Chapter 5

Lovers in Tokyo

Chapter 5


The crowd made room for Seohyun to walk over and see Kyuhyun. An old woman yelled out.


“You should watch where you’re driving!”


Seohyun turned and gave a sorrowful bow.


“Please let me apologize…”

Kyuhyun smiled and remembered how respectful Seohyun was to the elderly. Kyuhyun spoke out.


“Everyone, don’t worry…I’m fine…just startled…other than that, I’m peachy!”


Seohyun turned to Kyuhyun with a confused look.




The crowd all sighed and continued on their way to their respective destinations. Seohyun had no idea what to say to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun continued on.


“It’s been awhile, Seohyun…you look…wow…”


Kyuhyun couldn’t gather the words to describe how beautiful Seohyun was. Her figure was amazing and her face was cuter than ever. Seohyun spoke up.


“I think we should leave the street now before we create more trouble…”


Kyuhyun looked over and saw the traffic building up and the horns honking like crazy. Seohyun guided him to her car. Kyuhyun was amazed.


“This is your car? Holy cow…”


They hopped inside and sped off. Kyuhyun looked around the dashboard and interior.


“It’s been awhile since I’ve been in a nice car like this…”


Seohyun focused on her driving and stared straight.


“Kyuhyun…what are you doing here?”


“Oh…it’s a long story…maybe over coffee and I could tell you, if that’s okay?”


Seohyun looked up to her mirror and smiled.


“That sounds nice…”


Kyuhyun sat outside as Seohyun went to gather the coffee. The shade was nice and sounds of traffic and people seemed to be music to his ears. Seohyun arrived with the coffee and slowly sat down. Seohyun spoke up.


“Wow…how long has it been?”


Kyuhyun took a sip of his coffee. He counted on his fingers and made a “thinking” face. Seohyun made a small giggle. It’s been awhile since she laughed.


“I would say…2 years? Yeah, two years…”


They both looked at each other and slowly smiled. Kyuhyun spoke up.


“How have you been?”




Seohyun sipped her coffee and looked at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun could feel she was telling the truth. Even though she was more beautiful than ever, her eyes show that she has surely aged.


“How about you, Kyuhyun? You’re back in Seoul…did you grow tired of Tokyo?”


“Actually…if I stayed any longer…Tokyo would have grown tired of me…”


Seohyun laughed.




“My music…I was losing fans…after Ryeowook passed away…I couldn’t find the same rhythm…it was hard…”


“Ryeowook never made it?”


“After you left Tokyo, I tried to gather as much gigs as possible to save up money. Finally, I made enough to travel all over Japan and search for him…I went through all the hospitals…at the end I discovered that he was found buried alive weeks after the earthquake…he was dead…”


Seohyun was shocked.


“The rest of the money I had was used to prepare a small funeral and have him shipped back to Korea…I was penniless in the end…I moved from apartment to apartment…finally Sooyoung and Koji stepped in…Koji found me a custodian job at the university…I was indebted to them…”




“Sooyoung and her family were amazing…I could never repay how much they helped me…”


“I see…so…how did you end up here?”


“Finally…I saved up enough to come back to Korea…I need to see my parents…and well…there’s something else…but…it’s personal…”




“But…I knew I would see you again…”


Seohyun was taken aback by his sudden words. Kyuhyun gave Seohyun a deep stare and touched her hands.


“Seohyun…I missed you…”


Seohyun slowly pulled her hands away.


“Kyuhyun…it’s been too long…I’m sorry…”


“Oh…I understand…sorry…”


There was an awkward silence. Seohyun spoke up.


“Kyuhyun…it’s so nice to see you again but…I need to get going…”


Seohyun quickly stood up and gathered her belongings. Kyuhyun spoke up.


“I didn’t mean to be too quick…I just wanted to be honest with you…”


“I know you do…I know…I’m just…not in the right state-of-mind…”


Seohyun dropped some money on the table and began to exit. Kyuhyun got up and took her by the arm.


“Will I see you again?”


“You will…”


Seohyun left her card on the table.


“Find me there…I’m sorry, Kyuhyun…”


Seohyun hurried off, leaving Kyuhyun confused.


“What did I do? I’m so stupid…”


Kyuhyun fell back on the chair and shook his head.


Seohyun entered into her car and slammed the door shut. She looked at her rearview mirror and stared at her reflection. She felt ashamed. She quickly ignited the engine and drove off.


“What I did back there was…deplorable….”


As she drove through the streets, she felt lost and aggravated. She felt lost because the feelings she used to have for Kyuhyun couldn’t be found and doesn’t remember why. She felt like she lost her whole character and true personality. She didn’t know if it was due to the lost time or the time spent in her career.


She felt aggravated because of the way she acted towards Kyuhyun. For some reason, she had an odd urge to impress him. She felt like she had to show him what she was all about in her hometown and that she wasn’t a weak little Maknae from her past trip to Japan. She hated that she acted that way towards Kyuhyun and she hoped he didn’t noticed.




She didn’t know where and who to turn to. She turned the radio on to lighten the mood in the car. The station was on 99.9 FM or Sunny’s Delight Radio Talk. Seohyun smiled once she heard her unnie’s voice. Sunny spoke up on the radio.


“I was walking back to my car one night…and you know how it’s SUPER creepy outside the station, right? Well…I had my pepper spray in one hand and my keys in the other…SUDDENLY…I heard something in the garbage can…so…I slowly crept to it and kicked it down…THEN…this huge cat popped out and scared me! I tried to spray it…BUT…my spray was facing the other way…towards me…and WELL…I was blinded for a couple of hours…nuts, huh?”


Seohyun laughed as she listened along Sunny’s story.


“I ended up in the hospital for a couple days…BUT…the payoff…a handsome doctor! YES! O.M.G! He was an angel…he called me…SUNSHINE…I was like…please let me be sick everyday!”


The crew in the back was laughing as Sunny spoke up.


“Everyone that’s heading home from work…FIGHTING! For those who are going to work…FIGHTING! Doctor Handsome…you can fight for me ANYDAY!”


Seohyun busted out laughing and turn her radio off. Seohyun knew who to talk to.


“I’ll go see Sunny-unnie!”


Sunny’s Radio Station


After the initial break-up of SNSD, Sunny was able to fall into other entertainment avenues. She tried to be an actress but she was constantly placed as the foolish friend or the screaming girl in every horror movie. Sunny didn’t like that route so she tried to go solo in the music industry. Her music was mediocre in the eyes of highly-acclaimed music critics so she decided to give music a break. Finally during a guest appearance on a variety show, she was advised to try comedy. Sunny had experience with comedy because she was considered the “goofball” in the group and in every show she appeared on. She gave it a chance and went into radio broadcasting.


Radio broadcasting wasn’t foreign to her because she experienced many times with the group and her guest appearances yet she was offered the opportunity to have her own time on the radio. Sunny decided to take it up. She loved the decision. Her radio time slot was during the busy working hours towards rush hour. Occasionally, she would get the late night radio times where callers would call and they would tell funny stories. Sunny loved radio. Yet, it consumed her personal life. She was still single.


Sunny stepped out of the radio room to get a soda from the break room. As she walked down the hallway, she saw Seohyun walking towards her with a concerned look. Sunny was alarmed.


“Baby Maknae?”


Seohyun made a pouting face.


“Maknae? What is it? Did you get a bo-bo?”




Sunny laughed and snorted.


“Seohyun! How are you?!”


Seohyun dove in for a hug and held Sunny tightly.


“Stop…you’re squeezing me too tight…”


“Oh…sorry Unnie…”


Seohyun released Sunny.


“How come you don’t visit your Unnie anymore, huh?”


“Work has been tough…”


“Tough? Come on…look at you! You’re as beautiful as swan! You haven’t changed a bit! Look at me! I don’t wear dresses anymore! I always wear sweat pants and t-shirts…it’s like I’m in my pajamas everyday! I don’t want to mention my weight either…I can’t even fit my own jeans from the SNSD days! My god…”


Seohyun giggled.


“Unnie…you’re still as cute as a button!”


“Haha! Really?”




“Don’t answer that! But in all seriousness, what brings my little Maknae to my humble abode?


Seohyun sighed.


“Could we speak somewhere private, Unnie?”


“Sure, sure…”


Sunny guided Seohyun to an empty recording room. Sunny brought some refreshments and shut the door. Seohyun sat in the couch and looked over to the recording room. She smiled.


“This room brings back memories…”


Sunny set the drinks down and looked over.


“It does…Jessica had such a nice voice…”


“She did…”


“But, I preferred the Maknae’s more…”


Seohyun smiled and took the drink.


“Well…Unnie…you remember my trip to Japan?”


“Yes…when was that again?”


“2 years ago…”


“Okay…the one with Sooyoung, right?”




“What about it?”


Seohyun took sip of the drink and set it back on the table. Sunny could tell this was serious.


“During my trip there…you know I went through that crazy earthquake and barely lived right?”


“I do remember…I was so scared…”


“Well, besides that…I met someone while on the trip…”


“You did? Oh…you never talked about that part!”


“Shh! Unnie…calm down…”


“Sorry sorry…okay, go on…”


“Well, I met him at a jazz bar…his name was Kyuhyun…”






“Okay, go on…”


“Well…Sooyoung introduced him to me and we became friends…soon after we went on a date and he showed me his vocal talent and artistic talents…he was…different than any man I met…”


“Uh huh…”


“He was there during the disaster…he saved my life…”


Sunny made a crying face.


“Unnie! Stop…”


“Look at you…you’re in love…”


“I thought I was until…I had to come back to Korea…”


“Oh no…it’s like ‘Lovers in Paris’…”


“Haha…well…we said our goodbyes and separated ways…”


“Uh huh…”


“I cried for a straight week…a week! I wanted to see him again…but I lost his contact number and never got his email…it was like everything was a dream…”


“Poor baby…but…where is this story going?”


“Well…I eventually moved on and grew up…I focused on work and…I’m trying to start over with Yong again…”


“Oh no…”


“I guess you figured it out…”




“Yeah…he came back to Korea…he’s here…and now…I don’t know what to feel…”


“Seohyun…I know you know me as the ‘funny girl’ but in all seriousness…you need to listen to your heart on this one…it’s SUPER corny, I know…but…focus on what you really want…I know your job is important but you’re important as well…there are going to be decisions you need to make…and you need to live with the consequences…the real test is…could you accept those consequences…”


Seohyun was in deep thought.


“You’re a big girl now and I’m sure you can find what you really need…”


There was a tapping at the door and the director stepped in.


“Sorry girls…Sunny…you’re going to be on in a couple of minutes…”


“Oh okay Oppa…thank you…”


The director stepped out.


“Okay…well I need to get back BUT…remember…think about what you want…you’ve been catering to people for so many years…I know you’ll be happy…”


“Unnie…thank you…”


“You’re welcome…Well, Unnie needs to go now…are you staying here?”


“No…I need to get back to SM…”


“Well, be sure to listen…I’ll be on tonight as well…we could chat again!”


“Of course I will, Unnie!”


Sunny hugged Seohyun and hurried out.


“I love you Unnie!”


Sunny poked her head back in.


“I love you too!!!”


Seohyun laughed as Sunny sprinted down the hallway. Sunny always knew how to make people feel happy. Seohyun felt energized and walked towards the exit. She saw Sunny in the window. Sunny had the headphones on and laughing hysterically. Seohyun hoped she could find a way to make Sunny the happiest out of all the girls because she knew her Unnie was truly searching for love.


“Thank you Unnie…”


The Hospital


The automatic doors opened and Kyuhyun entered. It was the main hall where all the visitors convened. He looked to his cell phone and examined the text. He shut it quickly and went to the information desk. An elderly man was manning the desk.


“Excuse me, sir…” said Kyuhyun.


The old man was on the phone and held up one finger indicating for Kyuhyun to wait. He hung up the phone.


“May I help you, son?”


“Yes, I’m looking for…Lee…Lee Dong Hae…”


“What is your relation to him?”


Kyuhyun was confused and started to think. Suddenly, a voice from the past he wished he had forgotten answered out solemnly. The voice carried a lot of pain and sadness.


“He’s with me, sir…”


Kyuhyun turned and saw what used to be a sweet summer dream, now an empty shell.




Dara was pale and looked like she hadn’t slept for days. She was skinner than he last saw her and her eyes weren’t as magical as they were, 10 years ago. Kyuhyun felt his heart sink.


“Kyuhyun…thank you for coming…”


“It was no problem…”


Dara looked to the elderly receptionist.


“I’ll be showing him the way, sir…”


The receptionist nodded and the two began their walk through the hallway. Dara and Kyuhyun walked beside each other as their steps echoed through the empty corridors. Kyuhyun saw the whole reunion with Dara very eerie. He looked over to her as they walked and she seemed like a ghost drifting away. Kyuhyun found it painful to look at her. Dara spoke up.


“It’s been so long…Kyu…”


“It has…”


They slowly turned the corner and Dara halted in front of Donghae’s room.


“Well…my husband is inside…”


“Your husband…”




She opened the door and Kyuhyun entered. He saw the feeble Donghae lying helplessly on the bed as all the instruments buzzed around him. He looked like he went through a famine.


“What happened to him, Dara?”


“He got into a car accident last month and has been under a coma for the whole time.”


“Where were you?”


“I was at home…”


“Was he coming home from work?”


“It’s complicated…”


Kyuhyun did not want to pry any deeper. Dara looked over to Donghae and began to tear up. Kyuhyun went over to her and embraced her. Dara held him tightly.


“I haven’t felt such warmth for a long time…”


Kyuhyun looked down to Dara and looked at her face. He remembered how plush her cheeks were. Kyuhyun smiled.


“I’ll always be there for you…”


Dara rested her head on Kyuhyun’s chest.


“That was the last thing you told me before we parted ways…”


Kyuhyun deeply sighed and looked out the window. The sun was slowly setting.


Kyuhyun and Dara’s Old Playground


The sun was steadily setting as Kyuhyun and Dara made their way to the playground they used to play in. Dara smiled when she saw the swing set she used to play on. She ran ahead of Kyuhyun and jumped on the swings. Kyuhyun could see her youth slowly returning to her. He sat beside her as she swung.


“Kyuhyun…why did you return to Korea?”


“Why did you?”


“Donghae came back to inherit what was left of his family’s failing business…you never answered my question though…”


“I came back to ask for forgiveness…”


“From who?”


“My family…”


Dara looked down and sighed.


“You can say I’m here for the same reason…searching for forgiveness…”


“Have you found it?”


“No…it might take some time…”


Suddenly, there was a long pause between them. It had been more than a decade since they last seen each other. They could both feel the pain they caused each other slowly returning. Kyuhyun finally gathered enough wits to ask the burning question that had been plaguing him from the day he last saw Dara in Oxford.


“Dara, why did you leave me?”


Kyuhyun looked up to Dara to find her expression. Dara refused to look up. Kyuhyun placed his hand under her chin and lifted her crying face.


“Kyuhyun…I’m so sorry…”


*Dara’s Flashback*


Her time in Oxford was filled with stress, loneliness and pain. From the day, she set foot in her first class, it was competition of wits. She was constantly plagued with assignments and long night studies. Regardless of her valedictorian status back in Korea, she was constantly a step behind the class. What was also worst, she was homesick. Her diet went bad and she slowly became sick. She started to miss class and was eventually dropped from her English course. Yet, she didn’t have the courage to tell her family and Kyuhyun what happened so she remained in Oxford and fought to stay in. It was rough because her scholarship was removed and she being pushed out of the dormitory. Finally, a glimmer of hope arrived.


A wealthy, Korean student from her English class, Lee Donghae, caught wind of the situation and decided to help her out. He promised he would ask his father to help pay for her tuition and room. Dara felt blessed and thanked the young man for the help. But in return, it was her hand in marriage. Dara was devastated.


“Dara…I was in love with you from the first day I set eyes on you…”


Dara had to think hard about the situation. Donghae gave her a month to think things over or she would be released from Oxford and she would have to fend for herself. Dara cried heavily and refused to answer the phone when Kyuhyun called.


“Kyu…I’m sorry…”


She finally gave in and married Lee Donghae. They quickly got married in court and Dara was given what was promised. They moved into an expensive penthouse outside of campus. Dara refused to sleep with him for three months but soon was threatened by her mother-in-law that if she didn’t produce an heir from Donghae then the agreement would be broken. Dara gave herself to Donghae the following night. She cried after they were finished. She broke her personal promise to Kyuhyun.




Suddenly one day, as she was being dropped off to class, her past caught up to her.


“Dara?” said Kyuhyun.


Dara couldn’t look at Kyuhyun and hurried away from him. Her heart shattered as she sat in her class. She looked out the window and saw Kyuhyun being pushed away by campus security. Dara ran to the bathroom and cried heavily. She prayed that the choice she made would turn out for the best.


As the years went by and Dara finished up her degree, she felt closer to Donghae. Donghae never once yelled or touched her. He loved her with all his heart and she soon learned to love him back. But, things went downhill when they returned to Korea. Donghae began to work long nights and barely came home. Dara was pregnant with their first child during the time and Donghae wasn’t being supportive. She began to suspect that he was having an affair. One night, he returned drunk and she interrogated him at the front door.


“Lee Donghae! I can smell the alcohol and perfume! Where have you been?!”


He smirked and walked past her. She tried to block his way.


“Tell me now!”


He went around her. She began to sob heavily.


“I sacrificed so much for you! So much…”


Donghae turned around.


“Then leave…just leave…”


Dara couldn’t believe him. He disappeared into the bedroom and shut the door. Dara’s stress started to get the best of her and later that week, she had a miscarriage. The family condemned Dara and kept her in the house. Dara’s own family couldn’t see her. Lee Donghae began to disappear for months on end and Dara started to grow depressed. Finally, she up her pride and called Kyuhyun’s mother. That’s where she received Kyuhyun’s Japanese cell phone number.


After her small, tearful conversation with Kyuhyun, she realized the pain she brought on herself and the people she loved. Her prayers were wrong. She tried to commit suicide that night but Donghae luckily arrived and saved her. She placed on suicide watch for the rest of the time before he got into his accident from the nightclub.


 Kyuhyun was shocked as Dara wiped her tears. He never knew she went through so much pain. He got off the swing and hugged her. She cried into his chest.


“Kyuhyun…I’m so….sorry…”


Kyuhyun wiped his tears and looked to Dara. He couldn’t find the girl he used to love in her eyes. The girl he once loved vanished years ago.


“Dara…I never knew…”


“I called you here to ask for your forgiveness…”


“There’s nothing you need forgiveness for…”


Kyuhyun and Dara slowly walked together down the street leading to their old homes. Their families were still there throughout the years. They could feel the strong nostalgia hit them as they walked, hand in hand. Dara whispered.


“Our first kiss…”


Kyuhyun looked over to the bench under the lamppost. He visualized that fateful night where Dara reached over and kissed him. He smiled.


“Wow…that was so long ago…”


They arrived at Dara’s doorsteps. Dara unlocked the gate.


“Do you want to come in?”


“No, thank you…I need to walk some more…I need to take some time to let things sink in…”


“I understand…”


“But…I know where to find you now…I’ll be sure to come by soon enough…”


“Please do…”


“Goodnight, Dara…”


Kyuhyun turned and continued his walk down the street. Suddenly, Dara hugged him from the back.


“I missed you…”


Kyuhyun felt a sting to his heart and touched her hand.


“I…missed you…too…”


Dara released him and Kyuhyun continued his walk. He never turned back.


Seohyun shut down her computer and cleaned her desk up. She fell back on her chair and let out a deep sigh. She was exhausted and needed to get a good night’s rest. She locked her office door and walked down the hallway. The SM building was completely empty except for the custodians and security. She got off the elevator and waved to the security.


“Goodnight, Oppa!”


The guard tipped his hat and Seohyun exited out the main door. She was surprised how quick night came and hurried along to her car. Luckily, she received a spot on the curb near the building so she wouldn’t have to walk two blocks to the parking lot. Before she arrived to her car, someone called out for her.




She turned and saw Yongwa coming out of his car. She smiled.


“Hi, Yong, what’s up?”


“Oh, I was trying to call you…”


“Oh…oh yeah…my phone was off…I needed to focus on work, that’s all…sorry about that…”


“That’s alright, Hyun…I was wondering if you wanted to get some dinner tonight…the night is still young…interested?”


Seohyun started to think. She was truly tired but she also wanted to spend some time with Yongwa. Maybe if she did, she could take Kyuhyun off her mind.


“Sure thing…”




“Fine with me…”


“Ok then, I’ll drive…”


Seohyun smiled and they marched over to Yongwa’s white Range Rover. Before they got in, Seohyun halted.


“Hyun, are you coming?”


Kyuhyun was slowly walking up the sidewalk. He looked up and saw Seohyun.




Seohyun hesitated if she should step into the car. Yongwa went around the car and saw Kyuhyun.


“Excuse me? Do I know you?”


Kyuhyun looked to Yongwa.


“I don’t think so but I’m friends with Seohyun.”


Yongwa was puzzled and looked over to Seohyun.


“You know this guy?”


Seohyun stared at Kyuhyun.




Kyuhyun was stunned.


She got into Yongwa’s car. Yongwa looked to Kyuhyun.


“Hey man, stay away, got it? She doesn’t know you…”


Yongwa started the engine and drove off. Kyuhyun looked through the glass with Seohyun. She turned away. Kyuhyun couldn’t believe what happened.


“Like old times…”


Seohyun stared out the window as Yongwa drove. He looked over to her.


“Did you really know him?”


“I forgot…”


“Hyun, are you alright?”


She couldn’t understand herself. Why would she turn her back on an old friend? Was she trying to forget her past and move on?


“I’m fine, Yong…”


She wasn’t fine. She was up to her old personality again. She was trying to run away from love. She thought to herself.


“Kyuhyun…I’m sorry…please…let me go…”


End of Chapter 5


Finally SeoKyu reunite but was it as romantic as it should be? Has Seohyun morphed back into her old personality? How much neglect can Kyuhyun take? How about Dara? Is she looking for a second chance with Kyuhyun? Will Yong let go of Hyun? Please stay tuned for the next chapter of Lovers in Tokyo!

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Iminthezone #1
cj-the-greatest #2
Chapter 10: Hmm I actually found set's character quite realistic and consistent. I could guess why she was reluctant to get together with khan. She had to think about their careers. Besides being a commitment phob myself I could relate a lot with her decision except for the yonghwa angle. Why would she even date him after the yoona debacle? Ugh! She even forgave yoona! And yoona turned back to a good person in theend unbelunbelievable! also I am quite disappointed that kyu mom didn't confess that she meddled in his love life. She practically told seohyun to back off so dara and kyu could be together. Ugh! What a nuisance. But I am glad they ended up together despite all the obstacles. And what happened with poor dara was so tragic. Poor girl. She didn't deliberately ditch kyu. ...she was a victim of circumstances. Sad. Well she could have returned to south Korea but she chose her education over kyu sigh!
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!
seocherry #4
This is the best SeoKyu fanfiction I've read.
Thank you so much author-nim. Really love your stories
sunsun1317 #5
Chapter 10: i love this story
nothing like a good love story
i am a complete sap for these kinds of things
thank you for writing this!
sunsun1317 #6
Chapter 2: I like this story so far!
Sorry if I sound a bit mean but the only thing I didn't like was the darahae.
I'm a die-hard hard haesica shipper.
PrincessJuine #7
Chapter 10: i really love this story.u r such a good writer ^^ subscribe!!seokyu forever