Leaving without a Good bye

The Chaser

You were already packing your things for Korea.

You are going to leave that day before 7pm. 

Yongguk was in the kitchen fixing your dinner. Your appa was getting your passport ready.

You still couldn't believe what you have gotten into. You finally closed your last luggage and looked out of your window, *Korea, my hometown.* you thought and looked back at your room which was already empty with furniture. 

You went up to your mirror and looked at a picture that stick there. You took it and looked at it carefully, it was a picture of your family, when it was completed, you knew the background anywhere, it was Lotte World. *Omma, I will be able to visit you again* You thought

You put the picture back down, *Mianhae oppas, Zelo.*

"Jimin? Are you ready?" Yongguk knocked on your door

"Nae oppa!" You said 

Yongguk went into your room, he wasn't used to see the room so empty, he really didn't want you to leave, but for your safety.

"Oppa, how long do you think I will be in Korea?" You asked

"You can come back when father finally tracks down TOA and completely destroys the file and put all the members into prison" Yongguk said as he carried two of your bags, "Let's go. Your flight is leaving in less than an hour" he said

You nodded and took your last luggage and went with him. 

You stopped when you were out of your room "Oppa"

"What?" He asked

"Are you sure the boys can handle themselves without me? Won't TAO hunt them down too?" You asked

"They'll be fine, none of your brothers were witnesses of the killing. If they try to kill more innocent people, their charges against the government will increase" Yongguk said

"Oh" You nodded

When you two were out of the house you looked back to the window of your room, *Take care oppas, Zelo* You thought

"Jimin, you're ticket and passports are here. I'll be staying behind to wait for the boys, and to give Himchan a very long lecture" You appa said

You laughed, "Take care appa" You hugged your appa

"Take care Jimin" He hugged you back

"Let's go Jimin" Yongguk said as he nodded to the car

You let go of your appa and smiled, "Take care of oppas and Zelo for me" You said

"I'll try my best" He said

You laughed and hopped into the car. As Yongguk drove farther the house, you felt like you wanted to cry.

"You can cry if you want" Yongguk said

You looked at him

"I know you feel sad, don't hide your feelings. When you're in Korea and feel homesick, don't be embarrassed to cry. Give us a call sometimes, but don't call us over an ordinary phone. Call us over a secured line. I know Woolim has one. TOA might find out where you are if you use a normal line, be careful always" He said

"Yes oppa" you said

"You know what to do already?" he asked

You nodded, "After I get out of the airport in Korea, my identify will change, my name will be Kang Jiyoung." you smiled

"First thing you will do, find your body guards" He said

"Yup oppa" you smiled

It wasn't a long ride, before you know it you were at the airport already. Yongguk helped you check in your luggage. 

"I guess it is time for me to say good bye" Yongguk said

Your bottom lip began to tremble, "Oppa! I'm going to miss you!" You cried out and cried on his chest

Yongguk softened, he your head, "Yah Jimin, people are looking" he said

You drew back and wiped your tears, "I won't be able to see oppas for a long time"

"I know, I'll just explain to them everything." He said

"I thought that was appa's job?" You asked

"Appa's job is in the FBI" Yongguk said

You giggled, "Ok oppa, I'll be going in now"

"Have a safe flight Jimin. Don't forget to eat the dinner I made you" Yongguk said

"I sure will" You said and went in the boarding section

"Till we meet again Jimin, i swear, the moment you come back here, those guys will suffer" he whispered and watched you


"I'm back!" Himchan called, "Jimin!" He called

"Jimin is not here" Your appa said

"WHAT!?! Didn't she come home?" Himchan asked

"She did, with Yongguk. Himchan. Where have you been? I thought I told you to pick Jimin up from school. Instead I find Jimin coming home with Yongguk in a very surprising manner" Your appa said

"Sorry appa" Himchan said, "But where is Jimin and Yongguk now?" He asked

"At the airport" Your appa said

"Airport? What are they doing there?" Himchan asked

"Jimin is leaving for Korea" Your appa said

With that, bag drop was heard. Your appa and Himchan looked back tot he door to see Daehyun, Zelo, Youngjae, and Jongup there

"JIMN IS GOING WHERE!?!" The four of them asked surprised

After explaining, the 5 boys' faces were full of shock

"But why tonight? We didn't have a chance to say good bye" Zelo asked

"Because TOA might easily track her tonight" Yongjae said

"It's all your fault for not being with Jimin." Daehyun said

"It's Himchan's fault for not picking her up!" Jongup eyed on Himchan who looked more guilty than everyone

"Enough, at least your sister will be safe there. From now on, no one must speak a word about where Jimin is. If anyone asked you, tell them she is... um." You appa paused

"Tell them she is in Hawaii" Daehyun said

"Hawaii?" Zelo made a questioned face

Daehyun nodded, "Yes. Hawaii"

Then all of them nodded


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Chapter 44: Auwwww i want to know who's the boy bc i really can't imagine who will ended up with jimin (ಥ_ಥ) its hard bc all of them were so sweet to her so it kind of hard for me to choose one of them (〒︿〒) and isn't jimin still a kid she's like only 17 years old meanwhile infinite members are all above 20 but nahhh the between jimin and infinite members aren't that big even with the maknae compared to me ಠ_ಠ anyway good job author-nim hehehehe ♡(◡‿◡✿) i really love your story!♡♡
Chapter 24: omg this chapter was the hilarious so far XD i'm still laughing while crying hahahaha i think you also should tag comedy for this fanfic ~ ̄▽ ̄ for now, I'm still enjoying this story so much lmao
Chapter 41: OMO I just got really scared... when it said 'the members are dead' i thought for a moment that it was the infinite members, not the TOA members... PHEW its not:)
Chapter 34: LOL when L was like 'another one'? about Youngjae I was laughing for some reason XD Jimin's so lucky.. being surrounded by handsome guys:)
Chapter 32: NOOOOOOOO SUNGYEOL AND YONGGUK GOT HURT:( MEANIE TOA ppl... wait till they beat you and you get defeated:) (does that make sense...)
Chapter 24: LOLOL myungsoo:) hes so cute tho... awww:)
Chapter 6: LOLOL HOYA:P he needs to be y~
Chapter 44: Hahahaah, wooow, an idea with ending is awesome xd For me it should be Myungsoo, she even gave him the key, but your idea was better ;d Everyone can choose whoever they want :p
Btw, Annyeong, I'm Kathee and I'm 96' liner~ I just finished reading your story instead studying :p hahah I'm dead meat now o.o hahah but I really enjoyed the time when I was reading it :) I like the concept, action and brother-sister relationship :) I think that it's amazing story :) I can't even say bad things about it :p Not because I don't wanna be rude, but because I can't find anything :) I hope we will get along well during your next stories because I will look forward to it :)
Thanks for your hard work~ Seeya soon ^.^ FIGHTING author-nim~ <3
Chapter 33: Aww she forgot about Himchan, haha. Yongguk is so funny when he imitated Himchan sulking.:D