did you really leave SM?”


Kyuhyun sighed and smiled.


“I did leave…”




“A lot of reasons…but…the biggest reason…I didn’t feel that same spirit I used to have when I sang…I felt like I was singing with no real purpose…”


“But…your fans?”


“That was the hardest part…leaving them…but I didn’t want them to see me slowly break down into something they don’t recognize…it would be painful…so I left before anything could begin…”


Dara shook her head.


“I know why you left…”


Kyuhyun turned to Dara.


“You left…because of her…”


Kyuhyun sighed.


“Cho Kyuhyun…I know you…I know you more than most people…you left…because you loved her…”




Dara stood up.


“Kyuhyun…you are a fool!”


“Dara, wait!”


Dara left the pew and quickly walked out the church. Kyuhyun chased after her.




He grabbed her arm and turned her.


“I left because…if I kept singing…I would have kept thinking about her…I can’t do it anymore…it hurts too much…”


Dara began to tear up. Kyuhyun stared at her.


“Kyuhyun…why…do you love her?”

Kyuhyun finally realized why Dara was so concerned.




“She’s marrying someone else, Kyuhyun…you lost your chance…”


“Dara…I lost my chance before…with you…this time…I won’t jeopardize anything…”




“I won’t stop her from marrying Yongwa…I am in love…but I won’t be a fool…”


“Then…what are you going to do?”


“I’m leaving this place…and…going back to where my heart still is…”




Kyuhyun sighed.


“I’m returning to Tokyo…if there’s any other place I could find some sort of peace…it’s that place…”


Kyuhyun smiled and began to walk out the church. Dara spoke up.


“I love you, Kyuhyun…”


Kyuhyun turned.


“I never stopped loving you…”


“Dara…I used to wait day and night for those words…I used to cry myself to sleep remembering how you smiled…but…that was in the past…”


Dara went pale.


“Dara…don’t waste your time anymore…you are free to move on…start over…find yourself…we all need to free ourselves from past…”


Kyuhyun turned then Dara hugged him from the back.


“I know I can never have you back…that’s my punishment for throwing you away…but please…let her go…she’s gone…”


Kyuhyun touched her hand then turned.


“I don’t think I can ever forget, Seohyun…”



“Goodbye Dara…you have always been a great…friend…”


Kyuhyun let go of her hand and vanished out of the church. Dara slowly fell to her knee and began to sob.


“Kyuhyun…I’m sorry…”


Kyuhyun was in his room packing. His mother stood by the doorway and frowned.


“Kyuhyun…why are you leaving?”


Kyuhyun zipped up his bag and then looked up to his mother.


“I feel…lost, Mom, and I think going back to Tokyo should help me find myself again…”


“Why can’t you stay home?”


“I won’t be gone for too long…I just need…time alone…that’s all…”


“Is it because of Seohyun?”


Kyuhyun was shocked.


“Seohyun…was very special to me…and very lovely…but…I really need this moment to discover myself…it’s complicated, Mom…”


“What about your penthouse? Your property?”


“I didn’t have much…I sold everything…and well…I saved up what’s left…it should be enough to sustain me…”


“Kyuhyun…baby…don’t leave…”


“Mom…I will never leave you…”


Kyuhyun walked over and hugged his crying mother.


“I’m just not feeling…great right now…I need some time for myself…I hope you understand…”


“I do…”


His mother eased back.


“Dinner will be ready for you downstairs…”


“Thank you, Mom…”


His mother slowly turned and disappeared down the steps. Kyuhyun began to clean up his desk when his phone began to vibrate. He picked up and saw the text message. His jaw dropped and his heart began to pound.


“What does she want?”



The night was cool and breezy. Seohyun stood by the railing as she looked over towards the Han River and city lights flickering in the background. The cars on the bridge zoomed by behind her. She brushed her hair back and enjoyed the moment alone. Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching her. She turned and saw Kyuhyun standing before her.






They both stared at each other deeply. Kyuhyun spoke up.


“You messaged me about something important…”


“Yeah…I’m getting married tomorrow…”


Kyuhyun tried his best to fight his tears.


“I see…”


“You are invited…”


“Invited? Oh…”


“You don’t need to come if you don’t want to…I just didn’t want to leave you off the list…”


“A list huh?”


“Kyuhyun…please…don’t make this harder than it is…”


“Seohyun…I appreciate that you didn’t forget about me…but…I’m leaving tomorrow…”


“Leaving? Where?”


“I’m going back to Tokyo…”




“I don’t know…”


Kyuhyun turned towards the railing and placed his elbows on top.


“Tokyo has always been home to me…I just need to find that peace…”


Seohyun seemed aggravated.


“You fool…”


Kyuhyun turned.


“Why am I ‘the fool’?”


Seohyun began to tear up and turned away. They stood next to each other and watched as the river quietly flowed through the darkness. Seohyun spoke up.


“You had promising career…steady income…shelter…food…then…suddenly you walk away…why?”


Kyuhyun turned to Seohyun.


“Why would you throw it all away?”


“I threw it all away because…the only thing that was worth working for…dreaming for…singing for…believing for…left…”


Seohyun turned pale as Kyuhyun touched her face.


“I just wish…that what you found…is worth…living for…I need to go now…my flight is early tomorrow morning…”


Kyuhyun eased back and began to walk off. Seohyun took his hand and began to sob.


“Kyuhyun…just tell me not marry him…and I won’t...”


“Seohyun…I have no right to tell your heart how to love…that’s your job…my heart has already taken a beating…its best you make the right judgment…”


Kyuhyun let go of her hand and walked the opposite way. Seohyun wiped her tears but they kept flowing. She didn’t what to do with herself. She kicked the railing and cursed out loud.




Kyuhyun returned to his car and placed his face against the steering wheel. He began to cry.


“What am I going to do now?”


Seohyun’s Wedding Day


The wedding day was beautiful and the cathedral was crowded with family members, celebrities, and reporters. The event was being followed by the entertainment news. The fans remained outside as the limousines began to arrive. On the other side of the cathedral, Seohyun was getting prepared in her dressing room. Along with her mother and the rest of SNSD, Seohyun felt a lot of love and support. She stared at herself in the mirror. Her mother came from behind and placed her hand on her shoulder.


“Joo Hyun…are you alright?”


“I’m fine, Mom…”


Her mother looked at her through the mirror.


“Tell me, baby, what’s bothering you?”


Seohyun wiped a tear from her eye.


“I don’t know, Mommy, it’s like I’m entering a place I’ve never been before…”


Her mother sat beside her.


“When I married your father…I was so…scared…I didn’t know what to expect…during those days…girls were married off all over the village…I refused to leave…I wanted to find my own man…but I learned to love your father…he was kinder than I expected…and well…he gave me a beautiful child…”


Seohyun giggled as her mother wiped her tears.


“Joo Hyun…I want you to understand that marriage is bond between two people who love and care for each other…it is something not taken lightly…you must decide what you want…no one should tell you…I raised you right so you could be given that opportunity to decide who should marry…that’s my gift…the rest is for you…”


Seohyun’s mother turned.


“For the rest of you girls…”


All of SNSD looked up and smiled.


“Exception of Sooyoung, you need to start looking for the right man!”


All the girls laughed. Seohyun’s mother turned back to her.


“Joo Hyun, I’ll be leaving now so you could chat with your bridesmaids. Your father will be waiting outside for you. Prepare yourself alright?”


“Thank you, Mommy…”


Seohyun embraced her mother tightly and eased back. Her mother waved to the group and exited the room. Taeyeon slowly stood up and cleared . The rest of the girls sat and looked over to Seohyun. Taeyeon spoke up.


“Seohyun…our maknae…the baby…we all came here to cheer you on and support you…we know you went through a lot before getting to this point and we applaud you…but before we move on to marriage…as a group we need to gather up and on behalf of Seohyun…”


Seohyun turned and entered the small circle formed by the group. Yoona spoke up first.


“Seohyun…I know we had our differences before…we were rivals in work and in love…but now…we have matured further than that and we have returned to being friends…I want to let you know that I’m here for you…I love you…”


Seohyun wiped her tears.


“Oh Unnie…”


Hyoyeon was up.


“It’s been more than 8 years since we last saw each other…and your beauty hasn’t even faded…I wish to you all the luck and keep your head up…your Unnie will be here for you…”


Seohyun hugged Hyoyeon. Yuri spoke up.


“I really don’t get your mom because I got married with Minho and I think were fine! Haha, I’m kidding…but marriage is definitely a bond…something that shouldn’t be taken lightly…I want you to know that love keeps that bond alive and without it…it isn’t even worth it…good luck to you my love…”


Jessica spoke up.


“Marriage…wow…why? You’re so young!”


All the girls laughed.


“But seriously, I’m sad now…I remember how you were the baby and we all defended you…when you hit your toe and cried…we all cried…we are family, you know? Now we see you…maturing into a beautiful woman and leaving us! Why?! Haha, Seo-baby…I love you and I’ll always be there for you…”


Seohyun was already crying. Tiffany spoke up.


“I remember when I first came to Korea…I was scared and barely knew the language…but you were always there for me…guiding me…befriending me…even though I was your Unnie…I looked up to you…now you are entering a new stage and you won’t be there to hold my hand again…Seo-baby, you are amazing woman and I wish you all the best…please…follow your heart…”


Tiffany began to sob and hugged Seohyun. Sunny wiped her tears and laughed.


“I hate you, Seo-baby…you’re getting married before me!”


All the girls laughed.


“I’m so proud of you…you have aged well and you have showed me what it takes to love…please…let Yongwa know that he is very lucky…we all will be here to support you…”


Sooyoung stood up and fanned herself. Her eyes were red from crying.


“Seo-baby…getting married…growing up to be a woman…it’s finally come…I know you have went through a lot to be here…I remember how you visited Japan and my family…the way you looked at Yoshi…I knew you always wanted to have a family…under that tough skin of yours…lies a little girl who loves to dream…Seo-baby…please…don’t stop dreaming…don’t stop believing…love has finally found you and may all your wishes come true…I love you so much…


Seohyun embraced Sooyoung tightly. Finally, Taeyeon stood up. She wiped her tears.


“What can I say…all of Girls’ Generation have finally reunited to wish our baby goodbye and best wishes to her married life…we have went through a lot as a group…I admit…I still have regrets but…looking at all of you now and how we still can open up to one another only shows that the spirit of SNSD has never died…Seo-baby…we are here for you…let Yongwa know if he breaks your heart…8 other girls will challenge him…understand?”


“Yes, Unnie…”


“Give me a hug…”


Seohyun hugged Taeyeon then the rest of the girls joined in and created a group hug. Seohyun had never so much in her life. She missed every single girl and now that they all have returned for her, she was ready to make her decision. They all laughed as they eased back. There was knocking at the door. It was Seohyun’s father.


“Are you ready, honey?”


Seohyun smiled.


“I’m ready…”


Seohyun stood behind the double doors, holding her father’s hand tightly.




“Joo Hyun…I’m here…are you alright?”


“I’m nervous…”


“Don’t worry…there’s only 500 people waiting to see you…”


Seohyun giggled.


“Dad…come on…”


“Honey…if you are having any second thoughts…”


Seohyun took a deep breath.


“Let’s go…”


Suddenly, she heard an electric guitar. Yongwa changed the cue. The doors opened and Seohyun was shocked to see the aisles crowded with various faces. From family members to celebrities, Seohyun was overwhelmed. Yongwa and his band were on the altar. They began to play their popular love song, “Love Light.” The crowd cheered and swooned as Seohyun slowly walked down the center as Yongwa sang to her. All of SNSD stood on the bride’s side and smiled as Seohyun walked down. The priest was impressed by the music and sophistication of the arrangement. Seohyun reached the altar and Yongwa came down with his guitar and continued to sing. The fans screamed with joy. Seohyun blushed and whispered.


“Yong…that’s enough…you are making me blush…”


The song slowly ended and the crowd applauded. Yongwa returned his guitar and the rest of his band stood behind him to prepare for the ceremony. Sooyoung whispered to Sunny.


“Cocky isn’t he?”


“He is…we’ll see how it all turns out…”


The priest began the ceremony with a prayer. Everyone bowed their heads and prayed for the couple getting married.


Moments later…


The priest spoke into the microphone.


“Now…if anyone has anything against this holy bond…please…stand up and speak or forever hold your peace…”


Yongwa looked to Seohyun. They both stared at each other. The moment seemed to have lasted for a millennium. Seohyun could feel her heart beating. Suddenly, she looked at her mother in the crowd and remembered what she said earlier in the dressing room.


“I raised you right so you could be given the opportunity to decide who you want to love…”


Seohyun suddenly remembered Kyuhyun and his smiling face, his incredible voice, his down-to-earth personality, and his heart. If there was one thing she learned from Kyuhyun was that he brought back her belief in love. When everything was lost and shattered, Kyuhyun lightly entered her life and relit that candle that faded all so long ago. Seohyun released Yongwa’s hand. The whole crowd gasped. Yongwa’s face went red.


“Hyun…what…what are you doing?”


“Yong…I…I…I can’t marry you…”

“But…we had plans…we had dreams…”


“I know…but…those were your dreams…”


“Hyun…you can’t be serious…”


SNSD looked at each other and realized what was going on. Sooyoung knew what was really going on and approached Seohyun from behind.


“Seo-baby…if you can’t do this…it’s okay…”


Yongwa was enraged.




The audience gasped. Sooyoung spoke up.


“She doesn’t love you, you fool, so let her go!”


“This how it all ends huh? I want you to explain yourself, Seo Joo Hyun!”


Seohyun’s parents approached the altar and held her. Seohyun signaled them to let go of her. Seohyun spoke up.


“Yongwa…I can’t marry you because I don’t love you…I used to love you…I truly did…with all my heart…but…that was all in the past...put that all in the past because I met someone else who showed me how to truly love again…”


Yongwa went pale and began to sob. He went over and embraced Seohyun.


“Hyun…please…please…don’t leave me again…”


“Yong…let me go!”


Seohyun shoved Yongwa off.


“I finally realized something…you never moved on…you have been fixated on the past image of me…you wanted to fill in that void that you never fixed from the past…by marrying me…you would get rid of that stupid regret…Yong…I’m sorry…we weren’t meant to be…”


Seohyun joined her parents and they walked off the altar. The crowd was buzzing with chatter. Yongwa was left on the altar, speechless. Seohyun wiped her tears as she hugged her mother. Suddenly, Yongwa screamed.


“Get back here, Seo Joo Hyun!”


Seohyun turned and saw Yongwa storming down the center.


“You won’t be leaving me again!”


Before he could touch Seohyun, Sooyoung’s husband, Koji-san, grabbed him from behind and turned him. Yongwa was startled by the sudden force then was met with a smashing right hook to the face. The crowd was in shock. Yongwa’s mother came down before him.


“Please don’t hurt my son anymore!”


Koji spoke up.


“No one hurts my friend, Seohyun!”


Sooyoung saw Koji’s act of bravery and winked at him. Koji winked back. Seohyun looked at her group and nodded.


“Mom, let’s go…I already made a mess…”


The paparazzi met her at the doorway as she tried to make it to the limo.


“Seohyun! Seohyun! Seohyun! What’s with the cold feet?!”


“Are you the new ‘runaway bride’?”


“Please stay for some questions!”


Seohyun and her parents dove into the limo. The driver floored it as they left the cathedral. Her mother brushed her hair back as she quietly sobbed. Her father felt sad.


“Honey…will you be okay?”


“I will be…I just couldn’t marry him…I didn’t love him…”


Her parents looked at each other and sighed. The limo quickly zoomed down the freeway to create distance from the media fiasco.


Akihabara District, Tokyo, Japan


Akihabara is known for it’s for high commercialism of electronics and Japanese popular culture, mainly what we all know as “Anime.” The night life was buzzing with people dressed in costumes and hundreds of hardcore fans shopping for the newest and brightest electronics and anime collectibles. Kyuhyun and other “otakus” huddled together in a popular noodle cart. Kyuhyun sat down and slurped on his soup as the TV in back played the news. Kyuhyun felt relieved to be far away now and the loudness of the Tokyo nightlife was music to his ears. Suddenly, the news shifted to the entertainment portion and he saw a familiar face. He stopped eating and focused on the news. The reporter spoke out.


“The entertainment media at Korea is buzzing with controversy after an incident in the wedding between lead singer of the biggest K-Pop rock group right now, Yongwa of CNBlue, and the former member of Girls’ Generation, Seo Joo Hyun, which resulted in abrupt walk out by Seohyun…”

Kyuhyun spoke up.


“Sir, could you turn it up? I can’t quite hear the news!”


The chef turned and adjusted the volume. The reporter continued.


“Seohyun was found leaving the cathedral…she wouldn’t speak with the reporters…sources say she hasn’t spoken with Yongwa ever since…the mystery still remains…what motivated her to leave Yongwa at the altar…commitment? We’ll see…”


Kyuhyun placed his chopsticks down and left some money for the food. The chef spoke up.


“Kyuhyun, where are you going? You barely touched your bowl…”


“Forgive me, Daikichi-san…I just need to get some air…I’ll be back tomorrow…”


Kyuhyun left the noodle cart and took a stroll through the crowded streets. He shoved his hands in his pockets and began to think.


“Seohyun really did it…she really ditched Yongwa at the altar…”


He began to rub his hands together.


“Was it because of me?”


Kyuhyun had to urge to smile and cheer but his conscience stopped him.


“I can’t feel happy on the expense that someone else is ruined…but…”


He began to worry for Seohyun.


“I hope she is okay…if I was only there to catch her…”


Two girls dressed in maid outfits bumped into him.




Kyuhyun smiled and quickly bowed and continued on his way.


“I hope she’s okay…”



Several days after the wedding incident…


The girls all gathered up in their old dorm and watched the sun slowly set. Taeyeon still maintained the dorm and kept it in good shape. Most of the furniture was given away except for a giant couch which all the girls all love to sit in. Seohyun sat in the middle as the girls all laid their heads on one another. Yuri spoke up.

“Taeyeon…you actually kept this place alive, huh?”


“I did…I couldn’t let go…”


Taeyeon sighed.


“When I look back…I was selfish…”


Sooyoung spoke up.


“You weren’t selfish at all, Taeyeon…you were dreamer…like every one of us…”


The girls all agreed and Taeyeon sighed.


“Still…I was supposed to be the leader…instead…I ruined everything…”


Seohyun spoke up.


“Unnie…don’t blame yourself…that’s just how things went and we can’t change anything…right?”


All the girls agreed. Jessica spoke up.


“Honestly, girls, how long did you think we were really going to last? I felt we were already at the highest point and we were bound to fall…”


Hyoyeon nodded and spoke up.


“The Chairman was actually planning to have us do various side projects so we can keep our images fresh…it was only matter of time…”


Yoona spoke up.


“But…here we are again…sitting together as a group again…I always dreamed of this reunion…”


The girls smiled and remained silent as they looked out the giant window. Tiffany spoke up.


“So what now, Seohyun?”


Sooyoung smiled and spoke up.


“She’s going to find her real lover…”


Seohyun blushed and the girls gasped. Tiffany spoke up.


“Your lover? Tell us! Was it because of him?”


“There were a lot of different things but…he was one of the main reasons…”


All the girls cheered.


“I met him in Tokyo…he was a singer…I even managed him momentarily…we went through a lot…I hurt him badly…and…he returned to Japan…”


Sunny stood up.


“Then get him back!”


The girls cheered and Seohyun smiled.


“I will, Unnie…I won’t lost this chance…”


Jessica looked over and spoke up.


“So…lover…how are you going to do this, huh?”


Seohyun turned to Sooyoung.


“I have some help…”


They both smiled at each other. Seohyun spoke up.


“I just don’t know what he’ll say to me…”


Tiffany spoke up.


“If he really loves you and it was meant to be…he would take you in a heartbeat!”


The girls all laughed. Seohyun was so happy to be with her Unnie’s again. It put her troubled mind at ease and her memories kept flooding back. The sun finally set and it was time for the girls to go their separate ways. They all headed down to the lobby and started saying their goodbyes. Tiffany and Jessica were the first to leave because they had to plane trip back to Los Angeles in the morning so they needed to get backed. Hyoyeon followed close behind because she needed to meet up with her dance group in New York. Yoona said farewell and announced she quit her job as an agent and was planning to travel to Italy to get some personal time alone. Sunny had to return to the radio station quickly because she had a show in an hour. Seohyun and Sooyoung said goodbye to Taeyeon and returned to Seohyun’s apartment. Taeyeon returned upstairs to clean up the rest the dorm and lock it up.


Seohyun and Sooyoung drove down the freeway heading towards Seohyun’s place. Sooyoung spoke up.


“Wow…what a blast,huh?”


“Too bad they couldn’t stay longer…”


“Yeah…but since we’ve all met up again…and planned for a reunion at my place in Japan for this summer…we’ll be seeing them some more…it’ll be great!”


Seohyun smiled.






“I’m happy…”


“I can tell…”


“I’m just so happy to know that…I have a second chance to make things right and finally…find true love…”


“Have you spoken to…you know…Yongwa?”


“I haven’t actually…”


“Well…if he looks for you…try to be civil…but if he’s bad…leave him in pain, alright?”


Seohyun laughed.


“Unnie…I can be mean but not…violent…”


The car zoomed down the freeway across the bridge.


Seohyun and Sooyoung exited out the car and laughed as they approached the apartments. Suddenly, Dara appeared in front of them. Seohyun was confused and spoke up.


“Hello…can we help you?”


Dara lightly smiled.


“I’m sorry if I frightened you or anything…but…my name is Park San Dara…I’m a friend of Cho Kyuhyun…”


“Kyuhyun’s friend? Oh yes…I remember you now…”


“Seohyun…I just wanted to be direct with you…Kyuhyun and I…we used to be in love…but things went wrong and we separated…after meeting up again…he…he was in love…with someone new…”


Seohyun stared at Dara in anticipation.


“After seeing you walk out on your wedding, I realized something…love is truly strong and powerful…”


“What do you mean?”


“Kyuhyun…he loves you…he just couldn’t find the courage to stop you from going to someone else…he was afraid he would ruin your happiness…but after seeing you leave Yongwa…I know now that you two were meant to be…”




Dara began to tear up.


“I could never win back Kyuhyun…I had my chance and ruined it…now I’m here to tell you that…please…love him…love him more than I ever could…please…”


Seohyun walked to the tearful Dara and embraced her.


“Kyuhyun is very special…to the both of us…and I could never love him the way you did…he spoke of you when we first met…you meant a lot to him…”


Dara wiped her tears.


“Yet…his heart belongs to someone else…”


“I will do my best to protect it…”


Sooyoung wiped her tears. Seohyun spoke up.


“Come…we should have some tea, Dara…”


“No…it’s fine…I just needed to speak with you and let go of him…I just needed to put my heart at ease and move on…like he did…”


Seohyun nodded and Dara eased back.


“Thank you, Seohyun…Kyuhyun is very lucky to have met you…I guess it was all…meant to be…”


Dara wiped her tears and waved goodbye as she entered her car. Seohyun and Sooyoung watched as Dara drove off. Sooyoung spoke up.


“That was something…I’m happy that girl was able to move on…it makes things easier, you know…”


“I’m happy too…yet she hoping I make Kyuhyun happy…I’ll try my best…”


The girls nodded and entered the apartment. The following day, Seohyun would be returning to Japan to find Kyuhyun and finally reunite.


Tokyo, Shinjuku Gyoen


The spring season had finally returned and the Sakura trees were shedding blossoms all over the parks. The scent was heavenly and the couples were found all over the parks and sidewalks, holding hands and laughing. It had been about a month since Kyuhyun returned to Tokyo and he was slowly feeling the peace he was searching for. He returned to the park where he spent most of his time sketching and chatting with strangers. In a way, he was modern version of a vagabond. As he held his coffee and strolled down the park, people greeted him and asked for his autograph. Even though his pop star career was short-lived, he was able to gather a small fan base in Japan which made him overly impressed.


“Thank you, Kyuhyun!”


Kyuhyun responded in Japanese.


“You’re very welcome!”


The two school girls giggled and dashed off with their signature.


“Funny girls…”


Kyuhyun turned into the entrance of the Shinjuku Gyoen and was excited to see the sights of the cherry blossoms. The whole park was littered in pink leaves. He breathed the fresh spring air and sipped on his coffee. He held his notebook tightly under his arm and strolled down the park.


“It’s so beautiful out here…”


He stared at the ponds and the people taking photos in front of them. He saw women dressed in traditional kimonos and tourist taking photos with them. He smiled.


“You simply can’t get enough of this place…”


Kyuhyun found a bench and took a seat. He crossed his legs and began to observe the people passing by. He sipped his coffee then opened his notebook.


“Seems like it’s a good time to sketch…”


He flipped to a random page and began to search for good person or object to draw.




He scanned his surroundings but couldn’t seem to find anything interesting. Suddenly, he felt his heart beat get louder. A familiar face sprang up from the crowd.


“No…it can’t be…”


He squinted so he could focus on the woman’s face. She smiled at him. He dropped his pencil as she approached him. He slowly stood up and she brought her face close to his. She whispered.


“I’ve been looking for you, Kyuhyun…”




Seohyun’s beauty was indescribable. Kyuhyun’s hands trembled as she touched his hand. He began to stutter.




“It’s okay…Kyuhyun…”


Suddenly, a cherry blossom leaf fell on Seohyun’s face. Kyuhyun slowly took the leaf off her face and smiled.


“I thought I would never see you again…”


Seohyun began to slowly shed tears.


“Me either…”


She placed her arms around Kyuhyun and they embraced tightly. Kyuhyun began to cry. The two held each other tightly and stared at each other’s eyes. They finally felt the love they’ve been hiding from each other and it was finally time to express it. Kyuhyun pressed his lips against Seohyun’s and they kissed passionately. The distance they had endured and the pain they had to accept finally dissolved with a single kiss. Kyuhyun lifted Seohyun in the air. Seohyun laughed.




“Seohyun! I love you!”


He dropped Seohyun and took her by the hand.


“Seohyun, is this really happening?”


Seohyun laughed.


“I think so…is it?”


They both laughed as Kyuhyun pulled her towards him and held her.


“I will never let you go…”


“Don’t worry…you won’t leave my sights…silly…”


They both held each other’s hands as they dashed through the park with joy. The leaves fell on them as they ran through the park. The other visitors smiled as they saw them run past them. An old woman whispered.


“Lovers in Tokyo, I presume…”


That evening…


Seohyun and Kyuhyun sat together as they watched the Tokyo Tower blink faintly in the night. They held each other’s hands tightly. Seohyun rested her head on his shoulder. Kyuhyun slowly whispered.


“Does Yongwa know?”


“He does…but he moved on…he left me a text…he’s going to Europe…might be meeting up with Yoona-unnie…”


“I see…”


Seohyun looked up to Kyuhyun.


“I couldn’t love him, Kyuhyun…”




“I did…but…it wasn’t the same anymore…plus…after I met you…I couldn’t forget you…”


Kyuhyun smiled and kissed Seohyun’s hand. Seohyun spoke up.


“I also met Dara too…”


“Dara? How? Where?”


“She visited me…she wanted me to promise that I take care of you…”


“Dara…she’s been a close friend of mine for many years…I’m glad we were able to recover…”


“She loved you…but…it seemed that things changed between you two…”


“Similar to you and Yongwa…the love had dried up…it was painful to look back…and I met you…”


Seohyun giggled.


“Imagine…if I never went to Tokyo for vacation…”


“This whole thing would have never happened…”




“Love is so strange…”


Seohyun looked up to Kyuhyun.


“When you were my agent…that had to be most painful moment of my life…seeing you but not being able to hold you…touch you…kiss you…I lost sleep…”


Seohyun caressed Kyuhyun’s face then kissed him.

“I promise…that will never happen again…you can have all you want…I won’t leave…”


Kyuhyun smiled.


“Thank you, Seohyun…”


“For what?”


“For letting me have the chance to love again…”


“I should thank you…”


“For what, Seohyun…”


“For never letting me lose my belief that I could love again…”


They both stared at each other deeply. They both looked up and gazed at the Tokyo Tower. Seohyun sighed and huddled closer to Kyuhyun. She lightly whispered into his ear.


“I love you, Kyuhyun…”


Kyuhyun wiped his tear and squeezed her hand tightly.


“Seohyun…you don’t know how much I love you…”


The two lovers stayed close together as the lights of tower continued to blink faintly through the night.


The Lovers in Tokyo finally found each other. Through all the obstacles such as, heartbreak, the past, time, and distance, their love and their belief in love slowly reunited them. Love is a very complicated feeling and it can bring upon torment or happiness. As long as the belief of love still exist and remains strong, everyone will be able to find that opportunity to be happy, once again. No matter what it takes, love will always find its way.




Author’s Note


Hello Readers!


Well, after 5 months since I started this story, I’m proud to have finished this story. It was something I long thought of but simply couldn’t put it down on paper. I had to research countless sights in Tokyo and select the right places for the story to revolve around. My favorite scenes had to be the park in Shinjuku or “Shinjuku Gyoen.” If you are able to see pictures of the park, they are breath-taking and seriously create a romantic atmosphere for any drama.


I remember that I already had the love pairing selected, SeoKyu, but I just couldn’t decide what type of story they would fall in. I seriously was about to pick the more “tragic love story” route but, I had went that way and it would have been too cliché. I said before that I went through my drama selection, which I did, and decided to follow the “Lovers” K-drama trilogy. In that trilogy, they always focused on two people who met in a foreign country, shared a moment, separated, and then they met up again only to be stopped by love triangles and obstacles. I liked the twists that were presented in those dramas and I felt it was only right to make into a fanfic. With Tokyo as one of my favorite cities in the world, I felt it was perfect.


Lovers in Tokyo also dealt with a lot of experience I had with past loves and looking for a second chance. I remember meeting a girl in a foreign country, became close friends, then meeting each other again to feel our hearts beat faster. It was something else. Sadly, we really never became a couple because of the distance but we remain good friends. Yet, I understand that situation where you share a special moment with someone which only you two could only truly understand. That was how SeoKyu felt and that kept their bond strong which eventually developed into what we saw as, love.


Lastly, I strongly appreciate the readers who followed this story. It took a long time to write so I applaud those who were patient and stuck through it all. Yet, this isn’t the end for there will be brand new fanfic on the way. Thank you for the support and I will see you again soon!




The Next Fanfic

"Messages from the Heart"


"What starts as a young friendship evolves into a decade-long tale of romance. Starring SNSD's Tiffany and Super Junior's Siwon, read as they challenge age, time, and distance to discover the timeless value of love. Through notes and messages, will it keep their love preserved? Also starring SNSD's Jessica, 2PM's Taecyeon, and SM Actress Lee Yeon Hee, the value of love will be measured in this upcoming romantic epic.

Coming Summer 2011



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Iminthezone #1
cj-the-greatest #2
Chapter 10: Hmm I actually found set's character quite realistic and consistent. I could guess why she was reluctant to get together with khan. She had to think about their careers. Besides being a commitment phob myself I could relate a lot with her decision except for the yonghwa angle. Why would she even date him after the yoona debacle? Ugh! She even forgave yoona! And yoona turned back to a good person in theend unbelunbelievable! also I am quite disappointed that kyu mom didn't confess that she meddled in his love life. She practically told seohyun to back off so dara and kyu could be together. Ugh! What a nuisance. But I am glad they ended up together despite all the obstacles. And what happened with poor dara was so tragic. Poor girl. She didn't deliberately ditch kyu. ...she was a victim of circumstances. Sad. Well she could have returned to south Korea but she chose her education over kyu sigh!
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!
seocherry #4
This is the best SeoKyu fanfiction I've read.
Thank you so much author-nim. Really love your stories
sunsun1317 #5
Chapter 10: i love this story
nothing like a good love story
i am a complete sap for these kinds of things
thank you for writing this!
sunsun1317 #6
Chapter 2: I like this story so far!
Sorry if I sound a bit mean but the only thing I didn't like was the darahae.
I'm a die-hard hard haesica shipper.
PrincessJuine #7
Chapter 10: i really love this story.u r such a good writer ^^ subscribe!!seokyu forever