Step 2: Lawyer's Letter | Part 2/6

The Curious Case of Shim Changmin

From: Kim Junsu Add to Contacts



To: [email protected]


Subject: Meeting plans

Dear Mr Shim, 

My client has given me his schedule for the week and the only days which he will be available during lunch time are on Friday, the 18th of February, Monday, the 21st, Thursday, the 24th and next Saturday, the 26th. Please reply on which dates you will be available for lunch ASAP.

Kim Junsu


To: [email protected]


Subject: Re: Meeting plans

Dear Sir,

I am truly sorry that I will not be available for lunch anytime soon. I have book signings to do during the day. Please ask your client, Mr Kim to find time at night, probably dinner time, 7 pm. I will be free everyday at dinner time except for the 18th of February because I will be celebrating my 23rd birthday with close friends.

Sincerely, Shim Changmin


From: Kim Junsu Add to Contacts

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Meeting plans

Dear Mr Shim,

Mr Kim has just told me that he will be free on the 22nd. He also said that he will bring a book from his series where you plagiarized from to show proof. The meeting is scheduled to be at 8 pm at the Insa restaurant at the corner of Yejeonee Gil (a/n: trans = old street) and Nolan Gil (a/n: trans = yellow street). Please arrive on time or earlier as the topic of our meeting is very important.

Kim Junsu


To: [email protected]


Subject: Re: Meeting plans

Dear Mr Kim,

I will attend this meeting and I will bring a copy of my book to show that I didn't plagiarize.

Shim Changmin



It was 8 in the evening of the 22nd of February in Seoul, at the Insa where the 3 were scheduled to meet.



"Yeoboseyo? Shim Changmin."


"Me and my client are already here at the restaurant. It seems that you are late. It's already 8 pm."


"Ah. Yes... I will be there... In... A while. I have to hang up because I am not supposed to answer phone calls while driving. Good bye."




The phone was once again put down before the other could finish. He thought about it and said in his mind, 'Will I ever get to finish? Tch. Disrespectful. Not good for a person being sued. That will cause more conflicts.'


30 minutes passed but still no sign of the young author. His phone had been out of reach for the past 30 minutes and the crowd of people eating dinner in the restaurant were lessening by the minute. 


"Oh God! What if-- What if he DIED? What if he died because you called him and when it cut off, he turned it off because he didn't want you to hear his car crashing into another car?"


Ah, stupid narrator. I forgot to tell you, Kim Jaejoong was a worrywart. Worrywart: [N] One who worries excessively and needlessly. He worries about the smallest things like, how someone wont smile at him when they look at him or how someone in a library seems so emotionless while reading his book. He would over think things and jump to horrible conclusions.


"Calm down Jaejoong. I'm sure nothing bad happened to him. I do doubt that he will be coming today. He seemed like he didn't care. 2000 (a/n: this is equivalent to about $1.7) says that he's not showing up anytime soon."


Jaejoong frowned. He knew this was a deal he would lose.


"Unfair. I know he's not coming. I'm not paying you even if it's such a small amount because that's unfair. IF HE DIED, I SWEAR, MY CONSCIENCE WILL NOT TAKE THIS. I'm going home!"


The waiter was called to get their bill and the two waited for the bill, not patiently. Once the receipt arrived at their table, Jaejoong payed for the food, stood up and left Junsu watching him as he stormed out, frustrated with what just happened. His meeting just got ditched. He made up time for this and it got cancelled. 




It was too late. Jaejoong was out the door and heading to the parking where he parked his trusty year old Bentley Continental GTC.




Several pairs of eyes focused on him after commenting a bit too loud, making Junsu bow while sitting, obviously embarrassed. 

How is it? Thanks for subscribing! :D This is going to hopefully be funnier but at the same time serious. Well, that's how it's supposed to be. It will gradually turn into humor. Oh, btw, the picture I used was a picture I took. It's MIIINEEE. HAHAHAHA.
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waiting for an update
the-edge-of-lace #2
Omo~ Was Yoochun going to confess???!!! OH LA LA!! In that case, it wouldn't be slander/libel totally would it?<br />
<br />
Ah, I totally should have paid attention in Business Law. ><<br />
<br />
Looking forward to your updates, mate! <3
LeePeppers #3
NAAA!! Finally you update ! I been waiting the update ~ <br />
LOOOOL Jae is random haha its so funny! I love it ! ~ Yoochun dont finished his sentence TT ~I will wait the update!
omg jae soo random!XD haha his ringtone is hunny funny bunny!haha i smell yunjae here!!!!XD anyways,i'm soo happy you updated!i haven't seen this fanfic in awhile!and i just realized that i haven't subscribed yet so i did straight away!YAYZ!!!:D<br />
pls update soooooon!~X3
Everytimeyoublink #5
@emo_bear thanks :D I will.<br />
@JaeJoongSoulMate Yup! He's evil, that one. :))
LeePeppers #6
e_e JongTae LOL ~~<br />
hahaha ChangMin is so bossy xD I love it ^^V
Everytimeyoublink #7
@emo_bear thanks :D I will.<br />
@JaeJoongSoulMate Yup! He's evil, that one. :))
oh man! Changmin is so bad.. poor Junsu. Revenge!
oh man! Changmin is so bad.. poor Junsu. Revenge!