Finding Love Again...

True Love

I finally pulled up to my drive way and walked up to my door. I unlocked the door and opened it. As I opened it, I felt a sense of emptiness that rushed through me. Even though I felt empty, I knew this empty feeling was so much better than being in pain from hurt. I then took a deep breath and walked in closing the door behind me. I then put my bag and keys down. I walked over to my couch and lay down and closed my eyes to finally get some rest.

While lying down, there was a knock at my door. Tired, I got up and opened it. It was Taeyang standing there.

“Hey Youngbae. Come inside.” I invited him.

“Everything ok? You look like you’ve been crying.” He asked.

“Eh, everything’s ok. Just need some rest, that’s all.” I replied.

We both walked back to my couch as I sat down next to him. I then let out a sigh and looked at him, “It’s been a long and rough day.”

“I’m sure it was. It’s probably none of my business but are you and Jiyong ok?” he asked.

“Why would you say that?” I replied.

“Well, this morning when you told me you were at the beach, I swung by the beach to see if you were ok and I saw you and Jiyong. Didn’t look like you guys were having a happy conversation.”

“You were there?!--- who cares… yeah. Well, the other day, Jiyong proposed to me at the beach and we were engaged to be married tomorrow, Monday. And yesterday, after my bachelorette party, I came home to find him in bed with another girl. That’s the whole story.”

Tears began to fall down my face again.

(click on link before continuing)

Without saying a word, Taeyang just pulled me in and hugged me tightly. I then hugged him back and I just let it all out. He then held up my face to his and started to wipe my tears away. He then softly kissed me.

After our kiss, I pulled back and told Taeyang, “I’m sorry, but can we take it slow? I don’t want to rush anything right now. Or even a relationship.”

“Yes. As slow as you’d like. I’ll be here with you. I told you already Cris, I love you and I want you. I will wait as long as you need.” He reassured me.

“Thank you Youngbae. I really like you too.” We both smiled.

“Ok, no more crying. I will be here for you now. I will make sure that you will never shed another tear.” He said while kissing my fore head. “So what do you feel like eating?” He said while walking to my kitchen trying to prepare me food. He then pulled out some vegetables and started to prepare them. I just watched him from where I was sitting and I found myself smiling. I was happy to have Youngbae in my life. He’s such a good man.

While he was talking away about cooking for me, I just continued to stare at him once again. I then got up and walked up to him. I then turned him around and kissed him on the lips and said, “Thank you for being so good to me. I never thought I’d find another good man in my life time.”

He kissed me back and replied, “That makes two of us.” He then smiled the most adorable smile and continued to cook.

“Go sit and watch me work my magic.” He demanded.

Smiling, I then walked over to the dining table and sat down and watched him continue cooking. All I remember telling myself while watching him was, “How did I get so lucky? There really are second chances at love. All along, I was in a relationship that I thought was true love, when my true love was in front of my eyes all this time. We met for one reason and for one reason only; we were each other’s true love. We had to suffer through pain before we found each other. Youngbae is my true love.”



<333 Youngbae!

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
sweetcris23 #2
Great Story.<br />
aznescence #3
ngawwwwww :') <br />
Taeyang's such a sweetheart LOL<br />
But... I still love Jiyong xD <br />
Thanks for your story Love_Taeyang <br />
I enjoyed it alot !! <br />
You made Jiyong seem like a LOL mind my language ^^ <br />
But then you made him a better man when you made him follow her :) hehehe<br />
<br />
Keep up the awesome work/stories/ideas etc !!! xB <br />
<3333 <br />
<br />
that's what you get gd for being an .<br />
and yeah u dont deserve her, bae does ;D<br />
cri_mson #7
they finally broke up...<br />
stupid jiyong propose her and then cheat<br />
she can be with taeyang now <br />
Same comment, Taeyang~! <3
taeyangbby #10
i love this story [: <3