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The Chaser

All of you were at Woolim where Youngjae was busy researching about TOA.

Sungjong who was a Namdaemun last night found the plate number of the car and searched it up.

You were at the infirmary with Sungyeol

"So, you'll be ok in just about a week?" You asked

Sungyeol nodded

"Does it still hurt?" You asked

"Nope." Sungyeol said

"Are you sure?" You asked

Sungyeol nodded

"Okay, by the way, I brought you some snacks" You opened your bag and gave him the lunch you prepared for him.

"Gomawo Jimin" sungyeol said as he took it.

L suddenly came in, "Jimin, your brother is calling you" He said

You stood up, "Araso, eat well Sungyeol oppa" you said and went out of the infirmary.

L smirked, "You look very relaxed there hyung"

Sungyeol made a face, "Relax my , it's boring here."

L laughed, "Araso. araso" L said and went out

"Jimin. We found out the names of the other TOA members." Youngjae said

“Jinja? Who are they?” You asked and looked at the 12 pictures on the screen and began to read them. You stopped at the leader of TOA, it was him who killed the guy back in America.

“It looks like they are on to you now not only because you were a witness, but they need the password” Youngjae said

“What password?” You asked

“The password to the file that they need. The file has the blueprints of a missile that can destroy 5 cities.” Youngjae said, “They know you know the password”

“I forgot” You said

Youngjae bit his lower lip, “Be sure to remember it” He said

“But isn’t it best for me to forget it, TOA will know I forgot the password and then let me of” You said

“Jimin.” Youngjae shook his head, “Once they found out you forgot the password, they will kill you, you will have no use to them. They will kill you because you were a witness and have caused them a lot of trouble. TOA hates wasting their time tracking witnesses.”

“how did you know?” You asked

“It’s written in their faces” Youngjae said

“Youngjae” Sungjong called


“3 members of TOA are boarded in a plane going to Korea” Sungjong said

Youngjae turned to you, “You’re so dead. We got to get you out of the country now”

“I’m trying to hack into the CCTV of the airport.” Sungjong said

Sunggyu stood up, “Woohyun, Myungsoo” He called

“Yes?” They answered

“I want you two to go to the airport as quickly as possible, pretend to be airport employees, show your I.Ds to the security and put a bug on those 2 members” Sunggyu said

“Yes!” They said

Woohyun ran to get the costumes and L ran to get the car. In less than 5 minutes, both of them were on their way to Incheon International Airport. They presented their I.Ds and went into positions.

Sungjong was watching them through the CCTV.

When the plane arrived, L and Woohyun were on already on watch.

When the passengers arrived, they looked at every one of them, at the end, they found the three members.

“Let’s wait until they get all their luggages” Woohyun said

L nodded

When it looked like they got all their luggage, Woohyun and L went to help them

“Sir, may we help you with you luggages?” Woohyun asked

“Yeah, thank you” One of them said

L was behind and quickly planted a bug on their jackets and picked up one of the luggage. Woohyun all the bugs with the remote and helped them with their bags until they reached outside the airport

“Thank you” They said

Woohyun and L bowed and walked away, with a hi-five they were out of sight

“Waaaa. Woohyun oppa and L are good” You said as you watched them

“They’re agents, what do you expect?” Sungjong said

Then there was a call from Woohyun. Sungjong answered it.

“Tasked complete” Woohyun said

“Woohyun oppa, that was so cool, none of them noticed a thing” You said

Woohyun laughed, “Thank you Jimin, anyways, the bugs are on. And those guys were picked up by a car. Go listen to the conversation”

“Ok.” Sungjong said

“We will be going there now. See you in a while” Woohyun said

“Where is Myungsoo?” You asked

“He is getting the car. Oh! He is here. See you” Woohyun said

Sungjong turned off the chat and turned to listen to the bug

“So, the little girl is in Korea?” one said

“Yeah, when I get my hands on that girl, I swear I will make her pay for causing us to delay our terrorism plans” the other replied

Hearing that made you gulp

Daehyun was beside you held your hand and continued listening

“We can’t just kill that girl. We need the password too”

“I know but, the file is still hidden in the computer. We can unlock it easily. All we have to do is find the girl and kill her. She has caused us too much. From what I see, she is in the care of some bodyguards”

“Bodyguards? Hired from where?”

“I still don’t know. I need to figure out, but I caught some of the DNA’s of the others. When I find them, it is sure we can find her”

You gulped, “They found out” you cupped your mouth, “I’m doomed” You sank to the floor

“Our only hope is to send Jimin back to America” Dongwoo said

“Yeah. Sungjong, go reserve the private jet.” Sunggyu said, “We’ll wait for L and Woohyun to pick Jimin up and bring her to the apartment to pack up

Sungjong nodded and went to get the jet ready

You sighed and looked at your brothers, “Oppa” Your eyes were filled with sadness. Daehyun came to you and hugged you, “Jimin, it will be alright, TOA knows you are in Korea and they won’t know whether you left or not. You’ll be alright” He said

You rubbed your eyes, “So I have to say goodbye to Infinite?” You asked

Daehyun nodded.

You went to go the infirmary to say good bye to Sungyeol, but he was asleep. You didn’t want to wake him up so you left him without a goodbye

“We’re back” Woohyun called

“Good, You and L bring Jimin and her brothers back to the apartment to pack up, they are leaving Korea as soon as they are ready” Sunggyu said

Without asking why, Woohyun nodded and called L, “We’re going to the apartment with Jimin and her oppas” Woohyun said and looked at you, “Let’s go”

Your oppas finished packing fast and were already in the hallway waiting for you.

L was on your door watching you, “So, is it goodbye now?” He asked

You looked at him, “Are you sure you’ll be safe here?” you asked

L smirked, “you didn’t answer my question”

“You didn’t answer mine either” You said

L smiled, “Of course we will be alright here”

You smiled, “You got to be sure. Because when I come back here to find out you’re all dead, I won’t forgive you”

L laughed, “I promise, we won’t die”

You look through your bag and got something, it was the key you bought, “Here. Take this” You handed it to L

L came to you and took it, “What’s this?”

“It’s a key. Think of it as a farewell gift” You said, “You can hang it in your car, it will remind you to stay alive until I come back”

“Don’t worry about us. Worry about yourself. Don’t get caught in America anymore. If you die in the hands of TOA, I will kill you” L said

You laughed, “Whatever” You said and closed your bag, “Can you help me with my bags?” you asked

L put the key in his pocket and helped you carry your bags.

Both of you went out of the apartment.

“Myungsoo, you say your good bye to Jimin already, you’ll be staying here.” Woohyun said

“Why?” L asked

“You pack our things, we are moving out of this apartment for a while” Woohyun said

L nodded, “So, good bye Jimin”

You nodded, “Bye oppa”

You looked back at L while walking to the elevator, *Don’t forget your promise* you thought

Finally, all of you arrived at the HQ. You and your oppas were saying your farewells to Infinite

“Thanks for taking good care of my sis” Daehyun said

“Good bye Sunggyu oppa. Good bye Dongwoo, Sungjong, Hoya, and Woohyun.” You said

“Bye jimin, we will miss you” Dongwoo said

“Too bad Sungyeol is still asleep. But I’ll tell him you said goodbye” Sunggyu said

“Thanks oppa” You smiled

“Jimin. Let’s go” Yongguk called from the jet

“Bye” You said and went walking

You looked at Infinite waving, “Take care oppas” You bit your lip trying to hold your tears, “Thanks for the fun. Thanks for keeping me even though it was hard” you said

Sungjong was almost going to cry

“Jimin! Sorry if I was a bit too hard on you before” Dongwoo called and couldn’t add anymore to it, *This mission was more than babysitting* He thought

Finally, you entered the jet and the doors closed. You sat next to Daehyun and looked out the window. Daehyun put your head on his shoulder, “I know how close you are to them. Don’t worry, it isn’t goodbye. You’ll get to see them again”

You looked at him, “I just hope they will be ok. TOA is going to find out about them and surely will kill them after they find them.” You said

“They won’t be killed.” Daehyun said

You looked back at them as the jet moved, *I hope they’ll be fine*

Soon, the jet took off and you looked back at Korea once more

L looked out the window from the apartment, *I hope I can really fulfill the promise Jimin. I’ll try my best* The thought and took out the key and held it to his chest

Sungyeol woke up from a bad feeling, he looked around not knowing what to do. He felt danger coming near

When the jet was out of sight, Sunggyu turned to Infinite, “Let’s go back to the apartment and help L pack out things, we need to have a low profile from now on. We’re going to move to Daegu for a while”

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Chapter 44: Auwwww i want to know who's the boy bc i really can't imagine who will ended up with jimin (ಥ_ಥ) its hard bc all of them were so sweet to her so it kind of hard for me to choose one of them (〒︿〒) and isn't jimin still a kid she's like only 17 years old meanwhile infinite members are all above 20 but nahhh the between jimin and infinite members aren't that big even with the maknae compared to me ಠ_ಠ anyway good job author-nim hehehehe ♡(◡‿◡✿) i really love your story!♡♡
Chapter 24: omg this chapter was the hilarious so far XD i'm still laughing while crying hahahaha i think you also should tag comedy for this fanfic ~ ̄▽ ̄ for now, I'm still enjoying this story so much lmao
Chapter 41: OMO I just got really scared... when it said 'the members are dead' i thought for a moment that it was the infinite members, not the TOA members... PHEW its not:)
Chapter 34: LOL when L was like 'another one'? about Youngjae I was laughing for some reason XD Jimin's so lucky.. being surrounded by handsome guys:)
Chapter 32: NOOOOOOOO SUNGYEOL AND YONGGUK GOT HURT:( MEANIE TOA ppl... wait till they beat you and you get defeated:) (does that make sense...)
Chapter 24: LOLOL myungsoo:) hes so cute tho... awww:)
Chapter 6: LOLOL HOYA:P he needs to be y~
Chapter 44: Hahahaah, wooow, an idea with ending is awesome xd For me it should be Myungsoo, she even gave him the key, but your idea was better ;d Everyone can choose whoever they want :p
Btw, Annyeong, I'm Kathee and I'm 96' liner~ I just finished reading your story instead studying :p hahah I'm dead meat now o.o hahah but I really enjoyed the time when I was reading it :) I like the concept, action and brother-sister relationship :) I think that it's amazing story :) I can't even say bad things about it :p Not because I don't wanna be rude, but because I can't find anything :) I hope we will get along well during your next stories because I will look forward to it :)
Thanks for your hard work~ Seeya soon ^.^ FIGHTING author-nim~ <3
Chapter 33: Aww she forgot about Himchan, haha. Yongguk is so funny when he imitated Himchan sulking.:D