You're My Lover, I'm Your Prince Charming

Take Care Of My Girlfriend

*Yoseob POV*


While I was getting changed after a nice shower, my maid came in my room. She said, "Mistress wants you to give a tour around your house for a guest."

"Guest? Who is it?" I was sort of worried that it was Yukyeong. I really don't like talking to her. She always gets me on my nerves. 

My maid explained while thinking hard. "She was about up to your nose , had light brown, straight hair, and has big pretty eyes with pale skin... I don't know. Anyways. Please hurry up and come downstairs. She's waiting in your livingroom." 

From her explanation, it didn't sound like Yukyeong (which is a good news). Who is this girl? Some how I got a weird feeling that this guest won't be a normal one. And why does mother want me to show her around?

Who is this Yukyeong, you ask? She is JYK Group's second daughter. My father and his father decided that she'll be my fiancé. I've always tried getting along with her, but she was so stupid and annoying that I gave up trying. She was not worth it.

I dried my hair with my towel and went down the stairs, wondering who would be this guest. I walked toward the livingroom when I finally saw the guest, I stopped. I could feel my heart sinking, and eyes getting wide. What is she doing here?


Her face got red with anger. Uh-oh. Is she going to yell at me again, telling me to get out of my house? Instead, she walked toward the door and went out, slamming the door. That was quick

My mother came out of the kitchen. "Who was that?" 

"Our guest. She doesn't like me." I said with a light shrug. Before my mom went back into the kitchen, I asked, "Mother, why is she here?" 

"She? Oh, you meant Jiyoon? She's your new fiancé. Yukyeong said you don't like her so she doesn't want to be your fiancé."

She's my WHAT? When did this happen? 

"So you called her over so we could get along?" I said while looking confused. 

She nodded. "Why, yes! But she doesn't seem to like you. Shall we find another fiancé? Although I would love to have her as my daughter-in-law, I can't make my son get married to someond that doesn't like him."

Her words spun around in my head and I noticed that she asked me if she should find another fiancé. "NO! No~ No no no no no. HAHAHAHAHA no." 

I walked to the livingroom that she was sitting. About when I sat down on the couch, I found something. It was a white iPhone with a brown bear case that says 'Rilakkuma' on it's belly. It must be Jiyoon's.. What a cutesy case from a scary girl like her...

I quickly grabbed it and headed out the door.

*Jiyoon POV*


What was that about? I...I went in his house? No way. Haha he can't be that rich.

I was walking back and forth in front of my house while biting my nails. Out of frustration, I talked to myself out loud.

"Hah-! There is absolutely no way he lives there."


"Yes! I mean- Look! His house belongs to someone royal and well mannered. How can a flirty retard like him live there?"

"Why can't a flirty retard live there?"

"Because.... Hrm... I don't really know why. But my point is-" When I said 'my point is', I turned around and gasped, falling on to the ground.

Yoseob was standing behind me, smiling. "Hello- Having fun talking behind me?" 

I felt a wave of embarrassment taking over me. "W-What do you want?" I was refining the language. 

"Oh, I wanted to tell you that you were supposed to join us with our lunch." He blinked three times, asking me if I want to. 

"No thank you. I'm afraid you'd put poison in my plate. I'm going to go to my safe house and eat lunch safely without you. Alright? Now go ahead in your fancy house and eat." I shooed him with my hands. He smiled even wider at the sight. 

"Alright. But make sure you text or call me. You have my number... Right?" 

"Nope. I threw away the strip you gave me." I said half coldly with my arms crossed. 

He raised one eyebrow and looked at me. "Are you sure? Because according to your phone here.." He waved a phone that looks like mine," have my number as 'Prince'." 

I patted my pocket. Oh . I must've dropped it in his house.. Also....He looked through my phone?! 

I quickly reached for it but he moved quickly. "Oh, not so easily~!" 

"What do you want?" I half yelled and half whined. He must've thought that was cute. you. "I'm not going to have a lunch with you."

"I know you wouldn't. I didn't even expect you to. Just promise me you'll text and give me a kiss on my cheek." He winked and pointed his cheek with his forefinger. 

The hell?

"Kiss on your cheeks? No!" I frowned and glared. He thinks it's cute again. YOU. 

He turned around and stuck my phone in his pocket. "Okay~ Then I guess you don't get your phone back.." And he walked toward his house. "Who the hell sets their passcode as their birthday these days?"

Ahh! He knows my PASSCODE?! Oh no. What do I do? The only thing I can do is jump him or do what he says. I thought of odds of me winning. I looked at his body. His body was definitely bigger than mine. I don't know about his abs but he definitely has nice biceps. Those biceps can lift two of me for sure.. So I eliminated jumping..

So the only thing I have is..



*Yoseob POV*


I didn't even think about turning around and givin her phone unless she did what I told her to do. 

I was pretty close to my house when she called my name from behind. I turned around and there she gave me a kiss... on my lips?

She seemed as if she didn't expect this. I'm guessing she miss calculated the angle... Well, why don't we enjoy?

I held her head and pulled her waist closer to my body. She kept resisting but I held her tighter. After a bit, she stopped resisting and just stayed. I saw her eyes closing and I closed my eyes too. I kissed her passionately and bit her lips. I stuck my tongue inside touching our tongue against each others. She kissed back too, different from what I expected. We kissed until Jiyoon pulled away, breathing hard. 

"Can I...Have my phone back?"

Oh yeah. Her phone.

I put our head to head and whispered to her, "Promise me to text or call me."

She nodded and I gave her phone back. She headed to her house when she got it.

She turned to look at me before she went in. I smiled and waved at her. For the first time, I saw her smiling at me. 


I went home and the whole time I was at the dinner table, I couldn't stop thinking about her smile. Everytime I thought of it, I smiled too. 

My father looked at me. "Yoseob, are you alright?"

"Oh, hey father. Of course I'm alright. I'm doing very good." I shot a big smile at him. He looked at me like he was worried. My father opened his mouth to talk. "You know, about your fiancé.." 

I bolted out of my chair. I forgot to tell her that she's my fiancé! "Thank you for the food. I'm done eating!" I ran upstairs, leaving my left overs and hurried to my room. I grabbed my phone and checked for any messages. Zero.

"Chae Jiyoon! Hurry up and text me!!"



*Jiyoon POV*


I couldn't decide whether I should text him or not. I laid on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. "What do I do?" 

I was thinking about the things that happened today. I was starting to get comfortable on my bed, and my eyelids closed.

About two hours passed, and I heard rain pouring down hard outside my windows. The thought of Gikwang came in my head. I slowly got up from my bed and walked over to one of my windows. I stood there and watched tears of sky falling down. Then I spotted something.

It was someone outside sitting under my window. Yoseob


Aye yo~ I finally came with chapter 4. I thought I updated yesterday, but for some reason, it did not. So it took me another day to post.. Haha... Hope you liked this chapter. The story is going sorta quick. I think it'll be a short one .... (:  Please comment and subscribe~! 

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Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! Its so sudden! O.O
Chapter 5: Awww, she's finally warming up toward Yoseob because she feels guilty! :P

Good luck on your exams! :D
Chapter 5: HWAITING <3
Chapter 5: Waaaah!~~ I love this story~
update soon author nim!~
YOseob and Jiyoon are so CUTE! ^_^
Chapter 4: awuh, cute chapter.
Chapter 3: More. More. I want more. Kyung_Na wants more. Moooooore.
Interesting... Update soon, Author-nim!