Listening to the Heart

The Battle of M & K

During the next few days, Tao noticed that the Arguean elites were spending more time with JongIn, either as a group or individually, leaving SeHun to himself. It bothered him, but he hid this so that the Argueans would not notice. Krystal on the other hand, tried her best to convince KangTa that there was no need to dispose of the three elites after they've served their purpose while still finding time to comfort SeHun as the latter was clearly down because of the fact that JongIn has been neglecting him for the past few days.

"Want to go out for coffee?" Krystal asked SeHun who was staring at the view outside his room. He turned around and saw that the door was ajar, the female elite standing outside his room and peeking through the gap.
SeHun returned his gaze to the outside before he answered. "Not really up for coffee right now." He remained silent after that, spacing out as he tried to free his mind of worry. After a few minutes, he turned around and saw that Krystal was still standing outside the door. "Why don't you come in? I could use some company," he said before he stood up to open the door for the Arguean elite.
Krystal followed him into the room and seated herself in one of the chairs around a small coffee table. However, she noticed SeHun tapping the bed where he was sitting, beckoning her. Her heart skipped a beat, happy at the thought of spending some time with the Klean elite. She walked slowly towards the bed, but the young guy pulled her down when she got near enough. As soon as she was sitting on the bed, she felt SeHun rest his head on her shoulder.
"Can we stay like this for a while?" SeHun asked, looking up at Krystal as he kept his head resting against her shoulder. When she nodded in response, he smiled at her, thankful for her kindness. They stayed in that position for some time before he noticed that the female elite was bringing her face closer to his until he felt their lips meet. His eyes widened in shock, and he didn't know what to do. A few seconds later, Krystal pulled him into a sitting position before she wrapped her arms around his neck. Still unsure of how he felt, SeHun could only close his eyes.
Suddenly, the door opened, JongIn standing frozen outside the room. He looked at the scene in front of him, and he felt something stirring inside him. Krystal was slowly becoming the object of his anger, and he clenched his fists to stop himself from ripping apart the Arguean.
SeHun opened his eyes when he heard the door open, but he remained frozen, unable to pull himself away from Krystal. The next thing he saw was JongIn stomping out of the room, closing the door behind him with a bang. He quickly pushed Krystal away before tears filled his eyes. Unable to control his emotions, he broke down in tears.
Krystal looked at SeHun, realizing that she will never be able to get the young guy's heart because someone has already taken it. She felt guilty about what she has done. She tried to comfort the crying man, but he brushed her off and glared at her.
"Leave! I want to be alone," SeHun shouted, continuing to glare at the female elite. He wanted to run to JongIn to explain about what just happened, but he could not think of what to say. As his head hurt thinking of what to do, the female elite made her way out of the room, keeping her head down as she had no courage to face the young man.
Meanwhile, JongIn lied on his bed, his head resting on his arms as he had his eyes closed. He was trying his best to calm down, not wanting to do anything that he might regret. The sight of SeHun kissing someone else made him feel things he had never felt before. He tried to convince himself that he was just afraid of having his precious servant taken away from him. There was no other reason for what he felt; it was simply him being possessive of what he owned. However, nothing he thought of relieved the heaviness in his heart, and he began to feel a pain in his chest. It was as if he was suffocating, unable to breath properly as the images of SeHun and Krystal together flashed repeatedly in his mind. He could not bear the thought of the younger guy being with somebody else. As tears flood his eyes, the truth began to dawn on him. He could not think of when he started having feelings for SeHun, but there was one thing that he was certain now - he has fallen in love. Wiping away his tears before he opened his eyes, JongIn knew that there was nothing else to do but to accept the reality that his once cold heart had turned warm for someone. He began to smile as he remembered how SeHun had told him before that he loved him, and he was hopeful that the latter still did despite what he saw earlier. No longer able to contain his emotions, he got up and dashed out of his room.
At the same time, SeHun could not simply keep himself silent anymore. Even if he was uncertain of what to say, he still wanted to talk to JongIn. He at least wanted to tell the older elite that what he has just seen meant nothing to him. There was only one person in his heart, and it will forever be JongIn. Grasping the cold door knob with his hand, he tried to steady himself before he finally turned it to open the door. When he looked up, his face quickly became filled with shock. Standing in front of him was JongIn; his eyes red and puffy. His mind suddenly went blank, and he became frozen in his place. His heart started pounding when he felt the older elite's hand grab the back of his neck and bring his face closer to his. There was nothing he could do but let JongIn take control. He stared into his eyes, and he could somehow tell that the older's actions then were the most genuine he has ever seen of him. When he could feel the other's breath on his face, he closed his eyes and prepared his heart for what was about to happen.
"I love you," JongIn gently whispered before he pressed his lips against SeHun's. Suddenly, the heaviness he felt in his heart disappeared, and it was soon replaced by a pounding in his chest. Allowing himself to be lost in pure bliss, he closed his eyes as he pulled the younger closer, one hand still on the back of the latter's neck while he placed the other on the small of his back. It felt like he was kissing SeHun for the first time, his lips eager to explore that of the latter. When he felt the younger guy wrap his arms around his head, he realized that the reason he has kept him by his side was not simply because he saw SeHun as a pawn in his plans; he was much more than that. He was his first love.
SeHun felt like his heart was about to burst any moment from happiness. When he felt JongIn wrap his arms around his waist, he did the same thing and hugged him tightly. His mind was telling him to be wary, but his heart was saying otherwise. He decided that for the time being, he would have to go with what his heart was saying; he was ready whatever consequences his choice would bring. For now, he simply wanted to enjoy the warmth of JongIn's embrace and feel like he was loved. He knew he made the right choice whenever he heard the older elite whisper sweet nothings into his ears everytime he would momentarily take his lips off of his.
"I really love you, SeHun," JongIn gently said, pushing the younger back a little to look into his eyes. "I really do," he said with a sweet voice before locking lips with the other again. The two spent the rest of the day together, no more words spoken between them, but somehow they began to understand each other more. Night came and they decided to sleep together in SeHun's room, cuddling against each other in the younger's bed.
Tao, however, spent the night wide awake in his room; a book lying open against his chest. Things were beginning to make sense to him after everything he'd found out and after days of trying to decipher the contents of the book that had once belonged to the EXO-K leader. He was glad that he had stolen it before he left the group. Everything he had learned was only making him feel more confused; he didn't know what to do anymore. He stared at the bedroom ceiling, wishing that the answers to his questions would magically appear in front of him, but he knew that that was impossible. There were a lot of things he wanted to confirm too, but he didn't know where to begin. As his head began to hurt with all the thinking he was doing, he closed his eyes to relax his mind a bit. When his head was more or less clear of most thoughts, an image flashed in his mind. It was something that tugged at the strings of his heart as well. Looking at him was the beautiful face of the person he missed the most. His eyes began to fill with tears as he stared at the image of WuFan in his mind. His heart ached; he wished he could see the older elite and feel his arms wrapped around him once more. He missed his warmth ... his lips ... He missed everything about him. As he allowed himself to think of WuFan more, tears began to fall from his eyes leaving wet spots on the pillow beneath his head.
"I miss you, WuFan," Tao softly said as he placed a hand over his heart. The pain he felt was becoming unbearable, but he had noone to run to for comfort. He knew that his current situation was the result of the decisions he had made, and he has noone else to blame but himself for the way he was feeling now. Hoping that recognizing what his heart was telling him would ease the pain a little, he whispered what he was feeling into the wind. "I love you, WuFan. I still do ... and I always will."
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Hi guys. Hope you'll check out my new EXO series "Growling Wolves". ^_^


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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 16: they both love Lulu
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 12: luuuuuu
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 11: nooooooo
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 10: hunhan!!!
Chapter 62: okah chanbaek got separated i'M NOT OKAY
ShazamJusticeLeague #7
Chapter 62: Ahh I read this all in one day and it was amazing. I knew Tao couldn't have been evil because Tao, in my opinion, can never be evil. All the pairings were super cute. I hated Yixing because of what he did to Jongdae and I wanted Minseok and Jongdae to get together instead. Kyungmyeon was awesome... The whole plot was awesome. It's sooo hard to find stories like this. This story should get plenty of recognition. Great job!!!!
langskie #8
Chapter 1: great fic I love ur story,,,thanks authornim
Chapter 62: UWAAAAA!!! I'm sorry Tao for hating you and cursing at you..,,I don't know that you did all those thing for Exo sake T_T Mianhae,Tao...huhuhu...
Some_Random #10
'Being a fan of fantasy novels, manga and anime, I was fascinated by their debut concept. The symbols that represented each member's power particularly caught my attention.' THIS WAS ME EXACTLY