Awkward Atmosphere

The Battle of M & K

LuHan was seated near the window. He had his chin resting on his intertwined fingers. It had been a week since they had fought against EXO-K. He was still thankful that all of them had managed to get out of the battle alive.

"Luckily we have YiXing," LuHan thought as he continued staring outside the window. He suddenly remembered something that had been bothering him all week. Ever since the battle MinSeok had been cold towards YiXing. He couldn't find a reason for MinSeok's sudden behavior. He had tried confronting the elder guy about it but he would simply avoid the topic and he got tired trying to get an answer out of him. LuHan had also tried to ask YiXing about it but the younger guy seemed to be avoiding him. "I haven't seen MinSeok treat YiXing that way before," LuHan let out a sigh as he got frustrated over the matter.
"Hey Lulu," a female classmate spoke as she tapped LuHan's shoulder. "Want to eat lunch with us?" she asked pointing to a group of her female friends. He didn't like it when people besides EXO-M call him that.
"Thanks for the offer," LuHan said with a smile. The girl was about to reach out for his hand when LuHan continued. "But I'm not feeling hungry yet. Maybe next time," LuHan finished as he went back to stare at the grounds outside the window.
"Oh okay," the girl replied, her smile slowly fading. "Maybe next time then." She went over to her friends and shook her head. The group of girls frowned at the news. They had been trying to get the "cute little prince", as they call him, to eat lunch with them since the academic year started but he had always rejected the offer. The girls left for the cafeteria as they all let out a collective sigh.
LuHan decided to just take a nap to pass time. Lunch break wouldn't be over for another hour. He can just leave for his next class a few minutes before time since the classroom was near. As he laid his head on his arms, he felt hands being placed on his shoulders. When he looked up, he saw Tao's face inches away from his. Tao was crouched low and had a smile on his face.
"Lulu," Tao greeted him as the youngest EXO-M hugged him. "Eat lunch with me," Tao requested as he released LuHan. "I don't want to eat alone. Please?" Tao asked as he stared at LuHan with puppy eyes. That was enough to make LuHan agree without second thoughts.
"Ok," LuHan nodded as Tao pulled him in for another hug. LuHan finally noticed that the girls who were still in the classroom had been having whispered conversations since Tao came in.
"They're so close," one girl remarked. "I envy that tall guy. He hugs LuHan whenever he wants and even gets him to eat lunch with him," another girl commented. "I wonder what their relationship is," someone chimed in. "Maybe they're dating," a pretty girl added as they all started giggling at the thought.
LuHan was able to catch the conversation between the girls. "Shall I give them more to giggle about?" LuHan asked himself as he grinned. As Tao was about to release him from the hug, LuHan suddenly embraced the younger. "Anything for MY Tao," LuHan spoke loud enough for the girls to hear and putting emphasis on the "my" part. They started giggling again and looked over at Tao and LuHan. As soon as he was sure that the girls have seen him embracing Tao, he let go of the younger and stood up. "Let's go?"
"OK!" Tao responded with glee as he placed his arm around LuHan's shoulder. They made their way out of the room. LuHan could feel the gaze of the girls following them. Tao as usual was oblivious to the attention they were earning from the girls. LuHan had always wondered why girls and even some guys paid so much attention to them especially when they were together and why it never failed to make them giggle when they were acting nice to each other. He found it amusing as that behavior was part of the norm in EXO.
"We should look for JongDae," LuHan suddenly remembered. "Let's have lunch with him too." Tao nodded in agreement and the two set off to find JongDae.
*Meanwhile, in a nearby university*
"Time for lunch," WuFan thought as he felt his stomach growl. As soon as he was standing, a group of girls approached him and asked him if he would like to eat lunch with them. He politely rejected the offer like the previous times before heading out the room. He made his way to MinSeok's building, wondering why girls never get tired of his rejection.
"WuFan," MinSeok called out as he saw the leader passing by his classroom. "Hey wait up," he said in a louder voice. MinSeok finally caught WuFan's attention as he turned around.
"Oh good thing. I was just looking for you," WuFan said as MinSeok approached him. A group of girls was behind MinSeok, arguing among themselves about who was going to approach the cute guy in front of them. WuFan decided to make that decision for them as he walked towards MinSeok and placed an arm around the latter's shoulder. "Have lunch with me."
"Is that a request or an order?" MinSeok asked as lightly elbowed his leader on the stomach.
"Please?" WuFan added earning a chuckle from MinSeok. The elder guy nodded making Kris grin but painting gloom on the girls' faces as they headed for the cafeteria with a defeated look.
"So why were you looking for me?" MinSeok inquired as they got nearer the cafeteria.
"I wanted to talk to you and YiXing together. This cold war has been going on for too long," WuFan answered as MinSeok saw him waving at someone. MinSeok looked at where he was waving and saw YiXing standing by the cafeteria's doors. Both MinSeok and YiXing had a look of discontent on their faces.
"Maybe some other time," MinSeok said as tried to turn around and leave.
"Oh no you don't," WuFan said as he stopped MinSeok on his track. WuFan felt his hand getting cold and realized what MinSeok was doing. "You're not getting away this time." WuFan let go of MinSeok's arm but started speaking again. "You are going to eat lunch with YiXing and me." MinSeok made another step but WuFan suddenly added, "That is a direct order XiuMin."
"Fine." MinSeok turned around and headed for the cafeteria, WuFan quickly following him. YiXing couldn't hide the shock in his face as he saw MinSeok walking towards him. "Lunch," MinSeok said rigidly as he stopped in front of YiXing. The younger guy froze at the hostility still evident in MinSeok's voice.
"What he meant was let's go grab some lunch," WuFan added as he grabbed the two's arm and pulled them into the cafeteria. They chose their food and sat down at a table in the corner of the cafeteria.
Ten minutes of eating went by silently. WuFan could no longer take the awkward atmosphere. "Look. We don't know what happened between the two of you and Chen is adamant on denying that he knows anything about it. We're getting worried," WuFan said softly as he looked at YiXing and MinSeok whom he had forced to sit together. Neither of the two made any response and continued with their meals in silence. "Do you seriously want me to order both of you to spill it?" WuFan asked, frustration showing on his face.
YiXing turned to look at MinSeok who was determined to keep staring at his unfinished plate. "I'm really sorry MinSeok," YiXing finally said as he lowered his head and stared at his own unfinished plate again. MinSeok made no reply so YiXing started to speak again. "I know what..."
"Shut it," MinSeok said in a loud voice as he slammed his fist on the table. People started looking over at their table but WuFan quickly shot them a glare. They all returned to their own business before MinSeok continued. "I don't want to hear your excuses Lay. I trusted you." Tears were welling up in MinSeok's eyes. YiXing saw this and felt guilty. He didn't mean to bring tears to MinSeok but he could no longer deny himself of his feelings.
"I don't know what you guys are talking about but I hope you resolve this soon," WuFan said when both guys remained silent. "I won't force you anymore to talk about it now but know that we are all worried with this animosity between the two of you." WuFan stood up and headed out of the cafeteria leaving MinSeok and YiXing alone on the table.
"MinSeok," YiXing finally broke the silence and reached out for MinSeok. He immediately retracted his hand as he felt his fingers freeze as soon as he came in contact in MinSeok.
"I'm sorry but I can't talk with you right now without wanting to freeze you and break you into pieces," MinSeok said as he stood up. "Give me time," he added as he made his way out.
YiXing remained seated as tears started flowing down his face earning sympathetic looks from the girls in the cafeteria. "I'm really sorry MinSeok," YiXing thought as tears kept flowing. A pang of guilt hit him when he realized something else. "I'm sorry too JongDae. I didn't know when I started falling for LuHan." Tears kept falling down his face as YiXing remained seated in the cafeteria.
JongDae, LuHan and Tao were getting ready to go home when their phones rang. They all received a text message. After reading the message, the three made their way down to the university's gate. There, they found WuFan, YiXing and MinSeok waiting. Tao waved at the three enthusiastically but the three simply nodded in acknowledgement.
"Follow me," WuFan spoke as everyone was finally gathered at the gate. He started walking ahead of the group and the rest followed him. As they arrived in front of a Chinese restaurant, WuFan spoke again. "Let us please have a pleasant dinner for a change." WuFan entered the restaurant and gestured for the five to follow.
As they entered the restaurant, everyone's attention turned to them. Six guys who were good-looking enough to be models and celebrities certainly caused quite a stir in the crowd. WuFan sat down at a table big enough for the six of them and the rest followed him quietly. A pretty waitress approached them but before she can speak, WuFan said in a polite way, "Please give us a little to decide our orders." The waitress nodded and walked back to the counter. The girls' attention was still focused on EXO-M; even some guys were still staring at them.
Tao decided to liven up the atmosphere. "It's been quite a long time since we've dined out. Thanks Dui-zhang." Tao smiled at WuFan as he picked up the menu. "What to order, what to order," Tao repeated over and over as he looked over the menu.
"You can have whatever you want Tao," WuFan said as he smiled at Tao's enthusiasm. "You guys pick whatever you want too," he added as he handed menus to the other four. They all looked over the menu and placed their orders after a few minutes of thinking.
When the food finally came, Tao happily got some soup for himself and quickly tried it. "Ouch," Tao winced in pain as he reached for a glass of water.
"Here," WuFan said as he took the bowl Tao had just filled with soup. He picked up his spoon and scooped some of the soup before gently blowing on it. He then brought the spoon in front of Tao who happily sipped the soup. The rest of the customers watched the two with amazement.
LuHan felt himself blushing at the leader's and Tao's display of affection. He held his own bowl and reached to ladle some soup into it when YiXing got hold of the ladle first. YiXing got hold of LuHan's bowl and filled it with soup. MinSeok saw this and he felt a surge of jealousy at YiXing's hand over LuHan's as they held the bowl. YiXing noticed this and immediately took his hand off of LuHan's.
"Let me get some for you to YiXing," LuHan said as he put down his bowl. He reached for YiXing's bowl and carefully ladled some soup into it. "There," LuHan said as he settled the bowl in front of YiXing. LuHan then reached for MinSeok's bowl but the latter quickly grab hold of it.
"I can manage by myself," MinSeok said coldly as he took the ladle from LuHan's hand. MinSeok did not notice LuHan frown at his behavior. 
The rest of the meal pretty much went on the same way. Tao and WuFan were feeding each other earning envious looks from the other customers. LuHan tried to give food to MinSeok a couple more times but the latter never accepted any. By the end of dinner, WuFan and Tao were glowing with happiness, YiXing and JongDae were both silent, MinSeok still had a look of discontent, and LuHan was now feeling down and rejected.
"That was a wonderful dinner," WuFan said as he walked with Tao's arm intertwined with his, oblivious to the gloom emanating from the other four. Tao happily skipped beside WuFan, his face filled with glee.
As they reached home, JongDae grabbed hold of YiXing while the rest headed to their rooms. "I think we need to talk," JongDae said softly as he tried to meet YiXing's eyes.
"Okay," YiXing responded, never looking at the younger. JongDae led him out of the apartment and into the elevator. They made their way to the rooftop. When they reached the rooftop, JongDae let go of YiXing's arm before walking towards the edge. He then turned around and YiXing saw tears flowing down JongDae's face.
"I love you," JongDae said in a firm voice as YiXing's eyes finally met his. They just looked at each other for a few minutes. JongDae waited for YiXing to reply but none came. "Can't you just say that you still love me too?" JongDae asked as he slumped down on the floor and broke down in tears.
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Hi guys. Hope you'll check out my new EXO series "Growling Wolves". ^_^


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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 16: they both love Lulu
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 12: luuuuuu
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 11: nooooooo
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 10: hunhan!!!
Chapter 62: okah chanbaek got separated i'M NOT OKAY
ShazamJusticeLeague #7
Chapter 62: Ahh I read this all in one day and it was amazing. I knew Tao couldn't have been evil because Tao, in my opinion, can never be evil. All the pairings were super cute. I hated Yixing because of what he did to Jongdae and I wanted Minseok and Jongdae to get together instead. Kyungmyeon was awesome... The whole plot was awesome. It's sooo hard to find stories like this. This story should get plenty of recognition. Great job!!!!
langskie #8
Chapter 1: great fic I love ur story,,,thanks authornim
Chapter 62: UWAAAAA!!! I'm sorry Tao for hating you and cursing at you..,,I don't know that you did all those thing for Exo sake T_T Mianhae,Tao...huhuhu...
Some_Random #10
'Being a fan of fantasy novels, manga and anime, I was fascinated by their debut concept. The symbols that represented each member's power particularly caught my attention.' THIS WAS ME EXACTLY