▬ Yummy&Tasty; :: eat or be eaten?

Yahoo, earth to Hyerin!” Kyungsoo shouted at Hyerin who spaced out. He waved his hands in front of Hyerin’s face in an attempt to wake her up. Hyerin clicked her tongue and shooed Kyungsoo’s hand away from her face.

“What the heck, Kyungsoo? Can’t I get some peace?” Hyerin retorted, annoyed at Kyungsoo’s usual antics. Kyungsoo scoffed and sat down next to Hyerin in the kitchen.
“Excuse me madam Hyerin, you have spaced out for more than thirty minutes. This isn’t like you at all, miss hard-headed,” Kyungsoo said chuckling.

Hyerin rolled her eyes and kicked Kyungsoo’s chair. “Go and cook you lazy chef.”

Kyungsoo stuck out his tongue and stood up again to cook.
“Shouldn’t you be thinking of a new menu or something? I don’t wanna lose my job, you know,” Kyungsoo said as he took out some ingredients from the fridge.

“Shut up, I’m thinking,” Hyerin said. She leaned against the kitchen counter and sighed.

But then an annoying flirt slash pest appeared from the door, smiling widely.

“Noona!” Baekhyun yelled as he ran to Hyerin’s direction. She sighed even harder hearing the annoying voice of him. “Oho, I attracted more than ten customers today.” He said proudly.

Hyerin turned to him and smiled, making Baekhyun’s smile even wider.
“First, Baekhyun-ssi, good job on attracting the customers,” Hyerin said and Baekhyun brightened up. But just when he was about to say something, she cut him. “Second, I. Am. Not. Your. Freaking. Noona. Understand?”

Baekhyun chuckled. “Why? It’s funny.”
Hyerin rolled her eyes again. “We are the same age, fool.”

Baekhyun walked to Kyungsoo and the latter high-fived him as they laughed.

“Please give me some peace, I need inspiration,” Hyerin said in a thinking pose. The two of them quieted down immediately, but still chuckling under their breaths.


“Ah I don’t know anymore!!” Hyerin shouted as she messed her own hair. She stood up and walked to the door as the boys looked at her in confusion.

“Yo Hyerin, where are you going?” Kyungsoo asked.
“Out. My head is exploding,” Hyerin answered. When Baekhyun beamed and about to follow her, she turned around. “Don’t follow me!”

Baekhyun shrank and Kyungsoo laughed as Hyerin exited the kitchen and the restaurant.

She doesn’t know where she wants to go, but she just can’t think of a new menu if she stayed. After all, she likes to keep her Korean cuisines traditional. To stay sane, she said. Though she always denied it every time others say it’s just because of her own definition of Korean perfection.

She passes by Ho Sook’s restaurant, contemplating whether to get in or not. After 5 seconds, she decided it would be better not to since she can’t stand Ho Sook’s fighting spirit and what she needed right now is inspiration. She kept walking and when she encountered the Pastry shop, she entered confidently.

But what (or who) greeted her wasn’t the sweet Minri. Hyerin sighed at the sight of the maknae, Minhi, sitting on a chair inside. This kid is not any better than Ho Sook either.

While Hyerin whined silently inside her head, Minhi grinned at the sight of her favorite unnie.

“Unnie! What are you doing here?” Minhi asked, as she stood up from her seat and approached Hyerin.
“I was expecting some sweets, and a wise advice probably. I didn’t expect you to be here, Minhi,” Hyerin said as she walked and took a seat near the counter. “Where is Minri?”

Hyerin never have the tendency to call her seniors unnie, maybe except for the oldest Eunmi and Jaeri but well..

Minhi followed her and ended up sitting at her original place. She shrugged. “I don’t know, probably still sleeping. I’m looking for her too~”

Before Hyerin could ask more, a man’s voice suddenly echoed throughout Sucre.

“Why, isn’t this amusing. What brought the two of you here?” that voice said. Both Minhi and Hyerin turned to the source of that voice. Cho Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun is a handsome man. Hyerin admits it. She even had a crush for him when they first met but after getting to know him, Hyerin decided that he’s troublesome.

“Kyuhyun,” Hyerin said, acknowledging him. Kyuhyun snorted.
“Where is the ‘oppa’, Hyerinnie? To think you were so cute back then, blushing and all,” Kyuhyun said smirking. See? He’s troublesome.

“We’re here in hopes to meet Minri unnie,” Minhi said as she pouted. “Is she sleeping?”

“Most probably, yeah,” Kyuhyun answered lazily. “Our princess is still sleeping soundly in her bed.”

“Excuse me,” a voice said from the direction of the door. “I’m sorry for sleeping for the sake of my life.”
Kyuhyun snorted again. Just louder. “You sleep for the sake of your lazy .”

Minri was about to retort back when Minhi crashed her into a hug.

“Unnie! I’m glad you’re here. Let’s talk~” Minhi said. Minri blinked in surprise before she chuckled and patted Minhi’s head.
“Sure! Anything for Minimini,” Minri grinned. She then looked up and caught Hyerin. “Oh, Hyerin-ah! You’re here. Do you want to talk to me too?”

Hyerin shrugged before nodding. “I guess. I don’t want to go to the others’ and messed my ‘touch’.”

Minri laughed as she walked to the counter and put her stuffs down.
“So,” Minri smiled. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Can I order an ice cream waffle?” Minhi said.
“Chocolate cake for me,” says Hyerin too.
“Oh and don’t forget the milk shake!”
“Me too, me too,”

Minri blinked again and looked at the two of them. She shook her head and laughed. “I wonder if you guys are here to talk to me or you just simply want sweets.”

“We will talk as we eat, right unnie?” Minhi grinned.
Hyerin nodded. This will probably one of the few things she will agree with Minhi about.

“Well fine. Be right back then,” Minri smiled and went to the kitchen.

Minhi and Hyerin waits as Minri made them their order. After a few (long) minutes, Minri came back with their order, greeted by hungry eyes (and stomach).

“Enjoy~” Minri said as she put down the plates and drinks.

The two youngest started to eat their orders and smiles. Minri’s sweets are always the best.

“It’s a wonder how this place isn’t that famous,” Hyerin said as she glanced to Minri. The latter glared at her while she grinned sheepishly. “Anyway, I’m here to ask if you have any idea for us to win from that hotel. I suspect Minhi came for the same reason?”

Minhi didn’t answer and just nodded as she’s still eating.

The oldest of them three nodded. Minri her (invisible) beard and nodded again. The younger two looked at her and frowned. She noticed that and shrugged.

“Well,” Minri laughed nervously. “I… have no idea.”

The other two were about to reply but Minri continued to talk. “But let’s just go to Eunmi unnie once you two finished your food, okay? You don’t have to pay!” Minri grinned.

Minhi and Hyerin looked at each other and smiled. What a lucky day for them.



The three of them went to the French restaurant with light steps (except for Minri because she kind of just got robbed by the other two). They pushed the door of the restaurant open and entered.

Two heads turned to them at the same time.

“Oh? Jaeri unnie is here too,” Minhi beamed.

Jaeri and Eunmi were sitting together in a table and when the three of them entered the restaurant, they stood up.

“Hey! What are you guys doing?” Eunmi said as she waved to them. The triplets approached the two and took a sit at the same table.

“Just.. well yeah,” Hyerin said grinning.

Minri looked around, but she didn’t found anything – or anyone that she was searching for.

“Where is Ho Sook?” she asked to Eunmi and Jaeri. The two just stared at her.
“Haven’t seen her,” Jaeri finally spoke.
“Can’t reach her either,” Eunmi said.


“Come to think of it, when I passed by her restaurant the lights are off. Usually she would be open already at this time,” Hyerin said.

More silence.

“Uhm,” Eunmi laughed nervously as she stood up. “She’s probably fine but, let’s check up on her?”

The others looked up at her.

I have a bad feeling.



Have you been waiting? ; w ; I know, I'm a bad author you may now kill me ; n ; but I've been stuck so.. u w u Oh and I noticed some characters are used by two chosen applicants so I have no choice but to choose one of them hoho. Kyuhyun, as seen in this chapter, is chosen as Sucre's manager instead. Well I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I'm sorry for not updating for so long! Hope I can update again soon. Ole.
ps; did you guys notice the beautiful poster and bg? <3



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{Y&T} anyway, I'm writing the 3rd chapter c;


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Chapter 12: /sobs. I'm so late with the comments ;~;
This sounds like a fantastic idea though!
I'm jealous ;u;
I'd like to cook and travel the world xD

And the press conference
(otl comments are out of order)
Confidence everywhere~

I'm curious how love interests are going to have a play in this, but I don't really care at this point ;u;
I love the chapters so far
And comment is short-ish
I apologize. I'm on my phone ;-;
Chapter 12: adsjklafherpghirebhr
YESSSSSS <333333333
; u ; japan as first stop yes pls
i love japan sobs
do update quickly bc i can't wait--

oh and hi vivian o u o/
Chapter 12: oh? i haven't commented on this chapeter yet? anyway, i love the idea that the girls would have to go travel the world! really nice! though that would mean that each would have to battle another character who's mastered the dishes of said country as well. really smart of seungah, but a really expensive move too... i wonder who's paying for the girls airfare?? wait, that doesn't seem to be necessary haha /shot/
Chapter 12: Oh wow.... trip around the world sounds so awesome! But curious about the challengez though. Will thry all make it... especially hyerin who was a little relunctant. And seungah was pretty confident and she does have the money and reputation to gather more exposure and whatnot. Curious as to how everything will be like in the end. Good luck girls!!
jumps around becoz chapter is coming \o\ \o/ /o/
lol it's okay, but i can't wait to read this!!
can't wait for the update!
good luck!! =]
Woohooo! I can't wait for Chapter 3! :D
Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 11: i don't understand how i haven't seen this update till now... but it was really cute! baekhyun seems like a really cute employee! and kyungsoo too! ha, and kyu with his troublesome ways! lol
but oh no, one of the girls is missing, but why do i have a feeling that she went to the hotel?? hmmm...
anyway, mother of ahn jaeri here! LOL i'll be looking forward to the next update~ :3
Chapter 11: apparently i never read this chapter but
oh no my bb disappeared where did she go?? sobs
and hah kyungsoo and baekhyun seem like the
sassiest and most annoying employess to have tbh.
"we are the same age, fool" prob my fav line
and kyuhyun u sarcastic
anyways yay for new chapter soon! c:
welp creator of park minhi is still here and will always be LOLOL

on another note, 3rd chapter coming up!!!! yay!!!! :D