Chapter 6

Bad religion.

Ji Pov-


I woke up early the next day still annoyed with Seunghyun for sleeping with random women. The annoying thing was the fact I knew he was doing it to get rid of his feelings. I knew more than anyone that it wouldn't work. I'd been trying to do that for years. I didn't know what to do, but I wasn't going to let it bother me right now. I decided to go into YG, I needed to get some things sorted and I needed Teddy to help me record, not only was I working with Seunghyun but I had my own solo album to work on, so I was concentrating on that. When I looked at my phone I was hoping I had a text from Seunghyun but there wasn't. I sighed and went to get ready. I showered and got dressed. I just put on a pair of skinny jeans, a jumper and wore my glasses. I was liking this look these days, I was starting to think that glasses suited me more and more.


I blasted out rap music whist in the progress of getting ready and making a coffee. I sat down and listened to the music whist drinking the coffee, just before leaving I had a cigarette too. This was basically my everyday routine when on my own. I didn't normally eat breakfast unless I was really hungry. I locked up the house and got into my car and drove to YG with my music blasting out my car windows. It was a sunny day and that made me smile. I felt as if my mood had lifted and I was happy.


Arriving at YG no-one was around, I mean who would be at this time. I would have to wait a few hours for Teddy to appear, I didn't mind though. I walked into the studio and started working. I saw a sheet of paper which had obviously been left behind, as I looked at it closer I could tell it was Seunghyun's writing. They looked like lyrics. 'I can't seem to get you out of my mind, no matter how hard I try. You are all I'm missing, someone I can't seem to live without. What's this empty space in my heart. I can't seem to let you go.' I couldn't help but grin, I didn't even feel angry with him anymore- which was unlike me. I didn't even need to think twice. I knew they were about me as they would have to be written yesterday as I was here the day before. I added more lyrics to his and smiled. I folded it up and put it in my pocket for now. I began to listen to the music I'd already produced for my upcoming album, I was looking for faults- I was a slight perfectionist when It came to my work.



Seunghyun pov-


The next morning came to soon, but at least I got a good nights sleep. I took Daesung's advice. I was going to go see Papa YG today. He'd always helped me when I needed it. People didn't realise that we actually had a good relationship. He helped me fit in when I was having a hard time back when I deubuted, he gave me the confidence to carry on. I picked up my phone and rang him arranging to meet him. I showered and got ready, scared if anything. I was about to pour my heart to him about myself, how I was feeling, what had happened with Ji. If anyone I would be scared about Papa YG's reaction than anyone’s and that's exactly why I had to tell him. I knew he'd give me advice and I knew he'd accept me no matter what. In the past he'd actually hinted at it before, a relationship with me and Ji. Before I'd laugh it off but now, his predictions had become real. Whist driving over to YG my heart was pounding. I noticed Ji's car in the car park and then I started feeling butterflies, If I bumped into him I was scared I might break down. I took deep breaths before walking into the building. No-one really noticed me, I was swift. Until Daesung stood before me.


'Hyung' He cried happily throwing himself at me, I felt thankful to be appreciated and missed by Daesung. Not only that a hug made me feel a lot better.


'Sorry Dae, I would stay but I have a meeting with Papa.' I said softly, not wanting to sounds rude. Daesung smiled and winked.


'You took my advice then, Hyung?' He had a big grin on his face. I laughed, smiling myself now.


'Well, it was good advice.' I grinned happily. Daesung smiled


'Well good luck' He said softly before walking off. I hopped into the lift going up to Papa YG's office. It stopped on a few floors below though and to my surprised Ji walked in. Just my luck. He stood outside the lift doors in total shock to even see me here, shaking the shock off he walked in.


'What are you even doing here?' He said coldly as he stood next to me.


'I'm here to talk to Papa YG about things' I said feeling so awkward. I could feel myself heating up, my heart was racing so fast I found it hard to even speak.


'What are you doing?' I managed to get out.


'Trying to find Teddy.' He said softly. I'm surprised he was even talking to me but I was glad he was.


'I need to talk to you later. Can we go out somewhere?' I asked hopefully. I saw a grin on his face which made my heart race more.


'Hmmmm.  Meet me down in the studio when you're done.' He said before getting off at the floor below me. His hand grabbed mine putting a folded up piece of paper in my hand. He gave me a comforting smile before leaving which undeniable made me smile too giving me confidence for what I was about to do. I put the paper in my pocket. I decided to look at it after I'd finished talking to Papa. I walked into Papa's office after knocking and was greeted by his smiling face.


'Seunghyun, How're you?' he said happily. I smiled and sat down. I took in the atmosphere of the office, being surrounded by Bearbricks just reminded me of my home. I guess that was the good thing about this office, to me it was homely.


'Well, I've been better.' I laughed slightly, Papa YG than sat down himself looking worried about me.


'Well, I assume this is why you wanted to speak to me.' He said concentrating on me. I nodded but didn't know how to word how I was feeling.


'I don't even know how to explain all of this to you.' I said softly, at this point I was really hoping he'd hint at Ji, but even then. I wouldn't have been able to admit it without being embarrassed about it. Papa YG cough clearing his throat.


'Seunghyun, You know whatever it is I'm here to help.' He said in a fatherly way. I almost admired him when he was like this.


'It's about Ji Yong....' I manage to let slip. He face kind of lit up in surprise.


'What's happened then, I'm sure nothing can surprise me when it comes to you two.' He laughed trying to lighten the mood. I couldn't help but smile at this point but then I became serious again.


'Something happened between me and Ji.' I said softly fiddling with my hands because I was nervous in a way.


'I knew it' Papa YG said smiling almost excitedly. It was strange that he was acting this way about it.


'Psy told me what you said whist drinking, All you have to do is piece things together. I've watched you two grow up. I've known all along that Ji adores you and I'm guessing you've only just realised.' He carried on to say, as wise as ever.


'I don't know wheather I'm like Ji... I'm not sure If I like men...' I said almost like a whisper avoiding eye contact.


'It's not about your ual preferences,It doesn’t matter weather you like men or women or both. It's about how you feel for Ji. That's what matters. Love shouldn't be limited to gender. You don't have to label yourself.' He said seriously. It never hit me before, but he was right.


'I'm scared.' I said softly trying to be honestly. He looked at me directly paying more attention to me. 'I'm scared because I don't want people to look down on me because of it, If I chose to be with him.' Papa YG sighed softly.


'Do you have feelings for him, Seunghyun. Forget about everyone for the moment. How do you feel?' He said softly, whist I was thinking He called his PA through and got her to go get us coffee's.


'Yeah... I do have feelings.' I said almost like a whisper. He nodded his head and got comfortable, I knew he was about to say something.


'Seunghyun, No matter what you do in life people will judge you. It's the way the world works.' Papa YG said softly and honestly. I knew he was right. I was just being a coward. Maybe it's time I started thinking about myself.


'You're right...' I agreed with him. I knew I had to try with Ji, I couldn't just not try because I was afraid of what people think.


'But... I messed it up.' I said softly before the PA returned with our coffee's before leaving again. A warm drink whist talking is apparently the best way to open up.


'How'd you manage that?' He asked after having a sip of his drink.


'He came over whist I had a women over.' I said honestly.


'So that was you being in denial.' He said, summing me up before I'd even got that far.


'Yeah. I guess you can't hide the person you are.' I said laughing.


'Well, it's up to you to fix this now.' He said 'And make sure you keep me updated on the situation.' He grinned.


'You know, You're the first person I'd go to for advice, don't worry.... and thank you Papa.' I smiled happily whist leaving.


'Remember, Be Brave.' He said after me I couldn't believe that one talk with Papa YG had changed my whole perspective on this situation. I stood back in the hallway and decided to open the paper that Ji had given me. I noticed straight away it was the lyrics I wrote yesterday but Ji had added more to it.


'Everyday and Every night I wish you were by my side. Why can't you see how much this tears me apart. Being away from you like this is more than I can take. What are we doing, where are we going? I'm searching for a reason, a reason for this to work. We need each other, don't we? ' I knew then how much I needed Ji. Papa YG had made me realise it too. I was just to scared but I needed to be brave. I needed to do this now. I literally ran to Ji's studio where I found him sitting there, I stared through the window at him and smiled before running in, I felt hopeful, full of confidence. I stood in the doorway boldly as Ji turned round and looked at me blankly, confused and my enthusiasm


'I need to say this....' I said seriously to him. He looked confused but didn't stop me, just nodded and paid attention to me.


'Okay... I shouldn't of hid away like I did. I made you feel unwanted indirectly because I was scared of what people thought of me, I pretended that I didn't care, when I did. I care so much about you Ji. I was stupid enough to try and get rid of the feelings I had for you by sleeping with other people. I didn't mean for you to find out the way you did... Compared to you, all of that was nothing. Not even close to how I feel for you... I'm a coward, I'm so scared about what others will say that it's stopped me from being happy. I've stopped myself from being happy. I know that I need you now, I really cannot be without you. I know you're mad. I know I've hurt you but let me try this with you.' I rushed out quickly as my body was shaking, I don't think i'd ever felt so scared in my life. I just stood there waiting for a reply, Ji looked more than emotional. I could see his eyes whelming up which scared me slightly. He stood up looking directly at me. I couldn't bear to see him like this, once a tear fell I knew I really had hurt him. I walked towards him which made more tears fall, lost for words I just held him in my arms.


'I'm sorry Ji Yong.' I said softly. I then felt his warm embrace back, holding me.


'You're an idiot' He said crying against my chest causing me to still feel sorrow on his behalf.


'I know...' I said agreeing with him before he looked up at me still with watery eyes.


'Are you serious about what you said?' He said softly causing me to  smile at him.


'Why don't you tell me?' I said leaning down to kiss him softly. I think more than anything my actions shocked him, It shocked me too though. He shied away feeling embarrassed which left me with a grin. Despite where we were I didn't care about people seeing at this point. I felt happy right now, I didn't want to look back.


'Forgive me?' I smiled with cuteness as he pushed me with a frown.


'Only this once.' He smirked. 'I don't give many chances.' he said laughing whist sitting down again. He looked me up and down.


'So why'd you talk to Papa YG anyway?' He asked as I sat next to him.


'Well, Let's just say he gave me advice.' I said proudly. Ji laughed at me surprised.


'You told Papa YG, that must of took guts. I would of felt stupid.' He said honestly. He looked so cute, I could barely concentrate on what he was saying.


'And, Daesung knows. So the whole band now knows, however none of them know about me agreeing to try this with you...' I said feeling embarrassed myself. Ji burst out laughing.


'Let's surprise them.' He said with an grin. I agreed with him and looked at recording booth in front of us.


'But let's do some work first?' I said sensibly knowing that for the passed few days neither of us had bothered to do much. Ji pulled a face obviously not motivated to do anything.


'Do we have too? I'm tired.' He whined. I held his hand softly.


'You're with me, I'm sure you can handle a few hours of working.' I winked making him smile shyly.


Ji finally gave in and worked on our GD&TOP album, there was so much to finish. I didn't even realise but for once, I felt as if things were going to be okay. WIth Ji i felt like I had hope, I felt like anything could be acomplished. He seemed to bring the best out of me. Just seeing him smile again made me feel happy. I felt my heart light up when I was next to him, I liked that feeling alot.








“Things will be okay now, right..."

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Chapter 28: i love it! you're amazing author^^
llvip59 #2
Chapter 28: Wow this was such a beautiful dramatic suspenseful heart warming caring story!!!! Cx this was really really great story !!! OMG where do I begin it was like at first I was like seunghyun u better see u like Jiyong n then it was lik ooh seunghyun don't hurt Jiyong n protect him then again there was like an 'oh snap' moment n I was in shock n was like u guys better watch out n find her !!! Then(sry I keep using then) it was like ...bomb!!! Someone enter save them this can not be the end of their beautiful relation ship!!! N finally marriage I was lik 'WOOT WOOT YEAH SEUNGHYUN U MAN U GO FOR IT' ... Sorry I got like excited n strted replaying story in my head like movie ^-^ BEAUTIFUL STORY AGAIN XD
Chapter 28: Awwww.. I LOVE this fic, beautiful♥
Great storyyyyyy!!!! (^_^)v
DigitalPounce #5
Chapter 15: Hahahaha OMO I loved Tae's pov, I was laughing the entire time! Especially when they called maknae a _____ lol!
Chapter 28: Aw that ended so quickly!
But really good none the less, thank you!
Shermclaine #7
Chapter 28: I hope things change dramatically for the best for me too. Great story!
Atenais #8
Chapter 28: I always like happy endings. Thank you for this story!