The Day I Met Him...

True Love


It all began on the morning of a rainy day.  I looked out my window and saw him.  He was drenched in rain but being soaked in the rain felt like the last thing on his mind. He was wearing dark blue jeans, a red and black checkered flannel shirt with a white t-shirt under. And on top of that, he wore a black jacket. It appeared as though he was supposed to be walking in the rain--- as if he had something on his mind he was trying to figure out; and everything around him didn’t seem to matter at all. With curiosity, I wrapped myself with a blanket and I watched him walk pass from my right side of the window to the left.

He then comes to a stop and just stood there. All of a sudden, he looked up towards the sky with the rain drops hitting his face and he began to cry. He fell to his knees and started banging the ground with his fist and continued to cry in anger. I stood up instantly and felt the need to see if the man was okay. But then again, I didn’t know him and I didn’t know what his intentions would be. Even though my head said no, my heart told me otherwise.

Slowly, I unlocked and opened my front door and saw the man sitting on the pavement with his head down and his arms up and over his head. Covered in my blanket, I slowly walked over to the man in the rain. The rain was falling so loud that he couldn’t hear my foot steps as I got closer to him. I could hear him mumbling something under the loud rain.

Softly, I whispered, “Are you ok?”

There was no response but the drops of the rain. I then hovered over him with my blanket to stop the rain from hitting him. He felt the rain stop falling on him as he quickly looked up and saw me covering him.

I smiled a quick smile and asked again, “Are you ok?”

Right then, we both locked eyes and I can see in his eyes of how lost he was. His soul felt so empty. He then put his head down again and his arms covered his head. I didn’t know the man but somehow, I felt as though I needed to be there with him. And so, I sat down next to him on the pavement and covered us with my blanket. Right then, he leaned his head on me and we just sat in silence while we watched the rain continuing to fall.

Fifteen to twenty minutes later, I was feeling a little bit cold. Shivering, I asked him, “Did you want to go inside and dry off? It’s kind of cold out here.” he did not answer and continued to sit in silence. Cold and wet, I stood up and stood the man up as well and walked him inside my home. I took him to my guest room and showed him to the rest room where he could clean up. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me leaving a plain white t-shirt and a gray sweat pant at the foot of the bed. I then went to my room to clean up myself as well.

Thirty minutes or so later, the man walked into the kitchen where I was preparing us some soup to warm us up for sitting out in the rain.

Finally some words out of his mouth, “I hope it’s ok that I’m drying my clothes in your dryer.” Smiling I answered, “That’s ok… Soup?” Shyly, he answered, “Sure. First, can I use your phone to make a quick phone call?” he then pulled out his cell phone and said, “My phone is kind of dead… from the rain and all…” He then sets his dead phone on my table. Smiling, I grabbed my phone and handed it to him.

After his phone call, I poured both of us separate bowls of soup and I handed him his. He took it and we both sat in silence at the table and enjoyed our soup.

While eating our soup, I found myself gazing at this man as he ate with his head down as if he was embarrassed to look at me. I can’t even remember how long I was just staring at him. Minutes went by and I’m still staring; this time not knowing even why I’m still staring at him. Luckily, my phone rang and saved me from embarrassment if he was to look up and catch me just staring.

This time, I can feel his eyes just staring at me as I walked to the phone and answered it, “Hello... Hey… yeah… I’ll have it ready… See you later when you get home.” I hung up the phone.

“Boyfriend?” the man asked. Smiling, I answered, “Yeah. He wanted---“. Right then, the man cut me off and said, “No need to explain anything to me. I’m just a stranger. You remember that right?” I stopped talking and walked over to my dryer to check on his clothes. They were dried, so I took them out and took it over to him.

“Hey, your clothes are dried. I’ll put them in the room for you.” I then walked into the guest room and placed his clothes nicely on the bed. While I was laying them on the bed, he walks in behind me and while taking off his t-shirt, he says, “Thanks for everything. I really appreciate it.” When I saw him taking off his shirt, I quickly turned around and walked out replying, “No worries.”

I was sitting on the couch in the living room thinking about his body that I just saw as he finally came out. He sat across from me on the other couch and we sat in silence, again. He then took a breath and was about to say something to me when there was a knock on my door. I smiled and got up to open it.

The man at the door said, “I’m here for---“. The man in my house cuts this man off and says, “Hey! Thanks man. Let’s go.”

They both walked off and out into the rain that was falling softly now. I just watched him walk away and remembering wondering to myself, “I don’t even know your name--and you just leave like that?” Letting out a sigh, I closed my door.

I walked back into my kitchen where both of our bowls were sitting on the table. I picked up his bowl and mine and washed them in the sink. After washing the dishes, wiping my hands on a towel, I walked pass my table and realized that he left his dead phone. I picked it up and for some reason; I was smiling from ear to ear because I knew that I was going to see him again--- and this time I’ll get his name too.

Later that night, my boyfriend came home. Climbing into bed with me, he asked while kissing my head, “You’re not asleep yet? It’s 10:30.” I replied, “Hey Jiyong, no, I can’t seem to sleep. But now that you’re home I think I’ll be sleeping a lot better.” “That’s good.” He said.

“Oh, did you get my clothes packed for me as I asked earlier? I have to fly out for business tomorrow. I’ll be back in a week or so.”

“Yes I did. It’s over there at the corner.” I said.

 He then kissed me and we both fell asleep.

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
sweetcris23 #2
Great Story.<br />
aznescence #3
ngawwwwww :') <br />
Taeyang's such a sweetheart LOL<br />
But... I still love Jiyong xD <br />
Thanks for your story Love_Taeyang <br />
I enjoyed it alot !! <br />
You made Jiyong seem like a LOL mind my language ^^ <br />
But then you made him a better man when you made him follow her :) hehehe<br />
<br />
Keep up the awesome work/stories/ideas etc !!! xB <br />
<3333 <br />
<br />
that's what you get gd for being an .<br />
and yeah u dont deserve her, bae does ;D<br />
cri_mson #7
they finally broke up...<br />
stupid jiyong propose her and then cheat<br />
she can be with taeyang now <br />
Same comment, Taeyang~! <3
taeyangbby #10
i love this story [: <3