I Don't Believe In Fateful Encounter... (He does)

Take Care Of My Girlfriend

*Yoseob POV*



My name is Yoseob Yang. I go to Jiseong Men's High School. If you live in the region that I live in, you can't dare say you don't know my school.

It's the richest school (After Hajin Women's High School which is right next door) because of my family. I am a main vocal of the group called B2ST.

I earn quite a lot of money for a singer, and on top of that, my father is the owner of Jiseong Corporation (hence the name, JISEONG Men's High School). My dad isn't the principal but my mom is. My school doesn't go through a financial problem because of my dad's donations.

I must be spoiled, you say? Oh, that's what my friends tell me. I sometimes agree with them though. Although I'm not an only child, I get treated as one. Come ON! I am the only son in my family. In fact, the youngest one. I have one elder sister, which graduated Seoul University in art major and is working right now. 

She wasn't really the most talented person, I tell you. She .  This is when I realize money IS everything.

Hrm... Let's get back to the topic. I am treated like a baby although I'm a senior student in a high school. I am the MOST POPULAR guy at my school. Am I popular from the guys at my school? NOOOOO. Well, SOME exceptions... Although I don't really pay much attention to them.

Like I've mentioned before, the girls' high school is RIGHT next door. We could see girls in class without binoculars. We're only a fence away. Some girls hop the fence during lunch just to see me. Although they get in trouble by the securities, they seem to enjoy seeing my face. They're just one of the fangirls that would spazz over me because of my job.

They love me for what I am, not because of who I am.

You see, I don't believe in fateful encounter. That only happens in dramas. Where in this world would you fall in love with someone who you JUST met? No one is ever ready for that, unless you're like Ariel from Little Mermaid where you see a prince and the second you see him, you say "I'm in love." Even if that happens, you won't succeed in those. 

I believe in love where you start by getting to know each other and then you like them for who they are. Which is pretty rare too.

No one these days love someone for who they are. They're usually in for their money or their looks. Except for one person I've met...

The day I'm about to tell you guys.... The girl I met on that day... She was different. She wasn't like any other girls. She knew who I was, but she wasn't drooling over me just because I am famous. Which caught my eyes instantly and I was interested...




It was during summer. I was hanging out with my friends, and our stomaches were CRAVING for some ice cream. We decided whoever loses go get ice cream. 

It was the game of traditional ... Rock-Paper-Scissors.

And I knew instantly that I'll have to go. Rock-Paper-Scissors isn't my game. I at it. 

"I'll just go. I know I'll lose anyways." I turned and waved my friends 'See ya later'.




"5,200Won ipnida."

A girl that works as the cashier said in a calm voice. She was sorta pretty. I brought out my money and handed it to her. We made an eye contact and she didn't seem to think of me as more than just a customer. 

Her eyes were as deep as the ocean, but  there was also a bit of coldness. As if there was a deep story behind...

I grabbed my black plastic bag she gave me and walked toward the doors. Right then, the electricity went out. 

"Can you check if the door opens?"

The girl asked me. I thought, did she just say 'can you?' Of course I can. But I won't.

"Not until you say it politely. I'm your customer and you're my employee. Customers are kings."

The girl looked at me weird. "Neh. I'll check it then."

She walked over to the doors and pushed them. They were automatic doors and didn't seem to move. 

"Uh-oh. You're stuck with me now."

I said to the girl playfully and she glared at me. Then she walked over to where she was sitting and just plopped down. Cute.

​I just stood there staring at her. She didn't seem to be bothered about me being there. I opened my mouth to start a conversation.

"So.. What school do you go to?"

She looked at me dumbfoundly. She laughed lightly and answered, "Hajin".

Hajin? Then she must know who I am! Why isn't she screaming or treating me super nicely? 

I thought, maybe she is just trying to act hard-to-get. There is no way a girl from Hajin High wouldn't recognize me. 

But curiosity got me.

"Hey, do you know me?"

The girl nodded. "Your mom is the principal of our nextdoor school, Jiseong. And you're the main vocal in the group B2ST. Yang Yoseob-ssi. All the girls at my school are dying to date you, calling you their Baby Prince.

You're probably wondering, 'why isn't she interested in me? Doesnt she know who I am? Why isn't she treating me super nicely?' Well, he'res your answer. I don't like you."

Her words stabbed me. Just then, the lights came back on. 

"Oh! There's your cue. Bye bye, Baby Prince."




"WHAT? You actually TALKED TO HER?" 

My friend Dujoon said in amazement. 

"Yeah... Is it that great?"

My friends all looked at me in disbelief. 

"Of course! I can't believe you don't know who she is. She's same level as YOU from the guys in our region. If the most popular guy is you, then the most popular girl is HER." 

Oh, I see. 

"Her name is Chae Jiyoon from Hajin Women's High School. She experienced her previous boyfriend's death, so ever since that incident, she won't give even a second look to a guy. She never tries to talk to one." Hyunseung explained while eating his half melted ice cream. "Dude, this ." He stuck out his tongue in disgust. 

My eyes widened. "Her boyfriend died? Why? What happened?" Suddenly, I was highly interested in her.

"No one really knows. He left to America and told her he'd send her a letter when he's doing okay. But he never did, so everyone is taking it as him dead." Dongwoon said with a shrug.

"There is a rumor that he didn't send her a letter because he found a better girl to replace. Hey! There she is!"

All of us looked at where Junhyung was pointing at. She was wearing her uniform earlier, but now she was wearing normal clothes. She had her hair down which added a little mysterious feeling into her. 

I could feel my heart beating. I put my hand on my chest where my heart was. 'What's wrong with me? I barely even know her!' But I lifted my head to keep staring. My heart kept beating faster and faster the more I looked at her. 


I was in love. No, I am in love.


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Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! Its so sudden! O.O
Chapter 5: Awww, she's finally warming up toward Yoseob because she feels guilty! :P

Good luck on your exams! :D
Chapter 5: HWAITING <3
Chapter 5: Waaaah!~~ I love this story~
update soon author nim!~
YOseob and Jiyoon are so CUTE! ^_^
Chapter 4: awuh, cute chapter.
Chapter 3: More. More. I want more. Kyung_Na wants more. Moooooore.
Interesting... Update soon, Author-nim!