Surprise, Surprise

The Dark School Girl (Editing)

   Kai and I walked into the Lunch room, hand in hand. I sighed in content. Today so far has been amazing, except for the uumm.. confessions. I never knew guys liked me here. I swung our arms and gave the man I love, a smile. A genuine smile. I just couldn’t stop smiling when I was around him. He sent me a smile and with his other hand, caressed my cheek. I lightly giggled and my smile turned into a grin.

   I knew I looked like a love sick fool but for once, I did not care. We then walked to our table and found Sehun and Anne having a make out session. It seemed pretty intense so, as I usually would, I ruined it.

   I sat by them and took a big sip of my soda from my tray and then, made a loud burp. Sehun and Anne finally separated. Anne made a face while Sehun laughed. “Diana! You sounded like a man!” Kai stared at me with his mouth open. I smirked and pushed his jaw up to close his mouth. “Now Kai, that is not attractive.”

   He made a face and wrapped his arms around my waist. “You’d still love me though.” I stared at him and cupped his face. “Yeah. You’re right. I would.” Sehun cleared his throat. That snapped us back to reality. “Wait, you guys finally confessed?” I heard Anne ask. I turned to her and nodded. She squealed and gave me a hug that wasn’t meant for a girl her size, which was about 5’1”.

   I coughed, trying to breathe. “Anne. Calm down.” She giggled and let go of me. “Damn. You are strong for a shorty..” I muttered. She lightly slapped my arm. “Hey! No fair all of you are taller than me!” I shrugged. “Hey, Cassie is a runner up. She is almost as short as you.”

  Anne huffed. “Yeah.. But still.. Why are you all so tall?!”  I grinned and stood straight. “Hey mini~” She lightly pushed me and went to sit next to Sehun. “Sehun!” She whined. “Diana is calling me short and mini!” She dug her head into his chest. “It’s ok Anne. I still love you, even if you are short.”

  Anne gasped and slapped his shoulder but hugged him tightly. “I love you too.” I softly smiled at the scene. I felt Kai get closer and whisper in my ear, “Are we like that?” I tried to cover my laugh, “I think we are worse.” “Oh god..”

  I lightly giggled and then wondered out loud, “Where is Cassie, Suho, Abby, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and my bad twin?” Sehun did not look away from Anne and replied, “Chanyeol and D.O. are running away from their lovers and the couples are somewhere else. Alone time.”

  I snorted. “Wow. I see how that is…” Sehun looked up and took out something. “Oh, I have chocolates for you, since you got me something for Valentine’s Day.” He placed a box in my hands. It was shaped like a heart with a cat in the front. “Aww thank you, Sehunnie.” I blew him a kiss for fun. He chuckled and turned to Anne, pecking her on the lips. He gazed into her eyes.

  I tried not to gag. Do I look like that? My god eeww…. Kai took my hand and whispered, “Let’s go back to the gazebo.” I looked at him weirdly. “Will we be able to hear the bell?” He scoffed. “When did you become good?” I smiled, “Ever since I met you.” He returned the smile and leaned forward. Right then bodies collided to the table. I jumped and moved away to catch a better look. It was Chanyeol and D.O. They looked like they came from a car crash. Sweaty, clothes all ruffled from their fan girls and hair a mess.

  “Are you guys ok?!” I ran to D.O. and check his face. “Bad twin? Are you ok?” He nodded. “Y-yeah.” He was out of breath. “We ran around the school three times. Th-the girls wanted a kiss for White Day. All of them.” Chanyeol nodded and he took my hand. “Diana. My god we ran so much. I mean, I know we are good looking, but why do they have to chase us?!” I rolled my eyes and lightly flicked his forehead.

   Chanyeol smiled and asked, “so how is your White Day?” I blushed. D.O. started to poke me. “Kai, what did you do?” D.O. asked, making Kai flush in color. “Th-that is private.” Chanyeol and D.O. turned to me. “what did he do?”

  I started to sweat. “Umm well… He woke me up early, brought me to a gazebo, which had candles and flowers and-” I giggled. “He got me a Wolverine plushy.” The guys looked at Kai in surprise. Even Sehun looked at Kai with wide eyes. “Kai. YOU were romantic?” Sehun, Chanyeol and D.O. asked in unison. Kai’s cheeks burned even more. “Yah! I can be when I want to be!” Sehun pointed to Chanyeol, “B-but Chanyeol is usually the romance filled one! Not you!”

  Kai shrugged. “I fell in love ok? God…” I felt Chanyeol stiffen next to me. I turned to him with red cheeks and sent him a smile. “Yeah.” I nervously giggled. “We confessed to each other this morning.” He gave me a smile that looked forced. “That is great! I am so happy for you two!” He hugged me. D.O. cheered. “So cute! Umma is so proud!” I laughed and poked D.O. in the stomach. “Yeah you are a squishy Umma.”

  D.O. gasped, “Hey! I will let you know I work out every day!” I rolled my eyes. “Uh huh suuure.” I poked Chanyeol and my eyes slightly widened. His stomach was hard. I turned to Kai and poked him. His stomach was hard as well. Not squishy. I turned to Sehun who was cuddling with Anne and poked him too. He jumped, “Diana!” He whined cutely. I softly smiled. “Hi.” He waved and turned his attention back to Anne. Psh.. How rude.. but wow.. How are they not squishy?! The hell?! Hehe. Only D.O. is squishy!

  I turned around and continued to poke D.O. who complained. Kai the pulled my back and put me into his lap. “Mine.” He said seductively as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I rolled my eyes. “Weirdo.”

  He pressed his lips on the corner of mine. “You love a weirdo.” I hummed happily and turned my head slightly to meet his lips. “Yes I do.”



HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE!! Or in some places it is the 15th but oh well  xD  Have a nice day or night or afternoon  <3  I have 98 subbies noww! If i make it to 100 oh my goodness I would squeal with joy and just dance around the house like a mad woman  xD  I'm glad many of you read this story.


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liviya #1
Chapter 2: Exo kai fanfic ate the best one ever.
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 79: I feel sorry for Diana!!! What kind of mother is she!!! (no offence, but the mother shouldn't be living - cuz she's causing everybody so much pain!!)

Is there going to be a sequel?? Cuz I really don't want the story to end like this :(

Great job authornim ^^
Febekae_19 #3
Chapter 39: What's wrong with her?
Chapter 77: Omg really ? I'm sobbing like a little :(
Chapter 31: Omg u went to Kcon!!?? I did to !!! It was super fun !
Chapter 7: Aweeeeeeeeeee her in Kai are so cute!! EEEEKKK
Chapter 2: very funny intro i like it *thumbs up* go0d work!!
vip21_exotic #9
Chapter 9: OMG I totally ship her with Chanyeol Xd
Febekae_19 #10