
The Chaser

"WHAT?! It's my turn already??" Dongwoo asked

Everyone nodded

"But I don't know where to take her!!" Dongwoo whined

"You should have thought of that yesterday" Sunggyu said

Dongwoo made a face and started thinking, "Hmm, Ah! I'll take her bowling"

"Yah! That is my idea" Hoya said

"Too bad your 5th" Dongwoo stuck his tongue out

"Traitor" Hoya crossed his arms

"Alright, Hoya, you can think of somewhere else. Woohyun will help you find." Sunggyu said

"How will I know if Woohyun will steal my place too? It's his turn tomorrow" Hoya said

"I already arranged plans" Woohyun nodded, "It was hard picking over some places, but I finally picked already" Woohyun said

"Where are you taking her?" Hoya asked

"Jeju Island" Woohyun smiled

Dongwoo choked on what he is eating, "Jeju Island!?!" HE asked

"Isn't that too expensive for a day with Jimin?" Sungjong asked

"Well, if we all have turns, I like my turn to be the best for Jimin." Woohyun smiled

"So this a game now? The best bonding with Jimin?" Sungyeol asked

"If it is a game I'd put L in the bottom place. He didn't get to know Jimin that well" Hoya said

"I did" L said

"What did you know about her?" Sunggyu asked

"She asks too much questions" L said

Sunggyu made a face, "L, I'm afraid I have to give you a second round"

"WHAT?!" L asked

"All you did yesterday was answer a few questions. Did nothing and waited for her to fall asleep" Sunggyu said

L crossed him arms and did not reply

"So what will I bring Jimin?" Dongwoo asked

"2pm. We will be the ones to drop you guys there" Sunggyu said

Dongwoo nodded, "Alright"

"Yah! Don't focus on yourself, try to be friends with her. And don't go loosing your temper. Araso?" Sunggyu asked

"Nae" Dongwoo said

"Ok, we can't just use the same excuse over and over again" SUngjong said

"Yeah, even I think of it as corny already" Woohyun said

"Then what excuse do we have to tell Jimin? We are setting you up with the members for them to get to know you better. Anyways, she knows we are busy so, we can stick to that excuse" Sunggyu said

"But Jimin is a smart kid. She is a daughter of an FBI cop in the USA. We don't know what she is capable of" Sungyeol said

The conversation was cut off when you called for them, "Guys! Lunch time"

"Ok, I'll try to think up of a nice excuse, you guys just go with the flow" Sunggyu said as he stood up

You put the bowls in the table and waited for the boys

"What are we having?" Sungjong asked

"Just ramen, the ingredients were not enough to cook up anything, but since there was lots of ramen, this is all I can cook for you" You said

"Hmm, You should be with Sungyeol when grocery shopping, so you can cook more better food" Dongwoo said

"Well, I am thinking of going to th grocery store later." You said

Just then Sunggyu looked at Dongwoo, *Best opportunity* He thought. Just as if Dongwoo read his mind, he shook his head and mouthed,' No freaking way'

Hoya noticed and tried hard not to laugh. You looked at the three of them with a confused look, "What's wrong?"

Hoya shook his head, "Nothing, it's just something that happened awhile ago"

"What happened awhile ago?" You asked

"ummmm." Hoya scratched his head thinking of an excuse, "Dongwoo wet the bed! AHH!" He said at that, Dongwoo stepped on Hoya's foot really hard, *You punk* 

Hoya looked at Dongwoo with gritted teeth, 'that hurt'

"Are you ok Hoya?" You asked

"Yeah. Only if Dongwoo didn't step on my foot!!" Hoya yelled into Dongwoo's face

"you're the one who started it!" Dongwoo yelled back

"I didn't step on your foot!" Hoya yelled at him more

"Yah!! Stop it you two.. Let's just eat" Sunggyu said as he touched his forehead, *I hope Dongwoo's day will go smoothly*

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Chapter 44: Auwwww i want to know who's the boy bc i really can't imagine who will ended up with jimin (ಥ_ಥ) its hard bc all of them were so sweet to her so it kind of hard for me to choose one of them (〒︿〒) and isn't jimin still a kid she's like only 17 years old meanwhile infinite members are all above 20 but nahhh the between jimin and infinite members aren't that big even with the maknae compared to me ಠ_ಠ anyway good job author-nim hehehehe ♡(◡‿◡✿) i really love your story!♡♡
Chapter 24: omg this chapter was the hilarious so far XD i'm still laughing while crying hahahaha i think you also should tag comedy for this fanfic ~ ̄▽ ̄ for now, I'm still enjoying this story so much lmao
Chapter 41: OMO I just got really scared... when it said 'the members are dead' i thought for a moment that it was the infinite members, not the TOA members... PHEW its not:)
Chapter 34: LOL when L was like 'another one'? about Youngjae I was laughing for some reason XD Jimin's so lucky.. being surrounded by handsome guys:)
Chapter 32: NOOOOOOOO SUNGYEOL AND YONGGUK GOT HURT:( MEANIE TOA ppl... wait till they beat you and you get defeated:) (does that make sense...)
Chapter 24: LOLOL myungsoo:) hes so cute tho... awww:)
Chapter 6: LOLOL HOYA:P he needs to be y~
Chapter 44: Hahahaah, wooow, an idea with ending is awesome xd For me it should be Myungsoo, she even gave him the key, but your idea was better ;d Everyone can choose whoever they want :p
Btw, Annyeong, I'm Kathee and I'm 96' liner~ I just finished reading your story instead studying :p hahah I'm dead meat now o.o hahah but I really enjoyed the time when I was reading it :) I like the concept, action and brother-sister relationship :) I think that it's amazing story :) I can't even say bad things about it :p Not because I don't wanna be rude, but because I can't find anything :) I hope we will get along well during your next stories because I will look forward to it :)
Thanks for your hard work~ Seeya soon ^.^ FIGHTING author-nim~ <3
Chapter 33: Aww she forgot about Himchan, haha. Yongguk is so funny when he imitated Himchan sulking.:D