Chapter 7

Bad religion.




Recording in the studio seemed easier when Seunghyun was around, no... Everything seemed easier. I felt so happy, like I can't even explain it. The fact Seunghyun wants to try with me means everything. We spent a few hours in the studio but Seunghyun popped off to go see Papa again. I wondered why but he wouldn't tell me. Seungri walked in with a grin, which worried me a little.


'What are you doing maknae?' I asked seriously like the leader I was. He still smiled happily. He sat down next to me.


'Can't I just be happy to see Hyung?' He said playfully, I pushed his chair backwards with my foot which sent him across the room as we used spinny chairs with wheels. He frond and pushed himself back.


'Why'd you do that.' he said sadly as I sighed at him.


'You're acting strange...' I said wanting to find out why, He laughed at me as if it was funny.


'No, seriously. I was just checking if you were okay. I heard about the woman in Hyung's house.' He said casually trying not to hurt my feelings again. I smiled at him.


'It's fine, It didn't mean anything anyway. I think you knew as much as I did that Seunghyun was in denial.' I said softly playing with the laptop in front of me. Seungri nodded and smiled.


'So you're not mad about it?' He asked curiously. I playfully pushed him away again and smiled.


'Nope, not now.' I grinned happily. I still was over the moon. My mood didn't feel like it would ever come down. I just kept smiling. Seungri just carried on looking confused, I would of told him but I wanted to surprise them all- they all deserved to know together this time around, when me and Seunghyun were ready.


'Since you're here. Let's work on our song together.' I smiled at Seungri. He agreed thinking it was a good idea. My good mood seemed to make everything brighter.


 Seunghyun POV-



I'd disappeared with good intentions, I actually went back to see Papa YG. Firsty, I wanted to talk to him about my sudden outburst of courage and secondly- I was planning a surprise for Ji.


'So now what are we going to do?' Papa asked, I was confused. I wasn't sure what he meant and he could tell. He laughed slightly. 'About the fans' He emphasised. It made more sense to me now. I thought about it, hard. I mean, they all deserved to know, I'm sure they would of respected our happiness. I looked at Papa.


'We should tell them but... Shouldn't me and Ji tell people important to us first.. I mean. I wouldn't want my parents knowing through the news or a magazine...' I said dreading my parents reaction to an extent. He looked at me nodding.


'I was thinking that too.' He said before calling his PA 'Can you call Ji Yong up here please.' He smiled at his PA. She nodded and walked away. I wondered why he called Ji in but I didn't ask. A little later Ji came through the door and smiled at the sight of me and sat down beside me. Papa YG smiled at the sight of us together or so it seemed. I felt butterflies again.


'Ji, Me and Seunghyun have been discussing what to do with your fans. Me and Seunghyun talked about telling people important to you first, like your parents, close friends ect. It would be a bad idea if they find out through any other means.' Papa YG spoke softly yet seriously.


'I completely agree.' Ji said crossing his legs over and pulling his hands together. This is when Ji turned serious too. 'But my parents already know and counting my 'close friends' being mainly bigbang they all know that I'm gay... However I do want the rest of YG to know... I just don't know how to approach that.' He said softly, I didn't know that his parents knew but saying that I didn't even know myself until recently. Papa YG nodded thinking about things.


'We should walk round the company like a couple?' Ji winked joking of course, at least I think so. I laughed at him.


'Even if we did that, they wouldn't take it seriously. It's us.' I said with a grin. Papa let out a laugh too.


'Why don't you just make an announcement. A surprise one? Everyone is here today, even 2ne1 are back from tour.' Papa YG said getting serious. Ji looked at me for my approval, I knew he was worried about me. I wasn't going to hurt him again.


'Okay. Let's say around 5pm. I have some things I need to do.' I said with a grin. Papa YG smiled as did Ji. He was obviously feeling proud with me.



I don't know why but Seunghyun wanted to speak to Papa with me absent again, He was acting sneaky meaning something good would come out of this... probably. To be honest Seunghyun agreeing to tell the whole of YG with me today scared me. I mean, not only did that include artists but it included producers and dancers. Everyone. I was going through a never-ending list through my mind. Still it had to be done. I walked back to find Seungri still in the studio, he welcomed me with a friendly smile like always.


'Interesting meeting?' He asked being the same noisy maknae. I winked at him.


'Well, that's for me to know.' I said whist sitting down. He frowned at me and carried on working. We were in the studio for hours before Seunghyun appeared again around 3pm. Just two more hours to go. I was getting scared. I could hear Papa YG down the hall announcing that there would me a compulsory meeting at 5am, he then soon walked in after Seunghyun.


'A announcement... it better be good.' Seungri whined whist spinning in the chair. Papa smiled and gave me a wink before leaving.


'Seunghyun, we need you in the booth.' I said trying not to grin since Seungri would figure us out straight away. He smiled and walked in there smug. Through-out he kept messing up on purpose to irritate me. I tried very hard to keep my patience with him. Seungri then got in the booth with Seunghyun and started messing about. I got fed up and went for a coffee at the time they didn't even realised I'd gone. I was happy though, I was just trying hard to keep the surprise. I needed a coffee anyway, I was tired from waking up earlier than normal. It was getting later and later. I was getting nervious and If I felt like this then I can't imagine how Seunghyun feels. I sat in the cafeteria in YG alone. This space was needed before our announcement. I tried to play out the situation in my head but I knew nothing was ever than simple. I must have been sitting at the table for ages as a touch on my shoulder from Seunghyun snapped me back into reality.


'It's time.' He said softly, squeezing my shoulder reassuringly. I smiled nervously and held his hand, I needed some kind of support and I knew he did too.


'You as scared as I am...' I said softly walking hand in hand with him. Seunghyun nodded and looked at me.


'What are you going to say, I mean how are you going to put it? As we're dating or...' He asked as we carried on walking. I stopped as we reached the door.


'Dating is for getting to know each other, I know you too well. Let's just cut that bit.' I winked at him. He grinned and rolled his eyes.


'So, I'm your boyfriend.' He said laughing uncontrollably. I hit him for acting the way he did.


'I'm sorry, it's just odd saying that out loud' He said trying to apologize but still smiling. Even I had to admit it was strange him saying it too but It made me happy. At least we would both be in high spirits when we walked in the room. Seunghyun squeezed my hand still holding it hinting at we should go in. I took a deep breath letting go of Seunghyun's hand to open the door. I could see his face suddenly change to feeling scared too, he was just better at hiding it. Papa YG was standing in the middle of the room obviously waiting to start, he saw us and gained order to the room. Me and Seunghyun stood with everyone else, acting normal or at least trying until Papa introduced us to go up and talk.


'Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I've called you here today,on very short notice- so my apologies but I have two people here that want to make a very important notice to you all. Please show them your up most respect.' He said then looking at us both. I could feel my body shaking, I didn't have moments like this often. Seunghyun led the way to the middle, the other members eyes were on us confused and everyone else just stared waiting for something. For moments we stood up there, eyes just staring at us.


'So as, Papa YG said- we have an announcement..' I managed to say somehow. 'I don't know if any of this will come as a shock to any of you but...' I couldn't finish the sentence. I looked at Seunghyun desperately, He could see the fear in me. I guess the whole coming out thing wasn't as easy as I anticipated at all. I could see Daesung, Seungri and Taeyang look surprised but I couldn't carry on. I froze but a hand grabbing mine stopped my fears and just as I was about to talk Seunghyun did it for me.


'We're a couple.' he said boldly, creating a silence almost deadly throughout the room. Everyone looked at us blankly, even the others looked shocked even after knowing about me already. I felt so happy that Seunghyun took that plunge for me though. I smiled at him which made him wink until Papa stood behind us grabbing one of each of our shoulders.


'Is this a joke?' Seungri said, I knew he'd say something. I rolled my eyes, sighing. Mummers started circling the room now. Papa YG coughed drawing attention back to us. I could see why they thought it was a joke but it wasn't, this was so real that it was far from a joke. Seunghyun's fingers intertwined in mine now, holding my hand properly. I saw Seungri, Taeyang and Daesung all nod at each other before they came over and hugged us both. 'Well done, Hyungs.' They smiled. I knew after they hugged us that everyone knew how serious we were being. Seunghyun looked at me and took his wallet out, everyone still paying attention. He pulled out what looked like a receipt.


'I'm taking you away for 5 days, to make things up to you.' He smiled passing me the receipt.. I looked at it, in shock. A holiday abroad. Miami. He was taking me to Miami. How I'd been wanting a nice hot holiday in the sun.


'Your flight leaves today... Seunghyun pestered me to get these tickets today, it look a lot of hard work but I did it.' He smiled proud of us both.


'I'm speechless....' I said pulling both Papa YG and Seunghyun for a big hug.


'Thank you...' I said softly, almost teary eyed. I tried to hold it together though. Psy, gummy, tablo, se7en all came over to hug us, they probably realised from the other night that none of this was a joke, but still the smiles they gave us made me feel confident. 2Ne1 just looked shocked still but that was understandable.


'This information stays in YG for now, no-one is to leak this and if it somehow gets out then there will be serious consequences. There's still some more things that need to be done before this is released to the fans.' Papa YG said taking the spotlight again, being deadly serious. Everyone stayed quiet and that was normally and indication of agreement. He then looked back at us and smiled.


'You two better get packing. You don't have long' He smiled, we both nodded and left the awkward room. A lot of people obviously were more shocked than others. It would just take time to adjust though. At least now me and Seunghyun could be happy. As we walked out of the door his turned to kiss me softly, his hands that were in mine found there way around my hips, pulling me into him. I cough interrupted us, both of us turned round to see everyone leaving, luckily only Seungri and Psy really saw us.


'Well that's awkward...' I said really embarrassed. I tried to pretend everyone else wasn't there apart from Seungri, Daesung and Taeyang for that moment. I hugged them all goodbye as I wouldn't see them for a while, I knew they'd be okay but I'd miss them all. Seunghyun did the same before we finally left the building. I felt excited like anything could happen.




"I never wanted things to change. "

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Chapter 28: i love it! you're amazing author^^
llvip59 #2
Chapter 28: Wow this was such a beautiful dramatic suspenseful heart warming caring story!!!! Cx this was really really great story !!! OMG where do I begin it was like at first I was like seunghyun u better see u like Jiyong n then it was lik ooh seunghyun don't hurt Jiyong n protect him then again there was like an 'oh snap' moment n I was in shock n was like u guys better watch out n find her !!! Then(sry I keep using then) it was like ...bomb!!! Someone enter save them this can not be the end of their beautiful relation ship!!! N finally marriage I was lik 'WOOT WOOT YEAH SEUNGHYUN U MAN U GO FOR IT' ... Sorry I got like excited n strted replaying story in my head like movie ^-^ BEAUTIFUL STORY AGAIN XD
Chapter 28: Awwww.. I LOVE this fic, beautiful♥
Great storyyyyyy!!!! (^_^)v
DigitalPounce #5
Chapter 15: Hahahaha OMO I loved Tae's pov, I was laughing the entire time! Especially when they called maknae a _____ lol!
Chapter 28: Aw that ended so quickly!
But really good none the less, thank you!
Shermclaine #7
Chapter 28: I hope things change dramatically for the best for me too. Great story!
Atenais #8
Chapter 28: I always like happy endings. Thank you for this story!