Their First Night

Living With the Enemy





Jonghyun's POV: 

"You know, this is all your falt we're in here." I said to the thing next to me.

"Mine?! How is it MY fault?" It replied.

"Well you're the one who told EVERYBODY(a/n: hehe see what I did?) that I... kissed you." I informed her. She just stared at me with a blank expresion. At first, I thought she was going to hit me but then she just walked away. Was she..embarrassed? I smirked. I guess she noticed.

"Why the hell are you smirking?" She asked rather harshly. 

I stopped smirking and smiled. "Do you really want to know?" I said, inching closer to her.

Mi Young's POV: 

"You know, this is all your fault we're in here." the Douche said next to me while unpacking his things onto his bed.

I was apalled. "Mine?! How is it MY fault?" I said while unpacking my things onto my own bed as well. 

"Well you're the one who told EVERYBODY that I... kissed you." He told me. I just stared at him thinking of something to say but I couldn't beacuse I knew he was right. Damnit! Why does he have to be right? I just walked away towards the drawers at the other end of the room.

He was right. It was my fault we were sleeping in the same room for the trip. I mean, I knew all of our friends were planning this but the fact that I said he kissed me made it worse. I looked over my shoulder to glance at the Douche and saw him smirking.

"Why the hell are you smirking?" I asked him.

He stopped smirking and smiled; a rather creepy one in fact. "Do you really want to know?" He said as he stepped closer to me.

I gulped. "W-why are you getting s-so c-close to me?" I managed to say. To be honest I was nervous.

"Why," he said as he turned his face into a pout. "you don't want me to?" 


"You stuttered. You want me to." He said as he came even closer knocking me onto the bed.

"Jonghyun, I--" 

"Shh.." he said as he placed his index finger to my lips. "Now, let's get to business."

He placed both his hands on my shoulders and pushed me so that my upper body was flat on the bed and my lower body(meaning my legs) were dangling off the side of the bed. He then hovered over me by straddling his legs next to my hips so that his knees and my s were at eye level. He looked at me with his big brown eyes. The same brown eyes that remined me of a puppy; except now they remind me more of a beast. His eyes were filled with lust, his hair was a bit tousled so some of his fringe was hanging just below his eyes, and his mouth was slightly open and was twitching into another one of his famous smirks. Just beacuse I let him kiss me last time doesn't mean I'm going to let that happen again. I moved around under him and tried punching him but he managed to grab my hands and make his grip on me tighter. He leaned in closer. I couldn't do anything now; my whole body was paralyzed. I closed my eyes shut and just waited for his kiss...again. 

"Are you ready?" he said in a low voice. I could feel his hot breath which meant he was really close to me now. And when I didn't respond he took that as a yes. 


Jonghyun's POV: 

I decided to fool around with Mi Young for a bit. I had just positioned myself over her as if I was going to kiss her. Although I really wasn't; what?! can't a guy just have some fun? When she tried to escape I managed to prevent it. I guess she just gave up because I felt her whole body go stiff; no movement at all. I looked at her face and noticed that she closed her eyes. I bit my inner cheek so that I wouldn't let out a laugh because she was so cute! 

"Are you ready?" I whispered to her. 

She didn't respond so I took that as my chance.


"YAH! Get out of there you two! It's time to eat!" I heard Minho say from the outside of our door. 

I looked over my shoulder and said(well more like shouted; he ruined my plan!)"YEA WE'LL BE THERE!"

When he didn't answer I knew he had left and I looked back at Mi Young. Her body loosened up and she sighed in relief.

Mi Young's POV: 

"YAH! Get out of there you two! It's time to eat!" I heard Minho say. 

I sighed in relief; he had just saved me! I swear to you Kim Jonghyun, I will get my revenge! >:)

Now, it was my turn to smirk. "Uh, Jonghyun? You can get off now."

He looked kind of disappointed. Oh well boo-hoo he's a ing e! I would've called the police by now and report him just because his mere presence itself is dangerous but I didn't want to ruin my friends' vacation. 

"Oh, right." He said then got off of me. I sat up right away and went straight for the door leaving him in the room.

After dinner, we played a couple of board games, watched a movie, got a little tipsy(except me, of course), and planned out our activities for tomorrow.

"Oker s-so t-tmoro I exshpect eberyone to b-be all ready for tmorose actibitlies by 6 am." Minho managed to say as he held up eight fingers on the number '6'; considering he drank two bottles of beer. Everyone was already tipsy and halfway to drunk so I'm guessing no one listened or they just shook him off. Surprisingly, nothing scandalous happened...yet.

Ugh. Why do I have to be the responsible one?! I've never drank before. Like, ever! Okay, maybe one time, but that was a while ago and I was going through something. But I don't wanna talk about it.

One by one everyone started to disperse and go to their respective rooms with their roomates. Leaving me with the Douche himself. He had alot to drink and by the way he was acting(dancing with the lamp) it was too much for him to handle.

"Okay Jonghyun, let's go to our room now." I said, taking his wrist and trying to pull him away from the lamp.

"Noooo! I wanna stay herw wid lampeee!!!!" he whined, hugging the lamp even harder.

I tried to pry him off but it was no use. Huh. What can I do to make THE Kim Jonghyun, the BIGGEST flirt, come to bed? There was only one ting to do.

"Oh Jonghyun~~" I said in my most seductive voice. It didn't work. He was still doing the tango with the stupid lamp.

"Jonghyun~~Why don't you come to bed with me?" I seriously never thought that I would hear those words come out of my mouth. When he still didn't respond, I leaned on the wall trying to do a provacative pose. But since I wasn't used to being all y and girly, I probably ended up looking like an idiot. 

He still didn't respond so I got frustrated. I stomped my foot, crossed my arms, and pouted. I was doing aegyo without even realizing. But then he glanced at me and just decided to go with it. I felt awkward.

"Jonghyun! Come with me now!" I said in the best fake voice I could do.

And like a moricale, he finally put the lamp down and came with me.

"Okay Mi youngiee~~~" he said as he smiled at me cheekily.

When we were finally inside the room, I washed up and got ready for bed while I left him on his bed. I wasn't planning on changing him! Oh no! Never! When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Jonghyun on MY bed. MY ING BED! 

"Oh no you don't!" I said as I tried to pull him off. But it was no use he was too heavy for me. I just decided to sleep on his bed.

After I got settled in, I turned off the lampshade next to me and bid him goodnight. A few minutes later, I felt arms around me. I was afraid to turn around but I had to. Ugh. I was right. It was Jonghyun. 

"Uh Jongh--" 

"MI YOUNGIEE~~~ YOU'RE SO PURTYYY!" he shouted right in my ear. I couldn't help but blush. Why was I acting this way?

"Go to sleep Jonghyun." I said.

"But I have to tell you something." he said back.

"What." I said.

He leaned closer and put his lips right next to my ear. And just like that my whole body went stiff again. He had this effect on me. 

"I think you're really beautiful, you know that?" For a moment I thought he was sober and just playing another trick on me. But when I turned to look at him, it was obvious he wasn't.

"Jonghyun stop I--"

"Shh, you're so humble. Hehe you're a tough one you know? But it's ok I like challenges. That's what I like about you." He said as he pulled me closer.

Did he just say he likes me? Ugh what is with this guy? From the very first day I met him he's always made me feel nothing but flustered! I always get mixed emotions around him! 

"Go to sleep Jonghyun." When I heard snoring I knew he was sleeping. I turned to look at him. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw his peaceful face. He looked so cute sleeping! Omg, did I just say that? Stop it Mi Young! Get a hold of yourself! You need to stop making me feel this way Kim Jonghyun.

"Goodnight Jonghyun." I whispered although I knew he wouldn't hear me.Then I went to his arms.


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KimIsuelMaya #1
Chapter 11: update soon..
atowah #2
Chapter 11: Please update soon :)
Chapter 11: You're back!

Aw, Jonghyun (somewhat) confessed <3

Update soon
Chapter 9: this chapter is somehow cute kekeke ;3 oh i bet jonghyun will buy something special for miyoung hehehe. update soon ^o^
Chapter 9: Awww, cute! Update soon <3
Chapter 9: Well I guess jonghyun did get a new phone xD
Chapter 8: lol at jjong's hand xDD that must be so embarassing >////< awh i actually hope they both would win the game. update soon! (:
Chapter 7: I love this. A lot. PLEASE UPDATE
Chapter 7: the hunger games xD ㅋㅋ update juseyo , this fic is soooooo goddamn good ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 7: Hahaha 'May the odds ever be in your favour'
Love you Onew, happy birthday :P