Chapter I: To Think I walked straight, but I wasn’t.

The Life Of ...You and Me

Chapter I: To Think I walked straight, but I wasn’t.






Turning around to see a fish running with his tails on the ground going towards him, Hyukjae smiled to see his best friend. He even waved back at him to assure his presence is acknowledged.




Donghae lovingly smiled at his best friend for almost three years—yep! He kept his time to start confessing his hidden feelings for him all these years. Donghae is really patient, indeed.


“Hey, how was my baby?” Donghae with a cheeky smile, he lean his arm around Hyukjae’s shoulders and pulled the latter closer while they walk towards their school.

“Yah!” Hyukjae slapped Donghae’s hand that was clinging on his left shoulder. “I’m not your baby, so stop calling me that, you playboy!” Hyukjae accusingly stare at Donghae and the latter made a pout.

“For your information, Hyukkie, you should’ve said those words to me the first time I called you ‘baby’. And for the nth time, I am not a playboy. Girls just love to hang around with me. But, believe me when I said I am only yours. ” Donghae stated gaining a smirk from his face.

“And I promise you, nobody can take me away from you.” He added and Hyukjae elbowed him lightly on his stomach that made the latter grew in pain afterwards.

Well, to tell you, Donghae made every effort and made every move for Hyukjae to hear his heart’s plea but, Hyukjae seem to be ignoring every actions, not minding them and acting as if Donghae’s just messing around with him ‘cause he knew his best friend is very lovable and nice to everyone. Or, maybe he’s just dumb and numb.

You make a guess.



Going to class was never been boring because, of course, Hyukjae, his best friend was with him all these years. The freshman year was the happiest year of his life when Hyukjae became  his seatmate; the sophomore year was the best ‘cause Hyukjae said ‘yes’ when Donghae asked him, ‘I want you to be my best friend. Do you want to be mine too?’;  the junior year was the loudest ‘cause they found other friends as well and now they built a group of 15 gorgeous men; And, this year, the moment he wants to cherish the most and the moment he’s been waiting for. He soon will about to confess—for real, so help him God.


…but clear as the water, not today.


“Thirty seconds more of your date-walks and you lovers are going to be late.”

Kyuhyun, the magnae of the class and the genius game freak, also one of their friends in the group they made commented as Hyukjae and Donghae entered the room while Donghae’s arm was still wrapped around Hyukjae’s shoulders.

“Yah! We’re not lovers!” Hyukjae yelled, pulling Donghae’s arm out of his shoulders and faced the magnae who took his game console out of his pocket to play, intentionally ignoring what Hyukjae will say because he thinks, Hyukjae’s next words will be nonsense.

“Like how many times do I have to tell you, we’re best friends?!”

Hyukjae cleared and both Kyuhyun and Donghae scoffed silently.

“Hyukkie calm down. Kyubear is just saying—“

Hyukjae cut Sungmin, Kyuhyun’s lover and his other best friend off.

“Saying what?”

“Hyukkie, let’s sit. Mr. Park will be here anytime soon. Save it for lunch. Please?”

Donghae pulled Hyukjae down towards his seat just in front of Kyuhyun and Sungmin’s and heave a heavy sigh afterwards.

“Listening to your heart and opening it is sometimes good, you know.”

Kyuhyun once again commented, still without taking a glance at Hyukjae. Sungmin had to slap Kyuhyun’s shoulder lightly when Hyukjae turn around to glare at Kyuhyun who doesn’t seem to mind the death glare.

“Kyu, you better shut up or I’ll kill your character next time we play.”

Donghae finally move his lips to say something or Kyuhyun, his other best friend might say the things he wanted to say to Hyukjae personally and privately.

“Fine. But, one last thing, Hyuk Hyung,”

“What?” Hyukjae replied, irritated.

“You’re blind, deaf and a one hell of a liar.”

After Kyuhyun told Hyukjae his last words before the teacher came in, Hyukjae had to stop the urge to punch Kyuhyun’s face right there.


Well, that’s true. Hyukjae is blind, deaf and a one hell of a liar and also, in denial. He must be dead to have not felt anything, right? Well, even just a tiny pinch, perhaps?




Once the bell rung indicating it’s already lunchbreak, Hyukjae, Donghae, Kyuhyun and Sungmin walked out of their room without any awkward feelings hovering on top of their heads, just death glares for Hyukjae on Kyuhyun while walking towards the cafeteria where their other friends awaits.

“Stop doing that or else, I’ll be jealous.”

Donghae smiled with his perfect set of white teeth showing and Hyukjae turn his gaze on him and now he’s his target in exchange of Kyuhyun.

“Whoa! Hyukkie. I’m not your enemy.” He put his hands up, in surrendering motion.

“Geez, Donghae. When will you stop acting like that?”

Hyukjae said annoyed and walks ahead of Donghae.


“When you finally accepted my wedding proposal?”


Donghae muttered with a low tone—only he can hear—before closing the distance between them by catching up Hyukjae and lean his arm around his shoulders once again.

“Hmm? What do you say, Hyukkie?”

Donghae asked, smiling at his dear best friend once again. Hyukjae then replied with a frown and palmed Donghae’s face with his right hand, squeezing it in one hand.

“Tell me Minnie I’m not sensing two love-birds behind my back.”

Both Hyukjae and Donghae stopped from what they were doing when Kyuhyun spoke, and earning a shook from Sungmin’s head at his lover’s statement.

“Just let them be, Kyu. They’re happy that way.” Sungmin commented and Donghae’s head start protesting at the bunny’s statement.


‘NO! I’m definitely not too happy with our set-up! Now, I regretted ever asking him to be my best friend instead of being mine!’


Okay. So, Donghae slightly regretted it but, Hyukjae is one step closer to him now. He should be happy about that right? But, of course, he wants them to be more than that. And, entering the cafeteria and meeting their friends together with their lovers that were also their friends, he’s kind of jealous of them. Everyone has their partners except for him and Hyukjae.

It definitely when the one you want is too blind to see your glowing heart. It even more when Hyukjae couldn’t respond to anything and just always tell him, ‘What are you talking about, Hae?’; or, ‘Stop acting like that’ answers that was way too dumb for him to comprehend.

Honestly, after all these years, he still doesn’t know who the real Lee Hyukjae is.


After the lunch was over and the class has finally ended, Donghae and Hyukjae both walked home together as they live near each other. They bid their goodbyes once Donghae get Hyukjae home safely and went to his own afterwards. He kept thinking about what happened all these years. He thinks he wasted too much time. And as he laid himself down to bed that very night, he prayed to heavens for good luck and wishes that tomorrow is going to be a good day for all of them, and for him and Hyukjae as well.







A/N: sorry for not updating. I almost forgot this one. Well, here's an update. I would just like to tell you all beforehand that this fic will have short chapters and i can't say this will be long. for now. so boom~ need to update more. ♥



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Chapter 5: Please continue on this.... they are sweet...
Chapter 5: I hope that you will continue this~ it's nice! <3
Chapter 5: It's really sweet :3 i hope you'de continue T.T i just found you're fiction and i am looking foreward to read more of it
257471 #4
Chapter 4: gyaaahhhh say it already guys...
can't wait for the next chap :)
Chapter 4: aiya..hyukjae, why denied?
possessive donghae~

Chapter 3: owh~ hyukjae's the one that like him first?
okay, hyukjae~ you need to be brave~~
show your love to him ^^
Chapter 3: owh~ hyukjae's the one that like him first?
okay, hyukjae~ you need to be brave~~
show your love to him ^^
Chapter 2: hyukjae? are you really dense like what kyuhyun said? or you just pretend? lol!
poor donghae~~
good luck for you donghae!
chester_angel #9
Chapter 2: I bet Hyukjae is too oblivious on his felling toward Donghae
But hae is seriously one patient man
So sweet~~
namishe #10
Chapter 2: I wonder when he will be telling him XD