Chapter 6

[HIATUS] Sweet Heart?

"Well you said people could see us." Seunghyun said chuckling a bit, continuing to walk to the front door. 

Right when Seunghyun was about to open the door, Jiyong got in front of it. Trying to make up an excuse for him not to enter. 

"Uh.. I think my parents are home." he said.

Seunghyun blinked, and tilted his head toward the empty car space.

"Do you think I'm that stupid?" he chuckled,pushing the door open.

"See no one here." he said as if he was talking about his own house.

Jiyong just leaned there agaist the wall,waiting for him to finish looking around.

"You got a nice house." he said before putting his attention back to Jiyong. 

"Eh just my parents, they are into futuristic looks." Jiyong said chuckling a bit.

He started walking towards the kitchen. Hoping Senghyun had forgotten what he was going to do.

Seunghyung followed Jiyong and kept looking arond, his mind still amused at his house.

Jiyong kept showing him the rooms of his house, when he go to his room. He showed him around carefully each thing.

"It's very detailed." he said chuckling a bit.

"Yesterday when I came in it seemed like a room filled with crap." he added.

Jiyong glared at him. 

"what was that even about?" he aske laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Meh~ just decided to come in." he said crawling next to Jiyong.

Jiyong tried to push him away but he just wrapped his arms around Ji's waist,leaning in closer to him. 

Seunghyun got close enough where their lips were practically touching. He gently placed a kiss on his lips before pressing them down on Jiyong's. 

Jiyong let him kiss him, not soon after he kissed him back. Seunghyun Ji's bottom lip. Making Jiyong open his mouth slightly letting Seunghyuns tongue slip in his mouth. 

He twirled his tongue around Ji's tongue before wrestling with it for dominance. Jiyong let a soft moan escape his mouth. Seunghyung smirked against the kiss. 

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StormyDay #1
Chapter 8: Please continue.
Chapter 8: Please continue!<3
Chapter 8: Please continue author-nim
Chapter 8: Of course we would
gisela #5
Chapter 8: CONTINUEEEE!!!! *nuff said*
Chapter 8: of course we would want you to continue dear :)
Chapter 8: of course~~~ please continue~~~ >3<
Chapter 6: Seunghyun so persistent >u<
guriasob #9
Chapter 5: Haha :D