Chapter 9

How Much Is Your Soul (This version is discontinued)
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DongHae POV


A sudden jolt shot through my body. To my surprise I was dragged in a completely different direction than expected. A hand had grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me with full force off the road. Finally my legs responded. Quickly they stumbled a few steps to the left. Rescued!

I wanted to look up to my savior, but I wasn't able to do so. Suddenly my legs tripped over each other and I fell forward without a warning. Startled, I tore open my eyes, but still wasn’t able to see anything clearly. A sinking feeling began to spread in my stomach through the short flight. I felt how I landed on something soft. Had I accidently pulled my savior with me to the ground?

I heard how someone gasps for air and I immediately knew that I was right with my assumption. Slowly I raised my head and looked up to my savior. Thick black hair covered most of his face and yet I recognized the young man immediately.

"KyuHyun?", I asked surprised and stared at him with wide eyes.
"Are you all right?", KyuHyun asked concerned.
When I nodded shortly, the expression of relief took over the countenance of concern on his face.
"What a relief," he said and started to smile at me kindly. Sheepishly I smiled back.

He began to move under me. A clear sign for me to get off of him. I blushed when I realized that I was still laying on him. I awkwardly tried to get up by using my arms as support. A not so easy venture as it turned out. When my palm hit the cold concrete floor, I winced in pain. It seemed to me that I hurt my hand through the fall. My left knee doesn't seem to be spared from the impact as well. The slightest touch of my Jeans brought me a burning pain. How come that I didn’t notice this before?

KyuHyun saw the sudden change in my facial expression. Worried, he looked at me and tried to help me get up. I smiled at him gratefully. I was almost standing upright again, when I felt two different hands grabbing my upper arms to help me up. I immediately stiffened. I knew who those hands belong to. It had to be him. Lee HyukJae.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" He asked quickly, and started to inspect me from head to toe. I kept silent. He had no right to know whether I was fine or not.
When he realized that I wouldn't give him an answer, he tried to answer the questions himself. He quickly took my hand and discovered the graze that wasn’t looking pretty at all. I quickly snatched my hand out of his grip. I didn't want him to touch me again.

He swallowed and continued to search for any possible wounds. It didn't take long until he noticed the wound on my left knee. I let my gaze wander to my knee as well. The fabric which should have covered my knee was torn. I saw an equally pretty wound that was slightly bleeding.

"Blood! We have to treat that right away. I have a first aid kit at home. I think that I have splashing disinfectant and bandages. Let's go, DongHae-yah. You don't want this to inflame, do you”, he said with such a fast pace, that understanding him almost seemed like a miracle. HyukJae was about to reach for my hand again but KyuHyun, who was also back on his feet again, stopped him.

"A couple of scrapes won't kill him. Compared with what could have happened to him before, he's absolutely fine", he said almost angrily.
"How can a ‘Hyung’ just stand by and watch how something like this happens to his Dongsaeng? I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if I hadn't been here on time "
Lee HyukJae sadly stared at the floor. He seemed to know that KyuHyun was right with his statement. Slowly he nodded assent. Words of defense didn't seem to find their way to his mouth. What could he have said to his defense anyways? KyuHyun was right.
A satisfied grin spread across my face when I saw Lee HyukJae's face. That grin faded soon as I noticed the younger turning my way to give me a piece of his mind too.

"Lee DongHae! How could you disregard the traffic? We are in Seoul and not in a small town on the country side. Not paying attention while crossing a street could mean your sure end. I don't know what happened between the two of you but please keep something like this away from the public. Here is neither the place nor the time to fight with each other. Get your act together!"
I nodded sheepishly. KyuHyun was right. I should have been more careful. I usually was aware of the dangers of traffic but in the heat of the moment I forget everything around me.

From the corner of my eye I saw how a man about forty years old slowly walked toward us. Further away I could see the white van, which had seemed so threatening a few minutes earlier. I suspected that this was the driver.

From a distance, he asked if someone got hurt. Before I or Lee HyukJae would have been able to answer the man, KyuHyun started yelling a few words at the driver.
"Everything is all right here. You can continue on your way now. Please keep an eye on your speed while driving. I doubt that your previous speed was within the permissible limits. My friend could sue you, you know? As he has enough other problems right now, he'll probably won't do it but still...", he said with a harsh tone.

The driver didn't seem to be upset about the youngster’s words and ton. I noticed though that he didn't like to be scolded by someone younger then him, but he had to admit that KyuHyun's words weren’t wrong. The man bowed deeply a few times before he went back to his van and drove off.

I watched the van leave. How much I'd like to sit in this car right now and get as many yards as possible between me and Lee HyukJae. Unfortunately I was still stuck in this quandary. I sighed.

"I'll be going now. Your problems clearly don’t involve me. The less I know about them, the better it is for me. I hope for you that you can find a solution to your problems soon. A situation like this isn't normal”, he said shortly after the van disappeared from my sight.

Lee HyukJae and I stared after my classmates. I didn’t want him to leave. Being alone with Lee HyukJae scared me. Not only because I didn't know him but also because I didn't know what he wanted from someone like me.

After a few steps, KyuHyun turned around to face us again.
"DongHae-yah! You owe me two Americanos! Remember that! See you tomorrow”, he shouted. A sudden smile touched his face. A smile that could be recognized as a false one. Something told me that the black-haired male still seethed inwardly.
KyuHyun bid his goodbye again before he finally turned away and disappeared into a small side alley and left me alone with Lee HyukJae.

I tried to look anywhere else but at him. Even without looking at him, I knew that his eyes were stuck on me once again. I swallowed. What exactly was he thinking about when he looks at me like that? Was he thinking about the most effective way to punish me? It probably would be something like this.

"Can you walk?" He suddenly asked, letting me wince shortly. Unintentionally I let my eyes wander to him now. Contrary to my expectations, neither anger nor range was visible on his face. He seemed concerned. Could it be that he didn't think of punishing me at all?

I nodded slightly and wanted to confirm that I can walk even with this injury, by walking past him. Unfortunately my plan didn't work out. As I made the first step a burning pain spread through my body again as the fabric touched my wound. Again I took another step in the right direction. Although I tried to not show how much it hurts, he seemed to notice my pain.

"You don't have to pretend to be strong right now. I can see how much you're torturing yourself. Let me help you. My car isn't far away from here. You wouldn't have to endure my close presence for long”, he said and came closer.
I didn't want his help. For the past three years I had been on my own. I always had overcome diseases and injuries on my own. A small graze wouldn’t force me on my knees that easily.

I put one foot in front of me. I tried to divert my thoughts from the wound. This turned out to be a more difficult task then I first thought. Although I tried to steer my thoughts elsewhere, they always came back to the starting point. It was a vicious ci

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HMIYS, 2016.04.19: Thank you all for your support~~~~


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Specialfan #1
Chapter 14: Annyenog Narratress well written story I thinks it only get better the longer it go do not cease writing storys you write very well
EunHaeLove42 #2
Chapter 21: Thanks for keeping this up long enough to give me time to finish now I'm looking forward to the new one.
Chapter 21: Glad to know that you are not giving up on this story. We got your back and good luck in writing/editing the chapters!
Chapter 21: Glad to know that you are not giving up on this story. We got your back and good luck in writing/editing the chapters!
shincan #5
Chapter 20: u can do whatever u think is best for your story...i will support you...anf i will wait patiently for this story...
berrymilk #6
Chapter 20: It's okay manu, you can do whatever you want, what's best for the story, we will wait for you~ I'm excited for the edited one :)
HanBaram #7
Chapter 20: Take.ur time dear^^
Chapter 20: waaaaaah! well have fun there and will wait for your update! ^^ and i hope you will also do well with ypur studies ^^
anna9085 #9
Chapter 20: I'll wait for you authornim....fighting...