I can't like my best friend too can I?

Walking Away

Waking up still in Yoseob’s arms I smile, things are like they never changed, I just had a nightmare, nothing bad happened, but of course it did. I can’t pretend I’m not upset, but I don’t want him out of my life, I love him.

“Yoseob, come on you should get back to your place.” I whisper shaking him. “Come on I’ll walk with you.”

“Alright…” He mumbles getting up, smiling at me he kisses my forehead. “You’re still the best thing to wake up next to.” He whispers getting out.

Blushing I pull on my skinny’s, Yoseob just standing by my door, looking out the window. “You know, I never thought I’d ever try something like that. Then in my head I thought maybe I could try so if we ever did do it, I’d be prepared.” Yoseob whispers looking at me now.

Walking over to Yoseob I smile softly. “I wouldn’t have been.”

He nods his head pulling me close. “Give me one moment to hold you like this, I don’t want to forget this feeling.” Scrunching my face together he chuckles wrapping his arms around me his hands holding me still, his head resting on mine. “I still get nervous when I’m this close to you, and ever more now knowing I might not ever get to be this close again.”

Biting my lip I hug him, holding him close taking in his scent. “I don’t want to forget either.”

Pulling away he takes me hand leading me to the entry way to get our shoes on, heading out I hear a door slam shut, spinning around I don’t see anyone, following Yoseob I smile looking at our hands him walking casually, and slower than he normally would. I know he’s doing it to keep me close for a little bit longer, I don’t mind, I want to stay around a little bit longer, maybe even more than a little bit longer.


The walk home we talk while closing into his apartment building, “I should probably get going.” I whisper looking at the place bitterly. “Alright?”

“I understand.” Yoseob says pushing some of my hair behind my ears and gently caressing my face. “Don’t be a stranger neh?”

“I’ll keep  in contact, I’ll send you pictures to when So Hyun and I go on our trip .”

Grinning he hugs me before letting go. “I can’t wait to see them, have a good time.”

Nodding my head I walk off, to wander along the streets, I need to think this all through.


I don’t feel like a good person, I know how Doo Joon feels, I mean I even gave him my innocence, but Yoseob I’ve loved him for so long it seems wrong for me to be with anyone other than him. But if I go with Yoseob, I’d feel like I just used Doo Joon to comfort me… Then there’s what So Hyun had said about me and Jun Hyung. I know what she meant, she thinks there is this thing between us, but maybe there is, maybe there isn’t…


Instead of going home I decide to talk to Jun Hyung, this is all too much to handle by myself. Knocking I wait for him to answer.

“COMING!” He yells after a crash, “OUCH! GOD DAMNIT!” Jun  Hyung says just before opening it. “Oh, Jung-ah!”

“Junnie what was all that?” I ask looking into his apartment timidly. “It sounded like…” On the floor I see a bookshelf toppled over. “Really oppa, I told you that wasn’t a good place for it.”

Smiling sheepishly he lets me in, walking over to it I help him lift the shelf and move it against a wall, then picking the books up.


Jun Hyung’s POV


After finally getting off the phone hearing Doo Joon go on and on about how he saw Yoseob walk out of Jung’s apartment holding hands, glad to finally have so peace…I don’t know what it is but there is always this twinge lately when I’m around her. This thing in my stomach that makes me nervous, and I get angry when she’s upset.

Helping her pick up the books I steal a glance at her, my best friend which is stupid I see her all the time, now though something is different. Watching her push some of her hair behind her ear makes me want to reach out and do it for her, to run my hand down her face.

As we’re picking up the books out hands touch trying to pick the same one up, pulling my hand back from the sudden jolt I felt I stare at her.

‘What’s wrong with me?’ I think as we set the books on the shelf now, her humming softly.

“Oppa is something wrong?” She asks looking at me concern in her eyes. Shaking my head I smile quickly looking down to put some of the books up, my face heating up.

Sitting on the couch sitting a little ways away from her I watch as she messes with her shirt. “Are you sure nothing’s wrong?” She asks again. “You’re avoiding me.”

Looking at Jung shocked I scoot closer, wrapping my arms around her. “I am not avoiding you.” I whisper pressing her body against me, I already feel my cheeks getting warm from feeling her small body against mine, and I shouldn’t be reacting like this. She’s my best friend, and two of my friends already love her, it’d be wrong for me to feel that way about her. I’ve known her too long for me to fall for Jung. I can’t.

“Then why won’t you talk to me?” She whispers. “You look away, and you’re silent. I don’t like it…”

Chuckling I kiss the top of her head, lacing my arms around her waist, I’m not sure what’s coming over me but I look her in the eyes. “Jung-Ah nothing is wrong.” I whisper again.

In her eyes she’s looking at me a blush creeping over her face, gulping Jung nods her head, resting her head on my chest. “Oppa I think something is wrong with you.”

“Why do you say that?” I ask as we lay on my couch, her resting on me.

Looking at me her hair falling in her face, I reach out and move it for her, her lips a luscious pink, only a little ways away from my own. She leans in closer. “Cause I think I’m finding out too many feelings this past week.”

“What does that have to do with me?” I ask her confused my heart beating closer as I move closer to her lips.

I can feel her breath on me, “B-b-because I think I’m finding I’ve had three great guys in my life and I’ve never noticed the other two, one never told me, and I think you’re finding you like me too.” She whispers before we close the gap.


I can’t like her too, not like Doo Joon or Yoseob can I?




I mixed Jun Hyung in, I like this chapter a lot, this is actually one of the fics I really like writing, a lot of drama. :D

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Chapter 28: ;------------; I seriously loved this story. Though I have to admit, I don't like how it had 2 endings. Don't get me wrong. I adore this story with all my heart and this is one of the best I have ever read. Really. I myself didn't know who to choose if I were her, or you, author-nim. It's just that.. this story was about who she would choose in the end and having alternate endings just made it seem like she still didn't choose after all. Do I make sense? Hahahahahaha! I mean, in life, we don't get to have alternate endings right? When we choose one, it definitely means letting go of the other completely. Having an alternate ending just didn't prove that point? Though I satisfied myself by not reading the alternate ending and I'm glad that the first was Dooj's because he was seriously the one I've been betting on. And in my fangirl life, Yoseob was also messing with my bias list (hence my un, yoon and derella from yangderella ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ) so this story was quite mirroring my struggles. Only that I had to choose at the end of the day and decided on Dooj. Hehehehehehe. Okay, I've been blabbering too much. Sorry. T_______T But I honestly love this story so much I read it all in one sitting. Thank you for writing this and I'll be off reading your other stories. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Author-nim, I hope you keep writing such wonderful stories. Fighting! ♥
littleloveatmyheart #2
winterflowr #3
Aww--I'm kinda glad that you had 2 endings--I honestly wouldn't know who to pick either!
Aww~ the ending was sweet, but not overly sweet that it rotted my teeth or anything! XD I had a great time reading your story, keep up the awesome work!
CLassi #5
Nawhh it ended :'( <br />
Doojoon-ahh don't worry :(
the ending was sweet~ ^^
awww cute i look forward to the alternative because i love seobie:)
nininguyen50 #8
i want her to end up with yoseob but i still want doojoon to find love too.
helloimydj #9