I Saw Him Again...

True Love

“Knock, knock, knock!”I quickly walked over to my door and opened it. It was him. For some reason, I was so happy inside. It was a guilty happy because I have a boyfriend but why is this man making me so happy? And I don’t even know him. He stood at my door which felt like a lifetime. He was wearing just a plain black long sleeve shirt and dark blue jeans with shades covering his eyes, the same eyes I stared into that looked so empty and lost.

“Hey. What’s up?” I finally asked while staring at him.

“Well, I kind of left my phone here yesterday. I just came by to pick it up.” He replied with the cutest smile on his face.

A little disappointed, I answered, “Oh… uh, come in. I’ll get it for you.” While walking to the table to grab his phone, he asked, “Why sound so disappointed?” Awkwardly, I replied, “Disappointed? Why would you say that?” I then handed him his phone. “I dried it off for you. If you’re lucky, it might just still work.”

“Oh, thanks.” He then grabbed his phone that was in my hand as he grabbed my hand along with the phone. Slowly, he started to pull me in closer to him while softly saying, “…and thank you for yesterday… you’re a very sweet girl…” By then, we were face to face. A part of me wanted to move away but a part of me said no.

By now, our lips were inches away from each other--- when, BAM! I then woke up in bed next to JiYong. Thinking to myself, “Oh .” I looked at JiYong and sighed while caressing my hair.

Later that day, while JiYong left for his business trip, I just sat on my couch looking out my window and holding that man’s phone in my hand thinking of yesterday along with my dream. I then got up and walked to the rest room to dry off his phone.

After drying off his phone, I turned it on to see if it was still working. And voila, it worked. In curiosity, I went to his recent received phone calls and saw that he had received a lot of calls from one number. I kind of figured that it was around the same time I found him yesterday. It might be the guy he called? Or someone else…

An idea popped in my head. I took my phone out and the number he dialed yesterday was the same number that called him ten to fifteen times yesterday on his phone. I then dialed that number that he dialed on my phone yesterday.

“Hello?” said the person on the other end of the phone.

“Um.. Hi. This is Christine. I think you came to pick up your friend at my house yesterday… would you happen to know where he’s at?”

“Oh yeah, it’s me. As a matter of fact, you’re in luck. He’s with me right now.” He then handed him the phone.

“Hello?” he answered.

Even his voice made me smile from ear to ear. Shyly I replied, “Hi. You left your phone at my house yesterday. I was just wondering if you wanted it back. If not I can toss it?”

“Oh yeah, it’s probably broken anyway with all the rain---“ I then cut him,

“No, it works. I dried it off for you…” I told him with excitement.

“Oh okay, that’s cool. Can you meet me then? We’re going to be at the batting cages hitting some balls.” He asked.

“Sure. I’ll see you then.” We then hung up. Happily, I got up and skipped to my room to get ready.

While getting ready, I was looking at myself in the mirror and I saw how happy I was. I haven’t been this happy and giggly for the longest time. It felt good--- but I told myself that I have a boyfriend and I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I then got up and put on my jeans, a shirt and a sweater. Tied my hair back and was on my way to give this man his phone back.

When I got there, he was with his friend from yesterday. Walking over to them, I thought to myself, ‘He is so handsome--- his hair is the cutest thing ever--- a Mohawk?!!’ I finally walked up to him and said while handing him his phone, “Hey, here’s your phone”.

He turns around and takes it, “Thanks”.

Feeling awkward being there, I then turned around and headed back to my car. As I got to my car, I heard someone yelling, “Hey! Hey, where you going?!”

I looked back and I saw him running towards me. I smiled and walked towards him. “Well, I didn’t want to interrupt what you and your friend were doing. You’re probably having a ‘guy time’ with him.”

He then laughs and says, “No. Daesung and I are just hanging out. This is something we do to kill time. Did you want to stay and hit some balls with us?”

Excited, I answered, “Well…”

“Come on Cris, just stay and hang out.” He said.

“Hey, that’s not fair. You know my name. I don’t even know yours?” I finally asked.

“If I tell you, would you stay?” he negotiated.

“I guess…” I agreed.

“It’s Taeyang. My family calls me Youngbae, but my friends call me Taeyang.” He explained.

“Nice. It’s nice to finally meet you Taeyang.” I said while reaching my hand out for a hand shake. He smiles the sweetest smile and shakes my hand. While shaking it, he drags me by the hand and walks me back over to the batting cages. I wanted him to let go of my hand, but I didn’t too. I liked the feeling.

We just sat at the bench watching his friend, Daesung acting silly. Taeyang then turns to me and says,

“Um… I’m sorry for yesterday. I know it was weird how we met. I’ve been going through a rough time and I---“

I then cut him, “Taeyang, you don’t need to explain. I felt like you needed someone at that particular moment. That’s why I did what I did. I just hope I didn’t go overboard.”

“Oh, no. I appreciated what you did and I’m very thankful for you. You don’t know how much of what you did yesterday meant to me.” He looked straight into my eyes.

I just smiled and turned my eyes towards Daesung trying to avoid whatever was happening at that moment.

Later that day, Taeyang and Daesung invited me to lunch with them. A part of me wanted to go but a part of me knew it wasn’t a good idea.

“Let’s go eat Cris. We’ve been out here for a while now. Say you’ll go with us?” Taeyang begged. Not knowing what to do, I did what was best, “No. Sorry, I have to go home. Since my boyfriend’s gone for a while, I need to stay home and watch the house. Maybe next time?”

Sounding a bit disappointed, he then replied, “Hmmm… well, sure. We can go next time.” We then parted ways as I drove home wondering what the day was all about.

Ever since today, Taeyang and I keep in touch here and there knowing our boundaries with each other. But a part of me wants to see Taeyang.

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
sweetcris23 #2
Great Story.<br />
aznescence #3
ngawwwwww :') <br />
Taeyang's such a sweetheart LOL<br />
But... I still love Jiyong xD <br />
Thanks for your story Love_Taeyang <br />
I enjoyed it alot !! <br />
You made Jiyong seem like a LOL mind my language ^^ <br />
But then you made him a better man when you made him follow her :) hehehe<br />
<br />
Keep up the awesome work/stories/ideas etc !!! xB <br />
<3333 <br />
<br />
that's what you get gd for being an .<br />
and yeah u dont deserve her, bae does ;D<br />
cri_mson #7
they finally broke up...<br />
stupid jiyong propose her and then cheat<br />
she can be with taeyang now <br />
Same comment, Taeyang~! <3
taeyangbby #10
i love this story [: <3