▬ Yummy&Tasty; :: eat or be eaten?

Hosook stood at the platform nervously as she watched all the reporters chat amongst themselves, readying their cameras and recorders. Seungah was already seated in the middle of the press conference, giving her last orders to her staff. From the corner of her eye, Hosook saw one of the employees close the door of the room, a sign that the conference was about to start.

The reporters had their cameras now ready in their hands, their fingers on the record button. Seungah first let out a smile before she started her speech.

"Dear friends of the media, I, Kwon Seungah have further news to notify about the opening of the cuisines. In order to prove that the opening of Maeum's restaurants are the top of the top, I have come to an agreement with the owners of the hotel's neighbors, the well known restaurants, whose cuisines are a replica of Maeum's . We would be holding an around the world contest to win the hearts of the people scattered throughout earth. The winners of the contest may stay, while the ones who fail would, sadly, be banished to have their restaurants remain in the area. All cost of the competition would be covered by Kwon Hotels & Co and the whole process would be recorded then broadcasted to the public. Throughout the show, people can realize why Maeum would be Kwon Co's most successful project and host the most qualified eateries."

At the finish of her speech, all reporters surprisingly, rushed over to Hosook instead of the sitting Seungah four feet away from her. She winced at all the flashing of lights in close proximity with her eyes and the mics all shoved close to her face.

"What words do you have to say after what Seungah has said? She's pretty confident that Maeum would be the winners of this competition. How do you feel?"

Hosook straightened up, not wanting to show the public anything less than confidence. "I have come as a spokesperson for the owners of the six restaurants in this area. We will prove to the world why we have been successful from the start and some petty hotel won't be the fall of us just because they have money. That is all. Thank you for coming and do watch out for our victory."

Hosook strutted out of the conference room only to come face to face with the five girls who looked very very very displeased. Hosook gulped nervously and was about to defend herself when Minhi suddenly showed the hugest grin she didn't ever think Minhi could do. Her usual smiles were big enough seeing as Minhi didn't have the smallest mouth in the world, but her grin this time was about as big as the moon crescent. Hosook then looked to the other girls, ignoring temporarily at Minri and Minhi hopping around in circles with their hands on each other's shoulders, shouting loudly. 

"Yay a trip around the world!" Minhi started. "I've always wanted to travel around the world!" Minri continued. "All the food we can eat!" "All the new things we can see." "Pictures to be taken!" "Maybe even cute boys!"

Eunmi flashed a tender smile at Hosook, extending her arms towards the girl for a hug. On the other hand, neither Jaeri nor Hyerin had the strength to smile. The restaurant was one of their most prized possession. What would they do if they ever lost it?

Hosook saw the worried look on both Hyerin and Jaeri, removing herself from the hug as she stepped over to the two girls and grabbed hold of their hands. Hyerin and Jaeri looked up at her as Hosook gave them an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry for doing that. I thought it was what we needed to do."

Jaeri shook her head lightly. "I know you're trying to do what you think is best for all our restaurants. It's alright. I'll get over it eventually."

Meanwhile, Hyerin was not so easy going or understanding about this. "You should've discussed this with us first. You didn't only put your restaurant on the line. You also dragged us onto it. I don't want to risk losing my restaurant. It's the only thing I have left."

Hyerin stalked off before any of the girls can stop her. Hosook continued watching Hyerin's back as she walked away, her head hung low afterwards.

Did she do wrong this time?


Hyerin sat in the middle of her restaurant having dismissed the workers earlier on. It wasn't like any of them wanted to stay behind when she stormed through the doors, scaring not only the staff, but plenty of patronages too. Even Baekhyun scurried away the minute he saw the aura around Hyerin when she stepped inside the restuarant.

He didn't fail to drag Kyungsoo out along with him though despite all of Kyungsoo's protests. He was, afterall, Hyerin's closest friend. He should be here to cheer her up. As Baekhyun dragged him out the doors, the two passed Eunmi, making Kyungsoo sighed in relief. Eunmi would be able to handle Hyerin.

Eunmi sat down next to Hyerin who avoided her eyes by putting her head on the table. All the girls were brutually honest people when they wanted to be, and Hyerin wasn't ready to hear Eunmi call her selfish.

"You shouldn't have yelled at Hosook like that." Eunmi began only to be met by silence. 

"If you don't want to join the competition with us, I can always go to Seungah and tell her to not drag you and Pandora into it."

Ouch. Did Eunmi really think she wouldn't fight to the end with the girls?

"You know I wouldn't abandon you guys." She mumbled with her head still on the table.

Eunmi let out a smile. "I know. Besides. If you're not there with us on the trip, whose going to save the others from doing something stupid like getting eaten by a shark?"

Hyerin let out a small giggle, Eunmi joining in right after.


Six pairs of feet stepped out on the platform in front of the airport as the taxi came to a halt. The first stop for the competition was going to be Japan.

After the announcement of their first location, needless to say, Hosook was the most excited. She is the one who owns Gochisousama and lived in Japan for a while. Her love for kimonos even making their appearance once again since she actually came to the airport with it. 

"On another thought, I think I should just change into a kimono when we land in Japan." The others nodded in agreement.

Both Eunmi and Hyerin were seen with their ipods in hands, headphones on to save themselves from the horror of the other girls ranging from their nonstop yapping to their snores that can be heard miles away. 

Minri's head was placed on Eunmi's shoulder, her eyes barely opened. Minri was never a morning person, and she was the source of all that snoring in the van earlier. Everyone's just praying she won't sleep like a dead pig on the airplane. 

As for Jaeri, she had a teen romance novel in her hands, her fingers inside the book to keep tab of where she's up to. Minhi on the other hand, dashed past the girls and charged into the airport, her excitement to traveling to Japan not being able to be contained. Even Jaeri wasn't this excited and she was the one who likes traveling the most. Minhi ended up leaving her luggage behind, causing the caring Eunmi to grab it for her. 

No big deal though since Eunmi was able to flirt her way into having a guy carry all their bags for them. 

"Who'd you leave your restaurant to?" Hyerin questioned allowed as they sat at the boarding area, awaiting the announcement to enter the plane.

"I had Key fill in for me for a while even though he has his own restaurant. It was that he owned a restaurant too that I chose him to watch over mine. He's letting one of his right hand man take care of his in the meantime. What about you?"

"I made Kyungsoo watch it for me since there isn't anyone else I can trust. Sungjae has school so there's no way I can tell him to."

"I also made Tao look after the restaurant for mine. Since he is the main cook." Hosook continued.

"Kyuhyun." Came Minri's slurred response.

"Xiah oppa. He is the oldest and now he can have other victims to his nagging." Jaeri laughed lightly, the image of Xiah bossing people around and nagging everyone even though he was just a pianist at the restaurant.

"Himchan hyung." Minhi spit out before she dashed to who knows where. She just better be back in time or the girls were going to leave her behind in Korea. 

"Her reaction would be priceless." The girls agreed, the mental image of a shouting Minhi frantically trying to board the plane already in their mind. 

Hiya guys :D co-author, Vivian here ^.^
the girls would be going on a trip all around the world, but don't worry as we have plans for the love interests. romance won't be less than expected.
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{Y&T} anyway, I'm writing the 3rd chapter c;


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Chapter 12: /sobs. I'm so late with the comments ;~;
This sounds like a fantastic idea though!
I'm jealous ;u;
I'd like to cook and travel the world xD

And the press conference
(otl comments are out of order)
Confidence everywhere~

I'm curious how love interests are going to have a play in this, but I don't really care at this point ;u;
I love the chapters so far
And comment is short-ish
I apologize. I'm on my phone ;-;
Chapter 12: adsjklafherpghirebhr
YESSSSSS <333333333
; u ; japan as first stop yes pls
i love japan sobs
do update quickly bc i can't wait--

oh and hi vivian o u o/
Chapter 12: oh? i haven't commented on this chapeter yet? anyway, i love the idea that the girls would have to go travel the world! really nice! though that would mean that each would have to battle another character who's mastered the dishes of said country as well. really smart of seungah, but a really expensive move too... i wonder who's paying for the girls airfare?? wait, that doesn't seem to be necessary haha /shot/
Chapter 12: Oh wow.... trip around the world sounds so awesome! But curious about the challengez though. Will thry all make it... especially hyerin who was a little relunctant. And seungah was pretty confident and she does have the money and reputation to gather more exposure and whatnot. Curious as to how everything will be like in the end. Good luck girls!!
jumps around becoz chapter is coming \o\ \o/ /o/
lol it's okay, but i can't wait to read this!!
can't wait for the update!
good luck!! =]
Woohooo! I can't wait for Chapter 3! :D
Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 11: i don't understand how i haven't seen this update till now... but it was really cute! baekhyun seems like a really cute employee! and kyungsoo too! ha, and kyu with his troublesome ways! lol
but oh no, one of the girls is missing, but why do i have a feeling that she went to the hotel?? hmmm...
anyway, mother of ahn jaeri here! LOL i'll be looking forward to the next update~ :3
Chapter 11: apparently i never read this chapter but
oh no my bb disappeared where did she go?? sobs
and hah kyungsoo and baekhyun seem like the
sassiest and most annoying employess to have tbh.
"we are the same age, fool" prob my fav line
and kyuhyun u sarcastic
anyways yay for new chapter soon! c:
welp creator of park minhi is still here and will always be LOLOL

on another note, 3rd chapter coming up!!!! yay!!!! :D