HE is back, She is here.

Take Care Of My Girlfriend

I don't know who she is ...

but whenever I'm happy, her image comes in my head.

I don't know where she is ...

but my feet keeps telling me to go find her.

I don't know what she is ...

but I know she is precious to me.

Even though I don't know anything about myself.


*Narrator POV*


"The airplane from Los Angeles, North America to Seoul, South Korea has arrived."




A medium heighted, muscular guy walked toward the exit of an airport, passing the big throng of girls screaming at him. He walked while his luggages were being rolled by another man.

He got out of the airport building, a chauffeur waiting for him with his limo opened for the guy to get in. He sat in the back seat with his legs crossed. He was chewing a gum in a manner that made him look sassy. He the little TV in the limo and turned to a news channel. 

"Today, our beloved singer, AJ is coming back from America after a long break. His fangirls are already waiting outside his—"




The guy rolled down his window and called out,"Manager hyung!"

His manager came running to him. "What's wrong, AJ?"

"What are you doing? Aren't we going to leave?" He took off the sunglasses he was wearing and neatly cased them.

Manager forced a laugh and said, "Uh- yeah! Of course. Just wait a bit. I need to cancel all your schedules as you wished." 

AJ got his phone out and searched through his contacts. "I should tell the members that I'm here!" He excitedly typed the names of people he was texting.

To:Dongwoon Dujun Hyunseung Junhyung Yoseob

Hey! I finally arrived ^^*

From: AJ


He locked his phone and looked out the window, wondering why it's taking manager hyung to take so long calling and telling people that the schedules are cancelled. 




*Jiyoon POV*



I had a dream about him

He told me he would come find me soon... I have a bad feeling about this. 

Girls gossiping again. Ever since that Yoseob incident, girls just want to kill me. "How dare you slap Yoseob's face?" Is mostly what I hear from them. 

But today is different. They were talking about something else. "...comeback....nextdoor school...." was what I heard from them. Nextdoor school? Jiseong? Did Yoseob make a comeback or something? 

Whatever. Not my business.

After school, I was walking home from school and found reporters, cameras, and girls waiting outside Jiseong main building. Girls were getting ready to throw their gifts at someone and reporters and newspaper writers were making sure that cameras function well, and checking their own pens to write. 

Someone came out of the main building and they all ran toward that one person. Newspaper writers, and reporters were asking some questions, cameras flashing, and girls screaming of joy, yelling "AJ OPPA!" 

I was watching all that from far distance, shuddering from seeing those people all running like a stampede. 

I tried to look at this AJ person. It was impossible to see because they were all basically sticking onto him. Without a further hesitation to look again, I sauntered home. 

"I'm home-" I stepped into the house and took off my shoes. When I looked next to me, I found a pair of Söfft heels I've never seen. They didn't look new too.

'Someone is over. Probably my aunt's friend.'

I slowly walked to my room dragging my feet. When I was about to open my door, I heard someone in the kitchen talking to my uncle. 

Laughter. A very familiar laughter. Who is this? 

Out of curiosity, I peeked at the kitchen and found a girl about my age was standing and talking. Almost twisting and talking...


She looked so familiar. Her short reddish brown hair, skinny and small features. Her squeaky voice... She reminded me of my old best friend from middle school named Shin Yukyeong that left to America.

I heard she became really rich because the business that her dad owned was a great success... In fact, her dad's business is top 10 most richest and famous business. 

'I wonder how she's doing... I haven't talked to her forever now.' I was leaning against the wall staring at her. The girl in the kitchen realized a pair of eyes staring at her and she turned around. 

"Jiyoon-ah!" She ran toward me and hugged. I tried to pull her away but she squeezed me tightly. "Jiyoooooon-ah I misshhhed youuu" 

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" Then I realized that this is my long lost best friend, Yukyeong. "Yukyeong..?" 

Yukyeong beamed at me. "You remember me-!" And she squeezed me even tighter. Oh my goodness. This girl is STILL strong.

"Anyways, why are you here?" I asked my friend who I haven't seen for few years. "Does your parents know about this?" 

She shook her head no. "You can't tell my parents. Not only they'll be mad at me, but they're going to come and get me." 

"If your parents don't know about this, then I REALLY need to call and tell them that you're here. Your parents will be worried!" I got out of her arms, which she hadn't let go until now, and walked over to our home phone. 

"No! You can't! I'm... here to find my... boyfriend." Yukyeong looked down to her feet and yelled.

"Your boyfriend?" I asked.

She nodded slowly. "He is a singer. I was his fiancé but for some reason, his parents got another fiancé, saying that he loves her more. I just couldn't believe it so I'm here trying to figure out the truth." She sat down on my couch, making herself relaxed.

I went over to the kitchen and opened up the cabinet. While reaching for a cup, I asked her, "Well if you're his fiancé, shouldn't you know where he lives?"

She shook her head. "I went to his house once LONG time ago, like four years ago and they moved to a new house last year." 

I poured in some orange juice and fetched them over to the couch. She took her cup and drank her juice in one shot. Her eyes were gloomy with tears, unlike her usual personality. Watching her agonized made me anxious. 

I kept thinking about what I could do to help her. I took her cup and put it in a sink and said, "Alright. You can stay here until you find your boyfriend. This isn't my house but I'm sure my uncle won't mind you staying." 

Yukyeong looked at me with sparkles in her eyes. "REALLY?" 

"Yes, but make sure you clean up after yourself. My aunt doesn't like it when her house is disheveled."

She ran over to me to give me a hug and grabbed her luggage. "Which room should I use?"


I ended up letting her use the room next to mine, which I regret doing, because I could hear her snoring all the way in my room. Darn. That girl still hasn't changed.

I layed on my bed, looking at all the patterns on my ceiling. I was constantly pondering about Yukyeong's boyfriend. He almost sounded like Yoseob. The fact that he is a singer and he moved to his new house last year. But, he has a fiancé? I haven't heard about that...

'Whatever. What am I to concern about that jerk?' I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes. 'I hope I don't dream about oppa again.' And I fell asleep.




HI !!!

Long time no see :D

Winter break is finally here so I came with a new chapter :) 

This chapter can be quite confusing to everyone. So if you want me to get something straight for you guys, leave a comment . Other wise, 


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Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! Its so sudden! O.O
Chapter 5: Awww, she's finally warming up toward Yoseob because she feels guilty! :P

Good luck on your exams! :D
Chapter 5: HWAITING <3
Chapter 5: Waaaah!~~ I love this story~
update soon author nim!~
YOseob and Jiyoon are so CUTE! ^_^
Chapter 4: awuh, cute chapter.
Chapter 3: More. More. I want more. Kyung_Na wants more. Moooooore.
Interesting... Update soon, Author-nim!