Chapter 4

[HIATUS] Sweet Heart?

"I ... I" jiyong was still clueless of what to say.

"you what?" Seunghyun said looking at him, slight anger in his eyes.

"I.. I like you too" his mind went completely blank letting his heart decide. 

Seunghyun just stood there, jiyong did the same. Neither of them knew what to do next. 

"It's getting late... I should go now. My parents may be waiting" jiyong said quickly trying to make up a lie. His parents weren't even home at this time. 

Jiyong looked at the map the subways station had of the city and started walking,his hands in his pockets trying to warm himself up. It was a cold night, dark already. How time passed fast.

Jiyong took out his headphones and started listening to music blocking out all the sound form outside.

Seunghyun had a worry he would get lost, there was too much night activity at night and not many lights.


Jiyong turned and stopped looking all directions but that was no luck. He had gotten lost. Even worse it a dark alley. He looked around but nothing. 

What he didn't know was that Seunghyun was following him making sure he wouldn't get lost. But it seemed he did. Seunghyun slowly walk to him from behind. Not making a sound, he tapped his shoulder and as soon as jiyong felt motion he grabbed his wrist turning him and pushing him to the floor,grabbing him by his vests collar. 

"What are you doing?!" He asked furiously 

"I was just making sure you didn't get lost, but it seems you have" Seunghyun answered him.

His grip tightened on his collar.

"I'm not a little kid I can handle things myself." He said with anger in his eyes, the last thing he wanted was people to worry about him.

Seunghyun grabbed jiyongs hands and flipped him over, looking straight into his eyes.

" Are you sure you can handle them yourself?" He said as he was leaning in closer to jiyongs face

Jiyong struggled from his grip but it was no use he was stronger than him.

When jiyong was about to answer him he pressed his lips against jiyong's, jiyong struggled at first, after a while letting his heart decide what to do and kiss him back.

Jiyongs mind finally took place as he pushed Seunghyun off him, running to any direction he could. 

"He's a jerk, he flirts with anyone. He breaks hearts for a living" the voices of the past where coming back to him, a small tear going down his cheek but he wiped it off angrily.

jiyong ran for a couple minutes and finally saw the city lights the bright city lights. He knew where to go from there on. 


When jiyong got to his house he slammed the door behind him. He remembers his "best friend" likes to breaks hearts. All those girls who would take off running, crying when Seunghyun would break up with them.

No one was home again. He went to his room and just stayed there, staring at the ceiling for what could have been hours,falling asleep silently. 


Jiyong woke up, his eyes barely opened, he stepped a shoe on the floor and it felt squishy. He stepped on it a couple more times,making the "thing" groan. When he heard the groan jiyongs eyes snapped open and looked down it was Seunghyun.


"shh~ I'm trying to sleep." Seunghyun said in a lazy tone

"NO YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE!!! GET....." Jiyongs sentence got cut off when Seunghyun pushed him on bed and plopped down on him.

"What are you...." His sentence got cut off by Seunghyuns lips on his this time he didn't pull away.

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StormyDay #1
Chapter 8: Please continue.
Chapter 8: Please continue!<3
Chapter 8: Please continue author-nim
Chapter 8: Of course we would
gisela #5
Chapter 8: CONTINUEEEE!!!! *nuff said*
Chapter 8: of course we would want you to continue dear :)
Chapter 8: of course~~~ please continue~~~ >3<
Chapter 6: Seunghyun so persistent >u<
guriasob #9
Chapter 5: Haha :D