Personal Message


The only thing I have to do in life is to die. Everything else is a choice. Even breathing. 



Even when I have taken down the walls, you were the one who kept putting the cement on something you called a 'wall'. 



I cry if I have to. I don't like hiding my feelings because that hurts more. 



Everything, and every moment, is very special. 



Why would I, when you guys treat me as a traitor anyway? 

-L as Hyunsoo. 

About Me

I think the worst- and the best kind of feelings come from the heart. They could be so heart-wrenching and painful, making you choke up in emotions that suffocate you, or they could be the most light hearted smiles, but they are sincere, sincere enough to get you right there, where it would matter. 
It doesn't matter if the feelings are fabricated, or if everything before or after that are lies, because at that moment, it was sincere. Pure. Sincerity is sincerity. 
The worst kind of angst are those that kill you. Even if you don't shed a tear at it, the hole in your heart seems to envelop you worse than if you just broke down crying. 
The best kind of laughter are those that linger with you all the way- that you can think of and just burst into laughter. 
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