31-Let's Train More

Storage Units

Chaerin's POV-


We headed for the Storage Units the day after. Though I felt so tired... Jiyong and I slept on my bed (we didn't do anything bad, I swear!) but I couldn't sleep because of the pranks the Makanes were trying to pull on us. Every hour or so, I'd wake up seeing Seungri, Daesung and Minji bending over us with a bottle of whipped cream, left overs from last night or even markers in their hands. I'd have to threaten them so that both Jiyong and I come out clean. And we'd switch off. It's like these three have a never ending energy-I bet you Minji did something to them... Curse it.

"Are we there yet?" I groaned, leaning on Bom-unnie's shoulder. We were taking our Rover while Big Bang's car was in front of us. I heard Dara laughing from the driver's seat.

"Chae, that's like the tenth time you've asked in half an hour." She giggled.

I glared at Minji, "I would be sharp and active today if it weren't for three people coming into my room-trying to pull pranks on me in the middle of the night! I barely got any sleep last night Minji~!"

My Makane just grinned and flipped her hair back, "Mianhae Unnie. We were bored, and we weren't tired. So we tried to do something. I didn't think you would actually be like this."

I groaned and turned in my seat, missing the familiar warmth that has been beside me for the past couple days. I fiddled with my ring and sighed, "ARE WE THERE YET?!"

"JEEZ! CHAERIN, WE ARE ALMOST THERE!" Bom didn't sound mad, she was holding back laughter actually, "Wait just like a few minutes."

I continued to whine and roll in my seat, rambling on about how slow we were going until Dara took a sharp turn, causing me to cuss in English, "AH. !"

"CHAE!" Bom gasped. I smacked her thighs and sat up, rubbing my head that hit the car door. "You ok?" She chuckled.

"ANI." I said and groaned, "What the hell was that for?"

Dara looked back, smiling, "We're here." And with those words, I hurried out, anxious to see the place where I had grown to love Jiyong. Big Bang was already greeting and hugging other campers, smiling and shrugging. Yuri saw Jiyong and she ran up and smacked his arm.

"YAH! Now you decide to come back?!"

Jiyong raised his arms in defense, "Mianhae Yuri. But this time, I come back as a boyfriend." He grinned and turned to me, gesturing for me to come over. I smiled at Yuri's excited expression and ran into his arms, planting a small kiss on his irresistible lips.

"EEEEEEEEEK!" Yuri squealed then smacked her cousin again, "What the hell took you so long?! PABO!"

He smiled nervously and scratched his nape, "Uhh... Should we really worry about that? The point is-we're together!" I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Chaerin how could you settle for a man who waited so long?!" Eunhyuk teased, "You should leave him and come to someone else."

Jiyong frowned, "YAH! How dare you try to make a move on my woman?! COME HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU!" Eunhyuk's playful grin disappeared and so did he. "Don't try that!" And the next thing I know, Jiyong is gone too.

Yuri shuffled in the dirt towards me, "Well. He loves you, that's obvious."

I smiled, "I love him too. A lot."

"You know...Cross Gene?" I nodded hesitantly, "Yea, they request you to go over there and train their campers." I bit my inner cheek.

"Just 2NE1?" 

"Ani. You can bring anyone if you want. It's an all male camp-so I suggest you bring your boyfriends with you." We watched Jiyong run after Eunhyuk who was repeating that he was sorry. Yuri stepped in, "Yah! Jiyong! He was joking!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Bom, "Annyeong Unnie."

"Annyeong... What's up with Ji?" She raised a brow.

"I don't care! He dare say that to my Chaerin?! He was telling her to move on!" 

Bom nodded, "Oh. Go do something about it before Super Junior loses a member."

So I ran up, to grab Jiyong's shoulder and smiled, "Oppa. I only love you. It doesn't matter what Eunhyuk thinks, ok? I would never leave you." Just to prove my point, I kissed him again and smiled as he pulled me closer.

"In your face Eunhyuk-ssi!" He stuck out his tongue and kissed my head, "I love you HunChae."

"I love you too." I sighed. 

"Yo~Leaders!" I turned around when TOP gestured to us, "Get over here! We need to discuss this!" We walked over to the forming group in the middle of the campgrounds and looked around, "Ok. So, going to Japan? Cross Gene came by?"

"De. They want 2NE1 there and train them all." Jiyong tightened his grip on me, "It's an all male camp, though-"

"AW HELL NO!" Big Bang cried in unison.

Yuri rolled her eyes, "Let me finish! Big Bang, you can go with them if you wish."

"Oh, we're going." Taeyang reassured while nodding. 

"Ugh! But I don't wanna go!" Bom pouted, "I barely had any luck with Tabi!"

"Wha-Yah! Bom!"

"Stop both of you." I sighed. "So, we going right?" They nodded, "When should we leave?"

Dara cleared , "We should go soon to get it over with. Is the camp big?"

Yuri shrugged, "I didn't get that part. But it might."

"So then, we'll have to leave pretty soon to get it done." Minji leaned against Daesung's shoulder and bit her lip. "Say, can we use the Park Method for them? That'd be really fun." Her eyes gleamed mischievously to match that wicked smile.

Bom and Dara shared a glance and grinned, "That would be fun eh? I say we should do it."

I looked at Jiyong who was biting his lip and looking uncertain, "Oppa, are you ok?"

He looked at me and smiled, "De. Just thinking about...stuff." I probably shouldn't bother him with it. But I can't help being curious. Whatever, I'm just glad everything is working out.















A/N: Going to Japan~I'm not really gonna include details there. But there's one big thing you'll have to read about! I can't tell you what it is...it's a secret -w- Remember to COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and LOVE (.^_^.)

P.S. Mianhae to those who were waiting for this update.

-TAIwin <3

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The foreword of the gold hurts my eyes lol xD
j3llyD0NuT #2
Chapter 34: What the hell ? Banning music ?! As well ban 1 Direction from the worldwide , see if the fans kill their family D: I felt sorry for yuh author-nim ... I live in Asia and without Kpop here equals total ____ mess xx
Chapter 34: #giveusKPOP.
UlidVIP #4
Chapter 33: wonderful ending authornim.. :)
1234567891 #5
Chapter 32: ahhhhhhhhhhh best Skydragon moment <3
UlidVIP #6
Chapter 32: OMG..OMG.. ji really romantic.. :D
NaddyshipsSD #7
Chapter 32: Waaaaaaaahh!!!! ^^ skydragon getting hitched! *squeals* this is too awesome~~
1234567891 #8
Chapter 31: kekeke excited :)
UlidVIP #9
Chapter 31: uggh japan?!? i have headache with japan n jiyong hahaha