First Feelings?

Two Worlds Collide


“Ew! I look fugly!” Chrissy sad looking at her reflection of herself in the mirror she had in her dorm room.

“No, you don’t. You look quite ravishing dahling.” Becky said trying to pull off a British accent.

Chrissy looks through the mirror at Becky with a really kind of look. “Don’t ever do that again.”

Becky scoffs. “Sorry.”

“No but seriously, do I look good?” She asks turning around to face Becky who had been lying backwards halfway off the bed.

Becky fixes herself so that she is sitting up straight. “I told you. You look fine.”

Chrissy smiles at her and looked at her reflection in the mirror again, one last time.

*     *     *

“Guys, I don’t look good.” Eli says walking out of his room in U-Kiss’ dorm to where all the members where. 

“Hyung! You look handsome.” Dongho says looking away from the TV.

“Yeah, Dongho shii is right. You look fine.” Kevin says with a smile.

“What do you think hyung?” Eli asks Soohyun.

“You look better than me for once.” SooHyun says laughing at himself.

“You put yourself down too much. You need to think more positively.” AJ said.

“It’s not like your going on a date.” Xander said.

“But it feels like one. I don’t even know this girl and I’m already taking her to dinner?”

“Well who was the one who “by accident” bumped into her, huh?” Kiseop says making quotations with his fingers.

“Ah, Kiseop does have a point there.” Kibum says high fiving Kiseop.

“It wasn’t my fault that I was trying out a new dance move and fell.” Eli said.

The members all gave him a blank stare and said nothing.

Eli looks at them. “Fine fine, it’s my fault. I’m just gunna go now. I’ll see you all later.” He starts to walk towards the door before Kevin stops him.

“You want me to go with you?” Kevin asks.

“There’s only one reason why you want to go with me.” Eli smiles knowing what the reason is. “So no. I’ll go myself.” He walks out of the dorm and closes the door.

“Oh. I think Kevin shii has a crush on a noonaaa!” Dongho says making fun of him.

“No! That’s not true. You have no proof.” Kevin says.

*     *     *

Both of the girls had been walking the same way they did last night.  The streets had been more crowded since it was a gorgeous night. Because of that everybody was out enjoying the weather. 

Chrissy had a thin, not so heavy but fancy shirt on.  She had skinny jeans and leather thigh high boots to finish off her wardrobe. Becky, the fashionista that she was, had picked out her clothes for this special night.

He was waiting in that same place. That place where their hands had met, as they were reaching for a drink.  He looked stunning.  He had a polo on with thin navy blue and white strips, a jacket covering up his bare arms, jeans which had some faded areas and a few rips here and there, but nothing too dramatic.

He saw the both of them walking towards him.  He fixed himself and smiled seeing how surprisingly pretty Chrissy had looked.

The girls stopped and stood in front of him.

“Hello, Chrissy.” He says with a shy smile.

Chrissy’s knees almost gave out from hearing the sound of his voice say her name. “H-hello.” Chrissy says nervously.

“You look, pretty.” He says towards Chrissy.

Becky had seen the look in Eli’s eyes that he gave Chrissy. “I’ll…just leave you too alone now.” Becky says slowly backing up.

“Oh. Wait!” Eli says before she turns around and leaves. “I didn’t even see you there. If I knew you were coming I would’ve had Kevin tag along with me.”

“Nah, it’s okay. I’ll see him some other time.” She pauses to look at Chrissy. “Enjoy your special time together you two.” She said putting emphasis on special. She had nudged Chrissy and winked. She starts o run off so she wouldn’t get attacked by her.

Chrissy was left alone, standing next to this tall, handsomely gorgeous, human being.  She was speechless.  

“So, Chrissy, where would you like to eat?” He says looking at her with his deep brown eyes.

She had to gulp before she spoke up. “Uhm…where ever is fine.”

He scoffs. “Well, it’s my treat so pick any place you want.” He says stretching his arm out to all of the restaurants that had been open.

“Okay, mm…that place.” She points to a restaurant with a neon sign saying “We’re Open!” with dim lighting inside.

“Sounds good. Let’s go.” He starts to walk but before he crosses the street he looks left and right twice making sure that it’s safe to go. He puts his hand on her back walking her across the road carefully.

They reach the restaurant and he opens the door for her letting her in first. Once inside, they’re greeted by this fragile middle aged woman.

“Hello! Welcome to the best restaurant in all of Seoul. Just you two?” She asks.

“Yes just us two.” Eli answers.

“Okay. Follow me.” She grabs two menus and leads them to their table.  The restaurant was packed but there were enough waiters to serve each table.

“Your waiter will be out shortly.” She says. They both sit down and look through the menus.

“Kamsamnida.” Chrissy answers.

Eli looks at her with a shocked face and dropped the menu on the table “Woah. You can speak Korean?”


“But how?” Eli was dumbfounded.

She laughs. “I study here.”

“Do you really?” He pauses. “In what?” Stupid question to ask.  

She scoffs “Korean. I’m studying to become a Korean teacher here.”

The waiter had arrived at the table ready to take their orders.

“Hello.  I will be your waiter for today. My name is Lee Tae Hee.” Since they were in Korea they waiter had talked in Korean. “What would you like to drink first?” He asked.  

Eli had answered him in Korean. “I would like to have water please.”

“And you, miss?”

“Same thing too, please.” Chrissy answers in Korean.

The waiter writes what they ordered down and walks away.

Eli leans in closer to her from across the table. “I’m serious. Your Korean is so good, even better than mine.”

“Well, I don’t really think yours is that bad?”

“It really is.” He says back, kind of embarrassed that her Korean was better than his. 

Chrissy just looked at him.  He had a sad face. Maybe her Korean was better than his.

The waiter came back with their drinks.  He set them down on each side of the table where each of them had been sitting.  After that he took their orders for food, they both got two different things.  The waiter wrote them down and went back into the kitchen.

“My meal is a bit pricey.” Chrissy said remembering how much her meal was.

“It’s okay. My treat, remember?” He says back looking at her.

She starts to blush a little he see’s it and smiles. He wanted to know more about her. Where she came from, how old she was, what music she liked…if she was single? So he started asking her questions.

“So where were you born?” He asks folding her arms on the table looking at her.

“The U.S.” She answers.

“Yeah, I kinda figured that since we’re talking in English, and yours is pretty good as well.”

She scoffs. “Well it should be since that’s where I did grow up.”

“Getting a little defensive, eh?” He laughs. “Where exactly are you from. Like state wise.”


“Really?!” He was excited for some reason. “I’m from Washington D.C. That’s close!”

She laughs. “No it’s not.”

Why was he acting so stupid? Nervous?

“Yeah. That was stupid to say. I’m sorry.” He apologizes.

A while had passed and the waiter came back with their food and placed it on the table.

“Enjoy.” the waiter says as he walks to another table to serve.

They both used their chopsticks and started to eat.  Chrissy’s mouth begins to salivate from just looking at the food. Once she put the food that she selected in , it was like an explosion of fireworks.  The food had made tingle.

“Oh this food, it’s making my mouth tingle tingle.” She says covering while talking so no food would sprit out.  She had said that on purpose too.   

Eli gulped his food down hard. He stares at her. “What did you just say?”

She smiles seeing how he caught onto what she said. “I said this food makes my mouth tingle tingle. Why?” She played off her confusion.

“That’s lyrics to one of the songs I sing in a group I’m in.” He says totally shocked that she had said that. Was it irony?

“U-Kiss right?”  Obviously. Why did she ask that? She knew he was from that group. Stupid. 

“Yeah. You’ve heard of us?” He asked.

“Did you really just ask that?” She says giving him a really look like Becky gave her.

“Well, I don’t know. I didn’t think we had any Kiss Me’s from the U.S. At least not from where you live.”

“You do.”  She says smiling.

“Well, Hi then. I’m Elison Kim the rapper from U-Kiss. Hello, nice to meet a long distance Kiss Me.”

She scoffs. “No wonder why you looked familiar.”

“Yeah. I’m surprised when you bumped into me last night that you didn’t spazz like our fan girls when they see me.”

“I didn’t want to embarrass myself, ya’ know.” She says stuffing with food.

He takes a piece of broccoli that was covered in soy sauce and puts it in his mouth. “You have no idea how crazy they can get.” He munches on his food.  “The boys and I, we basically have to run to our van to get away from being tackled. It’s crazy!” He shakes his head from the things some Kiss Me’s do.

“Gotta love those Kiss Me’s.” She says laughing. 

“Oh but we do. So much. They’re our biggest supporters. We’ve been through some hard times, and they still remain to be true fans. I, U-Kiss owe them the world.” He says starting to get a little choked up.

The waiter came back. “You two all set?”

“Yes.” Eli answered in Korean.

The waiter nods, takes their plates and puts down a folded piece of paper on the table which had been the receipt.

Eli picks it up and has a blank look on his face.

“…It’s a lot, isn’t it?” Chrissy says with a sad tone for ordering a pretty pricey meal.  

“No, actually it’s not too bad.” He puts the receipt on the table and pulls out his wallet from his back jean pocket.

He paid for their meal and now they were outside walking.  He had decided to walk her to her campus instead of having her walk alone, such a gentleman.  Just after their first time together he had already started to feel different when around her.  Just by being with her made him feel…happier, livelier. It was like she was a happy pill to him.

They continued walking. It had been getting a bit chillier, since the sun had set.  Chrissy rubs her arms trying to generate any heat that she could to keep herself warm.

Eli had seen her shivering so he took off his jacket. “Here.” He put it around her back laying it on her shoulders.  She smiled and held the insides with her hands covering her so she would be warm. 

After a while she had arrived at her college. “Well this is it.” She says pointing to her big college she had been attending for over a year now.

“Woah! This place is huge.” He walks around her onto college ground.

“No! She runs in front of him. “If you’re not a student you can’t be on college ground.”

He stands still looking down at her. “Well, that’s stupid.” He turns around and walks back to where he wasn’t on college ground. 

She smiles and goes to follow him.

“Well, I had fun tonight.” He says with a smile.

“Me too. I’ll see you around?” She says with a shy voice, as if that wasn’t supposed to slip out. 

“Sure.” He smiles at her.

“Okay. Well bye.” She turns around about to walk on campus ground before she felt a tug on her arm, a pretty forceful tug. Was he going to make a move already? They’re not even dating or even friends.

He pulls her into him. “I need my jacket back.”

“Oh. Sorry. It was so warm; I forgot I had it on.” She takes it off and hands it to him.

“Thanks.” He says.

She starts to walk away towards the college.

“Oh!” He forgot to tell her something. “Chrissy!” He walks towards her.

She turns around see’s him on campus and walks towards him. “What did I say?” She turns him around and pushes him off campus. “You’re not supposed to be on campus unless you’re a-”

He put a finger on her lips stopping her from talking. “I know! I just wanted to say, I’m sorry about colliding with you Friday night.”

“It’s okay. I’m alive and fine. So, stop worrying about me.” She says turning around to finally go back to her dorm.

“Bye!” He says loudly.

She waves her hand above her head getting farther and farther away until her black dark speck is gone.

He stands there; looking at the college he wishes he could attend, just to see her everyday.


I finished typing this and I realized that it was TEN PAGES! O_O. lolol 

I hope this is a good chapter. It better be for ten pages. xD




Please READ AND COMMENT my other fics as well. ^^

Good vs. Evil

Love...B2ST Style

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itpaty #1
how I love this fanfic! please update soon?! thank you ^^
I. Love. You. Becky. <3
I love this....please Update soon...kekeke
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay<333 Oh mah goodness. I love you so much.<br />
YumNumMmm #6
Becky. I love you so hard.<br />
Elissy hwaiting!! <3
YukiMary #8
Ah.... Why?! NOOO!!! Hoho XDD<br />
<br />
Update soon~~ ^^ Y
-dies- Beckyyyy~~~ <3