A hint of emotion

Living the same life as Everyone Else

AN: Hi guys.. Wow, I got like 10 or more(?) comments for last chap:D I really thought that I'd have to give it up at some point because even when I made Key pass out and everything only a few comments came and I thought that I was doing something wrong or I dunno xD So yeah, thank you all for reading this fanfic.. I really love you guys <3

NOTE: I started a new JongKey fic (fluffy/cute with some angst), so I'd love it if you checked it out :D Scars Of Flames  is about Key, who is scared of fire and being burnt and Jonghyun, his new private tutor.

'Kibum-ah, you have to open your eyes.'I heard the soft, but strangely empty voice. It was familiar, but I didn't know why. I only knew that I was in pain. My back felt like it was on fire and my head was throbbing once again. When I tried to open my eyes the only thing I could see was darkness. I realized that I wasn't lying on my bed anymore, but I was floating in the darkness. 'Kibum-ah..' I heard it again, I finally, I recognized the voice. It was Onew. I felt a cold touch on my back and I hissed in pain. It stung, and it only made my back hurt even more.

'Stop!'I wanted to yell, but no words came out my mouth. It was like, I was frozen. I could think and I heard what was going on around me, but I couldn't move or speak. It was really scary.

'Shh..'I heard Taemin's soothing voice. 'Your wounds were infected, so we have to treat them as much as we can, hyung.'he said. I guess they could hear my hiss.

'No..'I wanted to tell him. It hurt too much. I just wanted to die, because death seemed much better than this. Well, actually, death seemed really nice at that time. I wouldn't have to work anymore, I wouldn't have to be scared of getting violated once again. It would be only me in darkness. I smiled at the thought of being alone, but the face of the Student who helped me flashed into my mind. It was like he was the one who wanted me to go on. Yeah right.. I almost rolled my eyes. Why on Earth would that stupid Student want me to live? I sighed as I felt sleepier and sleepier once again.

My senses were shutting off and soon I couldn't hear or feel. It was nice since I couldn't feel any pain. I fell asleep once again, hoping that I wouldn't wake up.

But I did. And it hurt. It wasn't the type of pain when you can still work or something, no. It was the type of pain that made me want to go back to the darkness. I could move, but with every small movement, a new wave of pain would wash through me. I whimpered softly.

'He's awake.. 'I heard Onew's voice. It was so empty. I wanted to sit up and slap that idiot. But the pain wouldn't let me.

'I don't think so..'Taemin whispered and I could feel his warm hand on my face. 'He looks like he's still unconscious or something. I'm really scared, hyung..'he said.

'It would be better for him to..'Onew said. That idiot was right, but still. How could he say something with such an empty voice. We used to be friends. We used to believe that we could run away together. Where was that idiot now? Because it wasn't the person that was telling Taemin that I should just die.

I forced my eyes open and glared at Onew. He looked back at me with emotionless eyes. 'So you were awake.'he stated. I tried to shrug, but I realized that it hurt too much.

'Of course I was. Do you really think that some infection is enough to kill me?' I asked. Even though I wanted to sound harsh, I sounded weak and tired.

'Well, you were out for some time..'Taemin said, the corners of his lips pulling into a relieved smile.'You were like.. sleeping, but your covers were bloody so we cleaned your wounds and changed your clothes. At first you were so funny, you were saying something like 'damn Student leave me alone..' but your words were really jumbled and all. I heard that one of the boys in your room was.. selected to live in an other apartment or something, so there is a free bed, and I asked the Observer who was sent here today because of something and he said that I can sleep here, so I won't have to sleep next to that smelly guy. And oh, guess what, we got some other stuff with the bread for dinner and it was so nice and and...' he rambled on and on, and I couldn't help but laugh softly. He was still so.. what's the word for it? Innocent..maybe.. I wasn't sure. Onew looked at me and for a moment, I saw something in his eyes. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was an emotion. It made me smile softly, but it might have been because of the medicine I was sure that they have given me. Luckily, we were given some medicine weekly because the accidents and sicknesses were more and more frequent now. 'and then we were able to go out and take a walk since a few people who were selected had to clean the dining room and we were allowed to go out. The sky was so pretty~' He giggled. I really cared about Taemin and everything, but his rambling was making my head hurt even more.

For once, Onew seemed to understand me and he told Taemin that they should go and take a shower. Normally, it would seem like he wanted to harass Taemin or something, but I knew that he wouldn't do that. Plus, they had to go together since a lot of the other Workers in the apartment were after Taemin. He was so tiny and cute, though he wasn't weak at all, but he was still a baby compared to most of the others.

'Sleep now, hyung~.'Taemin said and ruffled my hair. I rolled my eyes, he was acting like I was the younger of the two of us. I knew that I would have to go back to work on the next day, so I really had to try and sleep the pain off, but I just couldn't.

Whenever I closed my eyes, I could see that Student's worried eyes as he looked at me when he was leaning above me. I knew that he was just faking it, and still. I was thinking about him. I felt like an idiot. I knew that he would stay to observe me for another few days, which didn't really make me happy. Ok, to tell the truth, it just made me angry. Angry, because he would say those lies to me and the problem was, that when he said them, it sounded like he was telling the truth.

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Okay, sorry about the last strange messages, my cat woudln't leave me alone and it was hard to type like that xDD


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Umisarmg #1
Chapter 8: I really like this story so far, so please do not give up on it ^^! I just have a small critic (please don't take me wrong. It is constructive :3 and if you don't agree with it it will be allright, I will still love this story though.) I've had the oportunity— and pleasure— of reading more than just one of your stories —you've made me cry— and even though I did only read one that was already completed I realized that you usually go for the main characters to fall in love real quickly (it is not bad! I love the romance and fluff .3.) to make it short —'cause I'm gessing you might be anoyed already.... Sorry D: — I think that if you give them more time to fall in love and, play a little bit more with the plot mainwhile, your story will get an even stronger and more interesting/ realistic feeling than it already is and have.

Again, Please don't take me wrong I really love this story and other of your stories as well, if you don't want to take what I said and even you consider it ofensive I will understand —and if it is the case apologize—.
Whit that said I just want to tell you that I really like your stories and that you are so far one of the most creative of the authors I've ever read.
P.S: forgive my english. It is a little bad as that's not the language we speak in my country.
Thanks! And please update soon!!! (/^o^)/
Pabo-sshi #2
Chapter 8: I love this ff, please update soon!
SohAnna #3
Chapter 8: Jong is just too cute!!!! please update soon... >.<
shiashin #4
Chapter 8: I love this so much!Kibummie is blushing kyyaaa so cute!
shiashin #5
Chapter 7: awwww kibum is so kind!!and so is jonghyun!!

i love this story!! xDD Actually i love all of your stories lol
Chapter 7: DAWWW i hope jongyun saw that, so sweet of kibummie
Chapter 7: aww Yoogeun!!! WAE YOOGEUN!!??