

          At corner of a library, a girl in a knee-level dress named Alice was reading alone. A guy approached her and asked “Can I sit here?” Alice nodded.


          The guy sat in front of her and introduced himself.


“Hi, I’m Nathan” “I’m Alice. It’s nice to meet you” she closed her book. “Mind if I ask. I always see you alone. Don’t you have any friend?” Alice shook her head.


“Since I’m from a poor family, nobody wants to know me. I’m always alone” “Sorry for asking”


“It’s okay. I’m going now. Bye” Alice got up. “Wait! Actually I want to be your friend. If you accept” Alice faced Nathan. Nathan gulped, waiting for the answer.


“Okay then. But I’m sorry if you got bullied because of me” Nathan surprised. “Thanks. Since you the only friend I got, can you go to the cafeteria with me?” “Okay”


          That evening, they went for a stroll at the park in the university.


“Sometimes we need to release ourselves from this hectic life” Nathan voiced. “Yes. Actually I’m tired of learning but I have to for the sake of my family” she realized that it was already time for her to head to her dorm.


“Nathan, I’m heading to my dorm now. See you tomorrow” she smiled, waving. “Bye”


          Days passed, Nathan and Alice became close friend. One day,


“Nathan, could you accompany me to the book store?” Alice asked. “I want to buy a notebook”


“Okay. Let’s go” They went there by public bus.


          They entered Famous Bookstore and went to the notebook section.


“I’m going to the reference book section” Nathan went away. *Chemistry, Add Math. Where is the Biology book?* “Here it is” he picked up the Biology book. Nathan tip-toed to behind Alice.


“Boo!” “Nathan, you startled me” Alice laughed. “Sorry. Did you find which one do you want to buy?” “No. Wait” “Okay” he looked at the colorful notebook.


*This looks nice* Nathan took a notebook with butterflies and flowers on it and a sky-blue background. He hid it under the Biology reference book that he going to buy.


          Alice placed the notebook on the counter to pay. She saw Nathan putted a beautiful notebook beside hers.


“Are you going to buy that?” she asked because the notebook suits girl more that guy. “No. I buy it for you”


“But-“ “It’s looks nice, right? It’s my first gift to you” “Thanks” she smiled sweetly.


          They took a stroll through rows of shops and stopped by at an accessories shop. Alice saw something that caught her eyes that is a bracelet with butterfly design on it.


“It’s beautiful” Nathan nodded. She checked on the price tag and sighed.


          Suddenly, someone bumped into Alice from the back causing her to fall to the floor.


“Look who’s here. It’s Alice. What are you doing here? You don’t have money to buy things, right?” the queenka from the same university they went insulted Alice. Her queenka friends laughed at Alice.


“If you are done with insulting her, you are welcome to leave now” Nathan helped her to get up. “Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?!” “Is it wrong for me to help my friend?!” Anna and her friends were really shocked. Nathan brought Alice out from the shop. In the public bus,


“Alice, are you okay?” Alice silent at Nathan question. She leaned her head to the window.


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