Chapter 7

Lovers in Tokyo

Chapter 7


The SM Building


The lobby was crowded with rowdy SM trainees and numerous youngsters ready to audition. Kyuhyun opened the door and was overwhelmed by the crowd.




The chattering of school girls and shouting of SM interns flooded the air. Kyuhyun pulled his phone out and called Seohyun. The phone rang and Seohyun answered.




“Hey! I’m downstairs! It’s real loud down here!”


“I know…I’m sorry! I’ll be there to get you…we’re going to another room to meet up with some other people…they’ll listen to you…”


Kyuhyun moved to the end of the hall.


“Awesome! I’m ready to perform! I’ll see you!”




Seohyun hung up. Kyuhyun turned and saw the crowd packing into the group waiting room. He saw a young intern leaning against the wall, exhausted. Kyuhyun walked up to her and spoke up.


“Is it always like this here?”


The young intern had a name tag on. Her name was Krystal. She spoke up.


“Only on Wednesdays…its open tryouts for anyone between the ages of 15-30 so…yeah…it gets crazy…”


“Do people make it?”


“Rarely…I would say one out of a thousand make it to preliminaries…and it’s a ‘one out of a million’ shot to make it to the point where they are judged by professionals…by the way…why are you here, sir?”


“Oh…I’m here to see Seohyun…I have an interview…”


“An interview, huh?”


Seohyun approached Kyuhyun from behind.


“Hi, Kyuhyun…are you ready?”

Kyuhyun turned and smiled.


“Ready as ever…”


He turned and gave Krystal a friendly nod. Seohyun pointed to Krystal.


“Watch those people inside the waiting room…there was a fight once so please, be careful…”


“Yes, Unnie!”


Seohyun walked beside Kyuhyun and guided him to the elevator.


“The audition will be held on the tenth floor in the business room…you’ll be judge by one of our artists…this should be exciting!”


Kyuhyun smiled.


“I appreciate it…I really do…”


They looked into each other’s eyes deeply. The elevator door opened and Seohyun woke up.


“Oh…I’m sorry…”


“It’s ok, Seohyun…”


“Come…let’s get inside…they’re waiting for us…”


They boarded the elevator together. The doors shut and Seohyun pressed the tenth floor button. There was silence between them in the elevator. Kyuhyun looked towards Seohyun’s reflection on the elevator door. Kyuhyun admired her beauty and even though she worked too hard, he could see the natural beauty she had. Seohyun looked at the reflection and saw Kyuhyun’s eyes. They both smiled then the door opened up. Seohyun walked forward and Kyuhyun followed behind. He was ready to show SM what he had.



The conference room was real bland with light gray walls and no windows. Seohyun sat behind the desk as she waited for the two other judges to arrive. Kyuhyun stood by the wall and hummed out a tune. It had a jazz/blues vibe to it. Seohyun received a text from Yongwa. It read:


“Hyun…are u busy later?”


Seohyun typed a text back.


“What did you have in mind?”


“A jam session at SD recording room…you should check it out…no Yoona…”


Seohyun looked up towards Kyuhyun and contemplated if she should consider Yong’s offer.

“Yong…I’ll see if I can…”


Yongwa replied instantly.


“Cool…I’ll see you when I see you…”


The door opened up and Seohyun tucked her cell phone away. Kyuhyun pulled his hands out of his pockets and his jaw dropped.


“Is this your recruit, Seohyun?”


“Yes, Unnie…”




Kyuhyun interrupted her.


“Kim Taeyeon! Holy cow…I’m a big fan!”


Kyuhyun shook her hand and Taeyeon laughed.


“Easy there…a big fan, huh?”


Taeyeon removed her sunglasses and lifted her eyebrow. Kyuhyun and her were still holding hands. Seohyun noticed and slowly grew a little jealous.


“How big?”


Kyuhyun laughed.


“I bought tube socks with your favorite number and color AND I bought your first solo CD…loved it…especially the song…Separation…lots of emotion…”


Taeyeon released her grip and eased back. She liked Kyuhyun. She turned to Seohyun.


“He’s very flattering…I hope his singing is better…”


Kyuhyun responded.


“I’ll try my best, Taeyeon-shi…”


“Just call me by my first name, alright?”


“Sure thing, Taeyeon…”


Heechul popped in.


“Is he the new recruit of yours, Seohyun?”

“Yes Oppa!”


Heechul looked over to Kyuhyun and smirked and whispered to Seohyun.


“Where did you find this handsome soldier? “


Seohyun whispered back.


“Soldier? Oh…I ran into him a long time ago in Japan…fantastic voice…”


“Japan…wait…was he?”


Seohyun placed a finger on her lips to silence Heechul. Heechul rolled his eyes and laughed.


“He better be good…”


“He is…just watch…”


Taeyeon and Heechul sat beside Seohyun. Taeyeon cleared and spoke up.


“Alright…Cho Kyuhyun…this opportunity doesn’t always happen here in SM and as you saw downstairs…that’s the normal process of recruiting new singers for our label…Seohyun and I also had to go through the same crazy process and through the luck of God…we made it through…now here we are…for you…Seohyun spoke highly of you and I always believe my dear Maknae…so please…show us what you have…afterwards we’ll let you see the Chairman…if he likes it then…a contract will be created and you’ll be an artist for SM…this is very rare so please…perform to the best of your ability…”


Kyuhyun looked over to Seohyun and smiled. He appreciated what Seohyun had done for him. He looked over to the two judges and gave small bow.


“I’m going to sing a personal favorite of mine…it’s called…’I Miss You’”


Kyuhyun shut his eyes and began to breathe slowly and remember the lines. He had to sing acapella so he needed to remember the rhythm in his head. He opened up his eyes and began to sing. The lyrics came out naturally and with ease. He shifted his eye contact between the judges but he kept a close look on Seohyun.




Taeyeon couldn’t believe her ears. Kyuhyun’s voice was very sultry and it made her skin shiver. There was so much emotion in the way he expressed himself through his song. The song carried meaningful lyrics. The type of lyrics that made you remember your past loves or distant lover. Taeyeon leaned over to Seohyun.


“Seohyun…where did you find him?”


Seohyun simply winked and looked back to Kyuhyun. Seohyun had never heard this song and it sent shivers down her spine. The lyrics created a picture of a lover calling into the distance for their lover to return to them. Seohyun slowly began to remember Tokyo and their time together. She began to blush and turned around. She looked over to Heechul, who was in awe of his vocals. Kyuhyun began to pick up the song and belted out a high key at the end. Kyuhyun finished the song and slowly eased down. They all got up and applaused. Seohyun was embarrassed to look at Kyuhyun. Taeyeon spoke up.


“Kyuhyun…how long have you been singing?”


“I’ve been singing ever since I was a child…I just never had a chance to properly try out for any major labels…I’ve been singing in amateur jazz bars for the past 9 years though…”


“I could tell from your confidence that you had a lot of experience under your belt…Heechul-Oppa, any thoughts?”


“I wish I found you first…that’s all I have to say…Seohyun-baby…good catch!”


Kyuhyun turned to Seohyun and saw her blushing towards him. He laughed. Seohyun spoke up.


“Kyuhyun…you were amazing as always!”


Taeyeon spoke up.


“I’ll let the Chairman know already that you will be coming…”


Seohyun walked over to Kyuhyun and pulled him outside. Kyuhyun and her were laughing.


“Kyuhyun! You were amazing! Taeyeon-Unnie was speechless! She usually never judges…she hates the trainees like crazy but this time…she was amazed!”


Seohyun leaped into Kyuhyun’s arms. They both were laughing with joy. Seohyun slowly stopped laughing and eased back. Kyuhyun scratched his head and smiled towards Seohyun. There was an awkward silence between the two. Suddenly, Taeyeon opened the door and startled them both. Taeyeon ignored their awkward moment.


“Well then, Seohyun, I’ll Kyuhyun to the Chairman…you will be contacted when the contract is available, alright?”


“Oh…sure thing, Unnie…Kyuhyun, I will see you soon…don’t worry…the Chairman is awesome and he loves old-fashioned vocalist like yourself…”


Kyuhyun spoke up.


“I appreciate the help, Seohyun…”


Seohyun smiled and bowed towards him. Seohyun went ahead and returned to her office. Taeyeon tugged Kyuhyun over to her and whispered.


“He’ll love you…and when you get become part of the label…could I hear your voice some more?”


Kyuhyun blushed and looked over to Taeyeon. She gave a seductive smirk back.


“Umm…sure thing…”


“That’ll be great…now…let’s go…”


Taeyeon took his arm and led him down the hallway to the double oak doors of the Chairman’s office. It was time for Kyuhyun to amaze once again.


The Chairman lifted his hand and applauded Kyuhyun’s performance.


“I loved it…absolutely loved it…now…who said they found you?”


Taeyeon spoke up.


“Seo Joo Hyun…one of your talent agents…”


“Oh…that sweet young girl…she was a pleasant singer…”


Kyuhyun remembered she used to sing when she was in the girl group but she never talked about it much. The Chairman continued.


“Well anyways…I need Seohyun to meet up with legal and we’ll setup a contract for this young man…you have a great voice and it needs to be noticed…”


“Thank you, sir…”


“No, thank you…Taeyeon please him out…we’ll meet tomorrow at 4pm…you’re going to be a star Kyuhyun…”


Kyuhyun gave a smile and bowed towards the Chairman.


“Thank you so much…”


Taeyeon escorted Kyuhyun outside the office. She turned and gave him a hug.


“You were amazing…you know…I’m free today…want some…lessons?”




Kim Taeyeon was suggesting something else and he could tell from her eyes. Kyuhyun suddenly noticed Seohyun come out of her office. She came up to him.


“How was it, Kyuhyun?”


“I was told to come back tomorrow…we have a contract to sign!”


Seohyun screamed with joy and embraced him. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes and cleared . Kyuhyun and Seohyun stopped laughing and slowly eased away from each other. Suddenly, Seohyun’s phone began to vibrate. It was Yongwa’s text. Kyuhyun noticed it.


“You should reply back…don’t want to be impolite, right?”


Seohyun giggled and read the text. Seohyun really wanted to celebrate with Kyuhyun. Taeyeon spoke up.


“If you don’t mind, Seohyun, I’d like to get to know my fellow artist and show him the ropes around here…I’m sure you have MORE important things to do, yes?”


Seohyun replied.


“I guess…”


Seohyun wanted to be with Kyuhyun and celebrate his achievement. Yet, she was afraid that Taeyeon would question their relationship. Kyuhyun spoke up.


“Seohyun, if you want to come out with us…please…join us…”


Taeyeon looked at Seohyun with nasty eyes. Seohyun bit her lip.


“Now, that I’m your agent…we have to avoid fraternization between clients…it could taint the company…”


Kyuhyun was confused.




Taeyeon nodded and agreed.


“She’s right…since you’ll be business partners…’private’ socializing between you two would be very…shameful…that’s what happened with Yongwa and Yoona…the media chased them around and they ruined the integrity of their label…very sad I have to say…don’t you agree, Seohyun?”


Seohyun was spacing out then quickly woke up.




Seohyun began to think.


“Fraternization…how did our friendship turn to this?”


Seohyun could tell Kyuhyun was thinking the same thing. Her phone vibrated again. That was her cue to leave.


“Kyuhyun…I’ll see you tomorrow…it’ll be a pleasure working by your…side…”

Kyuhyun sighed.


“I will see you tomorrow then…”


Seohyun gave a bow and quickly disappeared down the hall. Kyuhyun didn’t feel like his should celebrate. The dilemma soon began to reveal itself to him. He began to think.


“Right when I get close to her…another gap is created…”


Taeyeon touched him on the shoulder.


“Come…I know a great place to get some food…”


The SD Recording Studio


Seohyun quietly opened the back door leading to the studio. She walked through the hallway and saw technicians and other building workers chatting away. She smiled and continued her way through. She found the recording room and slowly opened the door. She peeked inside and saw a crowd of people sitting as Yongwa’s band, CNBlue, spoke about their new song. Yongwa saw Seohyun and motioned her to come inside.


The studio resembled an auditorium. It was used for musicians in SD to prepare for larger concerts or display their new songs to the label. CNBlue was using the studio to do a mini live session with small group of fans, executives, and critics. Seohyun took a seat in the back and listened to the soft acoustics from the band. Yongwa spoke in to the microphone.


“I’m glad everyone could make it…well let’s continue on our concert here with a song I wrote for a special’s titled…’Lost in Her Eyes’…”


Yongwa strummed his guitar and sang softly into the microphone. The crowd shivered from his smooth, cool voice. Seohyun shut her eyes and felt the song take a grasp of her.


“After…you…loved me…you disappeared from me…”


Yongwa sang and looked straight at Seohyun. She knew the song was for her and she wasn’t surprised. It had emotional lyrics and it drew a picture of her relationship with Yongwa over the past 10 years. She did love him but she wasn’t sure where that love went.




The song slowly ended and audience erupted in applause. Seohyun clapped along with the crowd and softly smiled at Yongwa. She knew Yongwa was trying to get her back and she was strongly considering but, there was a small voice in her head reminding her to look at her choices. Her conscience was killing her.


Several Moments later…


The crowd slowly trickled out the studio after the session and Seohyun was left with Yongwa. He strummed his guitar as Seohyun sat at the edge of the stage. Yongwa spoke up.


“So…what did you think? A little too love-dovey? Too ‘high-school’?”


Seohyun looked back and giggled.


“It did seem a little too young for you…we’re not teenagers anymore right?”


“I know…but…it’s hard to gather new fans nowadays…my original fans are already hitting their 30’s and they’re looking for something lighter and easy to listen too…that’s why I’ve been doing more acoustic songs…the pop-rock days are over…”


“That reggae beat you made was not too bad…”


“Yeah…it was pretty fun actually…”




Yongwa slowly sat beside Seohyun and continued to strum the guitar. He started to play a tune that suddenly made Seohyun turn her head.


“Remember this song?”


“’Banmal’…we sang that song together…”


Yongwa began to play and sing. Seohyun instantly felt herself slowly dip into the past. The lyrics flourished into the air.


“It’s hard for me to say ‘thanks’ or ‘bye’ to you…”


Seohyun sang along with the next line.


“All I can say is ‘thank you’ or ‘thanks so much’…”


Yongwa smiled at her as she slowly remembered the lyrics. They sang together. The song came out naturally when they began to sing and Seohyun felt her younger self return. She remembered the line shehad on the video of the song. As Yongwa continued to play, Seohyun ad-libbed a part.






“Do you really want me to use ‘banmal’?”


*Banmal means “informal language” in Korean. Seohyun was always criticized by Yongwa during “We Got Married” for her formal personality and this song was show a more “down-to-Earth” version of Seohyun.*


Yongwa laughed as he remembered that line. He replied.


“It would be nice if did…you know…since we’re friends and everything…”


“But Yong…it’s too hard for me…”


Seohyun’s cute, childish voice returned and made Yongwa blushed. She laughed and smacked Yongwa on the shoulder as he continued to play the tune on the guitar. They both felt like they were on their show again and the chemistry returned. Seohyun never realized she was smiling the whole time. Yongwa finished up the tune then slowly began to strum the guitar making a romantic tone come out. Seohyun soon felt relaxed and sat closer to Yongwa. He whispered to her.


“You know…it has been so long since we ever had a good time together…especially without the cameras…”


“I know…that song…brought back so many memories…”


“It was a short one but…it meant a lot to the audience and…for us…”


Seohyun laid her head on his shoulders.


“Yong…please…keep playing…it’s so relaxing…”


She closed her eyes as he continued to strum. Yongwa’s heart began to beat faster. He turned and smelled her beautiful long hair. She still smelled as sweet as he first met her. Seohyun suddenly fell asleep. Yongwa slowly stopped playing. He placed the guitar on his lap as Seohyun remained asleep. He whispered to her.






She slowly looked up to him and smiled. He slowly moved his face closer to her and kissed her. Seohyun kissed back. Suddenly, her eyes opened up and she realized what she was doing. She quickly moved back. Yongwa was startled.


“Hyun…I thought-“


Seohyun stood up and fixed herself.


“Yong…this is a mistake…”


“A mistake? It was always meant to be ‘us’ remember?”


“No…I lost myself for second…I’m sorry but I need to go…”


Seohyun grabbed her bag and quickly made her way through the empty studio. Yongwa yelled back.


“Seohyun, wait!”


Seohyun ignored him and exited. Yongwa was angry.


“What did I do wrong?!”


Seohyun slammed the door shut in her car and she looked at the mirror to see if Yongwa was following her. He wasn’t seen. Suddenly, Seohyun burst into tears.


“What was I thinking?! I can’t fall for him twice! I can’t let myself lose again!”


She slammed her hand against the steering wheel. She promised herself that she wouldn’t get with Yongwa until the time felt right. The kiss they shared was too fast and it caught her off-guard. Her old self would have craved a kiss from him but the new self wouldn’t be fooled. She knew Yongwa was smooth and can steal a girl’s heart in a second. She didn’t want to fall victim to his ways again. She ignited the car’s engine. Her phone began to vibrate. It was a text from Yongwa.


“Not now, Yong…”


She pushed the pedal and she was off.


The restaurant was busy with upper class people with suits and dresses. It wasn’t dinner yet but the atmosphere felt like it. Taeyeon drank a glass of champagne as Kyuhyun stuck with water. She stared at his eyes.


“You have nice eyes, you know that?”


Kyuhyun laughed.


“Well, thanks…I appreciate that…”


“No problem…I was wondering…how did you two meet?”


Kyuhyun took a sip of his water.




“Seohyun and you…how did all happen?”


“Oh…umm…we…met over in Tokyo a couple years back…”




Taeyeon remembered Seohyun mention that she had a “life-changing” trip to Tokyo before and she could never figure out what was so “life-changing.” She suspected it had to deal with Kyuhyun. She placed aside her suspicion for later and continued to flirt with Kyuhyun.


“Well…I’m glad you met her…if not…then you wouldn’t be applying for our label…you know…we don’t have a lot of young male solo artists…”


“Young? Oh no…I’m already in my late-twenties…”


“Oh really? You seemed young…that’s ok…I find that…cute…”


Kyuhyun saw Taeyeon drag her index finger along the rim of her wine glass then tasted it with her tongue. He knew Taeyeon had something under her sleeve. It wasn’t the first time a woman tried to seduce him. He replied.


“I was wondering too…SNSD…what happened?”


He could tell from his question that it changed the mood on Taeyeon’s face. She gave a lame response.


“It got old…that’s all…”


“I see…what about your fans back then?”


“We had to tell them that our group was dissolving and they had to take it…you know what makes me pity them though…their fan sites of our group are still up hoping for a reunion…that’s impossible…”


“Impossible…in this world…nothing is really impossible…as long as you…believe…right?”




Suddenly, Kyuhyun sprang up from his chair. He felt something go up his leg. He looked underneath the table and saw Taeyeon’s foot. She winked at him.


“Taeyeon…if you could please…we’re in public…”


“I know that…if you want to get private…I know a great place…”


Kyuhyun didn’t like where the conversation was leading too. He took her foot and lightly moved it aside. He slowly got out the table. Taeyeon laughed as he got up.


“Where are you going? I hope I didn’t scare you…”


“No…just need some air…”


His face turned red from embarrassment. Right when he turned, Dara was standing right in front of him. She looked angry.


“Kyu…who is this…woman?”




He turned and saw a puzzled Taeyeon.


“Oh? She’s my co-worker…why? Wait…what are you doing here?”


Dara screamed and surprised the whole restaurant.




Kyuhyun was surprised and Dara tried to spring towards Taeyeon. Kyuhyun blocked her off and Taeyeon laughed.


“Is that your girlfriend, Kyuhyun?! You better put her on a leash or something?!”


Kyuhyun grabbed Dara by her arm and apologized to everyone in the restaurant as he pulled her out.




They arrived outside and Kyuhyun released her. She was breathing quickly and looked like a raging animal. Her make-up was poorly done and her hair was splattered all over face. She looked like she just got out of the mental hospital. Kyuhyun spoke up.


“Dara? What is wrong with you? How did you find me? Wait…were you following me?”


She slowly eased down and embraced Kyuhyun.


“Kyu…baby…I’m sorry…I was just afraid you wouldn’t come home to me…”


“Home to you? Wait…we don’t live together…Dara! What is wrong with you?”


“Let me hold you…”


She tightened her squeeze on him. He forced his way out and took a look at her eyes. She couldn’t seem to focus and she was pale. She seemed sick.


“Dara…I’m taking you home…let’s go…”


“But…Kyu…stay with me…please…”


It was already turning into night as Kyuhyun’s pulled up at Dara’s house. Dara was sound asleep. What happened earlier frightened him. He looked over to her and slowly brushed a strand of hair off her face. Kyuhyun began to slowly tear up.


“Dara…what happened to you…”


She slowly opened up her eyes and Kyuhyun quickly turned to avoid her from seeing his tears. She whispered.


“Are we home, Kyu?”


He turned and gave a smile.


“Yes…we’re home…let me take you inside…”


Kyuhyun came out the car then circled around to open Dara’s door. He took her hand and escorted her to her home. Her parents weren’t home and the lights were off.


“Dara…do you have your keys?”


She smiled and pulled them out. He took them and unlocked the door. Once inside, he removed her shoes and helped her upstairs to her room. He opened the door for her. The room was littered with clothing and old candy wrappers.


“Dara…get some rest, okay?”


She nodded and went over to her bed to lie down. Kyuhyun took her blanket and draped it over her. He turned and slowly crept to the door. Dara whispered.


“Sleep with me…”


Kyuhyun froze and turned. He saw Dara’s beautiful eyes staring at him. He could feel the temptation to join her sweep over him but he resisted. Dara wasn’t stable and it didn’t feel right. Kyuhyun replied.


“Dara…I will see soon…get some sleep alright?”


“Ok…Kyu…I love you…”


Kyuhyun shut the door behind him. He wiped his tears and walked down the stairs. He exited the house and returned to the car. Kyuhyun needed a place to heal the pain he just saw moments ago. He watched as his first love slowly transform into something he was afraid of. He placed his head on the wheel and tried to slowly breathe. He tried to comprehend what he just saw.




He soon realized that Dara must have turned bi-polar after grieving for so long. He turned his car on and drove off. He was returning to the SM building.



Seohyun was ready for another long night in the office. She sipped her coffee and began to go over her schedule for the upcoming week. She was confident that Kyuhyun would easily learn the trades of the music industry and all of its twisted ways. She began to list out the necessary pipelines for him to start getting promoted. She started to go through her list of media outlets like radio shows and TV variety shows. She was planning to get Kyuhyun popular, quickly. She smiled as she worked on her computer and imagined the success that was over the horizon for the both of them.


The cameras would be flashing and the reporters would be asking about Kyuhyun’s private life. He would be covered in the greatest suits and he would be wearing the most stylish shades. He would smile radiantly and compliment the greatest agent ever, which would be her. Then he would bring out his smoking hot model girlfriend and the media would focus on that hot affair as well. Seohyun woke herself up.


“Smoking hot girlfriend…no…he wouldn’t be like that…”


Seohyun began to imagine what people would think if they found out if she and Kyuhyun got together. The Chairman would be ashamed. There would be too much pain between them. It wouldn’t be worth it. She convinced herself that remaining professional would be healthy. Would it?


Suddenly, the janitor popped his head in.


“Late night?”


“Oh…yes…did you need to clean my area?”


“No…but…did you leave the recording room open?”


“No…I did not…why?”


“I think someone is using it…”


“Oh, I’ll check it out…thank you…”


Seohyun got up and went to the second floor to see who was using the recording room.


Seohyun arrived on the second floor and walked down the hall where all the recording rooms were. The last door in the hall had the “recording on” light flashing. She was confused and hurried down the hall. She peeked through the window and was surprised to see Kyuhyun.


“Kyuhyun? What’s he doing here so late?”


She slowly opened the door and crept in. He was inside the sound room and reading over a script. He had his headphones on. She remained silent and observed him. He looked very handsome with his sleeves rolled up. She blushed.


“Very dedicated…”


He placed the script on the stand and closed his eyes. It seemed like he was concentrating. Suddenly, he spoke into the microphone.


“Hello everyone…I know this is weird…but…this is my first time in a recording room…I never thought I could make it this far…”


Seohyun listened closely. He was speaking from his heart.


“After losing everything from the past…I was able to gather myself up again…I traveled far away to find myself…I learned true friendship while I was away…then…I thought I found love again…”


Seohyun felt her heart skip a beat when she heard him say that. Was he referring to her?


“Love…it’s a very complicated thing…I thought everyone was meant to have someone…I thought I did…then things changed…I changed…people change…but do people’s hearts change? Do we learn to forget love? Truthfully, we never forget how to love…we just change who we should love…and when we should love…I just hope that when I fall in love…that person is willing to love me back…”


He slowly began to hum out a melody.


“I apologize everyone for rambling on…I’ve been going through a lot but don’t let my worries ruin your beautiful night…I have a song to sing…it isn’t titled but…it talks about a second chance and believing again…in…love…”


Kyuhyun’s voice hit the microphone and the atmosphere changed in the recording room. Seohyun felt like she was in the jazz bar again. The lyrics to the song were tender and drew out a picture of a person hoping for another chance at love. She slowly closed her eyes and listened. His voice slowly made her drift away.


“I never knew…that love…would give me another chance…and you were the one…who would show me the way…”


Several Moments later…


Kyuhyun took the headphones off and exited the room to take a sip of water. Suddenly, he turned and found Seohyun slumbering away on the leather chair. Kyuhyun smiled warmly and went over to her. She looked exhausted. He turned and saw a couch and decided to move her there. He picked her up and carried her across the room. She was light and her skin was soft. She began to whisper something in her sleep as he carried her.


“Your voice was great…Kyuhyun…”


She had her arms around his neck. Kyuhyun found her very beautiful as she slept. He placed her on the couch and took a blanket and draped it over her. She mumbled something and began to snore. Kyuhyun laughed.




He sat beside her and admired her. She worked harder than anyone here but she never seemed to gather enough respect. He believed that since she was always labeled as the “baby”, people took her lightly. He sighed.


“Maybe that’s why you’re afraid to love…you don’t want your heart to open up…you would be too vulnerable…”


He brushed her hair aside.


“Seohyun…I would never hurt you…”


He leaned over and kissed her forehead.


“Please…let me love you…”


He slowly got up and exited the room. Kyuhyun yearned to be with Seohyun. Yet, things were going to move fast for them both as he became an SM artist and she became his agent. He hoped that their friendship wouldn’t diminish over the upcoming times. Kyuhyun peeked through the window one more time to check up on her then he placed his hands in his pockets and lightly whistled down the hall. The times would surely change for the both of them.


End of Chapter 7


Kyuhyun is going to be working for SM and Seohyun will be managing him, will they be able to grow closer or will the circumstances push them apart? What does Taeyeon have planned? What has happened to Dara? And, will Yongwa slowly win Seohyun over? Stay tuned for more!

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Iminthezone #1
cj-the-greatest #2
Chapter 10: Hmm I actually found set's character quite realistic and consistent. I could guess why she was reluctant to get together with khan. She had to think about their careers. Besides being a commitment phob myself I could relate a lot with her decision except for the yonghwa angle. Why would she even date him after the yoona debacle? Ugh! She even forgave yoona! And yoona turned back to a good person in theend unbelunbelievable! also I am quite disappointed that kyu mom didn't confess that she meddled in his love life. She practically told seohyun to back off so dara and kyu could be together. Ugh! What a nuisance. But I am glad they ended up together despite all the obstacles. And what happened with poor dara was so tragic. Poor girl. She didn't deliberately ditch kyu. ...she was a victim of circumstances. Sad. Well she could have returned to south Korea but she chose her education over kyu sigh!
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!
seocherry #4
This is the best SeoKyu fanfiction I've read.
Thank you so much author-nim. Really love your stories
sunsun1317 #5
Chapter 10: i love this story
nothing like a good love story
i am a complete sap for these kinds of things
thank you for writing this!
sunsun1317 #6
Chapter 2: I like this story so far!
Sorry if I sound a bit mean but the only thing I didn't like was the darahae.
I'm a die-hard hard haesica shipper.
PrincessJuine #7
Chapter 10: i really love this story.u r such a good writer ^^ subscribe!!seokyu forever