i'm really sorry

the love story between EXO members

     They go back to Baekhyun house to take Bakhyun things before go to the house. After finish paking, they go to EXO house...( all the EXO member live in one house..) On the way to the house Baekhyun ask him the the question..."why aren't you angry at me?, what is the reason you want me to go back in to the house?" Chanyeol ignore Baekhyun question... So they walk in silent ( all the way until they arrived in front of the door). Chanyeol suddenly stop Baekhyun step. Before they go into the house, Chanyeol finally say something.( he is going to answers Baekhyun questions). Chanyeol say " i'm not angry at you because i don't want you to be more sad or stress out....cus i know you are already sad about something else. I want you to move into the house again because i can't live without you...and i know you also can't live without me too right...and you must be very in pain without me for the pass three months right..?"  Baekhyun smile because of Chanyeol last words but then his smile is gone.."what is the thing that make me sad? " Baekhyun ask Chanyeol.

  Chanyeol say it without a hesitation " i know about the breakup and i also know that you are sad about it right?.." Baekhyun ask again "how did you know about the breakup? i didn't tell any one yet, even the rest of EXO member didn't know about this.  and i am not sad about that i'm sad about our relationship....Chanyeol didn't answer it but he even ask Baekhyun another question...." what wrong with our relationship??...you don't want  to be my best friend any more??" 

  "No..i still want to be your best friend...but the thing i'm sad about is you never talk to me or call me from the day that you scold me... He was silent again but is was short...then Chanyeol say what he feel when Baekhyun left the house before Baekhyun can finish his word.. " i was so sad when i know that you have move out from the house, i cry for hours...and the day that i spend without you was very boring and sad..( Chanyeol eyes eyes almost burst into tear when he recall the story to Baekhyun)

  Baekhyun did the same thing that Chanyeol did when he was crying back then...they were hugging for a while, Baekhyun felt cold so he say " let's go in...so we don't catch a cold.."( it was already in the middle of midnight...)

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