
Two Worlds Collide

I walk in the dorm where the other members are.  

The first person I get greeted by is AJ. "So, how was it?" 

Kim Jaeseop, AJ, along with Yeo HoonMin, Hoon, were the new additions to  U-Kiss.  Our company thought of replacing two members, Kibum and Alexnder because they were lacking abilities.  But U-Kiss being the close knit group that we are, wouldn't let that happen.  We convinced them to keep them and just add two new members. Be like a male version of SNSD. Though we aren't as popular as them, and don't have that sort of appeal that they do, but you get the point.  

"It was amazing!" I said as I dropped my belongings in a little bowl were all the other members stuff had been, such as car keys and some spare change. 

"Well go on, explain." Soohyun said sitting comfortably on the couch.  

"Okay!" I said with an excited voice. I did really have an amazing time. I wanted to explain every single thing we did, to all of them.  I sat own on the couch, with the little amount of room left, since Dongho decided to take up a whole couch and wouldn't move. I  told them the amazing night that I didn't want to end with the girl who I had just met but felt like I knew forever.

*    *    * 

This college life, it really .  I get tons of work.  I never thought that it would be this hard.  It was nearing the end of the school year and summer was just around the corner.  I had tons of stuff on my mind, and tons to do. First, Drama club; we were showing Sleeping Beauty. I was going for the roll of no other than...Sleeping Beauty herself. Since I am a beauty. Ha! I wish. Second, I have to write and essay of what I'd learned so far this year, for my Korean class.  The catch...I had to write it in hangul. Plus! I had exams coming up. I swear my head is going to explode and I'm going to go insane by the end of this semester. There's so much to do, in so little time.  No more going out for me. All I'm going to do is study study study. Yay for staying in my dorm for days on end, pigging out on food because of stress and gaining a whole bunch of weight. That's the good life.

*    *    *  

"You didn't kiss her?!" Kiseop says.  He really had no idea how to be in a relationship.

"You crazy! No. This wasn't even a date." I said giving him a did-you-just-say-that look.

"You're extremely happy about it though, so..." Kibum said givng me a little smirk trying to tell me that it was a date, when it wasn't.  

"So what?" I asked confused. 

"So, it was a date." Xander said agreeing with Kibum. 

"No it wasn't! I took her out because I was apologizing for bumping into her!" I was starting to get annoyed. They weren't going to drop this. "Where's Kevin? He'll agree with me on this." I looked around the dorm trying to find him, he wasn't there. He was always the first one to greet me when I walked in the door. We had something special between us. No homo. 

"He's out with...with...Aish! What's her name!" Dongho said getting annoyed from not remembering this persons name.  

"Becky." Hoon chimed in.

"Really?" I scoffed. "I knew he liked her."

"What? You knew who liked who?" SooHyun was confused. I could tell.

"Hyung, Kevin likes Chrissy's friend. When I was out with him last night, I bumped into Chrissy again...she's fine our hands just touched." I thought I would say that before outbursts of You bumped into her again! Were coming from everyone.  "When we were with them Kevin couldn't stop looking at Becky. He even laughed when he thought she had said something funny. When nothing was really funny at all."

"That boy I swear. He falls for girls too quickly." AJ said. He was the new addition to the group and yet he knew everything about Kevin and his quick changes of  women.  

"We'll it's late and we have a busy schedule tomorrow. Goodnight guys." I said as I waved and made my way to the room that I shared with Kevin and AJ. I only wore pants to bed.  I tend to get hot when I sleep so I usually strip, but tonight I thought of just wearing pants. 

I checked my phone one last time. Deciding to go on Twitter for a bit and see my mentions full of love from Kiss Me all over the world. I wasn't on twitter much but I would check what was going on from time to time. I loved being a ninja.  Before I went to sleep I thought of texting Kevin just letting him know that we have a busy schedule tomorrow and that he needed sleep. He was known for staying out late and coming home in the wee hours of the morning and only running on about three hours of sleep.  I tried to doze off but still kept smiling and thinking about her.

*     *     *   

My phone was buzzing like crazy. It had woken me up it was so loud.  I moaned and turned to grab it.  The sun wasn't up, but that's because I had set my alarm to five-thirty and the sun doesn't usually rise until around six-ish. I looked at my phone trying to turn the alarm off but seeing the illuminating light in a dark room, killed my eyes. I had to blink a few times so my eyes would adjust to the immense light. Once adjusted I turned my alarm off. None of the other members had been up so I decided to check twitter, being a ninja again. 

"Huh?" I said to myself seeing a tweet that was just posted. 

Dangguk University presents the musical Sleeping Beauty. Auditions open to everyone. Come and show us what you got!

"Everyone?" I said to myself sitting up and cocking my head to the side. 


Eh. Short and not good. =/ 

Enjoy anyways~ 



P.S. You like how I have Kevin, Eli AND AJ in the same room. XD I ship ElVinJ. <--- fail couple name. ><


Please READ AND COMMENT my other fics as well. ^^

Good vs. Evil

Love...B2ST Style

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itpaty #1
how I love this fanfic! please update soon?! thank you ^^
I. Love. You. Becky. <3
I love this....please Update soon...kekeke
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay<333 Oh mah goodness. I love you so much.<br />
YumNumMmm #6
Becky. I love you so hard.<br />
Elissy hwaiting!! <3
YukiMary #8
Ah.... Why?! NOOO!!! Hoho XDD<br />
<br />
Update soon~~ ^^ Y
-dies- Beckyyyy~~~ <3