Chapter 66 - An Eventful Valentine’s Day… Part 3

It Started Because Of You...


                      I was in my P.E uniform when I decided to roam around the school and the last time I checked my watch it was near 12 and the Sports Competition doesn’t start until 2 in the afternoon so I have two hours until my stupid competition, which was up first.


                     I was outside the school building and decided to buy something to eat and head somewhere for fresh air, to get away from all these people around here.


                     I bought some dukkbukki and bubble tea. I went out of school and decided to get on a bus and head somewhere in particular. After 15 minutes I finally arrive at the river side. I walked to the rocky path and head to the river where the so called tombstone of mine lies.



                     When I finally saw the river and the tombstone, no one was there. “Of course no one’s here.” I muttered to myself as I made my way towards the tombstone and sat down next to it and face the flowing river.


                     “Happy Birthday.” I softly said facing the tombstone and bitterly smile.



                     “People are starting to notice it and start to get suspicious of me. I miss—“


                     I didn’t finish my sentence and just eat my food and looked at the river. I sighed, feeling refresh as the wind was blowing and soon after I found myself looking up the sky.

                     “When will this ever end.” I muttered to myself and gaze back at the tombstone and traced my name on it.


                     “Why do we always run away from our problems?” I asked no one.



                     I found myself laughing to myself, “I’m talking to myself.” I shook my head thinking I’m going crazy.



                     Moments have passed but I just stayed the same, looking at the river being motionless and was too into my thoughts and finally took a great deep breathe, “Happy Birthday to us.” I muttered while bitterly smiling and rolling my eyes to nothing.


                     Few seconds later I heard footsteps and small branches cracking. I quickly snapped up and searched through the bushes and looked everywhere before straightening and started walking back to the bus stop to head back to school.



                     I was just in time to hear the announcement of the principal to proceed to the sports ground. As soon as I got there, I tried finding my friends in the sea of people that were playing. I went to the resting tent for a while and tried stretching my legs.


                     “Pabo! Any sport was okay, BUT tracks??!!” I hissed under my breath.


                     HEY! I could just lose this game… It’s alright to lose. Kekeke


                     “I can’t believe you’re on tracks.” I heard a familiar voice behind me, I quickly turned my head towards it and I saw Kris and Baekhyun.


                     I narrowed my eyes at them and went back to stretching.



                     “Must be a special party you got to invite the whole school, huh?” Baekhyun asked with a sense of mocking but I could hear sadness, as well?


                     Ignore them… ignore… and ignore.



                     “Min?! Hey!” I saw from the side, when I tried ignore the two was there standing by the water fountain was L.joe.



                     Come to think of it, I haven’t seen L.joe.



                     “Uh… H-hyung?!” I said-asked as he approached me and ruffled my hair and smiled at me. WEIRD.


                     “You got tracks too?” He grinned and I just nodded and then he turned his head to the side and saw Chunji.


                     “YAH! Wait up pabo! Later Min.” He bid goodbye and run towards Chunji. I just stared there dumbfounded.


                     I jus



                     “Calling all Track n’ Field runners! Proceed to the starting line.” The MC called out making me jolt up and walked up to the starting line.







                     All of the runners including me were in our positions and just waiting for our coach to pull the trigger.










                     We stared running and for the first few minutes of running I was ahead of the leading; who was L and I didn’t even noticed he was also in this race. I may have a low stamina, I still run fast but just a few minutes of running.



                     Little by little L started to catch up to me and I saw him stare down at me with a blank emotionless face and then went faster. Soon after the other racers were also catching up to me and I was either 5 from the last or 6.



                     “Min-oppa! Fighting! Fighting!” I could hear simultaneous cheering from girls and I mentally face palmed.


                     Then I almost tripped with my own feet and I heard squeals and cheers from my fan girls again and I shook my head with embarrassment.


                     “OMO! KKYYYEEEOOPPTTAAA!”

                     “Min-Oppa is so cute even while tripping!”

                     “His face is turning red… LOOK!”



                     I could hear some screams clearly but other screams, never mind… I shook my head.


                     I can’t believe they think this is cute… to trip on my own two feet.



                     Then I saw panting, sweating and really slow. The last guy even passed by me and called me a loser. I wasn’t running anymore, I was more like jogging. Then not far, I finally saw the finish line and L was almost there, I tried picking up my pace.


                     It’s a disgrace if I become last… 7 or 6 placer would be nice.



                     I passed the last guy again and this time I looked at him and smirked through my sweat, “Eat my , jerk.” I muttered and run faster and manage to get 3rd place at the last minute when we crossed the line, it was better than I expected but I was out of air and we all know who won… L.



                     I wheeze and gather much air. I feel light-headed, and I could feel the air being taken away from me. I was bending down and holding me knees and I could see my sweat drop to the ground, soon after I saw pair of rubber shoes. I slowly looked up to see none other than the winner with a winning smirk.


                     “What …do you… want?” I said through my panting.



                     He held his hand up at me, “Nice game.” He smiled a genuine smile at me. I narrowed my eyes at his hands first and keep thinking his going to troll me.


                     “I’m being nice here.” He said wiggling his hands in the air.


                     I was about to reach his hand and shake it but suddenly everything went black.



                     I slowly opened my eyes and at the same time groaned as I felt my head ache, I stirred in place, “Urrggh…”


                     “Took you long enough to wake up.” I heard a familiar voice. I quickly snap up and sit up straight and stared at the person with wide eyes. I saw him smirk and I quickly rolled my eyes as I looked away.



                     “You okay?”


                     He looked concern as he approached me from the chair. I raised an eyebrow but slowly nodded my head. I stood up and got a bit imbalance and he quickly came to my aid, “Careful… you know, if you weren’t fit to enter any sport you could have forfeit or just say you can’t do it.”


                     I scrambled away form his arms and shook my head, “They really want me to play so I played. I can’t disappoint them.” I walked towards the door to get out of this awkward place where it’s just the two of us.


                     As soon as I got out of the room I was facing the outside window and it was starting to get dark, I turned around just to meet L’s chest just a feet away from me so I quickly backed away, “Uh… How long was I out?”



                     “There is still one more sports competition left, so it means you slept through… 1, 2, 3… 5 sports already.” He said while showing me his hands while frilling his five fingers at the same time grinning like an idiot.



                     I scrunched me nose, “hmmm.”



                     I left him there still smiling as I quickly power walk towards the sports ground. I could feel him following me.



                     What’s wrong with this guy?



                     I quickly shook off L out of my mind when I got to the field and I could hear cheering from the inside. I went to the player tent since I was part of the competition in tracks so no one can kick me out. I sat down at a chair up front and I saw two people with the referee.


                     I quickly recognized Jae from the two players. I quietly chuckled to myself as I imagined her getting nervous, cause she never had played fencing in her life. Her opponent will have an easy win, I just know it.


>Author’s P.O.V<


                     It was time for Jae and Sehun to face off for the first round. There were 10 players for fencing and they were paired up to face for 5 rounds until there would be one last pair of players.


                     “Please go easy on me.” Jae bowed at Sehun when they met up face to face.


                     Sehun just looked at her with a poker face and suddenly he glared at her, “You’re going down.”



                     Jae took it to the heart that she nervously gulped as she looked at Sehun who was glaring daggers at her.


                     “Man, if looks could kill… I’d probably explode and die by now.” She muttered to herself and nervously put on her mask. She held on to the sword and started shaking it.



                     “Uh… How am I supposed to use this?” She keeps on shaking it as the sword vibrated and moved as she shakes it. Then she grabs the other end of the sword and bent it and quickly released it that quickly went the other way, hitting Sehun in the arm.





                     “That was pretty stupid of me.”Jae sheepishly said.


                      Sehun glared at her even more and angrily put on his mask and faced Jae with a determined look behind that mask and held the sword handle in a fighting stand.


                     “Prepare to lose, PHANTOM.” He sourly said Jae’s gang name while Jae just stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do.



                     “Players prepare.” The referee announced.


                       Jae copied Sehun’s stand awkwardly and then her head instinctively turned her head towards the player tent and spotted her best friend, Min with a an amused look and saw her nod and she nodded as well.



                     “I can do this.” She breathed out.


                     “Start!” the referee and blow the whistle.



                     “GAAAH!” Jae quickly runs away when she saw Sehun charging at her with the sword.


                     She didn’t know what to do. She hasn’t played or even knows the mechanics of the sport. The only thing she keeps on doing is swinging the sword left to right not to let Sehun come near her.


                     “Get away!” she yelled as she keeps on swinging it and luckily her sword hit the side of Sehun and that at the same time the bell rang.


                     “One point Jae.”



                     “So, I just keep on hitting him and I’ll get points?” She stopped and faced the referee, but he didn’t answer her and just blew the whistle and then she heard loud fast steps coming at her way and when she turned.


                     “Point for Sehun.”


                     “Dang it!”



                     “Final round… last one to get the point wins this round. START!”



                     Then Sehun and Jae made this personal and took this game seriously and was fighting with their all.


                     “Give up rookie.” Sehun scoffed at her.


                     “Not in your life time.”



                     Sehun went near Jae and from instinct Jae quickly kicked his foot away sending him falling forward to her. They both land on the mat with Sehun on top of Jae sending gasps from every people watching their match.


                     Sehun had his eyes closed as he land and when he felt Jae move; he quickly opened his eyes and met eyes with her. Jae’s mask had fallen off of her when she was about to hit the floor.


                     Sehun stared at Jae for a long time with wide and shocked face.


                     “OMO…” Sehun muttered to himself as he keeps on staring at Jae’s face.



                     He could feel his heart racing and he quickly shook his head left to right and quickly scrambled up and hit his head repeatedly. Jae was left on the floor with no one helping her, she was kind of hoping Sehun would help her up but to no avail, he just left her laying on the floor.



                     “The nerve of that stupid boy… He knocked me and didn’t dare to help me out. Tsh.” She slowly stood up and brushed herself.


                     After that little moment, the game continued and unfortunately Sehun won, that means Jae lost and was walking towards her friends Min who was laughing her off from the tent.


                     “Really smooth dude.” Min smiled and ruffled Jae’s hair and just in time Sehun was walking by them and he glared at Min at the same time.


                     “Whatever… let’s go.”


                     “Oh, yeah… I still have a show to put up… Come and watch?” Min flashed Jae her infamous puppy dog eyes begging for her.


                     Soon after Jae cracked and sighed and nodded as she didn’t have anything to do after this than wait for the ending of this stupid day.


                     “Sure, let’s gather everyone.” Jae said as she grab Min’s arm and pulled her away.


                     “Seriously… Who’s older, me or you? I really think you were born in the wrong date, which should be before I was born… you act like the unnie.” Min cutely stuck her tongue out at Jae who just rolled her eyes.


                     “Yeah, yeah… I’ve heard that many times.”



                     Hours later the Valentine Sports Open Fair Day finally came to an end with Fireworks and all and only thing remaining for this day is the Birthday Party everyone had been waiting for.



One more chapter and I'm off. ^^





you, See You SOOON! :D


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lynda_yazlynda #1
Chapter 80: Cute..I really love it soooooooooooo much
Chapter 9: hahahhahahahahha its totally the end of the chapter! hahahahhahaa also this is sooo cute! nd good! so excited to read more!
SairoKate #3
Chapter 68: I just noticed....HaeMin and I have the same birthday date....btw I'm loving the story!! :)
nitaluviu #4
Chapter 36: Infinite L or Exo Kris
LJoeOppaSaranghae #5
Chapter 3: why is my user at the end of the chapters o_O
I'm searching about teen top story and here i am....found such a loveable story. Jo Hye Min (ListyArisa) i don't know this name is mine or there are another ListyArisa but i'm so exicted...

I'll start reading~~~~
fujimotoasuka #7
Chapter 78: nope. I'm still rooting for jeongmin. ^^
black0 #8
Chapter 20: I love the story~~~~~~
fayepopper #9
Chapter 31: I love this story even though I haven't finished yet but it's still cool
Chapter 80: Im not even kidding, i read this in one night. It is 3 in the morning. But it was to good. I really loved your story!!