Kill Me Now

Living With the Enemy

Mi Young's POV 

Ugh! Kill me NOW! Why did I ever agree to this trip?! First of all, it's worse than staying at home, second of all, Jonghyun's here. We were barely two hours into the drive up to Minho's house up in the mountains but it felt like eternity! I couldn't handle two minutes in this van! What more with one more hour?! Well at least I'm not sitting next to the douche bag; I'm sitting in between Amber and Krystal. To be honest, I hated being in the middle but it's better than sitting next to Jonghyun. I'm still thinking of a way to get back at him for kissing me. Oh how I hate him so much. Yea, I know, hate is a strong word but that's why I'm using it. Duh! I was thinking of sneaking into his cabin when we get there then planting a nuclear bomb so it would burn his whole cabin down! Or, I could push him into a lake and let him freeze to death--slowly and painfully...hehehe im evil. MUAHAHAHAHA! 

 "Uhhh..Mi Young?" I heard Krystal say.

"Yes?" I answered her back.

"Are you OK? Because you've been smiling to yourself like a creeper."

"Huh? Oh, no I'm alright." I reassured her.

"Whatever you say."


Krystal's POV

I was sooo bored throughout the trip! Then I saw Mi Young acting all weird! Yea...what a "fun" day. I decided to have some fun on the trip so I texted Amber.

Me: Heyyy :)

Amber: sup 

Me: im bored! >.<

Amber: same here...*sigh* -.-

Me: hey, when we get there..u wanna hav some fun??? ;)

Amber: Sure, I'm down! xP

Me: ok,great! so it has something to do w/ Mi Young and Jjong Oppa ;)

Amber: shoot

Me: I was thinking every activity we have they have to be partnered up! I mean, Mi Young hasn't dated since...u know....

Amber: Yea! I was thinkin the same thing! Oh..yea...that...

Me: Oh! i was also thinkin they shud be in the same cabin! whadda u think?

Amber: Game On! xD

Me: Yea! ;D



500 Million Hours Later....



Jonghyun's POV

Once we arrived, I was the first one out of the car. It was so awkard and boring during the car ride. I mean talk about no-lives! I sprawled out on Minho's front yeard--considering it was covered in snow. It felt cold on my back but it was nice because it was really warm in the car and the snow added a cooling sensation throughout my body. I looked up in the sky and saw that it was a clear, beautiful, and sunny day. Talk about perfect weather. I couldn't sleep at all in the car considering the fact that I had to wake up early today and it was soo quiet in the car. I closed my and put my hands behind my head; I probably lay there for about three minutes. I suddenly felt something heavy on my stomach and opened my eyes. It was one of my duffel bags that I brought; the camoflouge one. Yes, I said "one of". I realized that everyone was getting all of their stuff out of the car and that I should too.


After everyone had gotten all their bags, we all went inside and had some hot cocoa. We were all just chilling and realxing when Minho stood up and said he had an announcement to make.


"Ok guys so I'm going to tell you who you guys are staying with." he said.

"Can't we just choose?" Taemin asked.

"No, sorry dude but don't worry. This will be so much fun!" he said. And I swear he looked right at me when he said that. "So... Onew hyung you'll be staying with Key hyung. Taemin you'll be staying with me. Sulli and Amber you two will be sharing a room. And Luna noona will be satying with Krystal. And that leaves..."

"NO!" I looked to my left and saw a very particular person with a furiuos looking face.

"Excuse me?" Minho asked Mi Young.

"I said no! I will NOT share a room with that!" she said a bit too harshly. 

"And what's so wrong with sharing a room with me?" I aksed her getting a little irritated myslef. I mean, seriously! What am I? A monster?


Mi Young's POV

"Worse than that." I spat.

He looked at me with a hurt expression and all in one second I remembered the day that I rejected his offer to walk me home. Those sad eyes...those pouty lips...UGH! JUNG MI YOUNG STOP!!! 

" am I worse than that?" he asked. I could tell by his voice that he was hurt.

"Well...W-well..." I saw that everyone was looking at me and anticipating my answer. "Well.." They all raised one eybrow at me.

"Hah! See? You can't think of a reason! You got nothing on me !" Jonghyun scoffed. Ugh that jerk! 

"Yea? Well you're the one who kissed me! What more if we share the same room! ALONE?!" I said too fast without realizing what I had said.

Everyone's  eys were on me now. Gah! What have I done?! I could feel the blood rush up to my face. 

I looked over at Jonghyun and saw that he was shocked as well. Was he...? Was he blushing?

Ugh. Lord, kill. me. NOW! /.\
























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KimIsuelMaya #1
Chapter 11: update soon..
atowah #2
Chapter 11: Please update soon :)
Chapter 11: You're back!

Aw, Jonghyun (somewhat) confessed <3

Update soon
Chapter 9: this chapter is somehow cute kekeke ;3 oh i bet jonghyun will buy something special for miyoung hehehe. update soon ^o^
Chapter 9: Awww, cute! Update soon <3
Chapter 9: Well I guess jonghyun did get a new phone xD
Chapter 8: lol at jjong's hand xDD that must be so embarassing >////< awh i actually hope they both would win the game. update soon! (:
Chapter 7: I love this. A lot. PLEASE UPDATE
Chapter 7: the hunger games xD ㅋㅋ update juseyo , this fic is soooooo goddamn good ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 7: Hahaha 'May the odds ever be in your favour'
Love you Onew, happy birthday :P