the love story between EXO members

 Sehun is gone from his bed....Luhan panic but then he heard Sehun laugh from the other room...Luhan quickly run to the other room and relieve that Sehun is playing with the kid...he thought Sehun is bored because he been in this hospital for many days... Luhan ask Sehun to get back to his room but before he can take Sehun hands....

Sehun: who are you to order me to get back to my room...you not my friend nor someone that i know....and i can leave to my room when ever i want and at anytime...

Luhan: i'm your "BESTFRIEND"..you and i have been friend for years...but now you don't remember me because you have lost your memory of me...

Sehunyou my "BESTFRIEND"??? what prove you have that we two are "BESTFRIEND"....

Luhan: this is why i ask you to go to your room now so i can prove it to you...because the prove is in your room now...please come with me to your room...and it's time for you to eat...

 So they got back at Sehun room...when they arrive Sehun speak even before Luhan open his mouth...

Sehun:where is the prove? and after you give me the prove you can get out of my room and don't come back again...


Sehunno but..just give me the prove...and leave i don't want to look at your face..

Luhan: ok..here's the prove...but before i leave can i hug you for awhile??? i need someone to comfort me so my mind will relax and i can go home safe....

Sehun let Luhan hug him...and at that time Sehun feel something weird when they hug...he feel the emptiness in his heart is now filled but the hug from Luhan...and when Sehun eyes was about to tears Luhan let Sehun go from the long hug...so Sehun quickly wipe the tears that almost fall on Luhan shirt...Luhan left the room and leave Sehun with the prove of their friendship...


what's wrong with me just now....why did i cry when he hug me? what does he mean by i have lost my memory of him? who is him in my life? is he so important in my life? argh...my head hurts....ok let's not think about all of that question...because all of that question is about to be answer by this prove...(THE PROVE IS A PHOTO ALBUM THAT BOTH OF THEM HAVE IT....)....


the moment Sehun hold the album photo...he know that he also have the same photo album just like the one that he is holding now...then he open it slowly one by one...and each time he turn the page he felt like to cry....


i will pretend to remember something and when he hug me or do something out of my mind i will just let him do it.....so he will get out from my life..and when will i be out from this hospital...i very bored in this hospital everyday..please let me out doctor i'm okey now....


Two days later Sehun is out from the hospital..but the doctor ask Sehun to wait inside until Luhan arrive to take him home...When Luhan arrive he quickly take Sehun and his bag and say good bye to the doctor and drove away to their house..


why the doctor ask him to take me home..and where are going...this guy is something...he still want to take care of me even after i scold him the other day....


Luhan was happy because Sehun is sitting beside him and not at the back sit....a long the way to the house Sehun keep looking at the photo in the album that he been holding from the hospital...Luhan hate the silent so he start to talk to Sehun about the house...and Sehun only say "ohh..it must be nice"....When they arrive at the front get of the house Luhan told Sehun to memorize this name Kris,Tao,Chanyeol,Baekhyun,Chen,Xiumin,Lay,Suho and lastly Kai...he even point their name according the picture....and Sehun did memorize the name so Luhan feel relieve and drove and park his car..They go in the house together...Sehun was surprise that he is leaving the EXO member... he knew that all the name that have he memorize is the name of EXO members....

Sehuni have been living with EXO all this year also??

Luhanyes...and they doesn't know that you have lost your memory they only know that you are hurt and been in the hospital for many days...

Sehun:but why only you have been visiting me? we the rest of them never visit me?

Luhan: well........

Sehun: i don't care about that now...what i'm going to say if they ask me a question? 

Luhanwell i will always be by your side...and FYI you sleep with me in this house...

Sehun: what?!? i thought we have our own room in this "BIG" house..

Luhanwe do have many room in this "BIG" house but like to share rooms...but don't worry because even thought we in the same room but in one room there's two or three beds...

Sehunoh thanks..i don't want to sleep in one bed with you...

So they going into the house...on the first day Sehun at the house..he was like a stranger that live in this house....but after he live there for almost one month...he feel like he belong in that house...one day when Luhan and the rest of EXO member were out...they leave Sehun alone in that "BIG" house...Sehun explore the house until he found one room that have his name and Luhan name on the door...Sehun want to know what's in that room so he quickly open the door and found all inside the room is the picture of both of them...Sehun goes see each one of the picture and when he touch this one picture he suddenly faint..and at that time also they return...Luhan quickly go inside the house and look for Sehun but he can't find him( he leave the EXO member that look surprise by Luhan action)...so he goes to they room and gound Sehun was on the floor...He call for help from them but then even before they come Sehun already wake up...Luhan ask Sehun how are? how did you faint? and how did you find this room.?.....

Sehun:​ you guys weren't in the house so i did some explore on this and i found this room and Luhan i'm sorry for loosing my memory of you...

Luhan:you remember me now? your memory is back...i'm so happy..

Luhan hug him and give him a kiss on his lip...and at the same time the other member came...


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