Chapter 1

Lovers in Tokyo

Chapter 1


The roar of the airplane engine starting penetrated through the walls as the passengers got buckled down. The cylinders began to rotate and vibrate as the airplane started to drive down the huge lane. Seohyun gripped the armrest tightly as she stared out the window.


“God…I hate this part…”


Suddenly, she felt a loud thumping sound from behind her. The thumping grew harder that it lifted her huge sunglasses off her nose. She snorted and turned around from her seat. There was young boy on his lollipop seated behind her, kicking her seat.




The little boy looked up at Seohyun and continued to on his lollipop. Seohyun yanked the candy out of his mouth and smirked.


“If you stop…I’ll give this back, alright?”



Seohyun dropped the candy on the floor.


“Whoops…I’m sorry…”


The little boy was stunned and began to tear up. Seohyun smiled, turned around and put her earphones on. The airplane accelerated down the lane and lifted off. Seohyun put her shades back on.


“No one messes with Seo Joo Hyun…”


She slowly dozed off as she listened to her old solo ballad songs.


*Seohyun’s Memory*


There were people chatting loudly and the clanging of wine glasses echoed all around. It was the “end of the season” party for the whole cast and crew of the famous reality show, “We Got Married.” Seohyun walked up the steps to the restaurant holding a small white box. She was nervous.


“God…I hope Yong likes my present…”


The doorman smiled as Seohyun approached the door.


“Seohyun! You’re looking stunning! Your dress is beautiful!”


“Thanks Oppa!”


“Please, come in!”


Seohyun bowed as the door opened. She entered and was swarmed by all the guests.


“You were awesome on WGM!”


“Are you and Yongwa really dating?!”


“Please get married to each other!”


Seohyun blushed and mumbled under her breath.




She bowed to everyone as she made her way through the crowd to find Yongwa. She suddenly bumped into the director.


“Oh! My sweet Seohyun! Nice of you to come!”


“Sunbae, hello…”


Seohyun could tell the director was slightly drunk. The director held her hand.


“You know…I’m going to miss you after this show…honestly…”


“Oh sunbae…don’t be so flattering…”


Seohyun smiled and walked around the director. She stood on her toes to look over the crowd.


“Yong…where are you?”


Suddenly, she saw Yong’s incredible smile from across the dining room. Seohyun’s heart began to beat faster. She gripped her present and poked her way through the crowd. She began to think.


“Will Yong like my present? Gosh…I hope he does…”


She made her way through the crowd and approached Yongwa’s table. Yongwa was in between two beautiful women and they were laughing loud. Yongwa saw Seohyun and quickly stood up.




Seohyun giggled and turned and bowed to everyone. She turned back to Yongwa.


“Yong…there’s something I want to give you-“


“Hyun! Please, sit down! Drink! Drink!”


A random girl shoved Seohyun down to the seat next to Yongwa and he gave her a beer.


“Hyun, drink up!”


Seohyun hesistated then took a sip of the beer. It was too bitter for Seohyun’s taste. She pushed the beer aside and spoke louder to Yongwa.


“Yong! There’s too many people here, could we go somewhere private?”




Seohyun felt annoyed yet replied anyways.


“Could we go somewhere private?”


“Oh! Yeah,sure! Excuse me everyone! Hyun wants to speak in private!”


Everyone swooned as the two rose from their seats. Seohyun reluctantly bowed and followed Yongwa outside to the balcony overlooking the city. Seohyun tighten her grip on her present as they exited towards the balcony. She didn’t know how he would react but she was willing to go for it. With the support of her Unnies and her tender heart, she was going to confess her love for him. They arrived near the railing overlooking Seoul. Yongwa turned and sipped on his beer.

“So, what’s up, Hyun?”


Seohyun was concealing something behind her.


“Are you hiding something? Come on, show me already! We’ve been together for 2 years already; I think we’re past the whole “surprise” deal, right?”


Seohyun blushed then pulled her present out.


“Yong, remember on our last episode and how we promised to give each other presents that came from our heart?”


“Yeah and we gave each other cute shirts, right?”


“Yeah…well…I have something here that is TRULY from my heart…”


Yongwa was confused.


“What is it, Hyun?”


Seohyun gave a 90-degree bow and passed her present. Yongwa laughed.


“Hyun, you can stop bowing, silly…”


Yongwa took the present and opened it. It was a pair of heart necklaces that when connected, formed a heart. Yongwa looked confusedly to Seohyun.




“I…I…wanted to share my heart with you…”


Yongwa frowned and placed the necklace back into the box.


“Hyun…I…I never meant to…”




“This show…it was REAL special to me…truly special…but…I never felt that way for you, Hyun…”


Seohyun was frozen as Yongwa spoke. The words that came from him sliced her heart instantly. Her hopes and dreams suddenly vanished. Yongwa continued.


“Hyun…you’re a very special girl…and…I know you will make another man real happy…I really do…”


Seohyun began to tear up and Yongwa embraced her. She began to shiver as heart began to shatter.


“Hyun…please…I never meant to hurt you…it was all a script, remember? We just pretended…remember?”


“A script? Pretend?”


Yongwa look to Seohyun tearful face. She shoved him back.


“Yongwa…you hurt me…you hurt me…so…bad…”


Seohyun placed the present back into her purse and dashed off into the club. Yongwa yelled.


“Seohyun! Wait! I’m sorry!”


Yongwa felt guilty as Seohyun disappeared through the party. They never spoke to each after that incident.


The intercom blasted on in Japanese.


“Ladies and gentlemen…this is your captain speaking…welcome to Narita International Airport…thank you for riding with Nihon Airlines…take care and have a pleasant stay in Japan…”


Seohyun fidgeted with her necklace as the airplane made a complete stop and the passengers were gathering their things. She sighed and turned to see if the boy was still around. The little boy was holding his mother’s hand and was moving down the aisle to leave the plane. He glared at Seohyun.


“I hate kids…” thought Seohyun.


 Seohyun made her way through the crowded lines and picked up her baggage. She wore a dark blue blouse and a long, black skirt. She wore her dark Armani shades as she pulled her dark leather brown Louis Vuitton bag behind her. The male passengers stole glances at her as she made her way to customs. One man whispered.


“Wow…take a look at that body…”


Another man whispered back.


“I know…she does look kind of familiar though…”


Seohyun disregarded the shallow comments and made it to customs. The female custom agent sat behind the glass.


“Passport, please.”


Seohyun placed her passport on the counter and slid it under the glass. The agent typed her name into the computer and scanned her passport.


“Seo Joo Hyun, huh?”


“Yes…is there a problem?”


“No…but…I was a fan before…”


“I see…”


“I grew out of it though…”


“Me too…”


The agent returned Seohyun’s passport.


“Have a safe trip, Seohyun-unnie…”


“Thank you.”


Seohyun pulled her bag and walked through the hallway leading to the arrival area. Seohyun began to remember the days when she was with her Unnies and the airport used to crowd up with eager fans to catch a sight of them. Seohyun shook the nostalgia off and continued walking.


“Those were days, huh?” thought Seohyun.


The doors opened and Seohyun stepped out. There were no fans or reporters. There were just random family members waiting for their love ones. Seohyun walked around a couple kissing passionately and then a father embracing his son. She made it to the seating area and pulled out her cell phone.


“Unnie…where are you?”


She began to scroll down her address book when a loud voice interrupted her silence.




Seohyun quickly looked up and smiled. It was Sooyoung.




Seohyun leaped in Sooyoung’s arms and began to cry. Sooyoung laughed.


“Sh…don’t cry, honey, Unnie is here…”


“Unnie…I’ve missed you so much…”


“Come…let’s get going…we don’t want to start a fan riot here do we?”


Seohyun giggled and wiped her tears.


“What fans, Unnie?”


Sooyoung laughed.


“I forgot…well, let’s get going!”


Sooyoung pulled Seohyun’s luggage. Seohyun suddenly felt happy again when she saw her Unnie and former band mate. It felt like it was the good old days again. Seohyun smiled and followed close behind.


Sooyoung merged onto the Bayshore route leading to the suburbs of Namiki, Tokyo. Seohyun looked out the window and felt the cool spring breeze brush against her cheeks.


“Seohyun, it’s so nice of you to come down and visit. Especially since spring is finally arriving and the cherry blossoms are blooming…aigoo…you will have fun my little dongseng!”


“I’ve missed you, Sooyoung-unnie…I’ve missed the whole group…”


“Believe me, Seohyun…I would do whatever it takes to get the old group back…but…the married life with Koji and the rest of the girl’s selfish ambitions…it’s impossible…by the way, you still work for SM right?”


“Yes, I’m a talent agent now…”


“How’s that?”


“It’s tough…there rarely is any talent left around Seoul…all the trainees are getting worst and useless and the current talents are going against their contracts and leaving…”


“That’s horrible…how about…the other girls?”


“Hmm…let’s see…I still see Taeyeon-unnie since she’s our leading solo artist…do you listen to her music?”


“No…not really…”


“Unnie…please…get over the past…”


“How can I? It was her idea to split up and do our own things remember? Eventually, we never got back together and then, I got married…”




“Nevermind…how about the other girls?”


“Well, Tiffany and Jessica returned to America and they’re solo artists there as well…haven’t heard much from them…Hyoyeon became a choreographer and she’s at Paris teaching moves to the new French pop idol, Cassandra…Yuri also got married...”


“Yuri did? To who?”


“Choi Minho…”


“Wow…that kid used to be so flirty too…I guess Yuri couldn’t get away from his charms…”


“I guess so…”


“Who else?”


“Sunny is big-time radio personality now…I still see her…she’s doing well…”


“How about Yoona?”






“Yoona and I…we’re not really friends anymore…”


“What happened?”


“She became a talent agent for a rival agency…”


“Wow…so what? That shouldn’t ruin things right?”


“She’s also with Yongwa…”




“Yeah…she manages him and…they are dating…”


“Yongwa…still haven’t got over him, huh?”


Seohyun shook her head and turned to look at the shiny water of Tokyo Bay.


“Face it, Seohyun, the boy left you ages ago…you need to move on…trust me…that happened to me too but I knew nothing would happen if I kept dwelling in the past so…I moved on…and well I met Koji…then I got married…that’s…about it…”


Sooyoung bit her lower lips as she exited towards Namiki and drove through the city streets. Seohyun turned back to Sooyoung.


“Why did you get married, Unnie? You surprised everyone…”


“I loved Koji…he loved me…I didn’t want to lose him…I was getting fed up of singing and dancing too…I wanted to grow up and become a woman…”




“Well…here we are…my humble little home!”


Sooyoung’s home was a two-floor building with a gate in front. Common with Japanese suburban homes, they are all placed side by side, with little to no front or back yard. Instead of wide American homes, Japanese homes tend to be compacted with multiple floors so space could be conserved throughout the city.


“It might not be as gorgeous as other houses but I love it…”


“Unnie…it’s beautiful…”


Sooyoung parked the car outside the gate and they made their way through the gate. Sooyoung unlocked the door and Seohyun followed behind with her bag into the home.


“Oops…don’t forget your shoes, little maknae!”


“I’m not little anymore…”


Sooyoung pinched Seohyun’s cheeks.


“I know…I know…”


Sooyoung closed the door behind her.


“Leave your bag here and let’s sit in the living room…we need to catch up! Let me make some tea, ok?”


“Are you sure, Unnie?”


“Come now…we don’t need to be bashful anymore do we? You’re my guest! Let me serve you! Please! Sit!”


Sooyoung playfully shoved Seohyun onto the couch and Sooyoung vanished into the kitchen. Seohyun giggled.




Seohyun slowly got up and started to walk around the room. The room wasn’t too crowded and very clean. It surprised Seohyun because Sooyoung used to be very messy. She smelled the light cherry fragrance around the room and smiled.


“That’s a nice smell…”


Sooyoung screamed from the kitchen.


“Do you want some donuts too?! My baby boy, Yoshi, didn’t like them so we should share them!”


“Ok Unnie!”


Seohyun forgot Sooyoung had a baby boy. She began to examine the pictures on the walls. There were pictures of Sooyoung and her husband and baby pictures of her son. Suddenly, Seohyun found a familiar picture of the group before they debut. Seohyun wiped her tear. Sooyoung whispered.


“Remember when we were only in middle school and SM wanted to see what we would look like as a group…god we were horrible…”


Sooyoung laughed as she placed the tray on the coffee table. Seohyun smiled.


“I thought we would never get old…”


“Me too…but… we did…everything got old…”


Seohyun took a seat next to Sooyoung and grabbed a donut. Seohyun hadn’t had a donut for years and slowly ate it so she could savor the moment. Sooyoung spoke up.


“Remember how having donuts was banned in the dorm but Jessica still snuck some inside?”


“Haha…yeah I remember, Unnie…”


“I ate most of them…”


“I knew it!”


“Haha…you girls were so cautious about everything…good thing my metabolism has god-like speed or I would have been a rhinoceros!”


“Haha! Unnie…”


“So, how long do you plan to stay? I have so many things prepared!”


“I’ll be here for…about a week…”


“A week? That’s it!”


“SM is preparing a new comeback for SHINee in the summer and I need to help promote…also…I need to find a new male artist…he has to be solo because the rival agency has been rumored to make Yongwa go solo and-“


“Seohyun…baby…you need to relax…”




“I remembered how meticulous you were but…I never thought you have been a workaholic…”


“I’m not a workaholic…I just…want to be on top of my game, you know?”


“Wow…’on top of your game’? I never thought the maknae would speak like that!”

Sooyoung began to tickle Seohyun and Seohyun coughed out her donut from all the laughing.




“What? Still ticklish!”


“Unnie! Stop!”


“Ok ok…”


Seohyun’s face was bright red. Sooyoung spoke up.


“You know…Koji knows a real nice jazz bar at Ginza…we should go there tonight…”


“Yeah, ok, I’m down.”


“You’re down? Are you using slang with your Unnie? Do you want me to tickle you again?!”




“I’m just playing with you…I missed you, Seohyun! You were like my baby! And now, since I’m a mommy…I have two babies in my house!”


Seohyun laughed out loud again as Sooyoung tickled her waist again.


The coffee house was bustling with sound as the rush hour slowly began. The Tokyo streets were piled up with traffic and the sidewalks were spewing with humanity returning from work. Kyuhyun sat quietly as he stared out the window observing the people rush through. He looked down and continued his sketch of the crowd. Suddenly, the waitress arrived with his coffee. She spoke in Japanese.


“Anything else, sir?”


Kyuhyun looked up and smiled.


“Thanks, that’ll be all.”


The waitress bowed and returned to the counter. Kyuhyun took a sip of the coffee and was delighted by the crisp, warm taste. Suddenly, a voice spoke up.


“Another long night, tonight?”


Kyuhyun turned around and saw his friend, Ryeowook.


“Hyung? I thought you were at the Hall?”


“Not tonight…I need to get back to Korea…my aunt just passed away…”


“Hyung…I’m sorry…”

“No worries, pal…just wanted to swing by and grab something before I head to the airport…I’m sure you got the Hall secured, yes?”


“Of course!”


“Ok then, I’ll be back soon.”


“Have a safe trip, Hyung!”


Ryeowook nodded, smiled, and ducked through the crowded coffee house. Kyuhyun look back to his sketch and frowned.


“I wish I could sketch something more…prettier…”


Seohyun played with Baby Yoshi on her lap as Sooyoung and Koji got ready. Seohyun blew raspberries into his stomach which made him giggle cutely. Suddenly, the door bell rang. Sooyoung hurried down the stairs and answered the door.


“Just a minute!!!”


Seohyun watched as Sooyoung brought the young schoolgirl inside to help babysit. Seohyun was in awe at how much Sooyoung matured. Before, she was the tall, goofy member who would always shout and eat with open. Now, she was a mother with responsibilities. Seohyun woke up from her deep thought and saw Sooyoung speaking in Japanese.


“Now, don’t forget that Baby Yoshi has his milk at 9pm…once he has it…he’s out for the rest of night…there’s leftover donuts in the fridge, understand, Sakura?”


Sakura smiled and bowed.


“That’s a good girl…oh yes…here’s my old friend, Seohyun…”


Sakura bowed to Seohyun. Seohyun responded in Japanese.


“Pleased to meet you, Sakura.”


Sooyoung whispered to Seohyun.


“She’s a great babysitter and plus, she’s an old fan so she doesn’t charge at all…just likes donuts that’s all…”


Seohyun smiled and smacked Sooyoung’s shoulder. Koji made his way down the steps and greeted all the girls.


“Hello everyone! Are we ready?”


Seohyun wasn’t going to lie. Koji was very handsome and manly. He was taller than Sooyoung and he was very muscular. Not only was he attractive but smart. After finishing his modeling job for Armani, he became a full-time math professor in Tokyo University. Sooyoung did a good job on finding this type of man and it inspired Seohyun to do the same. Koji handed Sooyoung and Seohyun their coats.


“Looks like I’m a lucky man tonight aren’t I, Sakura?”


“Yes, Koji-san, very lucky!”


“You take care of Baby Yoshi, alright? We’ll be back in a flash.”


Sakura bowed as Koji held the door for Sooyoung and Seohyun. Sooyoung grabbed onto Koji’s arm as they made their way to the car. Sooyoung made her traditional aegyo. Koji spoke Korean as well so he enjoyed it.


“Oppa…I didn’t think it would be so cold tonight…don’t leave ok? Ok? Ok, Oppa?”


“Don’t worry…Oppa won’t leave you…”


Sooyoung turned to Seohyun and winked. Seohyun giggled as they entered the car. Seohyun sat in back as the couple got seated in the front. Koji looked to the rearview mirror.


“Everything ok, Seohyun? I’m sorry if the car is a little cramp…”


“Don’t worry, Oppa…I’m fine.”


Sooyoung turned around.


“You better be fine or I’ll tickle you again!”




Sooyoung laughed and turned back. Koji started the engine and they started to make their way to Downtown Tokyo. Seohyun spoke up first.


“Oppa…Unnie…Just wondering…how did you two meet? I mean, we never knew anything until Sooyoung had her bags packed and was leaving the dorm…”


Sooyoung held Koji’s hand as she responded.


“Well, Maknae, I was always in contact with Koji, even before our pre-debut days. I met him during a trip to Tokyo with my family when I was 10. He was teenager working in the candy shop off of Akihabara…is that shop still there, honey?”


“I don’t think so…I think it’s an anime figure shop now…”


“Ok then…well…he helped me pick out a huge lollipop which I loved…I thought he was cute but…my sister liked him first so they exchanged numbers…they kept contact but my sister grew tired of him so they stopped speaking…THEN…remember when we came back to Japan to promote Genie, Seohyun?”


“Yeah, Unnie…I do…”


“Well, while we stayed at the Sanno Hotel…Koji came by to say hi…You girls were all sleeping so I snuck downstairs and we chatted…he was modeling for Armani and finishing up his teaching degree…he told me that he found out about Girls’ Generation and that he remembered me…he thought I was beautiful…after that we kept talking to each other…we dated during the Japanese promotion…then…we got married…”


Sooyoung kissed Koji on the cheek as he drove. Seohyun felt her heart grow warm.




“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you girls…it’s just…I didn’t want word to spread…”


“I understand, Unnie.”


Koji looked at his rear-view mirror.


“Still…to be honest…I was a huge Yuri fan.”


Seohyun laughed as Sooyoung smacked his shoulder. Koji laughed.


“I’m just joking!!!”


“Yuri always had all the handsome guy fans anyways…”


Sooyoung pouted as they continued their way to Downtown Tokyo.


The Ginza District of Tokyo is known for its expensive nightlife and numerous, critically acclaimed bars. Koji parked the car in the public parking lot. The girls got out the car and smiled to each other. Sooyoung spoke up.


“It’s about time I go drinking with the dear Maknae!”


“Unnie…I can drink…”


“One beer with your fake husband, Yongwa, never counted…I’ll show you how to do it…properly.”


Koji interrupted.


“Sooyoung…we’re not getting wasted tonight ok? We’re here for a nice drink with your friend and to listen to some jazz music. I understand that you’re a talent agent yes?”


“Oh yes, Oppa, I’m a talent agent for SM…we’re in dire need for a male solo artist…”


“I see…well then…Sooyoung and I love to visit this place called “The Hall” because it has great champagne and an awesome line-up of jazz singers. Hopefully tonight, my good friend, will be up to sing.”

“How exciting! I can’t wait to see and listen! I really need some talent…”


Sooyoung quickly placed Seohyun in a headlock.


“Then stop stalling little Maknae! Let’s go!”


The group walked down the sidewalk leading down the bar-filled streets. Sooyoung held Koji’s arm as Seohyun followed closely behind. Seohyun was mesmerized by all the bright lights and neon signs scattered all over the cityscape. She reminisced the old SNSD days when they would sneak out in Tokyo and stare at the colorful signs.


Suddenly, she passed by a small café with tables outside. It looked familiar and instantly she remembered Yongwa. This was the same place where they enjoyed some drinks outside the taping of their married couple show. She remembered the way he laughed at her while she chugged her third beer down and slowly grew drunk. Yongwa had a bright, warm smile. She suddenly felt frozen in time and couldn’t remove his handsome face from her sight. She stared at the corner table where they once sat and chatted until it was early morning. Sooyoung yelled from afar.


“Seohyun! Hurry up!”


Seohyun woke up from her trance and hurried along.


“Stop distracting me…Yong…”


The Hall did not look attractive compared to the other colorful bars in Ginza. The sign was small and barely readable. The doors were heavy and had no windows. It almost seemed like they were heading into prison. Koji smiled.


“Don’t worry, Seohyun, you’ll love it when we come in.”


Koji pulled the door open and the light, sweet smell of wine engulfed Seohyun’s senses. Koji held the door open as the two girls entered. The atmosphere was soothing and calm. The floors and counters were made of redwood, giving it a “lodge-like” feeling. The temperature and air inside was perfect. Koji signaled the girls to follow him towards the back of the bar which led to another room. Koji whispered.


“This is the Jazz room…”


He opened the curtains and there was another room which was rather dark compared to the front. There were small round tables with candles and a stage for the entertainers.


“You girls sit here while I get the drinks, ok?”


Koji returned to the bar to gather drinks. Sooyoung whispered.


“Koji loves coming here…we’re here every other month to relax, drink, and listen to music…”


“That’s so nice…”


“I never knew he would be so…deep…that’s why I love him…”


Seohyun smiled.


“You’ll like it when the singer comes…it’s so dreamy to have a drink, your lover, and sweet, live music being played to you…I swear if I had the chance…I would bring all the girls here…”


Seohyun frowned.




“Yes dear?”


“I want to have what you have…”


“Aww…don’t feel bad…come here…”


Seohyun placed her head on Sooyoung’s chest and sobbed quietly.


“Still the emotional Maknae…don’t worry…Unnie is here…I will help you ok?”


Seohyun eased back and wiped her tears.


“Unnie…after we split…I felt my tears dry up…but…after seeing you again and the memories returning…I miss what life you used to be like…”


Sooyoung patted Seohyun’s knees.


“You’ll be ok, dear. Koji will bring you some drinks and we’ll listen to some music.”


Koji returned with some champagne as the other patrons began to fill up the cozy, dark jazz room. Seohyun took a sip of the champagne and was amazed. Koji winked at her.


“I told you…good stuff right?”


Sooyoung smiled at Seohyun.


“You look like a real woman now, my dear…”


Suddenly, the bar owner came out and spoke through the microphone in Japanese.


“Good evening everyone and welcome to The Hall…tonight we have a special guest to sing for us…he’s a popular name here in Ginza…with his beautiful vocals and handsome looks…let me introduce to you…Kyuhyun!”


Seohyun was amazed and whispered to Sooyoung.



“Yes…you’ll like him…watch…”


The spotlight shined on the stage revealing the jazz band and an empty stool. Suddenly, Kyuhyun stepped on stage. Seohyun was instantly drawn to him. He had fair skin, dressed elegantly in a dark suit, and had a cute smile. Sooyoung looked to Seohyun’s face.


“Are you blushing?”




Sooyoung giggled as Kyuhyun slowly took the microphone and spoke up. His voice was so tender and cold. He spoke in Japanese.


“Hello everyone…my name is Kyuhyun…and I’ll be singing a couple of songs for you tonight…so…sit back…relax…and enjoy…”


Seohyun eagerly anticipated his performance.


The atmosphere was so romantic and soothing that it was almost haunting. Kyuhyun’s voice was so pure and elegant. Seohyun felt like she was in another world. Seohyun turned to see Sooyoung embracing Koji as Kyuhyun sang. After his fourth song, he spoke Japanese into the microphone.


“I can see all you lovers out there in the crowd…it’s so nice of you all to take time off your busy schedules and join me and listen to me…thank you so much…for my last song…it’s going to be in Korean…I know some of you might not understand but please…just listen and give it a feel…thank you…”


Seohyun was excited.


“Korean huh?”


Kyuhyun looked at Seohyun and smiled.


“This song is for those who have once loved…the title is…7 Years of Love…”


Seohyun was mesmerized by his eye contact and paid close attention. It almost felt like it was only him and her in the room and every song he sang was dedicated to her. The piano began to play and Kyuhyun started to sing.


“We met for seven years…No one knew we would say goodbye this easily…However we still separated…With the memories we built for a long time, now…How did we at such a young age….Meet each other, I don’t even remember how…Difficult for us to handle the maps of our changing selves…They said saying goodbyes are painful…But I didn’t even have the time to feel that…I just thought this is the way staying composed…But I cried…Time passed it gave me a simple yearning…Different from what my mind was seeing …At first friends then next as lovers…We said we’d stay as friends even if we separated…”


Seohyun was moved by the dramatic lyrics and fought to keep her tears from falling. The song continued.


“During those 3 years spent alone…We contacted each other sometimes…Even if I met someone else again…Even I loved again…Whenever I was sad I would call you without a word just tears falling…You have to meet a good person…I thought in my heart without words…I asked if you still liked me without any thought hoping you say it back…I know…We had the most pure love…Back then we thought that kind of love couldn’t be done again so we saved it in our memories…Often I feel a cold feeling from you…But now I know you cannot ask anything…”


Seohyun began to remember Yongwa and their adventures together. She remembered when they first met each other. She remembered their little trips to the grocery store. She remembered when she first held onto his arm. She began to slowly tear up. Kyuhyun took a pause before hitting the next lyric. This way he could make everyone anxious. Seohyun looked up to Kyuhyun and waited for the next words.


“’I’m getting married’ is what you said to me…After that for a long time I was speechless…Then I cried…They were your last words to me…for the only words I wanted to hear was that you…loved…me…oh whoa oh…oh whoa oh…”


Kyuhyun smiled as the song came to a finish. The small crowd applauded as Kyuhyun wiped his tears and bowed. Seohyun clapped for him. She could tell that the song was more than a song. It seemed like something from experience. Kyuhyun looked to Seohyun’s teary eyes and lightly smiled. She knew that he put a lot of meaning into the song.


Kyuhyun looked at Seohyun’s eyes and could see she felt his song.


“She must feel the same way I do…” thought Kyuhyun.


The group sat at the bar and enjoyed a quiet drink together. Sooyoung led the conversation as Koji and Seohyun smiled and listened. Seohyun still couldn’t get the lyrics out of her head. The way it told a tale of love that was lost and couldn’t be forgotten. It painted a perfect picture of Yongwa and her undying love for him. It was killing her. She took another sip of the liquor and started to feel a little dreary. Sooyoung whispered to Koji and he turned around. Seohyun also turned and was surprised.


“Good evening, Koji-san,” said Kyuhyun.


Koji shook Kyuhyun’s hand and introduced him to the girls.


“Well, Kyuhyun, this is my lovely wife, Sooyoung.”


Sooyoung smiled and waved her glass in the air.


“And this other lovely woman is Sooyoung’s best friend, Seohyun…”


Seohyun and Kyuhyun made eye contact and suddenly they felt an attraction for each other. It wasn’t anything ual but something felt when you share something in common with someone. It was the feeling of commonality. Kyuhyun went over and put his hand out for Seohyun.


“Hi there, Seohyun…”


Seohyun was confused and looked to Sooyoung. Sooyoung smiled and encouraged her to take his hand. She slowly shook his hand.


“Nice to meet you, Kyuhyun…”


His hand was light and soft. His long fingers wrapped around her hand and she could feel his warmth. Kyuhyun spoke up.


“I’ve been told you’re Korean, yes?”


“Yes…yes, I am…”


Sooyoung giggled as she moved to the table with Koji to give Seohyun and Kyuhyun some space. Seohyun grew worried.


“So…I guess you understood my song then, right?”


Seohyun looked to Kyuhyun and nodded.


“You’re kind of shy, huh?”


“I’m not…I just…well…I’m drunk…”


“Oh really? Let me see…”


Kyuhyun moved forward and examined Seohyun’s eyes. She was startled but she let him continue.


“Do you believe me?”


Kyuhyun was amazed by her beauty. Her face was round and cute and, her eyes were big and pretty. Still, she looked a little drunk. Kyuhyun nodded in agreement.


“I guess you are…but…I saw something else in your eyes tonight besides being buzzed…”


“Yeah…what did you see?”


“Your heart…”


Seohyun was moved by his words.


“My heart? How so?”


“I could tell by the way you listened and cried…your heart has been through a lot…”


Seohyun pushed her stool back and stood up.


“Sorry…but you don’t know me…I must get going now…”


“Wait…I’m sorry…”


Seohyun bowed and walked over to the couple.


“Unnie…I’m not feeling well…let’s go…”


“Seohyun, are you sure?”


Koji stood up and looked at Seohyun’s eyes.


“She does look a little tipsy…come Sooyoung…let’s go…”


Koji waved to Kyuhyun, who was still standing at the bar, and escorted the two girls out. Sooyoung let the two go ahead and ran back to Kyuhyun. Sooyoung spoke up.


“Take this…she’ll be here for a couple days…call her, alright?”


“Oh yeah…sure thing…”


“Thanks and sorry about her…she not used to men…”




Sooyoung waved goodbye and ran back to the car. Kyuhyun looked to the card.


“Seo Joo Hyun…SM Talent Agent…555-0009…hmmm…”


The bartender handed him a glass of beer and he took a small sip. He stared at the card and smiled. He couldn’t get the image of Seohyun’s face out of his mind. Even if it was for just an instance, he could tell that the girl was deeply emotional and that there was something interesting about her. He placed the card in his pocket and enjoyed the rest of his beer.


Seohyun laid her head on the pillow as Sooyoung smiled from the doorway.


“Get some rest, Maknae…”


“Thanks Unnie…”


“You’re welcome…”


Sooyoung was about to shut the door then Seohyun spoke up.


“Unnie…that singer tonight…he was…good…”


“I know…”


“His last song…it really…touched me…”


“I could tell…”


Seohyun turned to look at Sooyoung.


“Get some sleep, Seohyun…”


“Ok, Unnie…”


Sooyoung shut the sliding door. The shadow of the moon from the window shined on Seohyun’s face.


“That song…Kyuhyun…it’s like he drew picture of my heart…was this all a coincidence?”


She slowly fell asleep as she imagined herself alone in the bar listening to Kyuhyun’s haunting song.


End of Chapter 1

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Iminthezone #1
cj-the-greatest #2
Chapter 10: Hmm I actually found set's character quite realistic and consistent. I could guess why she was reluctant to get together with khan. She had to think about their careers. Besides being a commitment phob myself I could relate a lot with her decision except for the yonghwa angle. Why would she even date him after the yoona debacle? Ugh! She even forgave yoona! And yoona turned back to a good person in theend unbelunbelievable! also I am quite disappointed that kyu mom didn't confess that she meddled in his love life. She practically told seohyun to back off so dara and kyu could be together. Ugh! What a nuisance. But I am glad they ended up together despite all the obstacles. And what happened with poor dara was so tragic. Poor girl. She didn't deliberately ditch kyu. ...she was a victim of circumstances. Sad. Well she could have returned to south Korea but she chose her education over kyu sigh!
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!
seocherry #4
This is the best SeoKyu fanfiction I've read.
Thank you so much author-nim. Really love your stories
sunsun1317 #5
Chapter 10: i love this story
nothing like a good love story
i am a complete sap for these kinds of things
thank you for writing this!
sunsun1317 #6
Chapter 2: I like this story so far!
Sorry if I sound a bit mean but the only thing I didn't like was the darahae.
I'm a die-hard hard haesica shipper.
PrincessJuine #7
Chapter 10: i really love this story.u r such a good writer ^^ subscribe!!seokyu forever