First Falling For You...

~Pretty Rose~

Your (Choi Yo Min's) P.O.V.

Well, it's just me, waking up as usual when you're about to go to school. Each and everytime, you have to do the same routine: brush you teeth, wash your chinky face, and pick out a pretty combination of clothes, and head out the door. It wasn't that all fun, except the clothes part you get to do, because when you look at yourself at the mirror, you just expect to be like, you know, all that.

Now it's time to head out for a 5-minute bike ride to Seoul Performing Arts High School. Shoot. It's cold, I don't have a jacket, maybe it's to late to go back anyways, though. It would take hours to just pick a cute one. I just hope we can get this day over. Welcome back, old days, until...


"OOF. Shoot! Ouch...H-HEY! Y-you!" I just knocked off to the ground by this somewhat good-looking blondish guy. What is he doing?

"Omo, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I'm in such a rush," the guy says as an excuse.

"Well, now you're not the only one anymore," I replied at him. Ouch, this scrape on my knee, I can't walk, it hurts! Thanks a lot.

"AHH! It hurts!" I exclaimed in pain, and he seems worried?

"Aish, you can't get up? C'mon, I'll let you get on my motorcycle, where are you going?" He offered me nicely though.

"I was just on my way to that high school over there, Seoul Performing Arts High School. Aren't you going to be late?"

"Well, not anymore, since we're going to the same place," he said, then I was in shock. He goes to the same school as me?

"So shall be it! Get on," he said. I got up slowly and got on. It's my first time on a motorcycle, should I get on?

"Hold onto me, I'm gonna go fast at pace," he warned me. What?! Did he just say hold on to him? Oh well, it's for my own good.


OMG. It's really fast! I had to finally hold on really tight on him, I was really scared.

Dugeun, dugeun...What in the world is this? ...Dugeun, dugeun, dugeun...Huh? What the...My heart's beating loudly...Maybe it's just the fast pace...

I had to close my eyes for the whole ride to school. I feel somewhat dizzy.


"Um, excuse me," Is the guy calling me? "We're here already."

I finally get shocked and got out of the motorcycle quickly. OUCH. Shoot. I just remembered, I can't walk.

"Sigh. Looks like you can't walk. Well, what should I do now?" The guy had to carry me, surprisingly. Wait, CARRY ME?! What...Dang. Forget it.


"Anyways, what's your name?" He asked me.

"...Choi Yo Min. Why ask?" I replied.

"There may be a possibility that I might bump into you again," he said. This guys is just. Wow.

"How about you, what's your name?" I asked, too.

"OMG. IT'S JO YOUNGMIN! But...who's that girl he's carrying?" A voice cried out. How did she know him?

OH NO. Please don't tell me.

Girls seem to scream as he was just entering the hallways. But some were glaring at me.

"I finally know your name?" I jokingly said, and he laughed. I started to smile, too. It was silent until he took me to the aid room. Too much to ask though, but thanks?

"Um. This is too much to ask, but why are you doing all of this?" I asked Youngmin.

"I don't know. I was really lucky that you scraped your knee," he said with a smirk. LUCKY?! Excuse me?!
"W-what do you mean?!" I said in a shock.

"Because, isn't it obvious that you finally get to fall for me?" He replied with a warm smile.

Falling for you? Dugeun, dugeun. No way, it isn't...It isn't true, is it?

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Chapter 4: This is so CUTE!!! Update soon!!! :))
JungYooMi #2
OMG! update!!!! this is cute!
JungYooMi #3

can you please check out my new story please! it is a sad story and hope you will like it!

another boyfriend story if you're interested

this one is written by my friend, im helping her promoting. it's a very sweet, cute and sad story. please check it out