'Another beautiful day, huh?'

Living the same life as Everyone Else

AN: Hi guys~ Thank you for the comments and subscriptions^^ I really hope this will be Ok for being the first chapter^^ xDD

I woke up at five a.m.,  the usual. I could hear the voices of the other Workers in our room. There were ten of us in the tiny space where I could barely lie on the floor, since the space was barely enough for the beds and a few wardrobes. I hated that room, but I had no other place to go. I mean, if I hadn't been worked to be a Worker, I would have a perfect life. The ones who were born to be Students (or Leaders, since in the future, they were the ones who were the 'kings' or 'queens'. We Workers were the servants of our world. 
I dressed up, not bothered by the fact that the eyes of my roommates were on my body.. I was already used to it.. I wished I wasn't, I really hated the fact that they would always stare at me like I was a piece of candy. As I walked into the 'dining room' I was met by a lot of other people looking the same as me. All of us had red eyes, bruises on our whole body, bags under our eyes and grey clothes. A T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.. I had heard about a world where I could choose what I wanted to wear. Where my back wasn't full of whip-marks, because apparently I wasn't working hard enough.. I have always wondered.. 'Does a world like that even exist..?' 
Of course not. It would have been to good to live in a world like that. Yes, we had walls that separated our world from the forest that was around it, but I have never heard about anyone leaving outside the forest. And still, I wished that I could go outside and live there. Even if I would be alone, I would have chosen that life. 
'Hyung.'I heard the soft voice of my only friend here. Taemin walked up to me, dragging his right leg painfully. 
'Yes?' I asked him as I pulled him into my arms. He sniffed as he buried his head into my shoulder.
'I had a bad dream again..' he whispered. 'My Umma was killed..I.. I was there but I couldn't help her. It was like I was frozen.' he whispered. I caressed his hair gently. Of course he would have nightmares of that.. event.
You know, both Workers and Leaders (Students) were taken away from their parents (mainly their mother, only Leader males could stay with their 'wives') at a young age, usually around six or seven. But Taemin was taken away when he was ten years old, due to some mistake. Because of this, he could still remember her. He often had nightmares about the night he was taken away so he would start working. His mother was probably dead by the time Taemin arrived here. Of course, I couldn't bear to tell him. 
He was a good boy, and he had a 'bright' future. He was a good Worker, stronger than most of the people his age. This pretty much meant that he would live for a fairly long time. The moment someone wasn't needed anymore, they were killed.
At least I think  that they were killed. No one really knew what happened to them after they were taken to the walls. But one night, I managed to sneak out and take a walk around the 'city'. I heard the cries of the boy who was not needed anymore. He was begging the Leaders to let him go. He was screaming and sobbing, until I heard a bang. I could hear one, final scream, and then he went silent.
'Can you work with me today, hyung?' Taemin asked me quietly as he pulled away and wiped his tears of his pale cheeks.
'You know that I am not the one deciding that, Minnie.' I said as I straightened out his already crumpled T-shirt.
'But still..' he said and looked at me with wide, puppy like eyes. Even after living five years in this place, he was still like a child. I sighed.
'I will try to be in the same group as yours.' I said and grabbed his hand, leading him to where our food was given to us. 
As I took my plate, I crunched my face up in disgust at what was in it. I looked like what I thought was cereal but the milk seemed greenish and the cereal itself was too soggy and just.. something I didn't want to eat. Taemin took his food as well and I could hear him gag. 
'I don't want to eat this..' he whispered into my ear as we walked to the dining table slowly. We both sat down slowly. Another Worker, named Onew sat down next to me. He tried to smile at me, but his eyes were empty of any emotion. 
I think this was the only thing that made me a bit different from the people around me. I wasn't empty. I still felt the sadness and the pain. I still felt the need to love somebody. I still wanted to feel loved, like a nice Leader lady told me one time. 
I was still a child, you know. I was really whiny at that age, I didn't like the clothes they wanted to dress me up into, and I would always tear them off when I was dressed up.
She didn't try to make me feel the same as the other people. She told me that it was alright that I didn't want to accept the fact of what I was. She was the one who told me about love. Love, is an emotion that you feel towards other people. She said that it's nice to love and to feel loved, but I haven't experienced it yet, so I can't exactly tell you how it feels. Of course, Taemin was my friend. I cared for him, and I wanted to protect him. But I knew that he would have to let me go soon, so I couldn't let him get to attached to me. 
Onew.. Onew used to be my best friend. I used to think that I loved him. I used to think that the three of us would be able to break out from this place and that we would live happily ever after in the Outside World.
And then, Onew broke. I don't know what happened to him, one night we were sitting on my bed, my head on his shoulder, talking about the Outside World softly. I was telling him how I wanted to make clothes once we left this place.
The next moment, I woke up to him being gone. He would always be in the bed next to mine, but he wasn't anywhere at that morning. I couldn't find him anywhere in the apartment, and I was beginning to think that he was taken to be.. get rid of.
He didn't come back for a long time. I am not sure, but I think a week had passed until the day he was back. And in a sense, he wasn't back. He was broken. His eyes were empty, like the other Workers'. His movements were stiff, and I could barely recognize him. He wasn't the Onew I used to know and.. love.
'How are you?' Taemin asked Onew with his usual soft smile. Onew just stared ahead as he ate one spoonful of his cereal.
'I am alright.' he whispered when he put his spoon back into the food. 
I sighed softly as I ate my food as well. I could barely stand the disgusting taste of the cereal and I almost threw it up when I saw something move in the bowl. 
'Another beautiful day, huh?' I asked myself sarcastically as I watched Taemin fight his breakfast too. He nodded, thinking that I was serious. I guess that kid was pretty much glad to be alive. Well, the only problem was that I wasn't sure if this life was better than death or not. 
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Okay, sorry about the last strange messages, my cat woudln't leave me alone and it was hard to type like that xDD


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Umisarmg #1
Chapter 8: I really like this story so far, so please do not give up on it ^^! I just have a small critic (please don't take me wrong. It is constructive :3 and if you don't agree with it it will be allright, I will still love this story though.) I've had the oportunity— and pleasure— of reading more than just one of your stories —you've made me cry— and even though I did only read one that was already completed I realized that you usually go for the main characters to fall in love real quickly (it is not bad! I love the romance and fluff .3.) to make it short —'cause I'm gessing you might be anoyed already.... Sorry D: — I think that if you give them more time to fall in love and, play a little bit more with the plot mainwhile, your story will get an even stronger and more interesting/ realistic feeling than it already is and have.

Again, Please don't take me wrong I really love this story and other of your stories as well, if you don't want to take what I said and even you consider it ofensive I will understand —and if it is the case apologize—.
Whit that said I just want to tell you that I really like your stories and that you are so far one of the most creative of the authors I've ever read.
P.S: forgive my english. It is a little bad as that's not the language we speak in my country.
Thanks! And please update soon!!! (/^o^)/
Pabo-sshi #2
Chapter 8: I love this ff, please update soon!
SohAnna #3
Chapter 8: Jong is just too cute!!!! please update soon... >.<
shiashin #4
Chapter 8: I love this so much!Kibummie is blushing kyyaaa so cute!
shiashin #5
Chapter 7: awwww kibum is so kind!!and so is jonghyun!!

i love this story!! xDD Actually i love all of your stories lol
Chapter 7: DAWWW i hope jongyun saw that, so sweet of kibummie
Chapter 7: aww Yoogeun!!! WAE YOOGEUN!!??