
Fullmoon (part 2): Howling

[Junhyung’s POV]



I found myself gazing through the window of a popular clothing store. I could not find a single piece of clothing that would suit my style, however, I did find several outfits matching Hyunseung’s. I shook my head violently, spun around on my heals and leaned against the window. The glare of the late sunset began to bother my eyes as I lowered my hat to shield out the light. I sighed heavily as I began my walk down the avenue, looking back and forth between shops. Everything here just makes me think of him.

“I guess I should apologize.” I sighed heavily as I thought to myself. If he’s willing to go this far to keep his secret.... but he left me at the airport. All the lies. All the deception. Not even coke could clear this up. I leaned against the brick wall surrounding a haberdashery, as I rubbed my temples. I figured I should head back to the hotel before the dark night would make me lose my sense of direction.

As I turned my head to the cross-section in front of me, my eyes widened. The slender man with the scarlet red hair had just ran out before me. Even with his hood pulled up over his head, I was easily able to tell that this was the man who has be plaguing my thoughts all day. Hyunseung.

He ran across the street, perpendicular to mine as he seemed to be in a hurry. He didn’t even notice me as he seemed to be hiding something. A worried expression was plastered across his face.

“Enough is enough!” My head began to tighten as my fists clenched. I was through asking. I’m getting my answer! The light changed as I crossed the street and took off in the direction of Hyunseung.

As his pace quickened I sped up as well. He was too worried to notice his stalker as he kept checking the sun’s position the sky. Is he really this dense? I kept up at a safe distance as he entered a large park. Only moments remained of the sun’s light as he dashed into a heavily wooded area of the park. What, is he afraid of the dark? I took a deep breath and followed.

A heavy fog began to loom over the park as I moved further through the trees. I stopped in a small clearing just below a hill. Hyunseung was situated atop the hill as he sat, staring at the sky. As the sun disappeared over the horizon, he sighed heavily and began doing something I never would’ve expected.

With the lowering of his hood, Hyunseung swiftly began to his hoodie and discarded it onto the ground. His elegant red hair seemed to blow within the soft breeze. Is he crazy? What if someone sees and recognizes him? But his next action just made him seem insane. With one swift motion, Hyunseung removed his T-shirt exposing his smooth and elegant chest. I bit my bottom lip as he sighed, staring at the sky before proceeding to reach for the hem of his jeans.

“What the hell are you doing?!”

Hyunseung spun around on his heels as I approached him from the base of the hill. His eyes widened as he released his jeans a lifted his hand up to his chest.“ Junhyung! W-WHAT’RE YOU DOING HERE?!”

“ I came to get my answer! Right here, Right now!” I approached him as I kicked his clothes to the side. I took a firm hold on his shoulder as he struggled to pull away. “ Tell me! What the hell is going on!”

“ You can’t be here! You have to get out of here, Junnie!! Before it’s too late!!”

Did he just call me- ? I shook my head and stared into Hyunseung’s eyes grasping onto his other shoulder. “NO! I’m not leaving! No more lies, Hyunseung! Tell me the truth, now!”

His eyes darted away from mine and seemed to fill with tears. I shook him slightly but he could no longer look me in the eye. “ Junhyung.... I.... I-” He stopped mid sentence as he clasped onto his chest, cringing in pain.

“ Hyunseung?” My grip loosened as he proceeded to stumble back. “ Hyunseung. What’s-”

I felt two hands press firmly against my chest as he pushed me to the ground in one swift motion. I slid down the hill only slightly before I sat up and stared at Hyunseung. My eyes widened as he dropped down to his hands and knees, cringing in pain. As he looked up at the sky, in the light of the full moon, he began to change.

Dark brown fibers began to emerge from his skin as razor sharp fangs appeared in his slightly ajar mouth. I heard a snarling sound as his face elongated until it resembled a muzzle. His ears sharpened as his hands and feet shaped themselves into paws, the claws shedding the jeans he had no time to remove. His breathing hastened as a large, bushy tail ripped through his jeans. With a loud, piercing howl, I witnessed as my gentle Hyunseung was transformed into a wolf.


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 10: Sweet Junseung Ü
Chapter 10: next wolf could be gikwang and dongwoon??? in part 3 maybe?..;)
Chapter 10: cool OMG such an amazing story keep going
Chapter 10: why must you end so fast
but it was very nice i love it
Chapter 10: Waiting " patiently" for the part 3!
AttaCoff_239 #6
Chapter 9: and jun will be the wolf too? cool!
somehow that moment like in breaking dwn
Chapter 7: god
why junhyung so.
oh well hopefully i will not tell..i hope
update soon