First Kiss?

Two Worlds Collide


This was perfect! Just the thing to get me closer to her. I jumped out of my bed and went to wake up all of the members, this announcement that I was going to make…I need to tell them all.

Once all of the members had dealt with me practically yelling in their ears telling them to wake up, they all made their way to the part of the dorm that had only one big couch for us all.  I began to tell them what my announcement was.

“Guys, guess who’s going to be an actor!!” I said posing in an actor’s pose. I had no idea what I was doing.

Everyone looked at me for a second before AJ spoke out. “None of us. That’s for sure.”

“No, there’s one of us that is going to be debuting as an actor.” I paused. “I am!!!” I finished saying throwing my hands in the hair.

Dongho scoffed. “You…of all people…are going to be an actor?” He looked at Kiseop and they both started laughing uncontrollably. 

“What? Why is this funny? I’m serious.”

Dongho tried to talk while laughing still. “I…just can’t see you…as an…actor.” He started laughing so hard that he was hyperventilating. 

“Yah! Shut up. Eli shi is serious. Aren’t you supposed to support your members?” Soohyun had gotten up and walked towards the two immature kids sitting on the couch. They’d stopped laughing when the leader had approached them with an annoyed face.

“Yeah, you guys should be supporting Eli, you don’t know if he will be a good or bad actor, this is his first time. He could be a good actor. We’re just going to have to wait and see.” Kevin had said smiling at me. “I believe in you. I think you will do a very good job.” He got up and gave me a hug, as he made his way back to his room to change for out schedule.

The immature members came up and had apologized to me, I accepted their apology. We all got ready for our schedule. We would be in Japan for a few months promoting there. But me, I would have to go back and forth for the different days of auditions and if I got accepted I would have to go back and forth for the practices. It would make me busy but if it would bring me closer to her…then I would do it.

*    *    *

After we had finished our schedule in Japan I was on my way to the audition. No one had told her that I was going to be trying out for this play. And I hope that she still didn’t know. I wanted to surprise her and maybe make her heartbeat out of her chest from having to work with me, because mine sure was.

I had taken a plane from Japan back to Korea. Once I landed I was driven to the school for my very first audition. I wasn’t nervous right now, but I’m sure that when I step foot on the school and see her in front of me when I’m auditioning…that I will be. I just hope that I don’t throw up. That would be really embarrassing.

I finally ended up at the school. I looked out through the taxi window and sighed heavily. Am I really ready for this? What if I’m not a good actor and what if I make a fool of myself in front of every single person that’s going to try out? All of these questions are popping into my head. Why? I’m not a negative person? I see the glass as half full, not half empty. Ugh. I just need to get in the school and do this. Get yourself together Eli! You can do this! Let’s go!

*    *    *

Breath! Breath! I shouldn’t be nervous. I’ve done auditions before. I can do this!

I went to go sit down in a seat next to my friend, waiting for my turn to go up and do the part of sleeping beauty. There were a lot of girls that were trying out for this part, but I’m the best one. Haha! No really.

“Alright next up is Chrissy and…Elison Kim.” Said the director of the play, Kim Jung.

When I heard my name being called I immediately got up and walked towards the stage. But when I heard Eli’s name, I stopped in mid-walk. I turned my head and saw on the other side of the auditorium walking down towards the stage Eli smiling and waving at me.

This isn’t happening. Is he really here? Why? I’ve never seen him act before. Can he even act…? I shook my head and walked up towards the stage, standing next to him.

“Hi.” He whispered to me, sending goose bumps throughout my body.

“What are you doing here?!” I asked.

“I’m here to audition silly.” He slightly pushed me. I showed him a smirk but then turned my head and rolled my eyes. Please tell me he’s not audition for the par-

“Okay, Elison Kim you will be auditioning for the part of the prince.”

Ah! Great. He is auditioning for that part.

“And Chrissy for the part of sleeping beauty. You two lets act out the part where the prince, you Eli, comes and wakes up Chrissy the princess, by kissing her.”

I go to lay down on a piece of wood tall enough for the prince to just bend down and kiss the princess.  Eli said a few lines before he started to walk over to me. He slowly started coming towards me. My eyes were supposed to be closed but, it’s him. HIM! How could I close my eyes for this? I pushed him away.

“I can’t do this!” I sat up and walk towards the end of the stage towards the director.

“Why what’s the problem. You two were doing everything perfectly. Chrissy you’re an amazing actress, please do this for me.” Jung said with a begging face on.

I rolled my eyes. “Fine.” I made my way back to the hard piece of wood with no cushioning on it what so ever. Eli went over his lines again, this time when he was walking over towards me I closed my eyes, putting my arms crossed above my stomach, actually trying to do my part I was auditioning for.

I couldn’t time the kiss, but I started getting dark over my closed eyes, he was coming closer. My heart started to beat fast, he could probably hear it.

He did it. He had kissed me. His big, soft lips that I had always wanted to touch mine had finally touched. My eyes were still closed I couldn’t open them because it would be weird. He had continued to kiss me for a few seconds, like he didn’t want to stop.

“Okay you two. That’s good enough.” Jung said.

He pulled away and we just looked at each other for a while. Me looking up at him, he looking down at me. 


FINALLY UPDATEDDD! :DD Sorry I've been busy with school and exams and crap load of studying. >< 

Here Chrissy this is a very late updated birthday present for you. ^^ Hope you like it.(:


P.S. To any new subscribers....thanks for subscribingggg! :DDD <3333


Please READ AND COMMENT my other fics as well. ^^

Good vs. Evil

Love...B2ST Style

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itpaty #1
how I love this fanfic! please update soon?! thank you ^^
I. Love. You. Becky. <3
I love this....please Update soon...kekeke
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay<333 Oh mah goodness. I love you so much.<br />
YumNumMmm #6
Becky. I love you so hard.<br />
Elissy hwaiting!! <3
YukiMary #8
Ah.... Why?! NOOO!!! Hoho XDD<br />
<br />
Update soon~~ ^^ Y
-dies- Beckyyyy~~~ <3