Night with L

The Chaser

L went out of the room scratching his head, *I really don't know what to do. But I need to at least get Jimin to like me. WAIT! Did I just want to get close to someone? What happened to me?*

"Get your head on straight Myungsoo" L said and shook his head

You looked at L confused, "Are you alright Myungsoo?"

L almost jumped in surprised, "Yeah" he was able to maintain his cool

"So, what will be our dinner?" You asked

"What else is in the fridge?" L asked and went to the kitchen

"I don't know" you said while trying to tie up your hair into one ponytail

After checking the refrigerator, L sighed and turned around, "I guess we gotta order-" He stopped to see you with your hair tied up, you were wearing a sleeveless top and shorts that exposed your thin long legs

L's ears turned red, *Why is she dressed up like that when we are alone?*

"Order what?" You asked

"Um," L looked around for coupons, he found one for KFC, "Wanna order chicken?"


30 minutes passed before the chicken delivery arrived. L paid for the extra orders.

"Let's eat" You said as you fixed up the table

L sat down and looked at you, *Why do I feel different right now? Not like before*

You placed L's order infront of him and sat down, you put your chicken in your plate and opened your gravy sauce and poured it all over the chicken. L did the same habitually 

You turned to L and looked at his plate, "Myungsoo, you also do the same thing to your gravy" You said

L looked at you and your plate, "Oh! I guess we have the same habit" L said

You smiled, "I guess we have that in common" you said and took a bit of your chicken, you didn't notice you have a crumb on your bottom lip

Without thinking, L leaned towards you and wiped off the crumb with his thumb, "You have a crumb right there"

You turned a bit pink, "A-Ah ok" you said

Then L realized what he had done, *What did i just do.* "Um, sorry, it was a bit disturbing"

"It's ok." you nodded, *Why is his personality a bit different from what he was before?*

"I'll wash the dishes afterwards" L said after he finished his meal

"Oh! It's ok Myungsoo. I can do it. You go do your work" You said

"The others are already doing it" L said. And when he saw you have already finished your meal, he snatched your plate and went to the kitchen

"Yah! Myungsoo! I can do it" You said

L was silent and put the dishes in the sink, "Clean the table instead." he said

You blew a raspberry, "Araso"

You went to get the rug to clean the table, you noticed L was too focused on the sink and didn't even look like he saw you.

"YAH!" You shouted

That time, L jumped, "MUH!?"

His reaction made you giggle, "Nothing. You're just doing great"

"You did that on purpose" L said

"Did what?" You asked

"You tried to scare me. If only I wasn't too focused on washing, I could have put myself on guard" Myungsoo said

"Wow!" you said

"Yeah. I'm an agent afterall" L smirked

"No. It's not that. I 'Wow' at how long your sentence was. It is a record for you!" You clapped your hands in a teasing manner


You stuck your tongue out

"Why you! Come over here!" L dipped his fingers in the water and chased after you

"YAH! Help! the mighty Myungsoo is going to spray me with water!" You teased

"Come over here!" L said with an enjoying face

The two of you spent most of the time chasing each other around the apartment


"i'm so tired!" Sungjong complained

"We're here already. I wonder what is happening up there" Sunggyu looked up to their apartment's window to see two people's shadow chasing each other, then he saw a gun pointing to the girl. his eyes widened and pointed, "YAH! Jimin is in danger!" He shouted and ran towards to building

The other members saw it and ran too, 

"WHAT THE HELL IS MYUNGSOO DOING!" Sunggyu shouted while running to the elevator, when he went in the elevator, he pressed his floor level about 20 times and the doors closed, the other members we're even able to get in the elevator, they turned to the stairs and ran up the stairway

Sunggyu opened the apartment door, "JIMIN!" He shouted and was greeted by a splash of water

"OH! Sunggyu oppa!" you gasped

L put down the water gun, "Sorry hyung!"

"We're here hyung!" Woohyun and the others came gasping for air and stopped to see the wet faced Sunggyu. They looked at you and L dripping wet

"Did we have a pipe leak or something?" Hoya asked.

Everyone looked at the wet apartment. Sunggyu sighed and looked at how the two of you became closed, "Myungsoo, I don't know if I should be proud of you or not"


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Chapter 44: Auwwww i want to know who's the boy bc i really can't imagine who will ended up with jimin (ಥ_ಥ) its hard bc all of them were so sweet to her so it kind of hard for me to choose one of them (〒︿〒) and isn't jimin still a kid she's like only 17 years old meanwhile infinite members are all above 20 but nahhh the between jimin and infinite members aren't that big even with the maknae compared to me ಠ_ಠ anyway good job author-nim hehehehe ♡(◡‿◡✿) i really love your story!♡♡
Chapter 24: omg this chapter was the hilarious so far XD i'm still laughing while crying hahahaha i think you also should tag comedy for this fanfic ~ ̄▽ ̄ for now, I'm still enjoying this story so much lmao
Chapter 41: OMO I just got really scared... when it said 'the members are dead' i thought for a moment that it was the infinite members, not the TOA members... PHEW its not:)
Chapter 34: LOL when L was like 'another one'? about Youngjae I was laughing for some reason XD Jimin's so lucky.. being surrounded by handsome guys:)
Chapter 32: NOOOOOOOO SUNGYEOL AND YONGGUK GOT HURT:( MEANIE TOA ppl... wait till they beat you and you get defeated:) (does that make sense...)
Chapter 24: LOLOL myungsoo:) hes so cute tho... awww:)
Chapter 6: LOLOL HOYA:P he needs to be y~
Chapter 44: Hahahaah, wooow, an idea with ending is awesome xd For me it should be Myungsoo, she even gave him the key, but your idea was better ;d Everyone can choose whoever they want :p
Btw, Annyeong, I'm Kathee and I'm 96' liner~ I just finished reading your story instead studying :p hahah I'm dead meat now o.o hahah but I really enjoyed the time when I was reading it :) I like the concept, action and brother-sister relationship :) I think that it's amazing story :) I can't even say bad things about it :p Not because I don't wanna be rude, but because I can't find anything :) I hope we will get along well during your next stories because I will look forward to it :)
Thanks for your hard work~ Seeya soon ^.^ FIGHTING author-nim~ <3
Chapter 33: Aww she forgot about Himchan, haha. Yongguk is so funny when he imitated Himchan sulking.:D