
The Chaser

"Guys" Sunggyu said

"What?" Dongwoo asked

"Got a call from the office" Sunggyu said

"What about it?" Hoya asked

"The offiec told us that Jimin's father just called them" Sunggyu said

Dongwoo got up from the couch, "REALLY? DID THEY FINALLY GOT THE SUSPECT AND JIMIN IS SAFE TO GO BACK TO THE USA?" Dongwoo asked with full of hope

"No" Sunggyu said

Dongwoo deflated and got back to his lazy business

"What about it hyung?" Hoya asked

"It is a request from the father" Sunggyu said

"What kind of request?" L asked

"WEll, he asked" Sunggyu took a deep breath, "WE all have to befriend Jimin and make her feel like we are her family"

At that, all six of them were surprised

"That excludes me" Dongwoo got up and went to his room

"But Dongwoo, this is our job" Sunggyu said

"Yeah, baby sitting" Dongwoo shouted

Sunggyu sighed and looked at the five boys, "Well, we have to obey orders"


Sticks were drawn, each day, one of the member of Infinite will have a bonding day with you, whether they like it or not.

First one was going to be Sungjong, who didn't have a problem with you

"Yay! I'm planning on going to Lotte World with her" sungjong said

"Yeah, those kids fit well there" Sungyeol whispered to L, who just smirked


You and Sungjong were on the train to Lotte World, you had no idea where were you going and why the other 6 are no where in sight. 

But infintie were under cover watching you two.

"Tell me again Sungjong, why are the others not with us?" You asked

"They have business with the chief" Sungjong said, "I'm in charge with you today" He grinned

You blinked at him several times.

Finally the train stopped and the door opened, you looked out and your eyes widened, you knew that place anywhere. A smile grew on your face, "It's Lotte World!"

"You've been here before?" Sungjong asked

You nodded, “I’ve been here before with my family”

“Really?” Sungjong asked

You nodded, “But it has been years since I’ve been here”

“Well, then, let’s enjoy our day” Sungjong walked up to the counter and paid for his and your tickets

“What do you want to ride first?” Sungjong asked

You looked around and pointed at the rollercoaster that looked to scary, “I want that one”

When Sungjong saw the rollercoaster, his heart beat faster and his knees felt weak.

The other members who were watching were laughing, “Sungjong is afraid of rollercoasters” They said

“Jimin, I can’t ride that rollercoaster” Sungjong said

“Why?” You asked

“Um. Because, I really can’t” Sungjong said trying to hide his fear of coasters

You blinked at him and then giggled, “Sungjong, it is ok to tell me that you are afraid of roller coasters” You said

Sungjong was silent, *She found out*

“Woah, she found out that quick, she could be a detective someday” Dongwoo said

“No, it is just obvious, that Sungjong is scared of roller coasters” Sungyeol said

 “Jimin, let’s ride the Ferris wheel instead” Sungjong pointed at the Ferris wheel

You nodded, “Alright Sungjong”

Sungjong smiled, “Just call me oppa”

You blinked and then smiled, “Ok Sungjong oppa”

Hoya made a face, “How can we stalk them when they are in the Ferris wheel?”

“It is possible, but hard” L said, “Three of us must be ahead of them, and the other three behind them. We have to be careful not to get caught.”

“Sungjong will just cover us up” Woohyun said

“Let’s go” Dongwoo ran to the Ferris wheel

You didn’t realize anyone of the 6 while waiting in the line. Sungjong was the one who was very stressed that time.

He kept diverting your attention to random object in Lotte World

“So Sungjong oppa, you like being here in Lotte World too?” you asked

Sungjong smiled and nodded, “By the way, how many brothers do you have?”

“Six, why?” You asked

“Just curious, so you’re very close to them?” Sungjong asked

You nodded, “I really care for them and they care for me, although they may make fun of me sometimes or bully me, but they are my brothers. They tend to be like that” You laughed

“So you are the youngest. You don’t have an older sister?” Sungjong asked

You shook your head, “I’m the second youngest, my twin brother is the youngest”

“YOU HAVE A TWIN BROTHER?” Sungjong asked

You nodded, “Though we don’t look alike, he likes to color his hair and so do my other brothers. I am minutes older than him, but he is taller than me”

“Really? I also color my hair sometimes, just for missions and stuff” Sungjong blew his bangs, “And so does the other members, but since we were mission less for so long, our hair turned back to its original color”

You touched Sungjong hair, “I like natural hair color. They look more normal” You said

Sungjong turned pink from your touch and couldn’t say a thing

You looked at him, “Oh, Sungjong oppa, you look a bit pink, are you feeling ok?” You touched his forehead that made his face turn red

He panicked and went back, “I’m fine, it is just, um. I can’t. I mean. Um.” He scratched his head, “I think I’m getting dizzy from this ride, I think we should try another one” He said

You nodded, “Ok, your choice oppa”

The other members were looked at the two of you

Sungyeol put down his binoculars, “They are stopping”

L was busy looking out the window, “I knew we should have put a mic on Sungjong”

Woohyun shook his head, “We should make them have fun. Sungjong might be more conscious about what he will say if we put a mic on him. By the way, where are you planning to bring Jimin tomorrow Myungsoo?”

L shrugged his shoulders, “Still thinking”

“You better decide soon” Woohyun said, “I’ve already decided where we will go”

L faced Sungyeol, “You’re lucky Sungyeol to get to bond with her last. You won’t be under pressure in thinking where to bring her”

Sungyeol didn’t reply it was like he didn’t hear him and looked at you and Sungjong through his binoculars” 

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Chapter 44: Auwwww i want to know who's the boy bc i really can't imagine who will ended up with jimin (ಥ_ಥ) its hard bc all of them were so sweet to her so it kind of hard for me to choose one of them (〒︿〒) and isn't jimin still a kid she's like only 17 years old meanwhile infinite members are all above 20 but nahhh the between jimin and infinite members aren't that big even with the maknae compared to me ಠ_ಠ anyway good job author-nim hehehehe ♡(◡‿◡✿) i really love your story!♡♡
Chapter 24: omg this chapter was the hilarious so far XD i'm still laughing while crying hahahaha i think you also should tag comedy for this fanfic ~ ̄▽ ̄ for now, I'm still enjoying this story so much lmao
Chapter 41: OMO I just got really scared... when it said 'the members are dead' i thought for a moment that it was the infinite members, not the TOA members... PHEW its not:)
Chapter 34: LOL when L was like 'another one'? about Youngjae I was laughing for some reason XD Jimin's so lucky.. being surrounded by handsome guys:)
Chapter 32: NOOOOOOOO SUNGYEOL AND YONGGUK GOT HURT:( MEANIE TOA ppl... wait till they beat you and you get defeated:) (does that make sense...)
Chapter 24: LOLOL myungsoo:) hes so cute tho... awww:)
Chapter 6: LOLOL HOYA:P he needs to be y~
Chapter 44: Hahahaah, wooow, an idea with ending is awesome xd For me it should be Myungsoo, she even gave him the key, but your idea was better ;d Everyone can choose whoever they want :p
Btw, Annyeong, I'm Kathee and I'm 96' liner~ I just finished reading your story instead studying :p hahah I'm dead meat now o.o hahah but I really enjoyed the time when I was reading it :) I like the concept, action and brother-sister relationship :) I think that it's amazing story :) I can't even say bad things about it :p Not because I don't wanna be rude, but because I can't find anything :) I hope we will get along well during your next stories because I will look forward to it :)
Thanks for your hard work~ Seeya soon ^.^ FIGHTING author-nim~ <3
Chapter 33: Aww she forgot about Himchan, haha. Yongguk is so funny when he imitated Himchan sulking.:D