Halloween Part 2

Living With the Enemy

Mi Young's POV

"So,what does it say?" I asked Jonghyun.

"Well,it says we have to go to the park." he said.

"The park? Which one? There's like thousnads!" I told him.

He shrugged. "I dunno! It just says the park!" he said.

The park. The park. What the heck? Which park could it possibly be? Out of all parks what-

"Of course!" I blurted out loud. Jonghyun looked at me with a 'wtf' expression. "The Park! It's the one by the Han River!" I said. I looked at Jonghyun and it looked like he remembered too.

"Well what are you waiting for?" he asked me. "Let's go!"


When we got there,it was really dark. Not even the lamp posts were on.  There was a little orange box sitting on a stool near the river. I nudged Jonghyun and pointed towards the box. He started walking towards it and I followed. 

"What do you think is inside?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I dunno." He said. "Let's find out." He opened the box and inside it was a little piece of paper. "Climb up the bridge and there you will have to bunjee-jump off and get your next clue." He read.

"What?! We have to Bunjee-jump?!" I said.

He nodded,obviously still shocked.

"Well,I wish you luck. Don't die. However,if you do,I wouldn't really care." I said as I patted his shoulder and started to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"I. Am. Not. Jumping." He told me. I looked into his eyes. Then all of a sudden,I remebered the day he offered to walk me home. I remebered the look of hurt in his eyes when I rejected his offer. I shook my head and came back to my senses. I wriggled my wrist free from his grip.

"Well too bad! I'm not doing it! So if you wanna win,you better do it!" I told him. He looked back at the bridge then at me. He then,surprisingly,started walking towards the bridge. Is he really doing it?

As he was walking towards the bridge,my heart kept beating faster and faster. I really wanted to leave but my feet were glued to the ground.  When he made his way to the top of the bridge,I found myself walking towards the bridge too. I was about halfway towards the bridge when I saw Jonghyun putting on all the equipment. 

"Jonghyun!" I yelled. "Stop! Are you really going to jump?" I asked him.  

I got no response. He didn't even look at me.

"Jonghyun! You don't have to do this." I told him.

Instead,he climbed over the railing and got in position,ready to jump.

"JONGHYUN!" I yelled again. I know he can hear me. Ugh! He's so stubborn! "I'm coming up there and if you don't--"

"1..." he said.

"Jonghyun if you--"


"Jonghyun,I'm almost there just--"

"3! AHHHHHH!!!"

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs,even skipping two steps at a time. But it was useless. By the time I got up there,Jonghyun was gone. I looked over the bridge to see him reaching for something that looked like it was dangling from the bridge too. I looked over to the side and saw a thin piece of string taped to the bridge. I looked down and saw that the clue was at the other end. Ugh! What an idiot! Stupid Onew! Why'd he make us do this anyway?!

"Jonghyun!" I called after him but he was too busy trying to reach for the clue. So,I went over to the piece of string with the clue,and pulled it off. I pulled the string up and got the clue. I looked over to Jonghyun and saw that he was so confused.

"Hey,Jonghyun!" I said.

He looked up at me and I showed him the clue in my hand. He looked confused for a minute,but then finally realized what I was holding and he looked pissed. 

"How'd you get it?" He asked me. 

"Come up here and I'll tell you."

He wiggled around for a bit but gave up. "I can't!" He said. I smirked.

"I know." I told him. 

"What? Then why'd you make me do all that squirming and wiggling?" He asked me.

I smirked. "I didn't make you. You did that on your own." I told him.

"Well I--" He started. "Oh just help me off." He said.

I ran down the stairs and walked by the river. I noticed a motorboat off to the side and walked towards it. I climbed in and found the key. I started the engine but I realized something.

"Well? What's taking you so long?!" Jonghyun yelled.

"I...uhh...well...don't know how to work this thing." I said as I looked up at him.

He ran his hand through his hair in frustration and sighed.

"Oh wait! I think I just have to do this...and this...and there!" I said as I started to drive the thing. I finally got to Jonghyun and helped him get on the boat.  

"Ok so,what does the next clue say?" he asked me.

"It says,we have to go trick or treating."

"What? Well that's stupid!"

"That's not the only thing. We have to use aegyo." I added.

"What?! Uh-uh! Like hell to the no am I doing that!" he said.


Jonghyun's POV

"Trick or Treat~~~" Mi Young and I sang.

We decided to trick or treat at the neighborhood where barely anyone goes. But let me tell you. It's so ing hard! Hahahaha! That's what she said! 

"Why the are you laughing?" Mi Young asked me. Oh. Whoops! 

"Huh? Oh,nothing." I told her.

"Ok..." she said.

As I was saying,it's so hard to trick or treat here because almost every house wouldn't answer. In fact,the house we're at right now is the second house that opened their door. 

"What are you doing? Why aren't you helping me?" Mi Young asked me,obviuosly irritated. She walked off the doorstep and I followed.

"What? I had to do bunjee-jump so YOU have to do this! I mean,why are you complaining? It's better than bunjee-jumping off a freaking bridge!" I told her.

"Yea,well...Ugh!" she said before stopming off towards another house. 

Mi Young knocked on the door while I stayed on the sidewalk,watching from a distance. Lol I sound like a stalker. 

"Trick or Treat~" Mi Young sang.

"My,my. Aren't we a little bit to old to be trick or treating?" An old lady,who looked like she was in her fifties,asked. 

"Yes. I am old to be trick or treating but you,ma'm,are just old. Period." Mi Young said. I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment. 

"Well then." The lady said.

Alright. It's now time to see Mi Young do some aegyo!

"Puing-Puing!~" Mi Young said as she did the lttle fist motion with her hands. I thought it was so cute! She even puffed her cheeks out and did a little peace sign! I coudn't help but giggle. Yes,giggle. I decided to join her.

"Puing-Puing~" I said. Both Mi Young and the lady looked at me all confused and surprised. 

http://youtu.be/vHDJzkOo0Cs (Jonghyun's aegyo)

I even gave the lady an eyesmile and so did Mi Young.

"Well,tonight has been the most interesting night of my life." the lady said. "Uhh..here you go." she said handing me a lollipop.

"Uhh...Ma'm? This is only one and there are two of us." I told her. 

"Well too bad! You should be glad I gave you one!" she told us before sutting the door in our faces.

"What a !" Mi Young said.

"Huh. Look who's talking!" I said.

"Excuse me?" she said.

"It takes one to know one." I told her.

"Why you little--"

"Oh,and before I forget. Here. A young man stopped by not to long ago and told me to give this to you." the old lady said as she opened her door again,interrupting Mi Young. Yes! saved By The Bell!

I opened the clue and read it. My eyes opened.

"Why? What does it say?" Mi Young asked me.

"We have to enter a H-haunted House." I told her.

"What? Ugh! Gosh! This game is so stupid!" she said. "Well,where is it?" she asked as she opened the wrapper of the lollipop.

"Huh? I..uh.." I said. "Hey! I wanted that!" 

"Well too bad!  Now give me the clue." she said,grabbing the paper out of my hands. "Ok. I got it let's go."


"Ok I think this is the place." Mi Young said. "Here. Give me your phone."

"What? Why?" I asked her.

"Cuz I didn't bring mine and we need some light." she explained. "Now gimmie." she said as she nudged me with her hand. 

"Ugh. Fine." I said. I reached into my little pocket at the side of my costume and gave her my phone. 

"Password." she said handing it back to me.

I put in my password and handed it back to her. She fiddled with it for a while the finally,she got the flashlight working.

"Alright. Let's go." She said walking ahead of me. "You comin?" she asked me.

"Well,I've noticed. We're like the only ones here. What if we don't have to do this." I tried convincing her.  She looked at the house then at me.

"Maybe there are people inside. Now let's go." she said.

"Do we have to?" I asked her.

She smirked. "What,don't tell me you're scared." she said.

"W-what? Psh,no! I'm n-not scared!" I told her.

"Good. Then let's go shall we?"

I gulped down and swallowed hard as I followed Mi Young into the house. Lord help me now.


Mi Young's POV

To be honest,I was pretty scared myself. But I didn't want to show Jonghyun my weakside. He's just gonna make fun of me. It was pitch dark inside and the flashlight barely did anything. I noticed a hallway and started walking towards it. This place was so creepy. There were pictures hung on the walls and mirrors everywhere. I'm surprised that Jonghyun hasn't stopped and checked himself out. Wait. Speaking of Jonghyun....

"Uhhh...Jonghyun?" I said.

"Hmm?" he said. 

"Umm aren't you a little too close?" I asked him.

He looked at me with a blank expression. But I could tell he was scared. I mean,he was shaking. I looked down at our arms that were touching then back up at him. He looked at our arms then back up at me with wide eyes.

"O-oh s-sorry." he said as he steped further away from me.

"So how do we get our clue?" I asked him.

"Huh? Oh. I don't know. I guess we just have to get through this and our clue will be outside." He said.

"Oh. Ok." 


"What was that?" we both said.

"Maybe it was just the wind?" I said trying to amke it seem like it wasn't a big deal. 'Cuz to be honest,I was scared.

"Yea Mi Young. It was soo the wind. 'Cuz it makes sense to have wind inside the house." he sarcastically.

I scoffed. "Well so-rry! I was just trying to calm you down because you were obviously scared." I said.

"What? I was n-not scared." He defended himself.

"Mhm. Sure." I said sarcastically. 

"Ugh! Whatever! Let's just get through this!" he said.


"AHHH!!!" Jonghyun and I screamed causing me to drop the phone. Jonghyun hid behind me and placed his hands on my hips. MY HIPS! I froze in my tracks. My whole body stiffened because of him. Ok. This is gonna sound weird but I kinda liked our position. Considering the fact that we were in a haunted house and that we were both as scared like hell. But I felt safe. It's weird right? My heart was beating really fast. And I know for sure that it wasn't because I was scared. Aish! Everytime Mi Young! Every freaking time! Why do you think about those stuff? Grrr!

"U-umm J-Jonghyun?" I said. Aish! I was stuttering again!

"Y-yea?" he said. Obviously still scared.

"Could you take your hands off my hips?"


Jonghyun's POV

I snapped back to my senses and looked down at our position. I could feel the blood rush to my face and I immediately stepped away and hid my face.

"S-sorry." I said.

"It's ok." she said.

I looked over at Mi Young. It was pitch black and it took a while before my eyes adjusted to the darkness. It looked like Mi Young was also hiding her face. Was she blushing? I smirked. I thought it was pretty cute though. 

"Ahem." she fake coughed. Awwww! How cute! She's embarrarsed!
"Umm...where's my phone?" I asked her.

"Well I obviously dropped it!" she said. And...she's back.

"Well go pick it up--"

"GO NOW!!!~~~~" a creepy voice yelled.

We both jumped.

"One step ahead of ya." I said before running out of the house. Mi Young soon followed.


Mi Young's POV

We ran all the way back to Onew's place.

"Huh...huh" I was seriuosly out of breath.

"Well you guys are early" Key said sarcastically.

"Huh...shut up!" Jonghyun said.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but Victoria and Nickhun won!" he said.

"Aish! Damnit! Onew hyung! You owe me a new phone!" Jonghyun said as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Aigoo..." I said as I crashed on the couch adn closed my eyes.




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KimIsuelMaya #1
Chapter 11: update soon..
atowah #2
Chapter 11: Please update soon :)
Chapter 11: You're back!

Aw, Jonghyun (somewhat) confessed <3

Update soon
Chapter 9: this chapter is somehow cute kekeke ;3 oh i bet jonghyun will buy something special for miyoung hehehe. update soon ^o^
Chapter 9: Awww, cute! Update soon <3
Chapter 9: Well I guess jonghyun did get a new phone xD
Chapter 8: lol at jjong's hand xDD that must be so embarassing >////< awh i actually hope they both would win the game. update soon! (:
Chapter 7: I love this. A lot. PLEASE UPDATE
Chapter 7: the hunger games xD ㅋㅋ update juseyo , this fic is soooooo goddamn good ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 7: Hahaha 'May the odds ever be in your favour'
Love you Onew, happy birthday :P