
The mission!

It's been 3 weeks

My hopes are going down

I wonder what she have done to deserve this.

*Beep Beep*The sound of the heart moniter...

Is is ever gonna stop?Please don't!

How can I let her go?I can't!

Please don't leave me...!

HaeYi's Pov

I saw nothing! It was pitch black. A voice spoke...

Voice:You over there!


Voice:Yea! Come! Let's watch a movie!


It was a scene of me and oppa when we were young... At the playground... Playing catching!


Voice:Remeber that?

I nodded!

Voice:Let's move further...


Doojoon:Ya wake up!


Doojoon:Wake up before I get my clown soft toy and make you hug it!

I immediately sat up.

HaeYi:WHAT?! It's Saturday... I wanna sleep! Leave me alone~

I whined


(End of flashback)

Voice:Remeber that?

HaeYi:That was the time when we first knew our mission...

Voice:Yep! Now, one last thing...


It played me! Being stabbed and hurt physically... And... Oppa beating up the two men who stabbed me... He also shouted ANDWAE...


Voice:Now! You have 2 choices! Number 1, you leave this world and never wake up and see your parents or number 2, you choose to wake up and meet your love ones again... You have 2 minutes or it is what we decide for you... If we decide, most likely is choice 1... Your 2 minutes starts NOW!

What should I choose?

(P.S. Her parents are dead! Sorry for not mentioning readers! Sorry sorry sorry sorry Please forgivr me me hehe I should shut up...)

My parents are important... My oppa is important... But Ho-

Voice:50 seconds!

I don't know!!!

Voice:10, 9, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,-

HaeYi:I wanna wake up!

Voice:Ok! Your wish is granted...


My eyes fluttered open and I saw... I saw my oppa and Some people...

Doojoon's Pov

OMG! HaeYi finally moved!


Everyone:HAE YI!

Yoseob tackled her with a surprise hug.


She tugged my shirt and pulled me closer...


She whispered something. I nodded, secretly...

Doojoon:You don't remember them?!


Yoseob starts to tear... Her group members stared at her wide eyed...And BEAST was standing there in shock, mouth wide open.


Yoseob:Ige mwoya?! It's a sad moment ok?*Sniff*

HaeYi:I was just joking! HAHA Look at your faces! HAHAHA

Doojoon:I have to agree on that one!

We high-5 each other and when we stopped, we were faced with glares...

Doojoon:erm... It's just a joke guys!

Everyone(Except for the Yoon's):YA! YOON HAEYI! YOON DOOJOON!

A nurse walked pass and came in.

Nurse:Madams and Sirs, no shouting in the hospital...

HaeYi:Ok sowwy!

The nurse exited and we laughed at them again.

The rest of the day was fun. We caught the three men and well, I guess THE MISSION is over!

Everyone's Pov

Yes! THE MISSION is over! We are finally normal Teenagers! YES!

Authors note

Sorry for the short story! But yea... It's over... THANK YOU FOR READING!


Most sincierly,


Oh I will be writting another story! Stay tuned! CHAO!

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it a really god story love it a new fan
Chapter 10: nice one again!!! *thumps and toes up* hehe
Chapter 10: Nice story^^
But to many person, I didn't remember all the character
b2strockz #4
THANK YOU! I would appreciate! Gomawoyo~
Yay! First to comment! BTW love your story line ! Update real quick kay? If you dont mind, would you look at my story and comment to tell me how it is ? hope its not too much of a let down! N tell me how i can improve myself ! Luv ur story! Thanks Im gonna subscribe n comment so do the same too!